Trivia 4 Flashcards
Two intersecting features of the pinecone fish
- Has Scutes or armored scales, entire skeleton is armor with spikes poking out sides, armored skeleton on inside, scutes in the outside
- Has 2 bioluminescent light organs,(photophores) on either side of their chin. This light is produced with the aid of a symbiotic bacteria within the photophore.
One species called pineapple fish
What’s the pinecone fishes habitat?
Indian and Pacific oceans, South Africa to Japan, most live in deep, twilight zone reefs, some in coastal reefs. Also an aquarium fish
What is the twilight zone in the ocean?
Between 200 and 1000 meters deep. Layer of ocean under top layer called photic and epipelagic. It’s the barely lit ocean layer also called disphotic zone or mesopelagic. This layer receives only faint, filtered sunlight.
Martin Sheen, Rob Lowe, Allison Janney, John Spencer and Bradley Whitford are stars of which show?
The West Wing
Who was the creator of The West Wing and what years was it on?
Aaron Sorkin
Alligators and crocodiles have an acute sense of touch how?
Small, pigmented domes that dot their skin all over their body, but are concentrated in the face.
What protective feature makes crocodiles and alligators unique?
They have osteoderms or scutes on their backs, that is bones in their skin, the top of which is pointy and sticks out.
When was the fall of the Greek empire?
146 BC Battle of Corinth, lost to Romans
Greek empire began around?
776 BC
When did Alexander the Great die?
323 BC
How far did the Greek Empire reach?
Greece, Macedonia, Ukraine some of Russia, southern Italy, Turkey, Middle East by Mediterranean, Egypt, part of Libya (Cyrene) Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan
How far did Roman Empire reach?
Strip of Northern Africa, England, Ireland, all Europe but Germany, Turkey, Armenia, Mediterranean Middle East
When was the height of the Roman Empire?
100-117 AD
When was the first Persian Empire, also called the Achaemenid Empire?
550 BC - 333 BC
Who founded and established the Persian Empire?
Cyrus the Great
How far did Persian Empire reach?
From the Balkan Peninsula to Indus Valley, parts of Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine, Turkey, Egypt, Middle East Strip, Afghanistan, Pakistan, south of Caucasus mountains
What caused the fall of the Mongul empire and when?
Not strong leaders after Kublai Khan’s death. Weakened by disputes over succession, Chinese overthrew Monguls to establish the Ming dynasty. Russians princes started taking land back.1368-15th century
In what year did the Hun Empire officially collapse?
459 AD
Atilla died 453 AD
How did Attila the Hun die?
Choking on his own blood in a drunken stupor on his wedding night.
Who ruled the Huns before Atilla?
King Rugila
What is the name of Spongebob Squarepants’s BFF? (The pink starfish)
Patrick Star
Why is Nevada called “The Silver State”?
After the silver rush of 1800s which drove the economy back then. It was so abundant the ground was covered with it.
Besides “The Silver State” what are Nevada’s other nicknames and why?
The Sagebrush State and the Battle-Born State.
Sagebrush: the stuff is so abundant
Battle-Born: became a state in 1864, during the Civil War
What does B.T.S. (Kpop group) letters stand for?
Bangtan Sonyeondan
Translates to “Bulletproof Boy Scouts”
BTS have been around since…
Who created Star Trek?
Gene Roddenberry (Eugene Wesley Roddenberry)
What does Heterotrophic mean?
It has to eat. That is
: requiring complex organic compounds of nitrogen and carbon (such as that obtained from plant or animal matter) for metabolic synthesis. As opposed to autotrophic, makes its own food as plants do.
In music, what is syncopation?
1 : a temporary displacement of the regular metrical accent in music caused typically by stressing the weak beat.
1 : a temporary displacement of the regular metrical accent in music caused typically by stressing the weak beat.
- Syncopation puts the beat just behind or before where you would expect it
Beats off a metronome ticking clock
Who invented emojis?
Shigetaka Kurita
Where did word “emoji” come from?
Japanese word for picture “e” and character (moji)
Fossils reveal what three membrane layers in pterosaur wings?
- Top: fanlike fibers that helped with folding
- Mid, muscle and connective tissue strengthened the wing.
- Lower, vascular layer
How did pterosaur bones differ from bird bones.
Hollow like birds, but more so. Pterosaur bone walls were thinner, a fraction of an inch thick with crisscrossed thinner laminated bony struts
In mechanics what’s a strut?
Designed to support weight and absorb shock .
In a car, connects the wheels to the vehicle. Looks like a stick with a spring.
Which pterosaur had the big thick tooth lined bulbous bill?
What year was first emoji created?
Why were emojis created?
To enhance digital communication by saying more with a picture rather than a word.
When did emojis become popular outside of Japan?
In 2010 they were incorporated into Unicode and in 2012, seen on iPhones and Android.
What were the names of the two ships from sir John Franklin’s doomed 1845 expedition to find the Northwest Passage?
H.M.S. Terror and H.M.S. Erebus.
Where’s Gjoa Haven?
Only community of King William Island in the Arctic northern Canada
What’s the significance of the Spiro Mounds?
Outside of the Oklahoma town of Spiro, these mounds reveal a great Native American city that had an approximate population of 10,000.
