Trivia 11 Flashcards
What did Aristotle say about women?
Women are inferior to men.
Male is the ruler and the female is the subject
Which Ancient Greek city-state had the most restrictive attitudes towards women?
Women were confined to their household and had no citizenship, or legal or political standing. Strange since Athens patron god was Athena, godess of water & wisdom. Artemis was the godess of the hunt & wisdom
Who was Aspasia of Miletus
A woman who since she was not from Athens, didn’t seem to have the same restrictions as Athenian women. She was renowned for both her beauty and intelligence. Mistress of Statesman Pericles and mother of his son. She is said to have traveled in the same circles as Socrates and renowned sculpture, Phidias in 5th century BC
The three stages of an ancient Athenian woman’s life?
Kore - young maiden
Nymphe - bride until birth of first child
Gyne- woman with kids
What was an epinetra?
A semi cylindrical piece of wood or ceramics that acted as a thigh guard to protect women’s clothing from lanolin stains as they carded wool. Beautifully decorated epinetra were a common wedding present
What was a woman’s job in the ancient Athenian home?
Weaving, caring for and educating the children, also prepared the bodies for funerals and was in the funeral procession
Plato’s two female students?
Axiothea of Phlius and
Lasthenia of Mantinea.
Plato appreciated the feminine intellect more than his predecessors
Who was Themistoclea/Aristoclea?
A Delphic priestess and philosopher, teacher of Pythagoras
One area where Ancient Greek women had power and were equal to men?
In religion. Priestesses we’re held in high regard.
Besides Sparta, where in Ancient Greece were women allowed to inherit, own and manage property?
Gortyn, a city on the Isle of Crete 5th century BC
Who were the arrephoroi?
Young girls between five and adolescence who had various ritual tasks in the temples
What was Dante of “Dante’s Inferno” fame, last name?
Real name: Durante Alighieri
When did Dante write his Divine Comedy?
What Italian city was Dante born into and later exiled for life?
Who was Dante’s muse and beloved who died?
Beatrice Portinari
Why is Dante’s work called “the Divine Comedy” when it’s not funny or silly?
In this case “comedy” means a narrative with a happy ending.
What battle did young Dante fight in?
Battle of Campaldino in 1289. Dante was a Guelph. They fought the Ghibellines.
Was the Holy Roman Empire the Same as The Byzantine Empire?
Nope. The Holy Roman Empire was a German Empire supported by the pope in Rome beginning in 962 AD
Difference between Guelph and Ghibelline factions?
Guelphs supported the papacy while Ghibellines supported the Holy Roman Emperors (German)
The history of the papacy between 1046 - 1216 …?
Marked by conflict between the papacy and the Holy Roman Empire which wasn’t located in and by now didn’t have much to do with Rome.
What are Dante’s 9 circles of hell in descending order?
- Limbo, those who never knew God, thus don’t warrant hell’s torments. Waiting on shore
- Lust eternal storm
- Gluttony , Cerberus, existing in putrified stuff
- Greed & Waste pushing huge bolders
- Wrath fight each other. Sullen gurgle beneath Styx turgid waters
- Heresy- trapped in fiery tombs
- Violence 3 levels, centaurs & harpies upside down in pots with toes burning
- Fraud- 10 trenches seducers, false prophets, sowers of dissension, perjurers
- Treachery- Lucifer, frozen lake, those who betray family, country, their people, benefactors
Are tau tangles and amyloid deposits the same thing?
No. Amyloid plaque occurs between neurons and tau tangles occur inside a neuron.
Who was the first gentile Christian convert? Where in the Bible is the story?
Cornelius the Roman Centurion & those who were with him.
Acts 10
Who were the Samaritans ?
A group not considered Jewish who worshiped according to the Torah and built their temple on Mt. Gerizim.
Origin of the Samaritans?
After the northern kingdom fell, some Jews remained in Samaria and weren’t carried off to exile. They intermarried with foreigners planted there by the Assyrians. Their worship was hence separated from the rest of the Jewish people.
The northern kingdom was conquered by…?
The Southern kingdom was conquered by…?
Northern: worst one, “Isreal” capital in Samaria conquered by Assyrians . 721 BC
Southern Judah with the original temple and some occasional good kings. Conquered by Babylon 586 BC
Which Assyrian king conquered the Northern kingdom of Isreal?
Shalmanesar V
The beginning of the tensions between the Samaritans and Isrealites?
Ezra 4 : Samaritan leaders offer to help rebuild the temple with I’ll intent to spy and derail it. Nehemiah : Sanballat was a transplanted foreigner, not a Jew. Samaritans worshipped God, but idols as well. Sanballat, Tobiah et Al opposed the building of the temple and the idea of Isreal becoming strong again.
Who were the three post-exilic prophets of God?
Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi with Malachi being to most recent
Who was the last king of the northern kingdom of Isreal?
What famous books did HG Wells write?
The Time Machine
War of the Worlds
The Shape of Things to Come
What is HG Wells’ Book, “The Shape of Things to Come” about?
written before WWII, it predicts another world war, chemical warfare and climate change. In future, there’s one world nation. Nothing about space like MST movie
What happens in the “future” in The Shape of Things to Come?
From 1930s to 1960s there are many wars, plagues and disasters that deplete the population. Some really smart people take over transportation education and other institutions and change their thinking, so eventually there’s no individual countries, religion, racism, capitalism or social classes. All social ills are gone.
What is Aldous Huxley’s brave new world about?
