Trivia 13 Flashcards
Oldest known amputation ?
Some 31,000 years ago in East Borneo , Liang Tebo cave, the cut was clean and bones fused indicating healing and deliberate amputation. Previous oldest amputation was in France circa 7000 BC
Who were the Herschel siblings and what are they known for ?
William Immigrated from Hanover Germany to England to escape 7 years war.
William built a better telescope
His 12 year younger sister joined & helped him
William discovered Uranus
Caroline discovered several comets & was first female astronomer
Pioneered technique of sky sweeping and catalogued many new heavenly bodies
Who was Harriet Powers in American history?
A woman, born enslaved, in 1837 in Athens Georgia, who was literate and possessed a remarkable talent for storytelling through quilts. She had a strong faith in God. The Bible Quilt and Pictoral Quilt are the only two known surviving quilts.
When & where did people start noticing Harriet Powers quilts?
1886 at a local Georgia fair, the Bible Quilt drew attention
How does the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston preserve important textiles.
For every month it’s on display, it’s in storage for a year. The pictorial quilt is wrapped in archival paper, a layer of muslin and an outer sheet of poly urethane
Considerations for preserving heirloom textiles at home?
Keep out of the light, fluctuations in humidity are destructive, so attics and basements aren’t the best. Do not wash. Light vacuuming only.
Who was Egypt’s longest reigning pharaoh? When did he rule?
Ramses II 1279 BC - 1213 BC
He died at age 90
What not to take with Trazodone
Non steroidal antiinflammatory drugs
What are MAOIs
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
The first type of antidepressant available
DO NOT take it with other antidepressants
How do MAOIs work on a molecular level?
An enzyme called monoamine oxidase helps remove Serotonin, Norepinephrine and Dopamine from the brain. MAOIs inhibit that
Who wrote the following classic poems :such as “Ozymandias”, “Ode to the West Wind”, “To a Skylark”, “Music, When Soft Voices Die”, “The Cloud”, and “The Masque of Anarchy”. His other major works include a groundbreaking verse drama The Cenci (1819)
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Who was Percy Bysshe Shelley?
A major English romantic poet who lived 1792-1822. He didn’t see fame in his lifetime. His works were too controversial
What is the literary work, “Prometheus Unbound”
A four act poem/play often considered Percy Bysshe Shelley’s masterpiece about Prometheus of Greek mythology freeing himself of the punishment inflicted by Zeus for giving people fire
How did Percy Bysshe Shelley die?
At 29 at sea, his boat was caught in a storm and all drowned. His wife, Mary Shelley wrote how he had nightmares about drowning at sea.
Who was Ozymandias, the actual historic guy?
Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II. Ozy…was what old time English people called him
What’s Percy Bysshe Shelley ‘s poem Ozymandias about?
The statue of an ancient great king lies in a desolate wasteland that was once the greatest kingdom in the world. Commentary about how fleeting our lives and what we desire are.
Names Ramses II ‘a two main wives
Nefertari (his favorite, depicted most in art)
Isetnofret (second to Nefertari but bore pharaoh his favorite sons.
Ramses II’s father?
Seti I
About Ramses II’s children
Khaemwaset was his favorite son (not his eldest) Bintanath Isetnofret’s firstborn was his favorite daughter. Both were given high titles & positions.
Of Egyptian relics, what an ushabti
A small funerary figurine , portrayed as a mummy. The idea it was that it would come to life in the after life & perform menial tasks for the deceased. It had to be inscribed with instructions so it would know what to do. Ideally, dead would have one for every day of the year but that was just the wealthy
Who succeeded Ramses II as pharaoh?
Merneptah, 13th in line , child of Isetnofret. Ramses II outlived his oldest son as well as Khaemwaset, his favorite, and many others
How did Ramses II secure and retain his power?
He had many structures & statues built that were magnificent and attested to his greatness. He had many children with his numerous wives and gave them powerful positions
What dynasty number was Ramses II in?
The 19th
What was problematic about Ramses II’s reign?
His power was solely from military control. He was an outsider from the North (Nile Delta) who rose through the ranks and not of the wealthy elites of Southern Thebes. His 60 year old son ruled for only 10 years & civil war erupted after his death
Clark Griswold is a character from what?
National Lampoon movies. Played by Chevy Chase
What is a trireme?
Ancient Greek warship
Characteristics of a trireme?
The warships were fast, maneuverable and feared. They had powerful bronze rams and could stop and turn suddenly & easily. They were powered by many men rowing and had 3 tiers of oats. Used in battle of Salamis
How many oarsmen did Triremes have?
Ville Valo is the lead singer of what band?
What does “Mama Kupila traktora “ mean
Mama bought a tractor in Croatian
What does “mama ljubila morona mean?
Mama loved/kissed a moron
What was Bing Crosby’s real name?
Harry Lillis Crosby
Best time to get a flu vaccine?
End of October, not September nor early October
When’s flu season?