It was a center of commerce and interacted with tribes from the Rockies to the Virginia Coast, from Florida to the Great Lakes
What Native American tribes built the civilization in Spiro?
Caddo and Mississippi
When did the Spiro civilization exist?
800-450 AD
What is Cahokia?
A 10 story earthen mound comprising 2,200 acres of land (called Monk’s Mound) in Illinois that was built by native Americans and was the center of a large civilization/city that peaked around 1050 AD
When was the second opium war and between whom?
France and England against China. 1856-1860
Which dynasty ruled China during the Opium Wars?
What do we know about or have found in Cahokia?
Centered around farming of mostly corn. Not peaceful egalitarian idealistic society. Evidence of ritual sacrifice (40 women buried with important man) and decapitation. Stockades and evidence of conflict and weather change that hurt agriculture.
What’s interesting about carbonaceous chondrites and Calcium-Aluminum inclusions?
Found in meteors and rare. CAIs are older than our solar system, have water and amino acids in them.
What’s the technical name for the heal bone?
What’s a phalanx?
Singular of phalanges (toe bones)
What bones are the phalanges (toe bones) attached to?
Talus, cuneiform, navicular and cuboid are all…
Foot bones
Each foot has how many bones?
What’s the bone in our thigh called?
The femur
Why is root beer called root beer?
“Root” bc it originally was made with sassafras root (now banned bc its harmful) and “beer” bc Charles Hires, the first guy to sell the stuff, found calling beer instead of “root tea” increased sales and the concoction does need to ferment
Traditionally, root beer was made from what root?
Historic small beers were made from?
Sassafras, sarsaparilla, roots, ginger, wintergreen, hops, birch bark, vanilla beans, licorice, anise, coriander, juniper, burdock root, dandelion root, wild cherry bark, guaiacum chips,…
Where does licorice come from?
The licorice(liquorice) plant
What is Naamkaran/Namkaran?
The Hindu naming ceremony based on astrology according to what month and day the child is born.
What are the three main bones of the arm?
Humerus, ulna and radius
What is the upper arm bone called?
The humerus
What’s the difference between asphalt and bitumen?
Asphalt is made of sand, aggregates and bitumen and creates a longer lasting, more durable material. Bitumen is the liquid material that binds the stuff together.
What is bitumen?
a black viscous mixture of hydrocarbons obtained naturally or as a residue from petroleum distillation. It is used for road surfacing and roofing.
It’s waterproof and flammable.
Difference between tar and bitumen?
Tar liquid, made artificially, different types, used as sealant
Bitumen: can be solid and naturally occurring formed in areas with much algae and vegetation. Used as a binding agent
Is there any life in the super salianated Dead Sea?
No fish or plants. Only microbial.
Where’s the saltiest lake in the world?
Don Juan Pond in Antarctica. Over 40% salinity and never freezes
Where is the Dead Sea?
Small lake between Jordan and Jerusalem.
Where’s the lowest point on earth in land?
The shores of the Dead Sea which are about 1,400 feet below sea level.
What does bitumen have to do with ancient Egyptian mummies?
Bitumen was used in the mummification process, some of which came from the Dead Sea where natural bitumen comes up from the ground and floats on the surface.
When did Shaka Zulu rule?
When did the eating of mummies peak in England?
1500, 16th century
12th - 17th centuries
Why did people practice medical cannibalism?
- Mummies were so well preserved, they assumed they were magic.
- Seemed logic that ingesting what was once alive would give you that person’s qualities. Also since body could heal itself
- Bitumen used to preserve mummies did have antiseptic properties
Etymology of word “sarcastic”
From Greek word “sarkasmós” meaning to bite or tear.
Why is a fish called “Sarcastic Fringhead”
It’s rarely more than a foot long but very aggressive, biting anyone who comes near. Sarcastic from Greek word for bite. “Fringehead” bc it has some fringe on its head.
What’s interesting about the Sarcastic Fringehead?
- They have extremely big umbrella like, mouths and pointy teeth
- They open their mouths wide and “kiss” push as each other to establish territory
What’s the Sarcastic Fringehead’s habitat?
California coast, Baja, CA to San Francisco.
How did Schlitterbahn get its name?
Paying homage to the German heritage of New Braunfels, schlitter means “slippery “ while “bahn” means road. It’s a made up word.
Who started Schlitterbahn and when?
Bob and Billye Henry and their three children in 1966.
What is exegesis
critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture.
On average, approximately how salty is the ocean?
3.5% percent
What’s the salinity of Utah’s Great Salt Lake?
5%, 14%, 25/27%
Some parts cut off from others so there’s variations.
What is mesothelioma?
A particularly rare and pernicious form of cancer that affects the tissue that lines the lungs, heart, stomach or other organs.
Most common cause of mesothelioma?
Asbestos exposure
How does asbestos cause mesothelioma?
The fibers travel into the body through respiration or are consumed and make their way into the lining of organs where the build-up can cause inflammation and scarring and DNA damage. The constant inflammation can lead to cancer.
Difference between stalagmites and stalactites?
Mites might reach the ceiling
Tites cling tight to the ceiling.
Significance of Canton Island in 1937
It was an uninhabited island in the South Pacific near Kiribati. Deemed an ideal spot to view the 7 minute solar eclipse US, then Britain set up there. Then came the military during WWII because Japan didn’t like their claiming it. In 1976 became part of Kiribati.