Written before WWII and after WWI , it imagines a world where technology has eliminated human connection. Babies are made in a factory and assigned a position ranked highest to lowest and genetically engineered as such.
Storks probably provided inspiration for what ancient tool?
Ciconia (Rome) - Latin for stork
Shadoof (ancient Egypt)
Tall frame with a pole to dip. Coated basket or skin at other end to draw water
Ostriches is ancient Middle East.
They existed there awhile back & archeological evidence shows they were used in a variety of ways. The eggs served many functions besides food. Used in funerary sites, to store water, decorated
Where do ostriches still live in the wild?
Africa Savannah & desert.
When did the Arabian ostrich subspecies disappear from the Middle East?
Early 1900s. Invention of guns and cars made them too easy to hunt.
What are the three rules of the society in Brave New World?
No privacy, no family, no monogamy
Use Soma if not happy
Was there a WWII in Brave New World?
There was something called The Nine Years War that brought about economic collapse.
What’s a baryon?
A subatomic particle that has a mass equal to or greater than a proton.
Examples of baryons
Nucleon, hypéron
Baryonic matter refers to
Protons and neutrons and stuff made of atoms although electrons aren’t Baryons
What is Dark matter put simply?
Stuff that neither absorbs nor emits light. We know it’s there by its gravitational effects on stars and galaxies rotations and how it’s gravity bends light
Who discovered & coined the term “dark matter”
Fritz Zwicky in 1930s
Reprobate means …?
Hopeless, unreformable, incapable of changing, every inclination of the heart is evil all the time.
What is Mustang, Nepal
A secluded devout region of Tibetan Buddhist monks. Formally only accessible by several weeks journey on foot or horse back. Now a road has been built, though treacherous and winding up & down cliff sides, not completely paved, takes three days. 10 miles from China’s border
What is the capital of Mustang?
Lo Manthang
What river cuts through the Himalayan mountains through Mustang and into Tibet/China?
Thé Kali Gandaki River
When was Mustang’s golden age of wealth & trade?
The 15th century (1400s) was then known as the Kingdom of Lo. This region offered the most direct trading route between India and the salt deposits of the Tibetan Plateau
The people of the Kingdom of Lo were known as…?
The Lo-Pa, ethnic cousins of Tibetans
What’s a pooka Púca?
In Irish folklore, a mischievous spirit, or goblin often portrayed as a talking rabbit or horse
What is it about the movement of stars in galaxies that indicates the presence of dark matter?
Stars closest to the center where there’s more gravity should move faster than outer ones. Outer stars were moving faster than they should given there distance from the massive center.
Where was the Buddha born?
Siddhartha Gautama was born in the Lumbini province of Southern Nepal by India’s border.
The founder of Tibetan Buddhism?
Guru Rinpoché or Padmasambhava
What is the ethnic people group of Mustang?
Two indigenous cultures of Bolivia?
Aymara and Quechua
In Bolivia’s ImillaSkate, what does “Imilla” stand for
“Imilla means young girl in both Quechua and Aymara
What’s a pollera?
A short? Puffy colorful skirt worn by indigenous women in Bolivia. It was originally imposed by Spanish colonists
Where is Ashurbanipal mentioned in the bible? What is said about him?
Ezra 4:10
“and the other people whom the great and honorable Ashurbanipal deported and settled in the city of Samaria and elsewhere in Trans-Euphrates.”
Ezra 4:10 . He rules when Israel is returning from exile
Extra-biblical references to Old Testament Kings
Assyrian artifacts found that confirm that Ahaz, King of Judah gave him tribute.
The Taylor prism is an Assyrian artifact that mentions what ?
It’s 6 sided small Pillar with inscriptions on it describing Assyria conquering Isreal
Why is it good to see fungus thriving in a forest? Why should we care?
If the fungus isn’t thriving, there’s probably something wrong with the soil. Also, it has a ripple effect all the way through the ecosystem
How big were the biggest Smilodon’s (saber toothed cats)
Weighed 960 lb as opposed to a male lion which would weigh around 55O lb. Smilodon Populator/ lived in South America.
What’s a vinok?
A traditional wreath headdress worn by women & girls in Slavic countries during certain occasions
What countries are considered Slavic?
Poland Ukrain, that part of Russia, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Belarus , Bulgaria. Their languages are all from the Slavic branch
What’s a DSB site with regards to DNA?
Double Strand Breaks
Refers to damage to DNA
What is ataxia telangeictasia?
A rare degenerative, genetic neurological disease that affects the part of the brain that controls movement and speech. . Symptoms show at age 10. Sufferer dies in twenties or thirties
What is phosphoinositide 3-kinase?
A protein P13K
enzymes involved in cellular functions such as cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, motility, survival and intracellular trafficking, which in turn are involved in cancer.
Giancarlo Esposito’s most famous rolls?
Breaking Bad: Gus Fring
Also Better Call Saul
The Mandalorian: Moff Gideon
The Boys: Stan Edgar
Recent :Kaleidoscope a tv show where you’re supposed to be able to watch the episodes in any order
Do the Right Thing: 1989, a Spike Lee Movie
In Do The Right Thing, Giancarlo Esposito played…
A guy named Buggin’ Out, protesting à pizza place in a black neighborhood with all Italian guys pictures on the walls.
What does ISP stand for?
Internet Service Provider
In computers/technology what does LAN stand for?
Local Area Network
A local area network is a computer network that interconnects computers within a limited area such as a residence, school, laboratory, university campus or office building
The term “modest mouse” means
Having a humble opinion of oneself, reserved , shy
Who plays Mike Ehrmantraut on Breaking Bad?
