Trivia 12 Flashcards
Roughly how many breeds of chicken are recognized as show chickens?
Over 100
Difference between Asian & African elephants?
Asian are smaller, have rounded ears and are often tusk less. Lift with their whole trunk rather than having 2 trunk tips. Asian elephants are more rare
What 2 vertebrates don’t have a jaw
Lamprey & hagfish
What is a gnathostome?
A jawed vertebrate
A great site for Rock climbing in Rio de Janeiro ?
Sugarloaf, a large rectangular rock mountain 1,299 feet tall jutting out across the bay
Ipanema and Copacabana are famous beaches in…?
Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Some examples of How has origami has been used for technological advancement ?
Thé star shade that folds into a light and compact cylinder would block stars’ light allowing a telescope to examine exoplanets
A more breathable, compact, tighter seal to face facemask
Miura-ora folds to create a silicon structure that can gently and tightly grab delicate stuff when air sucked out.
Vertebral implants
Tiny Robots for medical procedures etc
What does E komo mai mean in Hawaiian?
Come in
Also a greeting when people arrive
Keiki means in Hawaiian?
Child/ children
What does ono mean in Hawaiian besides fish?
Good. Ono is a very good fish, also called wahoo
What does Pau Hana mean in Hawaiian?
End of the work day
“I am All pau “ said when finishing a task
In Hawaii, bathrooms are marked with wahine and
Kāne for men
In Hawaiian, pali means …?
Kama’aina means
Long time residents of Hawaii. Aina means land. Hawaiians believe strongly in properly caring for the land
Kokua means …?
Help or assistance in Hawaiian
How do you say “until we next meet” in Hawaiin?
A hui hou
In Hawaiian, Hana hou means
Try again
In Hawaiian wiki means
Wiki wiki = very fast
What is the real Dial of Destiny or antikythera?
An artifact composed of 30 some gears that likely predicted the movement of all the heavenly bodies. Created 200-70 BC. The world’s first computer. Nothing else so sophisticated appears for anither thousand years.
Define torque
Torque is the measure of the force that can cause an object to rotate about an axis. Twisting force
Difference between paramagnetic and diamagnetic?
Magnets, Iron, nickel, cobalt are ferromagnetic. Everything else including living things is diamagnetic . . All materials are actually diamagnetic, in that a weak repulsive force is generated by in a magnetic field by the current of the orbiting electron. Paramagnetic substances are weakly attracted to a single pole
Besides graphene, what else is Andre Geim famous for?
Levitating a frog using magnetism
In Old Testament Times, who were the only people who could enter the Holy of Holies
Aaron and his sons. Numbers 18:7
Who were John the Baptists parents descended from?
Aaron from Abijah named in 1 Chronicles 25. V 10. Zechariah was a priest. Elizabeth was also descended from Aaron
How many different people named Abijah are in the Bible?
1. The king 2. Samuel 2nd son 3. Priest descended from Aaron 4. Hezekiah’s mom 5. A son of Jeroboam I who died young.
What is the last line of the Bible ?
“The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.”
Why is mud a good material to build with in the desert?
Thick mud walls keep the interior cool. It absorbs heat slowly and releases it during cooler nights so long as walls are thick. It’s an abundant material.
How are mud structures waterproofed in Burkina Faso?
By application of resins, fats or shea butter from trees. It needs to be reapplied annually . Also motor oil
What is added to the mud in Burkina Faso to strengthen it?
Grass or cow dung
Downside Of desert cities converting to concrete structures?
Concrete lets in the desert heat.
Manufacturing concrete is more expensive and creates greenhouse gases. Mud is cheap and green
How did Geim float the frog in 1997?
When a strong enough magnetic field is applied to a diamagnetic object the diamagnetic object repels the magnet . Has to be a strong magnet otherwise gravity is greater than the repulsive force
In magnetism, what is meant by paired electrons?
2 electrons that spin and orbit in opposite directions cancel each other out & there is no magnetic field strength
What type of materials have no net magnetic moment and all paired electrons?
Diamagnetic materials
What is a magnetic moment?
Define strength & orientation of the magnet
Are magnets , iron, nickel & cobalt paramagnetic?