October peaks in December- February
Medaase is thank you in what language?
Twi, spoken in Ghana
World’s oldest depiction of triremes?
700 BC Sennacherib‘a palace in Nineveh depicts a Corinthian and Phoenician trireme
When where who?
First recorded trireme battle
535 BC Greeks fight the Etruscans and Carthaginians at Alalia near Corsica
Themistocles’s role in the history of Triremes ?
In 482-483 Themistocles persuades Athens to build over 100 Triremes greatly expanding their navy. He was the guy to defeated Xerxes at the Battle of Salamis
First to build triremes?
Thought Corinth but maybe Phoenicia
How long were triremes? How long were the oars?
118-131 feet
Oars 14 feet
What was remarkable about Scyllias of Scione and his daughter Hydna
They were remarkable swimmers and could stay under water for a long time. They swam underwater to the Persian boats and cut the ropes holding their anchors.
A triremes captain was called…?
A triremes maximum speed?
9 Knotts (10.4 miles an hour)
Purpose and characteristics of the bronze ram at the front of a trireme?
This metal thing sticking out from the front was used to ram and puncture enemy ships. The ram was also helpful in breaking the waves
What did Naval architect John Coates & professor John Morrison discover after trying to operate their carefully recreated Greek trireme? Olympias
Their oarsmen could only maintain maximum speed of 9 knots for 5 minutes & became exhausted after one hour. It was also difficult to coordinate the rowing which shows how well trained Ancient Greek oarsmen must’ve been
When was the age of the Vikings?
750-1050 AD
Why didn’t the Vikings stay and expand their settlements in North America?
Hostility/fighting with indigenous people (Dorset?) forced them out.
First European discover of America?
Leif Eriksson circa 1000 AD. Formerly considered fiction with conflicting accounts written, enough archeological evidence had been found that the Vikings visited, traded and even settled the northeastern coast of Canada around this time.
What was Prometheus’s punishment from Zeus in Greek mythology?
He was nailed to the Caucasus mountains and and eagle kept eating his liver which would regenerate & get eaten again
How does Prometheus get free in Shelley’s “”Prometheus Unbound”
Hercules kills the eagle and frees him. Zeus/Jupiter loses his reign
What is the lagrangian function ?
Difference between the kinetic and potential energy L = KE-PE
Try to explain Noether’s Theorem
Emmy Noether 1918 (praised by Einstein)
If the lagrangian function for a physical system, is not affected by a continuous change, then there will be a corresponding conservation law.
Alprazolam is also known as …?
What is prochlorperazine (Compazine) used for
Antipsychotic (anxiety & schizophrenia) and severe nausea and vomiting
prochlorperazine contraindications
With sedative drugs like opioids benzodiazepines , with anticholinergic drugs
Cardiac conduction abnormalities
Tardive dyskinesia
What is tardive dyskinesia?
Uncontrollable movements , twitching , shaking, jerking , grimacing
Where does the electric signal that causes the heart to beat begin?
The sinoatrial node above the right atrium
What are cardiac conduction disorders ?
Problems with the generation of or flow of the electrical signals in the heart
They like to ski in Spanish
Les gusta esquiar
Some ways to say “I love cats” in Spanish
Adoro a los gatos, adoro gatos, me encantan los gatos
It’s been proven that in Spanish
Está probado que
Cats love me in Spanish
Los Gatos me adoran
Who was in the original Rolling Stones ?
Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Bryan Jones, Bill Wyman & Charlie Watts on drums
What are mesons?
A type of boson
Transmits the strong interaction that binds nucleons together in an atomic nucleus
Composed of a quark & antiquark
Sensitive to the strong force
Three quark combinations are called …?
What are the 3 most common types of mesons ?
Pions pi-mesons
Kaons Kmesons
Eta meson ηmeson
What is a nucleon?
A proton or à neutron especially when found in an atomic nucleus
A difference between gluons and mesons
A gluon is an elementary particle , a quanta of the strong force whereas a meson is made of a quark and antiquark
What are the 6 flavors of quarks
Up, down, strange, charm, bottom and top
Quarks, leptons and bosons are known as…?
Elementary particles, they can’t be further broken down
What are hadrons ?
Particles made of quark combinations, most stable being protons and neutrons
Mark is an eyewitness account of which disciple
Peter, Mark was his interpreter and companion
What is Q with regards to the writing of the gospels ?
Q is from the German word “quelle” which means “source” Q would be a collection of Jesus’s sayings sans narrative . It’s just a theory that Matthew and Mark referred to this writing
The Skraelingar in the Viking tails of North America
Means “savages” refers to the indigenous people, believed but not certain to be ancestors of the Beothuk, who died out by 1829
First reference to North America in southern Europe?
Cronica Universalis written circa 1340 by a Milanese friar described a land West of Greenland and Polar Bears
How were archeologists able determine an exact year for L’Anse Aux Meadows artifacts ?