Jonathan Banks
Describe Dante’s first circle of hell.
Called Limbo. It’s for those who never knew the glory of God or for un baptized babies. It’s foggy & gloomy & crowded with souls wondering about.. Charon ferries people across river Acheron into Limbo
According to Dante’s Inferno, what was the second circle of hell. ?
For the sin of lust/carnal desires. People blown back & forth in an eternal storm with no hope for rest. Minos presides
About Dante’s third circle of hell?
For the gluttonous. Cerberus, the 3 headed dog, presides over. It’s a filthy smelling swamp with endless rain, sleet & hail. Feces also falls from the sky.
In Dante’s Inferno, who presided over the second circle of hell.
Minos , mythological king of Crete turned demon. Determines number circle by how many times he wraps his tail around himself
What’s Dante’s fourth circle of hell?
For greed & waste , pushing bolders endlessly . Plutus presides. The greedy who squander their wealth are pitted against the miserly/hoarders. They push great weight toward each other crash, howl at each other, repeat
Who is Dante’s guide through the 9 circles of hell?
Virgil who wrote the Aeneid
Who’s Plutus in Dante’s Inferno? Over which circle does he preside?
Plutus is the Roman god of wealth, however, in Divine Comedy, he is a repulsive demon who guards the 4th circle.
In 1933 what did Fritz Zwicky discover that implied dark matter?
discovered that the mass of all the stars in the Coma cluster of galaxies provided only about 1 percent of the mass needed to keep the galaxies from escaping the cluster’s gravitational pull.. what caused these galaxies to stay together?
What is gravitational lensing?
When the gravity of something in the foreground bends/warps the light of something in the background. Lensing shows where there’s dark matter.
Some theories as to what dark matter is made of?
- WIMPS Weakly Interacting Particles
- Neutrolinos: atter make them difficult to detect. Neutralinos, massive hypothetical particles heavier and slower than neutrinos,
- Axions
- Sterile neutrinos
What is Dante’s fifth circle of hell
Wrath. The violently angry are forced to fight each other while in a putrid, stinking River while the sullen and resentful gurgle beneath its waters.
Who presides over the fifth circle of hell?
Phlegyas ferries Dante & Virgil around the River Styx.
Describe the sixth circle of hell in Dante’s inferno.
Level 6 is for Heresy. Heretics are trapped flaming tombs/burning open graves. Dante focuses mostly on those who deny that the soul is eternal. Sixth level is the beginning of the lowest nether regions of hell. City of Dis at its entrance.
What/where are the Apostle islands?
An archipelago of 22 islands 28 miles offshore of the Wisconsin side of Lake Superior.
Which Indigenous tribe lived on the Apostle Islands?
Ojibwe (Chippewa anglicized)
What did Ojibwe leader Kechewaishke (Chief Buffalo) do to protest removal of their reservations?
At 90 years old, paddled a birch back canoe all the way to Washington DC, met with President Millard Fillmore. Fillmore allowed his people to remain on Lake Superior.
The seventh circle of hell? According to Dante
7: violence
Ruled by centaurs & harpies
Violence against people & propert = immersed in Phlegathon, River of boiling blood. Those who committed suicide turned into gnarly thorn bushes & trees. There are three different rings. Those who destroyed property are perpetually chased by dogs through the thorns
According to Dante’s Inferno, what punishments are meted out in the inmost ring of the 7th circle?
Blasphemites, sodomites and usurers (violence against God, nature, order) in a desert of fiery sand with flaming pieces raining down.
How is water coming from a source treated before going to your tap?
Chemicals are added that bind to pollutants that are sifted out of water. Sometimes, bacteria killing UV light,. Chlorine or Chloramine added
What are PFAS in terms of drinking water contamination?
Forever chemicals or polyfluoroalkyl substances that have tight chemical bonds and therefore don’t break down & last for years.
The basic building block for PFAS?
Joining carbon and fluorine. Strongest bond that can ever be made in organic chemistry
Who was Typhoid Mary?
Mary Mallon, an Irish immigrant cook who carried typhoid but never became sick. She infected between 51 and 122 people with typhoid between 1900 and 1907
After first being discovered, why was Typhoid Mary able to continue to work as a cook?
She was let out of quarantine because people didn’t believe someone could carry Typhoid and not be sick. Sanitary engineer George Soper was ignored.when he suspected she was an asymptomatic carrier.
The state of Virginia is named after…
Not a person named Virginia but Elizabeth I, the virgin queen. She was called virgin because she never married or had children. Not sure if she was actually a virgin.
Who is Heloísa Pinheiro?
The girl from Ipanema. This Brazilian model has been modeling for decades. Still looks great in her 70s. Daughter: Ticiane
Who was Messalina?
Valeria Messalina was of noble birth and Claudius’s third and much younger wife. She was promiscuous, scheming, vengeful and cruel. Known as the most scandalous and evil woman in Roman history . Yet not the one who poisoned him
What does ad hoc mean?
When necessary
Ad hoc in Latin means “for this”
What does post hoc mean?
After the event
especially with reference to the fallacious assumption that the occurrence in question has a logical relationship with the event it follows.
Who was Atia in Roman history?
The niece of Julius Caesar and mother of Augustus.
Saimin soup prononciation
SAY’ muhn
Hosanna means
“Lord save us! We beg you!”
Spoken during Feast of Booths”
What are crayons made of?