NO! Wrong! They’re ferromagnetic
Difference between paramagnetic and diamagnetic (take 2)
It’s paramagnetic if it contains unpaired electrons
In math & science, what is a vector?
A quantity dépendant on direction
The 2 characteristics of a vector?
Quantity and direction
Some examples of vector measurements?
Velocity, acceleration, displacement, force, lift, drag, momentum , weight
Magnetic moment
SINCE 2010 Japan’s population has…
Shrunk. From 128 million to less than 125 million
What country has the oldest population on earth?
Monaco (1st)
What are Japans four main islands?from north to south?
why is Japan’s population so old?
Good healthcare and healthy habits leads to longer lifespan than rest of world
Lower fertility rate, less than 2 children.
Younger generation moving out rural areas
Japan doesn’t allow many immigrants in while younger people migrate
What is treacle?
N. a thick, sticky dark syrup made from partly refined sugar;
Adj. cloying sentimentality or flattery
Difference between treacle & molasses?
Treacle: sweeter, boiled for less time
Molasses: thicker & darker, boiled longer
Both come from sugar cane juice being boiled & removing sugar.
How do scientists make a superfluid?
By cooling regular Helium (4HE) or 3HE (2 Protons, one neutron) very close to absolute 0 (2.17 K 4He 2.65 K 3He at which the liquid will flow without friction
What’s a lambda transition
In condensed matter physics lambda is the point at which atoms are grouped for a phase transition such as when Helium becomes a superfluid λ is for superfluids, superconductors & smectics and not of regular phase transitions
What is tritium?
An isotope of hydrogen (hydrogen-3) with one proton and two neutrons )
Tritium is most dangerous when it enters the body through…
Food as opposed to in water or inhaled. Tritium in water leaves the body in urine and tritium inhaled is mostly exhaled. Tritium that is organically bound in nutrients can be absorbed into body and stay longer. When it decays. It harms cells.
Tritium has a half life of…?
About 12 years
What if you touch tritium?
Not harmful . The beta radiation cannot penetrate the skin
How do tritium exit signs work.
They can glow for up to twenty years! Tritium is radioactive. It emits electrons through beta decay. When these electrons interact with a phosphorus material, a fluorescent glowing gas is created. Tritium exists as a gas & is put in signs with a phosphorus for continual glow.
Who created Barbie?
Who was she named after?
Ruth Handler, wife of the founder of Mattel. Barbie was named after Ruth’s daughter, Barbara. Her son was Ken. Ruth was a Jewish immigrant
What year did Barbie debut!
The New York Toy Fair in 1959
What is Barbie’s real name?
Where is she from?
Barbara Millicent Roberts
From Willows Wisconsin
What is Ken’s full name ? (Barbie & Ken dolls)
Kenneth Sean Carson
What is the most harmful type of radiation?
Gamma rays
What is beta radiation?
High speed, high energy electrons or positrons emitted by the radioactive decay of an atomic nucleus
Alpha particles vs beta particles?
Alpha particles are two protons and two neutrons and come from the decay of heavy radioactive elements. Since they’re heavy, they can’t go to far nor penetrate the skin, but cause much localized damage if inhaled or ingested.
Beta: fast moving electrons can penetrate the skin some.
Ionizing vs. non ionizing radiation?
Non-ionizing doesn’t knock electrons out of atoms. Light, radio waves, microwaves
Ionizing does remove electrons and particles (alpha, beta, gamma rays
What is Oganesson?
The heaviest element actually created and observed with an atomic number of 118 and weight of 294. It woul be a noble gas. Only a few atoms have every been created/observed.
Sn is the chemical symbol for what metal?
What is neutronium?
A very dense, massive material found at the center of neutron stars (actually exists under extreme conditions in nature) The pressure of the collapse is so great, it presses past the electron shells, the particles touch each other & you have neutronium
What is metallic hydrogen
Hydrogen, under such immense pressure that it’s forced into a sort of liquid -solid state. When closely packed, the electrons orbit the whole thing which is what makes it a metal
Where can metallic hydrogen exist?
At the core of gas giants
What is arraignment?
the first step in a criminal proceeding where the defendant is brought in front of the court to hear the charges against them and enter a plea. S
What comes first? An arraignment or an indictment
The indictment always comes first
Difference between arraignment & indictment
Indictment is first and only for serious crimes. Judge, prosecutor & grand jury decided if the accused should be charged.