Who was Gary Flandro?
An aeronautics graduate student working part time at NASA in 1965 who calculated a way for a spacecraft to fly by all 4 outer planets using their orbits to propel it. This became the Voyager I and II mission. Launched in 1977?
What is an apogee and perigee?
Perigee is the closest point and orbiting object gets to the thing it’s orbiting.
Apogee is the farthest point in its orbit.
What’s interesting about Buc-ees?
It’s the largest convenience store in the world located in New Braunfels, Texas
What happens if no presidential candidate gets 270 electoral votes?
Then Congress decides. The House of Representatives picks the President and the Senate picks the Vice President.
Why does South Africa have three capitals?
Pretoria is the Administrative capital
Cape Town is the Legislative Capital
Bloemfontein is the Judicial Capital
When South Africa became an independent country, they couldn’t agree on where to have the capital and reached this compromise
When did South Africa become an independent nation?
When was the apartheid?
Began with severe segregation laws in 1948. 1950 forbade mixed marriages
Beginning on end 1990-1994
Definition of deposition in geology?
Deposition is the geological process in which sediments, soil and rocks are added to a landform or landmass. Wind, ice, water, and gravity transport previously weathered surface material, which, at the loss of enough kinetic energy in the fluid, is deposited, building up layers of sediment.
What is deposition with regards to weather and chemistry?
Deposition refers to the process in which a gas changes directly to a solid without going through the liquid state.
What is Karate Kid, Miyagi’s first name?
When was the Industrial Revolution? Where did it begin?
Began in Britain
Who popularized the term “Industrial Revolution “?
English economic historian, Arnold Toynbee
The Industrial Revolution is when…?
The change from an agrarian and handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing.
When was the industrial Revolution in the USA?
First: latter 1700-early 1800
Second: after Civil War
When/where was toilet paper first used?
China, as far back as 2nd century BC, but toilet paper was being manufactured in China by the early 14th century.
What is Joseph Gayetty known for?
Sold first toilet paper in the US called “Medicated Paper for the Water Closet” in 1857.
What did Americans use for toilet paper before Gayetty?
corncobs, Sears catalogs, farmers almanacs, magazines, newspapers
What’s a tersorium and a pessoi?
Tersorium: a sponge on a stick, used communally 😳
Pessoi: pieces of ceramics used as toilet paper by Romans
Ostraca: broken bits of pottery with enemies names on them
In ancient times, what did people use as toilet paper?
Stones, moss, animal fur, sea shells, snow, bamboo or wood spatulas, corncobs, sponges on sticks, pieces of pottery.
What is a “viral load”
The amount of a virus in an infected person’s blood.
What does the H.M.S. Stand for in ship names?
Her Majesty’s Ship
Where does the name of Iowa’s capital city come from?
Many think it’s the French word “of the monks” des moines (River there was called) demoin, but area and river has no connection to monks, so it’s probably the native word “moingona”
Trappist monks from France settled there
What was the first English colony in America and when was it founded?
Jamestown, Virginia in 1607, named after King James I
Spain’s St. Augustine came first
What city is considered the oldest in the United States?
St. Augustine, Florida, founded in 1565 by Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles of Spain
What year did the Lost Colony of Roanoke reach America?
Significance of Virginia Dare?
First English baby born in America. Her fate is unknown because Roanoke was lost. There is a legend that she was turned into a white deer by a witch doctor she rejected. Then shot with arrows by two Indians, died human in arms of the one who loved her. White deer roam area till this day it is claimed.
What was the first French colony settled in North America?
Quebec on the St. Lawrence River. Founded by Samuel de Champlain in 1608.
What was Stadacona?
The Huron Indian village that existed where Quebec is now. In 1541, Jacques Cartier tried to establish a colony there, but it was abandoned after a couple of years.
What country successfully settled in North America before Jamestown?
Spain (St. Augustine)
What was interesting about the pterosaur, Jeholopterus (Cookie Monster pterosaur)?
Jeholopterus didn’t have a long scary beak or any beak, just a round face up and was small. (Slightly smaller than a seagull)
In French, à means …?
Where’s the Okavango Delta? What’s interesting about it?
Doesn’t empty into ocean, it’s an inland delta
One of most pristine water systems in world
Where are the Cuito and Cubango Rivers?
Why are these rivers of interest to scientists and conservationists?
One of most pristine, clear and clean water systems in world
What happened in Angola in 2002
27 year civil war finally ended with UNITA rebels defeat. Angola is now a stable country
Order of the four major prophets’ books
History of the Weissman Score
The Weissman Score was a fictional algorithm to measure data compression created for the show, Silicon Valley. Vinith Misra came up with an actual algorithm. He was one of the consultants along with Stanford professor Tsachy Weissman the show brought in.
What is Pteromerhanophobia?
Fear of flying (in airplanes)
Terro merhayno phobia
What’s the fear of needles called?
What is Ophidiophobia?
Fear of snakes
Ō’ fuh DIE ō phobia
What is the fear of dogs called?
Sign a phobia
What is turophobia?
The fear of cheese
What countries border Botswana?