Paraffin wax (derived from wood, coal or petroleum) and dried powdered color.
When were colored crayons invented?
1903 Binney & Smith
Worst nuclear plant accident in US?
Three mile island nuclear accident in 1979 on the Susquehanna River near Harrisburg PA, Londonderry township. A Unit 2 reactor partially melted down and small amount of radioactive stuff was released into environment. No one was hurt, not adverse health effects
What sparked the Montreal Hockey Riot of 1955?
National Hockey League president, Clarence Campbell’s decision to suspend Maurice Richard. He was a beloved French Canadian player and fans believed French Canadians were routinely treated unfairly
In Canada, what are Habs?
Montreal’s hockey team called the Canadiens.
Significance of Hezekiah’s tunnel?
Noted as one of the greatest feats of water engineering in ancient times. The tunnel brings water from one end of the city to the other. Built in anticipation of an attack from Syria. Gihon Spring was outside Jerusalem’s walls. Tunnel let to pool at Siloam.
Significance of Gihon Spring ?
Was only source of Israel’s water through most of history. Gihon means gushing.
What else is amazing about Hezekiah’s tunnel?
It was 1,752 (over a third of a mile ) through solid rock. Maybe there was already a cave or crack. How did they know exactly where to meat as both ends worked in?
Define insuperable
Incapable of being surmounted, overcome, passed over or solved
What is dark energy?
A theoretical repulsive force that counteracts gravity and causes the universe to expand at an accelerated rate. The energy of space itself
What happened in 1998 that changed our perception of the universe’s expansion?
The Hubble Telescope showed an extremely distant supernovae that showed the universe was expanding more slowly in the past which didn’t make sense since gravity attracts matter together. Hence theory of dark energy.
How do we know that dark matter isn’t just clouds of matter/minerals?
We do not detect absorption of the radiation that passes through them?
What percentage of the universe is “normal” matter? In theory
About 5%
We know that dark matter is not antimatter because…?
We don’t observe gamma rays. We know that when antimatter particles annihilate, gamma rays are produced.
Ways Creosote bush is adapted for living in the desert.
Shallow roots spread out to capture more water and a taproot goes further down.
2. Small leaves
3. Waxy coating on leaves seals moisture in.
How long does Creosote live?
Hundreds even thousands of years! Oldest found 12,000 years old
What are anchorites?
Anchoress for women. An early form of monasticism where the individual would live completely separated from secular life.They’d be alone and solitary sometimes locked in a cell or confining themselves to a cell
The main purpose of monasticism?
So a person can access and nurture their true self which is hidden, corrupted, impeded by sin. Hence need for asceticism chastisement, and rigid control. Can’t live in the world and access true self.
Beginning of Monasticism?
3rd century AD in Christianity
What does Coenobitic mean?
A commune of monks.
The monk in charge of the Christian monastery is called …
The abbot
What are the ranks of Christian monks after novice?
Novice for 3 years. Then, Rassophore and Stavrophore
What was the name of St. Benedict, founder of the Benedictine monk, twin sister ?
Scholastica, also a Saint
St. Benedict lived when ?
5th & 6th century AD
St. Benedict is known for
- Founder of Benedictine monks
- Patron saint of Europe
- Wrote a rule for monasticism became fundamental for Western monasticism
What are the three vows of the Benedictine rule?
Poverty, Chastity and obedience
According to Benedict of Nursia all things…
Eating, drinking, sleeping, working, praying, reading should be done in moderation
What prompted Benedict of Nursia to establish monasteries ?
He was appalled at the sinfulness in Rome, a once holy city. Pagan goths were coming and further ruining it.
Around when did Benedict of Nursia write his rule
530 AD
Features of Benedict’s Rule
Established a strict varied schedule for monks
Abbot was absolute authority
Nurtured a loving and supportive environment not one based on punishment
What great ruler encouraged Benedictine Monasticism?
Which Saint established a monastic lifestyle before Benedict
Where did Christian monasticism start?
Egypt & Syria in the 4th century
When was the Carolingian dynasty?
752-887 AD
What was the Carolingian Dynasty?
A family of Frankish nobles who ruled Francia and its empires in the early Middle Ages, included Charlemagne who was the beginning of the European Holy Roman Empire.
Who was Charles Martel?
Lived 688-741 AD
Successfully fought off Moors who tried to invade Gaul. “Carolingian “ comes from the name Charles.
What was the Dyatlov Pass Incident
The mysterious and brutal deaths of 9 hikers in 1959 has led to theories about Secret Soviet experiments, yetis and aliens. One body had no eyes, one had a tongue missing. Some were undressed. Some had head & chests smashed open.
What is the current theory about what happened at Dyatlov Pass?
A very small, but very fast moving avalanche caused the blunt trauma and them to leave the tent. The avalanche was likely caused by wind and a rare occurrence at that. The missing eyes and tongues are being blamed on scavenging animals.
What was used to figure out what actually happened on Dyatlov Pass.
The program that simulated snow movement on the movie “Frozen”
What is Candida Auris
A form of fungus discovered in Tokyo that infects the human body. It has since spread and is now found all over the world. It is difficult to detect and to treat.
Risk of contracting Candida Auris
The more frequent the contact with the healthcare system. Those who are immunocompromised are at greater risk
When was the Carolingian Renaissance?
8th & 9th centuries AD
The Carolingian Renaissance was characterized by…
Improving Latin literacy
A new writing system called The Carolingian Miniscule
Libraries & schools proliferated
As did books
New forms of art, poetry and biblical exegesis flourished
The infrastructure he established had effects of the future as the basis for revivals yet to come
Championed by Charlemagne
What is the Charlemagne Minuscule?