From wood fragments using the vantage point of 993 when a solar storm caused a spike in radiocarbon . Wood shows a trees age & growth in its rings . It’s called dendrochonology
How many tablespoons are in an ounce ?
What does “El Burrito Sabañero” mean?
The Little Donkey from the Savannah. Belén is Bethlehem
Written in 1972 by Hugo Blanco
What is a Nipkow disc?
A rotating scanning disk with holes in a spiral pattern designed to scan & capture every piece of an image. Led to invention of the television
Selenium photo-electric cells…?
Convert light directly into electricity
3 names in the evolution of the invention of the television?
John Logie Baird 1925 first display of moving visuals
Philo Taylor Farnsworth 1927 (main guy credited with invention of TV) first electronic television . Images & sounds are transmitted by radio, micro or infrared waves
Vladimir Zworkin invented the iconoscope and kinoscope
What does “posada” mean in Spanish
Dwelling or lodging
Las Posadas is a Mexican holiday celebrating Joseph & Mary’s journey to Bethlehem
What does the Scoville scale measure?
How hot/spicy foods are
A hadron is defined by…
It interacts with the strong force. Baryons and mesons are hadrons. Leptons are not
The weak interaction acts on both…?
Hadrons and leptons
The mass of a meson is between…?
Heavier than an electron, lighter than a proton
Difference between the fundamental and residual strong forces?
Fundamental: binds quarks together into a proton or neutron
Residual:binds protons & neutrons together in atomic nucleus
Gluons, mesons and the residual strong force…
This “residual strong force”, acting indirectly, transmits gluons that form part of the virtual π and ρ mesons, which, in turn, transmit the force between nucleons that holds the nucleus
What does “colour charge” refer to in particle physics
Quarks and gluons are color charged particles instead of positive or negative, there three types red green blue
First European child born in North America was not Virginia Dare but …?
Snorri son of Thorfinn Karlsefni and Gudrid in The Vinland Sagas. Born sometime in 900s?
Who was Gudrid Thorbjornardóttir?
A Viking woman born in Iceland in the late 10th century who traveled her whole life including to Vinland (northeastern Canada with Thorfinn , her third husband. Later in life she became a nun and visited England
What two medieval texts tell the story of the Vikings journeys to North America?
The Saga of the Greenlanders & the Saga of Erik the Red. The two stories contradict each other
Who was Leif Eriksson’s father?
Erik the Red
Two conflicting stories of Freydis and who was she?
Leif Eriksson’s sister who journeyed to North America. One portrays her as a murderer and the other as fiercely scaring off the Dorset while pregnant
Viking women…?
We’re tough and went on journeys with the men. We’re presented as equal to men
Who was Ella Baker?
1903-1986 Political activist at the forfront of the Civil rights movement . Left NAACP bc it was too beurocratic , wanted to help movement in south so helped found SCLC Southern Christian Leadership Conference with Black Ministers. MLK was its 1st President & Baker was the director . Helped form SNCC Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee. Her gift was inspiring others to form their own groups and effectively enact change
Who was Ella Baker (short answer)
Civil Rights activist who worked alongside Martin Luther King Jr. To affect change and inspire others to do so using non-violence
What’s Formentera?
A beautiful island belonging to Spain in the Mediterranean Sea, it’s the smallest of the Balearic Islands.
Name the four Balearic Islands
Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza, Formentera
Who was Mansa Musa?
Muslim king of Mali, the largest and wealthiest kingdom of Africa in the 14th century. He grew the already wealthy kingdoms wealth by expanding trade.
When did Mansa Musa rule Mali?
1312-1337 AD
How far did Empire of Mali reach?
Mali, Senegal, the Gambia, Guinea, Niger, Chad, Mauritania & Burkina Faso
What type of goods did the Kingdom of Mali have?
Gold, salt and elephant ivory
Mansa Musa’s claim to fame?
- Stupendous wealth
2.Expanded trade growing Mali’s wealth - Promoted education and Islamic culture bringing great architects into Timbuktu and Gao
- Became famous across known world during his haji where he gave away a ridiculous amount of gold in Egypt and traveled with a caravan of tens of thousands of people & camels.
- Empire declined & fell after his death
Where is Timbuktu?
Mali, though once a great city , it has deteriorated. French colonization didn’t help
Sankore University in Timbuktu?
Major Islamic University built by Mansa Musa
Islamic universities/ schools are called…?
Who wrote “Ode to a Grecian Urn” “Ode to a Nightingale “Endymion” and “Hyperion”?
John Keats
The three great romantic poets of the early 1800s?
Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats and Lord Byron. All three wrote largely about ancient legendary characters, all 3 died young
Who wrote “The Marriage of Heaven & Hell”
William Blake - written as if it were biblical prophecy
Who wrote the autobiographical poem “Prelude”?
William Wordsworth
Who wrote “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”?
Samuel Coleridge Taylor
How do mesons exist if they’re made of a quark and antiquark?