South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Not Angola bc of Caprivi Strip
What and where is the Caprivi Strip
A Namibian panhandle north of Botswana which is why Botswana doesn’t directly border Angola NW
What is Prevnar a vaccine for?
Pneumococcal bacteria
What illnesses are caused by the pneumococcus bacteria?
Pneumonia, meningitis, blood sepsis,
Less serious: sinusitis and otitis media (middle ear infection)
What are the two main types of bonds between atoms?
Ionic and covalent
Ionic: electron transfers from one atom to another due to opposite charge
Covalent: 2 or more atoms share an electron
Which type of chemical bond is stronger?
Covalent bonds
What is a metallic bond?
Electrons in metals where atoms are closely packed flow freely rather than orbiting one atom. This has something to do with why Metals are highly conductive of heat and electricity.
What are valence electrons?
The electrons in the outermost shell, energy level, orbit of an atom
What is the Van der Waals force?
A distance dependent interaction between atoms and molecules. If a polarized atom comes near another neutral one, the neutral one will become polarized.
Weakest chemical bond
French is commonly spoken in which African countries?
Senegal, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Cameroon, Niger, Benin, Gabon, Burkina Faso, Mail, Togo, CAR, Burundi, Rep. of Congo
2. Madagascar, Chad, Rwanda, Seychelles, Djibouti, Comoros
3. Algeria, Tunisia
Six African countries where English is spoken?
Uganda, Kenya, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi
Only African country where Spanish is the official language?
Equatorial Guinea
What’s the tallest mountain in the world if measured base to summit?
Mona Kea in Hawaii
How can Mona Kea be tallest base-to-summit mountain if it’s 13,796 feet tall and Everest is 29,,035?
Over half of Mona Kea is under water whereas the base of Everest is above sea level. This measure is above sea level.
Where’s the highest point from earth’s center? Why is it not Everest?
Ecuador’s Mt. Chimborazo. The earth is not a perfect circle, but is thicker at the equator.
What do Tibetans call Mt. Everest?
“Goddess mother of the world “
What’s the Nepali name for Mt. Everest?
“Goddess of the sky”
Mt. Everest is in what country?
Peak is directly between Nepal and Tibet
As of January 2021, how many people have died trying to climb Mt. Everest?
How recently has someone died on Everest?
2 people died during the pandemic! May 2021
(This card made August 2021)
In Cosmology, what’s the hesitation model?
Theory that after the Big Bang, the universe hesitated for an indefinite period of time in an intermediate state.
What is Steady State Cosmology?
Disproved theory that new matter is created in the spaces between galaxies rather than all of it being formed during the Big Bang.
Definition of isotropic
Having the same value when measured in different directions.
(of a property or phenomenon) not varying in magnitude according to the direction of measurement
Who was Otto Warmbier? What happened to him?
A college student who went to North Korea New Years 2015/2016 and was arrested for stealing a propaganda poster. Then returned to US over a year later with severe brain damage and died.
What is the Buddhist view of homosexuality?
Permissible among some Buddhist groups. (Between 2 consensual adults does not cause pain)
Others, even Dalai Lama say it’s sexual misconduct though homosexuality is never mentioned outright in scripture
What are Alfvén Waves
Waves/undulations occurring in the sun’s plasma due to electromagnetic forces. Charged electrons surf this wave causing the immense speed at which particles collide with earth’s ionosphere at the poles causing Northern lights. Study confirmed this in 2021.
What causes Aurora Borealis?
Violent storms in sun’s atmosphere (corona) shoot out charged particles riding on Alfvén waves. Earth’s magnetic field directs charged ions to the poles. When they collide with an atom, they send it into an excited state, and light is emitted when it calms down.
Why are the northern lights only at the poles.
They are caused by charged particles that are attracted to the top and bottom of the earth because of earths magnetic field
What’s myocarditis?
Inflammation of the middle lining of the heart caused by an infection.
Symptoms of myocarditis
Chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, heart racing, pounding, fluttering
How many ounces are in a pound?
What’s the Largest type of bee in the world?
Where is it found?
Wallace’s Giant Bee
Like a flying cockroach
4x size of a honeybee
Inch and a half long
Can be found on 3 islands in Indonesia
Megachile Pluto: Latin Name
Raja ofu Indonesian meaning King of the Bees
When was Wallace’s bee first discovered? When was it rediscovered?
First discovered in 1859 by prominent entomologist,
Alfred Russel Wallace,
Rediscovered in 1981 by Adam Messer
In Philosophy, what is Mary’s room?
A thought experiment (hypothetical situation) devised by Frank Jackson in 1982 to invalidate physicalism. Mary is a scientist who has lived in only black and white her while life and is an experts on how eyes work and properties of color. Does she learn anything new when she sees red for the first time?
What is physicalism?
A thesis that states that everything is made up of matter and takes up space and is therefore observable
What is a group of ants called?
An army or colony
What’s a group of apes called?
A shrewdness
What’s a group of bears called?
A sleuth or sloth
What’s a group of ducks called?
A brace, paddling, or team
What’s a group of doves called
A dule
A group of kittens is called a litter or…
A group of bunnies is called a…
Group of rabbits in wild called…?
A colony
What two future Dr. cast members were in “The Fires of Pompeii”
Peter Capaldi (future Dr.) and Karen Gillen “Amy Pond”
What is the beauty principle?