A clear and manageable script established by Charlemagne that today forms the basis for Roman typed letters. Basically, it’s a type of font but hand written
Why was the Carolingian minuscule created?
The alleviate the problem of varying scripts.
Who was Charlemagne’s father?
Pippin III thé short, 751-768
Charlemagne’s main goal was…
To restore the glory of Ancient Rome, Constantine’s christianized Rome.
Changes in art during the Carolingian Renaissance?
Sought to restore the style of Ancient Rome which included adding 3 dimensional perspective to art.
The Carolingian Renaissance affected? … what countries?
Modern day France, Switzerland, Germany and Austria
What was the name of Charlemagne’s palace? Where was it?
The Palatine Chapel in Aachen Germany. Consecrated in 805
Who was the architect of Charlemagne’s palace?
Odo of Metz
Who created the Carolingian Minuscule for Charlemagne?
Alcuin of York, a scholar, clergyman, poet and teacher from York, Northumbria
A baby’s brain has more neurons than …
There are stars in the Milky Way!
Name 11 nutrients that are key to brain health
vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids.
What hoax is William H. Mumler known for?
He claimed he could capture the image of departed loved ones in photographs in the 1860s & 1870
Why won’t we ever find Atlantis?
Plato made it up. It’s fictitious. No mention of it or depiction in art prior to his writing. Plato never claims it’s historical. It’s an allegory for Athens.
In Mesopotamia, first millennia BC, what were ašipu?
Purveyors of magic, protectors and spiritual healers.
Why was their a resurgence in the interest in Atlantis in the 16 hundreds?
People were shaken by the idea that there was a whole other continent with people on it it and even advanced civilizations. They felt they needed to explain it with Atlantis.
What event does Ramadan commemorate?
When Mohammed received his revelation of the Quran
What does Ramadan mean?
It’s a month on the Islamic calendar stems from “ar-ramad” which means “scorching heat”
How many chapters are in the Quran?
Eid-al-fitr means …
“Festival of breaking the fast”
What are the five pillars of Islam?
- Sawm: fasting from dawn till dusk during Ramadan
- Shahada : believing there is no god but Allah and Mohammed was the prophet
- Zakat: giving to charity
- Salah: praying 5 times a day
- Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca at least
First cat rescue in the US?
During the First World War. Strays were rounded up and put on boats.
Why people found cats to be useful on boats
- Killed rats. Rats harmed food, wires and spread disease
- Furry barometers, twitching of cats tails mean cats sensed change in air pressure so bad weather coming
- Make their own vitamin c so don’t get scurvy
- Morale for soldiers
What is Sargassum ?
A type of seaweed that floats on top of the ocean and drifts with the currents. It’s an ecosystem in and of itself. Lately , there’s too much of it. It’s a large macro algae
If all the smaller pieces of sargassum joined together it would be roughly the size of…
Troy and Greece weren’t that far apart. Why did it take Odysseus so long to get home?
Because he angered the god, Poisedon who then thwarted his progress over & over again.
What was Odysseus’s fathers name?
Laertes, the one Penelope is weaving the shroud for
With blood pressure, which number is the number on top?
What’s the difference between systolic and diastolic readings for blood pressure?
Systolic: maximum pressure heart exerts while beating
Diastolic: pressure in the arteries between beats
Was President Woodrow Wilson supportive of prohibition?
He vetoed the Volstead Act (making booze illegal) but senate voted 65 to 20 to override. House of Representatives voted to override veto as well. Many who voted for it did not know it also banned beer and wine.
When was Woodrow Wilson President?
Who were the US Presidents during prohibition?
Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, FDR was the guy who repealed it.
When did Charlemagne rule ?
768-814 AD
How did Charlemagne’s father secure the Frankish throne?
Pippin III thé Short, allied himself with the Pope and with his approval took Frankish throne . Made agreement to protects Rome and secured for Pope the strip of Italy that would become the Papal States.
Define hegemony
Domination , influence over others
The influence exerted by the dominant group
Who was Pygmalion in Greek mythology?
King of Cyprus who doesn’t like women? Creates a statue and falls in love with it, named Galatea.
What’s a maneki-neko?
Japanese for beckoning cat, it’s the white waving cat figurine found in Asian businesses. Believed to bring good luck & wealth to the business owner.
What’s Vantablack ?
Created in 2014 by Surrey NanoSystems, this coloring absorbs 99.965% of all visible light. One of the blackest blacks. Stuff painted with it looses appearance of texture and seems 2 dimensional.
What is Vantablack made of?
Tight vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays
What is this symbol ?
Hamsa hand, hand of Fatima, a protective symbol in Islam.
What is this symbol ?
Hand of Miriam, Jewish protective symbol
Saxons we’re forced out of mainland Europe by…?
Charlemagne , Saxon Wars 772-804 was Charlemagne’s most demanding undertaking
Draconian. Define.
Adj. very severe or cruel
Who, where when we’re the Lombards?
A Germanic people, of of the tribes that made up the Suebi. Ruled a northern kingdom in Italy from 568. Conquered by Charlemagne
Charlemagne’s empire included:.?
France to Germany & Austria, Northern Italy . Not Spain, Denmark, Czechoslovakia
When did having cats on ships stop?
1950s , had pesticides now and foreign ports enacted quarantines on animals
What’s the difference in meaning if the Hamsa hand is facing up or down?