The quark and antiquark aren’t the same flavor , hence, no annihilation
Who was Hadassah in the Bible?
Esther . Her Jewish name was Hadassah meanin myrtle tree which was a symbol of peace love and prosperity. Esther is her Persian name meaning “star”
Who was Haman in the Bible and what’s the significance of his ancestry?
He was Xerxes official who wanted to kill all the Jews in the book of Esther. He was descended from Agag the Amalekites who God told Saul to completely destroy They attacked Usreal as soon as they crossed Red Sea
Who is the lead singer of Modest Mouse?
Isaac Brock
First European in Mexico?
Francisco Hernandez de Córdoba
First European settlers in Mexico? When?
1519 Hernán Cortés
Which Spaniard led in killing the Aztecs
Hernán Cortés
Who destroyed the Incan empire?
Francisco Pizarro
What’s the difference between dark, milk & white chocolate
Dark contains most cocoa solids, less sugar, no milk, most nutrients
Milk chocolate has more sugar and milk
White: no cocoa solids, just cocoa butter,, dairy & sugar - worst 4u health wise
The chocolate liquor used to make chocolate products …
Does not contain any alcohol
Professor of Psychology, Joseph Ferrari specializes in…?
According to studies, what negative effect does living in a cluttered environment have?
Memory impediment, poor eating, elevated stress, exhaustion, increased risk of developing mood disorders, decreased impulse control can lead to chronic anxiety disorders , decreases ability to focus and make decisions
Clutter can lower feelings of…?
Well being, happiness, safety and security when it’s in one’s living spaces
What did Joseph Fry invent?
The first chocolate grinder which led to making chocolate bars
The first chocolate bar: when? Where? Who?
Joseph Fry
Etymology of “chocolate “
Aztec word “chocolātl”
Where was Nahuatl spoken ?
Nahuatl was the language of the Aztecs
The earliest origins of chocolate?
Cacao trees first grew in South America. Pottery from 5000 years ago was found with chocolate residues in it in Ecuador
What is the earliest proof of people farming cacao?
The Olmecs from the pre classic Mayan period
Thylacine is another name for…?
The Tasmanian tiger
What and where is Lutruwita?
Aboriginal name for island of Tasmania
Thylacines lived also throughout Australia until approximately?
3000 years ago
Hideki Yukawa’s contribution to particle physics ?
Proposed the meson as the intermediary particle that holds protons and neutrons together
Why are color charges in quarks labeled red, green and blue?
Like how red, green and blue together make white red green and blue charged cancel out and produce neutrality and hold them together
What’s a winter melon ?
A very large greenish gourd in the cucumber family that’s eaten in southeast Asian cuisine.
Other names for winter melon ?
Ash gourd, wax gourd, winter gourd, ash pumpkin
How is winter melon prepared?
Skin removed, seeds or flesh need to be cooked
Define giaour
Derogatory Muslim word for non-Muslim especially a Christian, infidel
What’s a haberdashery?
A store for men’s clothing and accessories
Inti is the name of…?
The Inca sun god
How did Francisco Pizarro die?
The conquistador who conquered the Incas and amassed a treasure of gold worth 387 million today died penniless and was assassinated by Almagro’s son.
When did Francisco Pizarro explore Western South America ?
1524 1531-1541 (death)
What was Francisco Pizarro doing before he set out to find more gold in 1524?
Enjoying a comfortable colonial life in Panama where he owned several mines & oversaw two encomiendas where indigenous people worked for nothing.
What’s an encomienda ?
A system of forced labor imposed on the indigenous people of central & South America by the Spanish colonists
What happened between Pizarro & Almagro?
Almagro was a friend of Pizarro’s who joined him to assist against the Inca army. Almagro didn’t receive any share of the huge treasure Pizarro amassed. Pizarro helped organize an expedition to Chili where it was thought there’d be more treasure. Almagro didn’t find any in Chili and then hated Pizarro henceforth, so much so that his sons killed Pizarro later on.
What was Casanova’s first name & where was his hometown?
Giacomo Casanova
Who built the Eiffel Tower and when and for what?
French engineer, Gustave Eiffel 1887-1889 for the World’s Fair. Was the tallest structure in the world at the time.
What is the Eiffel Tower made of?
Pure puddled iron, not steel. The process of puddling removes all the carbon leaving pure iron. It has to be painted every seven years to prevent rust .
Name the rhinosorus people on Dr. Who?
The Judoon
Who sings the original version of the song “Venus”?
Shocking Blue fronted by Mariska Veres, a Dutch band
Five kings after Rehoboam
After Solomon’s wicked son..Abijam/Abijah (only 2 years) Asa (Good King) Jehoshaphat (good) Jehoram (bad) Ahaziah (1 year)
Judah’s good kings?
Asa, Jehoshaphat, Joash(Jehoash) Amaziah, Uzziah (good start, bad end) Jotham, Hezekiah,Josiah
What is meat riding?