The presupposition that the correct description of nature is that which manifests the greatest degree of simplicity, beauty, elegance and consistency.
Why is Dead Sea called the Dead Sea?
There’s no fish nor plants due to high salinity.
Why is the Dead Sea so salty?
- Salt ions erode off rocks into lake and stay there
- Bc in desert water evaporates leaving salt behind
- Salty water has no outflow and doesn’t disappear into ground because of low elevation
What’s a diapir?
a domed rock formation in which a core of rock has moved upward to pierce the overlying strata.
Where does the Jordan River flow through? Where does it end?
Starts on Mount Hermon between Syria and Jordan. Flows through Sea of Galilee, stops in Dead Sea though most of that water has been diverted.
What country is Angkor Wat in?
Hindu view of homosexuality?
Scripture doesn’t expressly forbid it, but culture has historically condemned it. Some Hindi temples have ancient carvings of homosexual figures. Hindu scripture and culture states that marriage is for procreation and therefore should be heterosexual. Most gays in India are not open about it.
Faiths most accepting of homosexuality
Unitarian, Buddhists, Reform Jews, Atheists and agnostics
Where’s the coldest place on earth?
Antarctica - Eastern Antarctic Plateau
-94 Celsius = - 137.4 f
Around - 112 in other places around South Pole 😳
Halloween costumes have their roots in what ancient festival?
Celtic festival of Samhain, the day spirits past over into the next realm. October 31 was the last day of Celtic Calendar. can be traced back to the fact that Oct. 31 was once a day to both honor spirits, and ward off the less-than-desirable ones.
When was period known as “Iron Age”
1200 BC - 332Bc
When did Halloween costumes go from scaring away spirits to being whatever you wanted to be?
1920s, 1930s
How do you pronounce Celtic festival of Samhain?
What does word “Samhain” mean
Summer’s end
When was Samhain Christianized into All Hallow’s Eve on October 31st?
11th century
Origin of trick or treating?
In England and Ireland, people went house to house asking for small bread and prayer
In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1st as …
a time to honor all saints
All Saints Day
What was originally the point of dressing up on October 31st?
So ghosts won’t recognize people or think they’re a spirit and so they can play pranks on their neighbors
In Dr. Who, what are the Ood supposed to have coming out of their mouths instead of the translation balls?
A second brain,
Where do the heavier elements in the universe come from?
Stars 1.4 times more massive than our sun.
What is the strong nuclear force?
The force that holds protons and neutrons together in an atom.
Why is an abundance of helium important in the universe?
Helium is needed for fusion in stars to make heavier elements.
In French, what’s the difference between cette and celle
Cette = feminine this
Celle = feminine that
What is the fear of cats called?
What is mysophobia?
Fear of dirt or germs
What is the fear of thunder and lightning called?
What is the fear of birds called?
What is the fear of darkness/nighttime called
What is meant by the Greek aorist tense
Simple past tense, not perfect or imperfect, no indication of completion, result
What book of the Bible is directly before Revelations?
What 3 countries border Burundi?
Rwanda to the North
Tanzania to the East
Democratic Republic of Congo to West
What’s unique about Argentinian artist, Leandro Granato’s paintings ?
He snorts paint and squirts them out of his eyes.
A 2019 study showed that we eat how much micro plastic every week globally on average?
5 grams, one credit card per week.😮
How did Fionn Ferreira remove micro plastics from water?
Mixed vegetables oil with iron oxide to create a ferry fluid. Mixed with contaminated water and used a magnet to pull out the ferrofluid. Plastics stick to oil.
When did Mexico become an independent nation?
Independence declared and war started 1810. Miguel Hidalgo.
War ended in 1821
When is Mexico’s Independence Day?
September 16
What’s a group of flamingos called?
A stand
What’s a group of cobras called?
A quiver
What’s a group of frogs called?
An army
What’s a group of giraffes called?
A tower
When did the war of 1812 end?
Why was the war of 1812 fought on Canadian border?
War of 1812 started because of British made trade with Europe difficult due to its war with Napoleon. General Henry Dearborn convinced president Madison that it would be a good time to invade Canada.
What was The Chesapeake Affair?
In 1807 Britain wanted to board the Chesapeake (a 38 gun frigate) to look for deserters. When Chesapeake captain refused, HMS Leopard opened fire. This became a catalyst for the War of 1812.
What’s the entire thing of garlic called?
Head or knob
One segment is a clove
Actor Ben Barnes plays…
Prince Caspian - Chronicles of Narnia
Billy Russo - Punisher
Logan Delos - Westworld
General Kirigan- Shadow and Bone
What movies has Aldis Hodge been in? 1995-2021
Die Hard with a Vengeance (7 yr old) Samuel L. Jackson’s nephew
Friday Night Lights - Temporary Panthers Quarterback Ray “Voodoo” Tatum
Straight Outta Compton (MC Ren)
One Night in Miami - Jim Brown, football Icon
City on a Hill - tv show
The Invisible Man
Black Adam - Hawkman
Why did Marty Feldman look like that?
Graves Opthalmopathy from hyperactive thyroid. Also broken nose in boxing match, car accident and botched surgery.
What does “Pharisee” mean?