Up: protection from evil, banish negative thoughts
Down;to show abundance & positivity
What is the eye surrounded by blue supposed to mean?
It’s the evil eye and it wards off the evil eye curse ie malicious thoughts & intentions of others. The concept of the evil eye and eye amulet for protection is a concept found in many ancient cultures.
What’s threatening the Great Lakes?
Invasive species
Increased flooding
Increased algae blooms
Something is destroying the animals livers
Coastal development
Agricultural pollutants
Toxic chemicals
Overstocking of salmon
Loss of winter ice
Man made canals connect lakes with ocean
What is the largest lake in the world by area?
Lake Superior
Which Great Lakes have the least development along their shores?
Lake Superior
Lake Huron, north, Canada side
Which Great Lake is really shallow?
Lake Erie
Which Great Lake is the most affected by development.
Lake Michigan
Only Great Lake completely in US
Lake Michigan
Why is very clear water in Lake Michigan a bad thing?
Invasive Quagga mussels filter out too much phytoplankton which other species need.
Lake Superior’s depth compared to Erie
Superior 1,333 feet deep
Erie, 210
Where is Niagara Falls?
It connects Lake Erie with Lake Ontario via thé Niagara River. Water leaves Lake Erie and falls into Lake Ontario.
The Great Lakes are the worlds largest …
Freshwater system. All the lakes are connected with the flow of water going from the NW Superior, through Erie, over falls into Ontario and ultimately to the Atlantic via the St. Lawrence River.
What are the rigid cell walls of diatoms made of?
What do they contribute to the ecosystem?
Cell walls made of silica
They release oxygen and are a primary food source
How do diatoms make food?
They use light from sun to convert carbon dioxide and water into simple carbohydrates
Approximately how many different species of diatoms can be found in the Great Lakes?
Diatoms are eaten by…
Over the past hundred years, diatoms in the Great Lakes have started …
Getting smaller and less plentiful
What nutrients does fertilizer and manure from farms add to the water supply?
Nitrogen & phosphorus which cause algae to grow out of control .
What cities are along the Great Lakes?
Toronto , Buffalo NY, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee WI, Toledo OH
Two biggest cities on Lake Superior?
First biggest, Thunder Bay in Ontario Canada, second, Duluth Minnesota. Both are tiny compared to the cities that surround the other. Lakes.
How is Dante’s 7th circle of hell subdivided.
Into 3 rings inner, outer and middle
Describe Dante’s outer ring of the 7th circle of hell.
7th circle: violence
Outer circle for those who were violent against others and property including conquerors & murderers
Filled with blood & fire. A River of boiling blood. Centaurs guard & shoot arrows at the inhabitants
Describe Dante’s middle circle of the 7th circle of hell.
This is where people who committed suicide go. The punished are transformed into trees and constantly eaten by harpies.
What’s the inner ring of Dante’s 7th circle of hell?
Inner ring is for blasphemers and sodomites (violence against God and nature ??) trapped in a desert of hot sand while flames fall from above
Describe Dante’s 8th circle of hell.
It’s the circle for fraud and has 10 levels within structured as ledges descending deeper & deeper into the pit.
In Dante’s Inferno, what is malebolge
The name for the 8th circle of hell. Translated as “evil sacks” 10 concentric ditches, each lower than the other one.!
List Dante’s 10 types of fraudulent sinners in the eighth circle of hell
- Panderers & seducers
- Flatterers
- Simoniacs
- Diviners
- Barrators
- Hypocrites
- Thieves
- False prophets
- Sowers of discord
- Falsifiers /counterfeiters
Etymology of draconian
From Draco, latinized form of Drakon who was the archon of Athens in 621 BC who wrote a code of laws that had death as the punishment for minor crimes. Draconian means severe or harsh.
Historic significance of Ryman Auditorium
A very famous and historical concert venue in Nashville TN. It was the birthplace for bluegrass music and original site of the Grand Ole Opry. Known for amazing acoustics.
Who built the Ryman auditorium and what was it originally for?
Thomas G. Ryman, a sea captain had the auditorium built in 1892 as a church being inspired by evangelist Sam Jones.
What started bluegrass music in America ?
The 1945 performance by Earl Scruggs with Bill Monroe’s Bluegrass Boys. The performance featured mandolin, banjo, fiddle, bass & guitar
Thé Ryman Auditorium featured what famous performers?
The Carter Family, Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, Hank Williams , Minnie Pearl
The Carter Family in 1927…
Helped define country music. It was A.P. Carter, Sara Carter and her cousin Maybelle
June Carter’s two sisters?
Helen and Anita
In what year was the Grand Ole Opry founded?
1925 by George D. Hay
What was the Grand Ole Opry?
The Grand Ole Opry is a weekly American live country music performance and broadcast show held several nights a week
What is a simoniac?
A person who sells positions in the church or uses their position for their own personal gain
8th circle of hell. Tier 1 for panderers and seducers. What is their punishment?
Two groups walk naked around the circle in opposite directions while demons whip them.
In Dante’s Inferno what is the punishment for flatterers?
8th Circle
Tier 2
Suffocated in a ditch full of stinking excrement
Brittney Denise Parks is…?
Sudan Archives
Punishment for 9th circle tier 3: simoniacs
Headfirst in a whole while feet are set on fire.
The term “simoniacs” in Dante’s inferno comes from?
The Bible. The magician Simon Magus wanted the apostles to sell him their healing powers.