Displaying and undue fixation on another
How tall is the Eiffel Tower?
1,063 feet
How tall is the stratosphere ?
1,149 feet
First & second tallest building in world by 2024?
- Burj Khalifa, Dubai UAE
- Merkeka 118, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Top 3 tallest buildings in the United States?
- One World Trade Center
- Central Park Tower
- Willis Tower in Chicago
How tall is the Burj Khalifa?
2,722 tip to tip more than 160 stories
How tall is one World Trade Center?
1,792 tip to tip
Tallest man in the world now?
Sultan Kosen 8 feet, 3 inches
Tallest man ever?
Robert Wadlow 8 feet 11 inches born 1918
Tallest observation Tower in world? US?
Burj Khalifa
Stratosphere in US taller than Seattle’s Space Needle
Depressed in Spanish
Deprimido deprimida
Frustrated in Spanish
What is the polite way to ask for something in Spanish
Deseo or me gustaria “puedo tener” sounds demanding
I like to eat out in Spanish
Me gusta salir a comer
What’s a gluon flux tube???
Gluons carry color charge, so they participate in the strong interaction . These gluon-gluon Interactions constrain color fields to string like objects called flux tubes which exert constant force while stretched
Murray Gell-Mann coined the term …?
Quark in the 1960s
Where did Murray Gell-Mann get the word, quark from?
James Joyce “Finnegan’s Wake” “three quarks for Muster Mark “
From English word for squawk, sound a medium sized bird makes
What does “bespoke” mean?
Made for a particular customer or user , custom made
Who was Zanetta Farussi?
A talented young actress & Casanova’s mother. Not much of a mother though
What year was Casanova born?
1725 to Gaetano Casanova , his maternal grandmother, Marzia would mostly raise him.
Who is the patron saint of Venice and hence, the basilica there ‘s namesake?
St. Mark
Who was Casanova’s teen years mentor?
Venetian senator Alvise Gasparo Malipiero.
Who was the nobleman Casanova helped when he saw him having a heart attack in the streets?
Matteo Bragadin, a politician & member of Venice’s nobility
What is the Zohar
A collection of mystical commentaries on the Torah. The essential text of Kabbala
The Main belief of Kabbala
That all things are a continuum of God, not separate entities, God exists and can be experienced through everything
What is mysticism?
Union with God through an emotional experience so meditation & alternate states of consciousness are used
3 dimensions of Kabbalah and what they mean?
- Investigative: searching the hidden reality of the universe for secret knowledge
- The experiential : an encounter with deity
- Practical: rituals or commandments that tap into the supernatural & affect change ,
The four levels of knowledge of the Torah
- Peshat: plain or literal meaning of the text
- Remez: meaning hint, that which is hinted at but not directly stated in the text
- Drash: homiletics🤷♀️ midrash fantastical tales related to the Bible . Allegorical
- Sod: Kabbalah, esoteric related to the deeper meanings of God. Not taught publicly but secretly in main church between master & disciple who is proven to be well versed in first 3
Kabbalah originated around …
1200, 13th century, that’s when The Zohar was written
Which President was responsible for The Trail of Tears?
Andrew Jackson, an advocate of Indian removal
When was the Trail of Tears?
Which tribe was forced to leave their land?
The Choctaw, later Cherokee, wasn’t just one forced eviction
Where were the Native Americans forced to move from and to?
The southeastern states to Oklahoma
Who sings “Easy Like Sunday Morning?
The commodores who were fronted by Lionel Richie
Amy Smart was on which TV shows?
Varsity Blues & recurring role as Ruby on Felicity 1999-2001
Lead singer of Suicidal Tendencies?
Mike Muir
Amy Smart’s movies?
- Just Friends 2005 Romantic comedy with Ryan Reynolds
- Road Trip 2000
- The Butterfly Effect 2004
- Starsky & Hutch 2004
Who played Mork & Mindy
Robin Williams & Pam Dawber?
I’m going to walk my dog in Spanish
Voy a pasear a mi perro
Dax Shepard is named after
Diogenes Alejandro Xenos from Harold Robbins “The Adventurers” A attractive playboy in elite circles who hates the establishment & gets in trouble. With childhood trauma from war & regime change in his country
Who was the villain in The Captain Marvel II movie?
Dar-benn played by Zawe Ashton
Iman Vellani plays…
Miss Marvel- Kamala Khan
Monica Rambeau is played by…
Teyonah Parris
Bloquear means
To lock in Spanish
Name all the Skarsgard kids
- Alexander
- Gustaf-Floki from Vikings and in “”Westworld”
- Sam he’s a doctor not an actor
- Bill - It, Castle Rock, Deadpool 2
- Valter - Twitter presence, BBC Black Lake,, movie Lords of Chaos
- Ossian
- Eija
- Kolbjorn
What are fullerenes?
An allotrope of carbon where the atoms form hollow symmetrical balls (buckyballs) or cylinders (nanotubes)
4 allotropes of oxygen ?