Separated one
As in different from rest in holiness and knowledge of law
What year did the original King Kong come out?
1933 (during Great Depression) RKO Pictures
Olivia Rodrigo, Sabrina Carpenter and Josh Bassett were in what movie and series?
High School Musical
Olivia Rodrigo was first seen at age 13 on what Disney channel show?
Which basketball great is taking the Michael Jordan role in the new Space Jam: A New Legacy
LeBron James
What are some of the unique insects found in the canopy of the Amazon Rain Forest?
Iridescent Orchid bee, chalcidid wasps, jewel beetles, weevil
Two interesting features of the chalcidid wasp.
It’s tiny, the size of a grain of rice.
It injects its eggs into other insects who die when babies hatch and eat their host.
Who were some of the stars of the 1997 racially diverse, live action version of Cinderella?
Brandy, Whoopi Goldberg, Whitney Houston, Bernadette Peters, Paolo Montalban, Jason Alexander
In the TV show, Lost, who played John Locke’s pré-planecrash/paralysis girlfriend?
Katey Sagal from Married With Children. (Peg Bundy)
What is Katey Sagal known for.
Played Peg Bundy in Married With Children. Also in Sons of Anarchy, 8 Simple Rules, voice of Futurama’s Leela, …Lost
Caleb Followill is the frontman of what band?
Kings of Leon
Who’s the band leader on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert?
Jon Batiste
Where’s Chiquihuite Cave. What do archeologists think they found there? Why are their findings significant?
The caves are in the desert mountains of Northern Mexico. Ciprian Ardelean believes they found stone tools dating back 30,000 years. This would indicate that people were in the America’s 30,000 years ago which is earlier than what is commonly thought (13,500) and before last great ice age.
What are tardigrades?
Very tiny animals (1 mm or smaller) close relatives of arthropods ie insects and crustaceans.
Also called water bears or moss piglets
Where can tardigrades live?
Anywhere in the world in damp moss, flowering plants, sand, fresh water or salt water.
What is a mazurka
An originally Polish folk dance for a circle of couples danced in 3/4 or 3/8 time.
When and where did the mazurka originate and what other countries did it spread to?
Roughly 16th century, among the Mazurs of east-central Poland.
Spread to Russia and Germany and by 1830s England and France.
What is a voivodship?
A state or province in Poland, highest level administrative division.
Weird feature of male creatonotos moths?
What’s their habitat?
They have four hairy but appendages they can inflate to attract a female.
Southeast Asia and Australia
Name some famous Lakers?
Magic Johnson, LeBron James, Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Kobe Bryant, Shaquille O’Neal, Wilt Chamberlain, Elgin Baylor, James Worthy
What basketball team did Michael Jordan play for?
The Chicago Bulls
What basketball teams did Dennis Rodman play for.
At the height of his career, first Detroit Pistons, then Chicago Bulls
What team did Scottie Pippen play for?
The Chicago Bulls
What is psilocybin?
The active ingredient in magic mushrooms or shrooms, a hallucinogenic drug.
How long does it take magic mushrooms to take affect and how long do the affects last?
Can feel it 30 minutes after ingestion. Lasts 4-6 hours.
At worst, several days
Abnormally high amygdala reactivity to negative affective stimuli have been implicated in…
Psilocybin acts how and on which receptors in the brain?
Serotonin 2A or 5-HT (2A) receptor partial agonist
When is it believed people first came to Hawaii?
From where?
Around AD 700
From the Marquesas.
Who was Surapati?
Originally from Bali, he fled enslavement in Batavia and rebelled against the Dutch East India Company. Led from East Java. Died in battle with Dutch 1707.
Where was Batavia.
The capital of the colonial Dutch East Indian Company. Modern day Jakarta.
What is the origin of surfing?
First references found in Polynesia, brought it to Hawaii where it became popular.
How did the original Polynesian surfing differ from modern day.
For the indigenous islanders, surfing was spiritual, with a strict set of rules about every aspect, done by all and done in the nude.
What is a ligand in cell microbiology?
A ligand is what bonds to the receptor.
Ligands are small molecules that transmit signals in between or within cells. Ligands exert their effects by binding
Where is 90% of the body’s serotonin located?
In the alimentary canal where it regulates intestinal movements.
Why do the mites living on your face only live for a few weeks?
They don’t have anuses so they die when too much poo builds up in their bodies.
How long does it take for food to go through body?
36 hours , 24-72 hours
2-5 days whole process
4-6 hours to leave stomach
The parasympathetic nervous system mainly regulates what part of the body?
Visceral organs and glands
On a neurochemical level, what makes muscles contract.
Acetylcholine input from nerve cells. It binds with a receptor on the end plate membrane on a muscle fiber. Bonding changes permeability of membrane causing channels to open and positively charged sodium ions to enter cell. If enough sodium flows at high frequency, muscle contracts.
What’s the difference between preganglionic and postganglionic neurons?
Pre originate in the brain stem or spinal chord.
Post or just ganglion lies outside the central nervous system. In organs or glands
What does acetylcholine activation do in the parasympathetic nervous system?
Contracts smooth muscles, dilates blood vessels, increases bodily secretions and slows heart rate.
What’s the difference between nicotinic and muscarinic cholinergic receptors?