Circle 8, tier 4 punishment for sorcery, fortune telling and soothsaying, witches and astrologers
Walking with head on backwards
How many sections are Dante’s 9th circle of hell divided into?
- Betrayers of family
- Betrayers of their country
- Betrayers of friends & guests
- The Judah section. Betrayers of their masters and God himself
Describe the 9th circle of hell in Dante’s Inferno.
It’s for those who committed treachery. It’s not a flaming inferno but rather a frozen lake with Satan at the center. He has three heads & is eating Brutus, Cassius and Judas. Betrayal of God or a master is the worst kind of treachery. The second worst is betraying friends. The least horrible is betraying family.
Circle 8. Tier 5 Dante’s
Barrators are submerged in boiling pitch. Barrators are those who used public office corruptly
Ring 8: Bolgia 6 Dante
Hypocrites wear heavy golden metal cowls
Dante’s Inferno. Ring 8. Bolgia 7
Thieves are beaten, bound, and bitten by snakes
Bolgia 9 eight circle of Dante’s hell
For people who cause division: a devil will cut off a section of their body
Who was Minnie Pearl?
A regular at the Grand Ole Opry, Minnie Pearl was a comedic character played by Sarah Ophelia Colley known for her knee length country bumpkin dress and straw hat with the price tag still attached.
What is Jason and the Argonauts about?
A Greek myth where the prince, Jason wants to reclaim his throne from his treacherous uncle. The uncle sends him to retrieve the Golden Fleece to prove he is worthy. He journeys with the brave men of the ship the Argo, hence Argonauts
Who is Medea in Greek mythology
The daughter of the King in Colchis (Georgia) who has the Golden Fleece. She is a sorcerer and help Jason to accomplish the impossible tasks he’s been given. Their love ends violently and tragically though.
When was the Hun induced migration of the barbarian groups.
The Great Migration was roughly 376-476 AD
Modern belief is that the Huns originated ..?
somewhere in Kazakhstan
Punishment in Ditches 8-10 in Dante’s eight circle of hell
- They’re on fire
- Devil cuts a piece off with sword
10.scabies, thirst , high fever
What drugs are used for obesity
Ozempic and Wegovy
Mounjaro, which is approved to treat Type II diabetes is also effective and being evaluated as a possibly superior drug
What causes obesity?
Old school of though is overeating and laziness, but it’s a physiological malfunction.
Brain thinks it’s starving when it’s not and does what it can to store fat and increase appetite
What hormones do type II Diabetes & weight loss drugs affect?
GLP- and GIP, hormones secreted by the small intestine after we eat
Who were the six guys in Monty Python?
Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Michael Palin, and Terry Gilliam
Graham Chapman died what year & from what.
1989 throat cancer. He was a lifelong alcoholic
Rest lived on till 2020 when Terry Jones died at 77
Only American in Monty Python and the cartoonist
Terry Gilliam
Who was Wallis Simpson?
The scandalous lifelong love of Edward VIII. She was American and twice divorced. He gave up his crown to be with her.
How long was Edward VIII king before he abdicated?
326 days
Who were The Kids in the Hall?
Sketch comedy group formed in 1984. They were Canadian. Dave Foley, Bruce McCulloch, Kevin McDonald, Mark McKinney, & Scott Thompson
What used to be the prevailing theory as to where the Huns came from.
Descended from the nomadic Xiongnu people who entered the historical record in 318 B.C. and terrorized China during the Qin Dynasty and during the later Han Dynasty. The Great Wall of China was reportedly built to help protect against the mighty Xiongnu.
The Huns were not unified prior to
4th century AD
Interesting characteristics of the Huns
- Dressed simply but regally outfitted their horses
- Boys Learned to ride horses at 3 legend said their faces were cut to teach them to endure pain
- They lassoed their enemies, pulled them off their horse & dragged them to their death
- Killed all including women & children
- Babies foreheads squashed between two boards to give them menacing appearances
- Used battering rams to break through Roman defense walls
- Slept on horseback
In Dante’s Inferno, where are sinners immersed in boiling blood & guarded by centaurs?
The seventh circle, where the violent are
In Dante’s inferno, what is the origin of the rivers, Styx, Acheron & Phlegethon?
The tears of the old man of Crete Crying over man’s corruption by sin
What’s Maundy Thursday?
The Thursday of Easter week when Jesus gave instructions for the last supper. “Maundy “ from Latin word “mandatum” which means command
Which pope had to do with Dante’s banishment from Florence?
Boniface VIII. Destined to join Nicholas III in hell for fraud
In Dante’s inferno, what is the punishment for the uncommitted?
Running naked, chased by wasps, trying to grab a banner that’s always out of reach? Don’t know which circle??
The Huns before Atilla
370 AD crossed the Volga River &. Invaded Alans also nomadic equestrian people
372AD attacked Ostrogoths
376AD attacked Visigoths
430AD Huns unite under Rugila
By 5th century, had settled in the Great Hungarian Plain
In 441, Atilla attacked…
Balkans and territories around the Danube, 2nd time around got as far as the walls of Constantinople
The only battle Atilla the Hun had ever lost
Battle of the Catalaunian Plains
Romans allied with Visigoths and other tribes to defend Gaul. Very long bloody battle
Which Pope did Atilla meet with?
Pope Leo I in 452
Where was Gaul during the Roman Empire?