In an arraignment, the accused is notified of the charges before a judge in court and asked how they plea.
What mammal has the thickest fur?
Sea otters. They spend much more time in the water than their distant cousins, River otters?
in what way do sea otters use tools, ?
They use rocks, gathered and stored in pockets under their armpits to crack open shells. Which they do on their stomachs while floating on their backs.
How do sea otters keep kelp thriving ?
They eat thesea urchins that eat the kelp. Without sea otters, there’d be too many urchins that would destroy the kelp.
A group of sea otters is called a…?
A raft
Problem with sea otter conservation success?
Voraciously rebounded population has a huge appetite and are invading areas shellfish harvesters rely on and threatening their livelihood.
What is superconductivity?
A state of matter where matter that has no electrical resistance and does not allow magnetic fields to penetrate
Superconductivity can only be achieved at…
really low temperatures just a few degrees above absolute zero
What is electrical resistance?
Tendency of materials to resist the flow of electricity, more like restrict like a narrow pipe limits how much water can go through. Bc of resistance some energy is lost as heat when electricity flows through them.
First material to show Superconductivity
Mercury, discovered by Kamerlingh Onnes
What is the theory about the cause of Superconductivity on an atomic level?
BCS theory states that at low temperatures the vibrations of the atoms cause negative electrons to pair and stick together
What is “double double toil & Trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble”
Said by witches in Shakespeare’s MacBeth
What is moucharaby?
A protruding balcony with intricately carved wooden screens. So person on balcony can see out but passerby’s can’t see in. A middle eastern design. Instead of a window the latticework allows light & air in & keeps heat from sun out.
Define oriel
A second story bay or protruding window
One drawback of building with mud
It becomes unstable and could collapse when there’s heavy rain and flooding. Even annual applications of sealant won’t help when there’s more rain than normal. Global warming has caused an increase in heavy rains.and floods in the African desert.
What’s contributing to giant algae blooms in the Great Lakes?
Fertilizer runoffs from farms. The phosphorus in the fertilizer that plants need causes the algae to grow like crazy. The big megafarms are the biggest polluters.
Using manure as a fertilizer can cause what type of polluting runoff?
Phosphorus & nitrogen
The Welland Canal joins what two lakes?
Lake Ontario & Lake Eerie
The cities of Green Bay (home of the Packers) and Milwaukee are in what state and on which Great Lake?
West side of Lake Michigan
What is a microcystin?
A toxin produced by Cyanobacteria
When Cyanobacteria degrades…?
It releases toxins such as microcystin
What Ill effects does Cyanobacteria toxins have on the body?
Microcystin can cause liver & kidney damage and can be carcinogenic. Abdominal pain, headache, sore throat, vomiting and nausea, dry cough, diarrhea, blistering around the mouth, and pneumonia
What does “denude” mean?
To deprive of something important
2. To strip of all coverings or surface layers
What does “zaasigaakwii” mean?
Barely hanging on
Hit with unexpected difficulties by nature
Struggle for survival caused by unusual and out-of-sync weather
From the Anishinaabe language
What do traditional lullabies around the world tend to have in common?
They’re dark, brutal & scary
A study found that babies tend to find lullabies soothing even if the lullabies aren’t ..
Sung by the baby’s caregiver nor from the baby’s own culture
Oldest lullaby on record?
A 4,000 year old lullaby written in an Akkadien (Babylonian) script. SA «little baby in the dark house. Your screaming has disturbed the house god.»
In the Philippines, what does «tahan na» mean?
Literally translated to «stop crying» but it’s used to soothe crying children and has more of a connotation of love and comfort. Like «feel safe» feel at peace. «Tahanan» means home»
What are atomic-level vibrations that hold otherwise negatively charged electrons together in pairs during a superconductive state called?
(Phonon theory does not seem to apply to higher temperature super conductors
The Hawaiian Koa is a type of…?
Acacia tree. Source of attractive , durable wood
Advantages of acacia wood
Very strong, does not rot, moisture resistant
What type of wood was the Ark of the Covenant made from?
How is the use of acacia wood in the ark a picture of the messiah to come?