Difference in in their MOA (mechanism of action)
Nicotinic: ACh binds to receptors and sodium ion channels open. Nicotinic receptors found in neuromuscular junctions.
Muscarinic: when ACh binds to a receptor, a G protein changes shape which then allows it to phosphorylate various second messengers. Found in heart, smooth muscles, brain. Not in sympathetic NS
What’s a eukaryote?
An organism whose cells have a nucleus enclosed in a membrane.
How do G protein receptors work?
G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are proteins that loop through the cell membrane with loops on the outside and inside. When an agonist binds to a GPCR the G-protein, sections break off the G protein and bind with other stuff that makes stuff happen.
What do G protein coupled receptors GPCRs actually do?
convert extracellular signals into intracellular responses, including responses to hormones, neurotransmitters, as well as responses to vision, olfaction and taste signals.
Where are serotonin 5HT(2a) receptors widely distributed?
The central nervous system, especially in brain region essential for learning and cognition.
What effect do 5HT (2A) antagonists have?
Antipsychotic and antidepressants effects.
What effect do 5HT (2A) agonists have?
Cognition enhancing and hallucinogenic effects.
Why are coronaviruses so prone to mutations?
They copy their genome more sloppily. Their genes are on single stranded RNA rather than DNA. Enzymes that copy RNA are more error prone.
What small mutation makes thé coronavirus more infectious?
In position 614 in the spikes, amino acid (called aspartic acid) has been swapped for another (glycine)
Another common mutation, flips the amino acid leucine to arginine, again on the spike protein.
In genetics, what is epistasis?
When the effect of one genetic mutation is dependent on the presence or absence of another.
Where did the Spanish flu of 1918 originate and why is it called “Spanish Flu”?
Started with a soldier in Kansas. In the final year of WWI. Then it spread through American soldiers in Europe. It wasn’t reported due to wartime censorship, but Spain was neutral and reported it, hence it was named after them.
What could be considered the United States first vaccination mandate?
George Washington in February 1777 mandated inoculation for smallpox. It was unpopular and controversial and far more risky than modern day vaccines.
How many children does Queen Elizabeth II have?
Four. Charles, Anne, Andrew, Edward
How are Queen Elizabeth II and her husband related.
3rd cousins. Both great great grandchildren of Queen Victoria. Philip through Alice. Elizabeth through the King Edward VII.
Who were the kings between Queen Victoria and Elizabeth II?
Edward VII, George V, George VI
What’s the difference between concrete and cement?
Cement is an ingredient of concrete, the thing that binds them together. Concrete is a strong material that is made by mixing cement with water and aggregates (sand, gravel, crushed stone)
What’s in cement?
60-65% lime which is calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide.
17-25% silica ( silicon dioxide)
3-8 % alumina
Sulfur trioxide
Iron oxide
Calcium sulfate
What is Krampus?
The anti-Santa Claus. A devil like monster from German/Austrian folklore who beats naught children with switches and drags others off to underworld. Name comes from German word, Krampen which means claw.
What are some other anti-Santa’s?
Belsnickle, knecht Ruprecht, (Germany) Hans Trapp, Pére Fouettard, (France) Zwarte Piet (Netherlands)
The Captain Oats horse toy was important in what show?
The OC, Seth Cohen (Adam Brody) ‘s favorite toy.
Who were some famous actors on The OC?
Adam Brody, Mischa Barton, Rachel Bilson, Ben McKenzie, Logan Marshall Green, Jeri Ryan
Main characters on The OC?
How many seasons was it?
Seth Cohen, Marissa Cooper, Summer Roberts, Ryan and Trey Atwood
4 seasons
Who did Titus Welliver play in Lost?
What other shows has he been in?
The man in black/smoke monster guy??
Silas Adams in Deadwood, Sons of Anarchy, title roll in “Bosch”
What shows has Mindy Kaling written for?
The Office
The Mindy Project
Never Have I Ever
Four Weddings & a Funeral
Who created “Sam” the Halloween character?
Michael Doherty
Who is Sam?
Seemingly mischievous child in a pumpkin costume. Appeared in short film, “Season’s Greetings” and Trick r Treat” He’s a demonic creature who enforces the Halloween rules. Name comes from Samhain”
What are the Halloween rules?
Hand out candy
Wear a costume
Don’t blow out jackolantern candle before midnight
What does it mean to phosphorylate?
Adding a phosphate or phosphoryl group to a compound.
Adding a phosphate group to a intracellular protein does what?
Rapidly and reversibly changes the protein’s function. Part of second messenger process.
What’s the difference between isotopes and ions?
Isotopes have a different number of neutrons from protons.
An ion is an atom that has gained or lost an electron and hence, is charged.
What’s an isomer?
(chemistry) Any of two or more compounds with the same molecular formula but with different structure.
What are the first five elements on the periodic table?
- Hydrogen
- Helium
- Lithium
4 Beryllium - Boron
Who plays Shang-chi?
Simu Liu
Who plays Dinesh in Silicon Valley?
Kumail Nanjiani
What was the Carrington Event of 1859?
A solar superstorm, a massive solar flare that spewed electrified gas and subatomic particles toward earth, that’s rendered telegraph machines inoperable, lit up the sky so much people thought the sun was rising or neighboring towns were burning, northern lights could be seen as far south as Cuba and Jamaica.