Dioxygen O2 (what we breathe) ozone O3 tetraoxygen O4 and metallic oxygen (under intense pressure only)
About the allotropes of oxygen?
O2 oxygen atom can’t exist on its own, so oxygen in the air is O2 & what we breathe
O3 ozone no health benefits
O4 teyraoxygen does not exist naturally
Can we breath ozone?
No. O3 will damage the lungs.
How does ozone form in our atmosphere?
Sunlight caused chemical reactions between oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbons
What are free radicals and how can they harm the body?
Highly unstable oxygen containing molecules that have electrons available to react with various organic substances , don’t have a proper place to go in the body’s normal molecular system
Antioxidants are good because …
They bond to free radicals. Too many free radicals cause oxidative stress
3 most common allotropes of phosphorus?
- White - very toxic
- Black - very benign
- Red-
Phosphorus has 10 allotropes in all
Characteristics of white phosphorus?
It ignites when it hits air! P4 is 4 phosphorus atoms arranged tetrahedrally and it glows.
How is red phosphorus different from white phosphorus?
Red is also 4 atoms arranged tetrahedrally yet not connected in one spot. This makes it more stable. Most common allotrope
Structure of black phosphorus?
Also four atoms arranged in a flaky 2 dimensional manner
The active Ingredient in gas X is…
How does gas x relieve gas?
It breaks up large pockets of gas into smaller ones thus relieving pressure
Prolonged use of gas x could potentially cause…
Some studies suggest it could interfere with the absorption of nutrients
The birth control pill contains what two hormones ?
Progestin & estrogen?
Where is Acetylcholine excitatory & where is it inhibitory?
Excitatory: voluntary skeletal muscles, autonomic ganglion, certain glandular tissue & central nervous system
Inhibitory: heart and certain smooth muscles
Common side effects of trimili?
A birth control pill:
Side effects include, nausea, bloating, ankle & foot swelling , breast tenderness, weight change
Buspirone ‘s benefits over other anti anxiety drugs?
Doesn’t cause sedation, functional impairment nor is it habit forming , not an anticonvulsant nor muscle relaxant , does not Interact with alcohol
What does buspirone do in the brain?
Influences monoamines to suppress Serotonin but enhance dopamine and norepinephrine
Dose range for buspar?
Between 5 & 30mg daily
Can go as high as 60 daily
Buspar side effects?
Common & just at beginning: nausea, headache , dizziness
Other possible: crazy dreams, muscle restlessness,, drowsiness, chest pain , tremors, numbness
Buspar contraindications
Do not take the monoamine oxidase inhibitors, may interact with SSRI or tricyclic antidepressants like trazadone
What might reduce the efficacy of Buspar?
Azole antifungals , corticosteroids, and & drugs used to treat seizures
What cultures squashed heads?
Mayas & Incas, African mangbetu people, still practiced in Vanuatu, the island of Malekula the Huns , the Choctaw & chinook, in Deux Sevres France
Is jell-O made of something gross?
Yes, gelatin, gelatin is extracted collagen from pig, cow and fish skin , bones , ligaments and tendons
How are animal parts processed to make gelatin?
Parts are soaked in hydrochloride acid, , mixed with lime, then boiled in distilled water , liquid taken out, solids dry to gelatin powder
What foods contain gelatin?
Gummy candies
Soups & sauces
Some yogurt & ice cream
Does gelatin have health benefits?
Contains 18 amino acids, low allergenicity, very safe bc of being thoroughly filtered & processed . It’s colorless odorless and flavorless
The jellylike stuff associated with cool meat?
Collagen & gelatin composition?
Collagen is a triple helix, when heated, the chains separate & uncoil , these loose coils dissolve in water, the molecules try to regain their original structure as they cool , and that’s gelatin , not original collagen
What makes gelatin gelatinous on a molecular scale?
Long strands of amino acids bond to others in certain places and trap a large amount of water in between
Glycine, proline, hydroxyproline bound together in a long repeating sequence…
Are was gelatin is made of
The molecular structure of jellO?
A matrixor , tangled web of long protein molecules stuck together with water trapped in their spaces
Why do eyes get puffy when you cry?
Tears have less salt than the fluid in our cells. when tears flow the less salty water is absorbed by surrounding tissue through osmosis
What are the three types of tears your eyes produce?
- Basal, to keep eyes always moist
- Reflex- in response to an irritant
- Emotional - different chemical composition from the others
Where to the normal lubricating tears of the eye go?
They drain out through the upper and lower puncta and into the nose.
What are puncta?
Two holes in the corner of each eye, one on top, one on bottom, they lead to the nose
What does “bismillah “ mean
An Arabic Muslim phrase said before an undertaking, , said at the start of something, an invocation “in the name of God, the merciful & compassionate
What are Psychedelic Furs most famous songs?