France, parts of Belgium, Western Germany and Northern Italy
In 1856, abolitionist, John Brown …
And his five sons went to Kansas, raided the towns in Lawrence, attacked cabins along Pottawatomie Creek and killed 5 men with broad swords
What is the vestibule of hell. Dante’s inferno
Above limbo, where the non-committed are. Angels who didn’t side with God nor Satan are stuck their cause neither Heaven nor He’ll want them. Apathetic non commital souls must run after an unreachable banner naked while chased by wasps
Minos’s job in Dante’s hell
The king of Crete was known for his marked sense of Justice. He decides which circle each sinner will reside in by wrapping his tail around himself that number of times
Which circle of Dante’s inferno has eternal icy rain and Cerberus, the three headed dog
The third for gluttony
Who built the Tower of London?
William of Normandy/William the Conqueror began the work after the Battle of Hastings in 1066
Thomas Moore’s significance in Henry VIII’s reign?
Once Henry VIII’s best friend, Moore refused to allow Henry VIII to divorce his first wife, so he was imprisoned in the white tower & executed.
Who was England’s “Nine-Day-Queen?”
17 year old Jane Grey
What did John Brown do in 1859b
The abolitionist and 22 men including 5 black men and three of his sons, led a successful invasion of an armory in Harper’s Ferry West Virginia in the name of Justice for enslaved people. When caught he was charged with treason and hung. His note written before his execution was ominous of the coming Civil War
Who was Wu Zetian?
She was the first and only female emperor of China. Ruled during the Tang Dynasty
When was Wu Zetian emperor?
665-705 AD
When was the Tang Dynasty and why was it considered one of the golden ages in China’s history?
618-907, in contrast to Europe’s Dark Ages, it was a period of substantial political, economic, social, and intellectual development, center of world commerce, Silk Road at its height, China’s political development during the Tang dynasty greater than that of India or Byzantine empire
Other significant features of the Tang Dynasty?
Period of religious diversity (Nestorian Christians, Manicheans, and Muslims. 3 dominant (Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism)
Women enjoyed more freedom than they had previously
Describe the Tower of London
It’s not so much one tall tower as it is a structure with 4 towers on each corner. The white tower started by William the Conqueror in 1078 was the first building to be built and the center of the complex located along the Thames. It was a prison for most of its history.
In what centuries was the Tower of London a prison?
13th through 16th
Empress Wu - Wu Zetian began her political career as…
A concubine - from a noble family. Her family educated her & because of her beauty & intelligence , she was favored.
Wu Zetian’s infamous deeds according to legend.
Was a concubine of the emperor, but slept with his son. Upon the emperors death she was supposed to shave her head & become a monk. But the son she slept with, put her in his court. She then framed his empress wife for the murder of her baby (who she may have killed) and became empress.
What did Wu Zetian do to her rivals?
- Forced them to commit suicide
- Executed them
- Enslaved their families
What did Wu Zetian do to her family?
- Poisoned her husband
- Exiled one son
- Enslaved, controlled another
- Had her grandson & grand daughter killed
- Maybe killed her baby to frame Empress Wang
Wu Zetian’s accomplishments as emperor
- Recaptured 4 garrisons that had fallen to the Tibetan Empire
- Reopened Silk Road after plague
- Had an effective network of police and spies to quell rebellions
- Provided relief & aid to lower classes with generous promotions of lower ranks and more recruitment to government service
- Provided direct line of communication between her & her people
- Many of her reforms were suggestions that came directly from the people
Who was Phillis Wheatley?
First published black author, a slave who the Wheatley’s purchased at 7 years old in 1761.
Describe Phillis Wheatley’s childhood.
Taken from Senegal/Gambia as a child. The Wheatley’s noticed she was smart and taught her to read and write.
Phillis Wheatley’s accomplishments?
First black person to have her poems published. Renowned & lived in England while still a slave. She was well versed in the Aenid & Ovid and a devout Christian, she evangelized through her writing.
When did Mary Wollstonecraft live?
Mary Wollstonecraft’s most famous work?
A Vindication of the Rights of Women. (1792) A significant feminist writing . Also, Maria: or the Wrongs of women.
Mary Wollstonecraft’s famous daughter?
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, author of Frankenstein . Her mother died 10 days after she was born from infection caused by difficult birth.
During the French Revolution, Mary Wollstonecraft…
Went to France and wrote on the subject becoming one of the first female war correspondents. She was threatened with arrest during the reign of terror bc she was British
What does “Ohana” mean?
Family/extended family, those who are bound together who cooperate & think of each other.
How do you say “the cabinet on the right” in Spanish?
El Gabinete de La derecha
How do you say “between the shower and the toilet” in Spanish?
Entre la ducha y el inodoro “
How do you say “hole” and “I asked for” in Spanish?
What US highway is considered the loneliest highway in America?
Route 50 from Ocean City, Maryland to Sacramento.
What causes Cyanobacteria algae blooms?
Excessive phosphorus in the water. Phosphorus is in fertilizer used by farms. Pellets sit in top part of soil and wash away into water supply.
Where did Rahab hide the Israelite spies?
Under the thatch of her roof
Significance of Gilgal to Isreal
After crossing the Jordan, a man of all 12 tribes chose one stone from the middle of the Jordan to set there in remembrance of when God stopped the flow of the Jordan. At Gilgal, all the men who were born after the Exodus were circumcised.
Mike Ness was the lead singer for…
Social Distortion
What does mammon mean?
Material wealth or possession especially those with a debasing influence.
What does a DEXAscan measure?
Bone density
Where was the region known as Dacia in ancient times?
Transylvania, central and Western Romania
Where was Moesia?
Serbia, part of Macedonia & part of Bulgaria