What did amateur astronomer Richard Carrington see through his telegraph before the event that bears his name?
He was viewing the sun through his telescope and sketching sun spots when he spotted two patches of intensely bright white light erupting from the sun spots.
How many earths could fit inside the sun?
1.3 million
How long does it take light from the sun to reach earth?
8 minutes
The Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope gave us a first glimpse of what in 2002?
What exactly did it show?
The surface of the sun
Cells the size of Texas, a bubbling surface of what looks like thick liquid.
Who plays Peacemaker in the second Suicide Squad film?
Former wrestler, John Cena
Who does Dave Bautista play in the Marvel universe?
With regards to the ancient geological history of the earth, what is the Great Unconformity?
The majority of the earth’s crust shows a gap between 250 million years to 1.2 billion years missing in the earth’s crust. Often there’s a layer representing the Cambrian Period (540 million years ago) showing fossils of complex multicellular life. Directly below, you have fossil-free crystalline basement rock, which formed about a billion or more years ago.
So where did all the rock that belongs in between these time periods go?
What is the “Snowball Earth” theory for the Great Unconformity”
intervals within those billion or so years, up to a third of Earth’s crust was sawn off by Snowball Earth’s roaming glaciers and their erosive capabilities. The resulting sediment was dumped into the slush-covered oceans, where it was then sucked into the mantle by subducting tectonic plates.
How can studying ancient zircons give us clues as to what happened during the Great Unconformity?
These minerals lock the geochemical conditions of their environment when they crystallize.
Uranium isotopes reveal the crystal’s age. Hafnium isotopes reveal what was happening in the crust and mantle at the time of formation. as certain isotopes prefer one geological setting to another.
Who founded the now ghost town of Rhyolite and when?
Shorty Harris and E.L. Cross in 1904.
What is the atomic number?
Number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.
What is atomic weight?
The number of protons and neutrons
What is Oscar Nilsson’s specialty?
He’s a Swedish forensic artist who reconstructs the faces of skulls found by archeologists with great attention to minute details.
How does Nilsson reconstruct faces from skulls.
First the skull is scanned producing an accurate 3D model.
Second knowledge of anatomy allows him to hand Sculpt the underlying muscle.
DNA can indicate skin, hair and eye color
Every clue from dig site, bones and time period and evidence of sickness & trauma are factored in.
In 1856, what did Italy’s king Victor Emmanuel do to save the dwindling alpine ibex species?
Set aside a royal reserve where only he could hunt the species. Hunters and poachers were hired to be game wardens. It worked! In 1821 there were fewer than 50 left. By 1900, there were 2,000.
Where is Gran Paradiso National Park?
Northwestern Italy, in the Graian Alps, borders France’s Vanoise National Park.
What are some of the birds and mammals who live in Italy’s Gran Paradiso National park?
The alpine ibex, red fox, wolves, ermine/sloat, chamois, bearded vulture
Define retinue
Attendants, retainers
1a : a person attached or owing service to a household
Employees, servants
Define massif
A principal mountain mass
a principal mountain mass
2 : a block of the earth’s crust bounded by faults or flexures and displaced as a unit without internal change
Where is the region of Savoy?
Alps region in southwest France
How do scientists think Covid causes problems with our senses?
Excessive inflammation and blood clots cause nerve damage.
What are “king tides”?
Very high tides that occur a few times a year when the earth, moon and sun are in alignment. Occur in the spring and fall in low lying coastal areas of Florida.
What are elements 5-10 on the periodic table?
- 5Boron
- 6 Carbon
- Nitrogen
- 8 Oxygen
- Fluorine
- Neon
Define reconnoiter
Reconnoiter: to make a reconnaissance, preliminary survey to gain information
especially : an exploratory military survey of enemy territory
Sluice:an artificial passage for water fitted with a valve or gate for stopping or regulating flow.
Chamois:small wild goats found in Europe to Caucasus
Define arcadian
A person who lives a quiet and simple life.
Adj. : idyllically pastoral
especially : idyllically innocent, simple, or untroubled
Which cave is the deepest in the world and where is it located?
The Verëvkina (Veryovkina) cave located in the Arabika Massif in Abkhazia, a breakaway region of Georgia that is supported by Russia.
Vehr yahv KEE nah
How deep is the deepest cave in the world?
7,257 feet
What’s interesting about the Sedlec Ossuary and where is it?
Located in Sedlec, the suburbs of Kutna Hora, Czechia, it is a church of bones masterfully decorated with 40,000 human skeletons.
Why is the Sedlec Ossuary decorated with bones?
In 1278 when the King of Bohemia sent the abbot of Sedlec to Jerusalem. He came back with a jar of soil from Golgotha. The soil was spread over the cemetery and everyone wanted to be buried there thinking it holy. The cemetery ran out of room and older graves were moved and bones piled up in the basement.
In 1870 woodcarver František Rint was employed to arrange all the bones, hence the bone art.
Who was Onesimus in the bible?
In Philemon, Onesimus was a runaway slave and Christian convert. Paul sent him back to Philemon requesting an amicable reconciliation.
Where is Bohemia?
What does “bohemian” mean.
The Czech Republic
: a person (such as a writer or an artist) living an unconventional life usually in a colony with others