Love My Way, Pretty in Pink
What happened to the mid Atlantic accent? What was that ?
The way people talked in the first part of the 20th century heard on radio and TV . Started being less common 60s thru 7Os basically gone 80s 90s except for Frasier. Why? In the beginning of Radio, then TV, people aspiring to be performers were taught to speak that way clearly without colloquialisms almost British sounding
Who was St. Valentine?
Stories seem more legendary than based on historical fact, the two main stories are of a Roman martyred saint who was imprisoned for performing secret weddings against the authorities, While imprisoned at a noble’s house he healed their blind daughter & they converted to Christianity. This led to his beheading
What was Lupercalia?
An ancient Roman festival that occurred on Feb 15 & is believed to be the precursor of Valentines Day.,Priests would sacrifice animals, put the blood on their forehead , laugh, run around inna circle and hit women with pieces of the sacrificed animals skin to make them fertile
What happens during tea’s oxidation process
The leaves are bruised releasing enzymes with their cell walls which reacts with oxygen in the air and changes the chemical composition . Heating stops the process
What four plants have caffeine?
Cacao, coffee, tea, guarana
Caffeine is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream and binds to what type of receptors?
Caffeine content of espresso vs coffee?
One shot of espresso:63mg
8 oz of coffee 95 mg
2 shots espresso 126 mg
How much caffeine does Red Bull have?
80 mg
Vs. cup of coffee which has 95 or more
Pecking order of caffeine content
Decaf coffee
Hot cocoa
Green tea
One espresso shot
Black tea
Red Bull
Brewed coffee
Which coffee chains have the most caffeine in their coffee?
- Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
- Starbucks
- Caribou Coffee
- 7-11
- Peet’s Coffee
What happens with adenosine in an active brain?
Neurons break down energy (adenosine triphosphate) Adenosine is left over. It leaves cells when it’s too abundant brain needs rest, so it binds to receptors to induce sleep.
How does caffeine keep us awake longer?
Caffeine binds to adenosine receptors in the brain but does not trigger sleep
Of the 6 types of quarks, which are more massive?
Up, down and strange quarks are light whereas the top bottom & charm quarks are more massive
What is meant by “flavors” in particle physics?
The 6 types of quarks are called flavors up, down, top, bottom, strange, charm
Three quarks comprise a…
Rules for quark flavor combinations in xi baryon’s triad?
One up or down and two other more massive quarks (strange charm or bottom)
Xi Ξ baryons…
Also called cascade particles decay through a chain of decays , decay produces an omega baryons
Omega baryons…
Have three strange quarks and are relatively massive, yet they decay slower 8% of a nanosecond (that’s slow in particle physics)
The electromagnetic force is comprised of
Different types of baryons are distinguished by…?
What 3 quark flavors comprise them (never a top or bottom)
What 3 quark flavors comprise a proton?
2 ups and one down
What 3 quark flavors comprise a neutron?
Two downs & one up
How much caffeine can adolescents safely consume?
Up to 100 mg per day
Seizures can occur when one consumes how much caffeine? 1
1,200 mg too quickly . Usually a danger if one is having super caffeinated drinks, pills or a tsp of the powder
Long term adverse effects of caffeine?
Habit forming , high blood pressure, pre diabetes , kidney disease, heart disease, if consume several cups a day
How much caffeine per day is safe?
400 mg, 4 cups of coffee
My favorite National Geographic Writer
Evgenia Arbugaeva
Marie Grosholtz was more commonly known as…?
Madame Tussaud
Madame Tussaud was imprisoned during…?
The Reign of Terror in France in 1793. She worked for the executed king & queen
What was Madame Tussaud forced to do for the Jacobins?
Model death masks of the people they executed who were nobles, especially the king & queen
What are death masks? What is their purpose?
A plaster casting of a persons face immediately after death for the purpose of making sculptures
What does OHV stand for?
Off-highway vehicle
What does HOV stand for?
High occupancy vehicle
Cleavon Little famously played…?
Sheriff Bart in Blazing Saddles
At the age of 41, Clark Gable decided to…?
Enlist in the Army Air Corps and serve during WWII. He started as a private and worked his way up the ranks.
What tragedy in Clark Gable’s life prompted him to enlist?
His wife, Carol Lombard, died in a plain crash returning from a war binds selling tour
What did Clark Gable do while in the Army Air Corps?
He filmed service members in combat from the air
Who was Griselda Blanco?
A female ruthless Columbian drug lord. She was behind over 200 murders including most of her husbands.
What do you call a 20 sided polygon?
An icosagon , icosahedron
What animals have 3 hearts?
Octopuses and squids, cephalopods
Weird things about an octopus
Has blue blood
Three hearts
Doughnut shaped brain
Each of the eight arms has its own mini brain
They can use tools
Why do octopuses have blue blood?
The protein, Hemocyanin, is copper based rather than iron based and is used to carry oxygen throughout the body. The copper based protein can more efficiently transport oxygen in the low oxygen and colder temperatures of the water
Endothermic vs exothermic chemical reaction?
Exo-releases heat, causes temperature to rise
Endo absorbs heat and cools surroundings
Examples of endothermic reactions
Endo means absorb, heat is absorbed
Cooking - the food absorbs heat
Examples of exothermic reactions
Cloud formation, condensation
Rusting of iron
What is the chemical symbol for gold & silver?
Gold : au
Silver: Ag
What metal has the chemical symbol pt
Melts at a much higher temperature than silver
What are pupusa’s . What country are they associated with
Thick Corn flour tortillas stuffed with a meats, refried beans , cheese or vegetables
A Salvadoran/ Honduras food
Benito Martinez Ocasio is more commonly known as…
Bad Bunny
Where’s Bad Bunny from?
Puerto Rico
What when where was the ancient kingdom of Thrace?
Thrace comprised Bulgaria, the European part of Turkey, southern Romania & SE Serbia in 460-300 BC. Greeks considered them to be warlike barbarians. In 460 BC they were unified to become the Odrysian kingdom
Which king unified 40 Thracian tribes?
Teres I in 460BC
Venice in the 18th century, 1700
Was an independent republic, not part of Italy . In theory supposed to adhere to Catholic morals, but even nuns & clergy had lovers . Sexual promiscuity , gambling, disguises and entertainment were the way of life & aristocrats & lower classes mixed.
Carnival in 18th century Venice
Was 5 months long starting in October . People wore disguises, there were shows, boxing matches, fortune tellers & spectacles of animal cruelty
Why did Casanova have to leave Venice?
At age 29, the Council of Ten went after him & imprisoned him without explanation & trial. He escaped by drilling through the roof and was on the run throughout Europe the next 18 years
Where is Kazanlak?
The slightly eastern middle of Bulgaria ,
Kazanlak is known for what industry
Rose oil extraction
What was Seuthopolis ?
The ancient city in Kazanlak built by Thracian king Seuthes III circa 324-300 BC , also built necropolis
Odrysia & the Greeks
Philip II, Alexander the Greats father conquered Odrysia, circa 340 BC but Thracians were able to retain rule & Seuthes was able to build his city & necropolis
What’s the average height of NBA players?
8 inches taller than national average
Five positions in basketball?
Center , power forward, small forward, point guard, & shooting guard
What position in basketball scores the most points, gets the most recognition & is often the tallest & best player?
The center
What’s the average height of the centers in the NBA?
Average height surpasses 7 feet.
Tallest player in NBA history?
Gheorghe Muresan & Manute Bol at 7’7”
Shortest NBA player of all time?
Tyrone “Muggsy” Bogues. Played point guard. Most known for playing for Charlotte Hornets
What is the parity of particles ?
Particle system remains unchanged if flipped like mirror image
A parity violation in particle physics …
The system is different if flipped /spatial inversion.
Charge conjugation. In particle physics ?
Replaces every particle with an antiparticle
Why are CP violations of interest to scientists ?
May help explain why the universe is primarily matter not antimatter
What’s a scalar?
A quantity having only magnitude and not a direction so…not a vector
What’s an eigenstate & an eigenvalue?
special wavefunctions which are such that when A acts on them the result is just a multiple of the original wavefunction. These special wavefunctions are called eigenstates, and the multiples are called eigenvalues.
The nuclear force is also known as…?
The residual strong force, force that holds protons and neutrons together. Very short range
What does the Bible tell us about Abijah, Réhoboam’s son and successor ?
Was not fully devoted to the Lord
Continued in his father’s sins
Fought with Jeroboam whole life
2 Chtonicles 13: Abijah relied on the Lord & did long speech to Jeroboam & God delivered larger Isreal army into his hands & Abijaj took three cities from Jero
When did the Tang Dynasty rule China?
618-907 AD with an interregnum 690-705 (Wu Zetian)
Did the colonies have chocolate?
The beans were ground & mixed with spices to create a drink
In what year did M&Ms make their debut?
What was the last name of the family In “Everybody loves Raymond??”
Definition of Mandinka
It’s like the second most popular Sinead O’Connor song but Mandinka (also. Mandingo, Malinke) A west African ethnic group)
What chemical in poison Ivy hurts our skin
How does the Costa Rica water anole escape predictors
It scuba dives. It’s hydrophobic skin causes a bubble that the lizard breathes from for at least sixteen minutes
What’s a kilonova
Theoretical most violent event that can occur in the universe seeing as it’s the collision between two neutron stars
How much would one teaspoon of a neutron star weigh
Ten million tons
Three hundred fifty statues of liberty
Characteristics of a kilonova
Bigger than a supernova
Like supernova emits gamma and cosmic rays
Unlike supernova can create elements heavier than gold and lead
Unlike supernova creates gravitational waves that can be detected on earth across billions of light years
How tall was Is Tyrone Bogues
How tall was Is Tyrone Bogues