Acacia wood was a logical choice bc it’s very strong and moisture & rot resistant.
1. Never rots
2. Grows in dry ground
3. Covered in thorns
4. Gum/tannins inside used as medicine
What is this thing? What’s its habitat?
The Spiny Devil Katydid. Habitat tropical rainforests in Ecuador
Why is there no magnetic field in a superconductor?
The Meissner Effect
The surface current of the superconductor created its own magnetic field which cancels out the external field.
What was Season 4 of the OC mainly about? What event was said to have killed the show?
Marissa Cooper dies at the end of Season 3 bc Mischa Barton wanted off the show. Season 4 Ryan her boyfriend deals with her death and seeks revenge on her mean boyfriend
Another now big star who had an arc on the OC?
Chris Pratt
What & where is the “loneliest road in America ?” Why is it called that
Applied to Route 50 in the Nevada portion bc there’s a long stretch with nothing
Longest stretch of highway in US with nothing?
Route 70 in Utah, 105 miles, no towns, no gas stations, only 6 exits
Route 50 runs across the US from where to where
Ocean City, Maryland to Sacramento CA
Define topology
The way in which all the parts that make up the whole are interrelated and arranged.
Math:the study of geometrical properties and spacial relations
What is the Meissner Effect?
The expulsion of the magnetic field from the interior of a material before it enters the superconductive state
Why does a magnet placed above a superconductor float?
Superconductors repel outside magnetic fields by acting like a magnet with the same pole as the field
What’s the formula for angular momentum?
L: angular momentum
m: mass
v: velocity
r: radius
What is angular momentum?
Rotational momentum
Define analog
- using signals or information represented by a continuously variable physical quantity
- A person or thing seen as comparable to another
Linear momentum vs angular momentum
Regular linear momentum is mass times velocity
Angular momentum is mass x velocity x radius bc something is spinning
What’s a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC)?
Another exotic state of matter seen at very cool temperatures where atoms or subatomic particles coalesce into a wave function
How does COVID harm the heart?
Covid causes inflammation throughout the body that sticks around after the other symptoms have gone. It makes the blood sticky and causes clots.
What are megakaryocytes?
Cells in the bone marrow that make platelets.
What health crisis is there in ulaanbataar ?
Due to coal burning factories and families heating their homes with coal during very cold winters, the city is always covered in a toxic smog . Many children die from ammonia before the age 5.
What is famotidine
Pepsid AC
Acid reducer
What is Planck’s constant ?
6.62607015 × 10-34 m2 kg / s
A fixed number like pi Gives the relationship between the energy of a single photon and it’s frequency
Represented as h
Light energy travels in distinct quantized packets - photons
What’s the difference between bosons and fermions ?
Bosons have a regular integer spin (no fractions nor negatives) ie O, 1, 2
Bosons have a symmetrical wave function
Bosons are matter
Fermions have half integer spin 1/2, 3/2 with an anti symmetric wave
Baryons, Leptons and Quarks fall under what category?
Mesons, photons, gravitons, gluons, Higgs-Boson particles are considered ?
What are the seas along Russia’s northern coast from west to east?
Barents Sea, White Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, East Siberian Sea, Chukchi Sea
What & where is Enurmino
It’s the northernmost town on the Chukchi peninsula with a population of 300 something .
What year did we start using PFSAs in manufacturing?
sources of PFSA pollution?
Farms, factories, every day use of household items, firefighters foam
What products contain pfsas?
Shampoo, nonstick cookware, firefighters foam, fast food packaging , stain resistant products , photography , paints, pesticides
What foods contain the most PFSAs?
Pan fried catfish , boiled shrimp, baked tilapia, ground Turkey
Exposure to high levels of pfsas may lead to…
Decreased fertility, high bp in pregnant women, developmental delays, increased risk of certain cancers,, weakened immune system, interference with body’s natural hormones,, increased cholesterol levels and risk of obesity
Greenspan’s coating is derived from…
Sand and does not contain pfas
Bosons are the carriers of?
3 of the 4 fundamental forces:
Electromagnetism (light, photons) strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force
Maybe gravity?
What particles are fermions?
Electrons, neutrinos, protons, neutrons , quarks
What’s a gluon?
A gauge boson, carrier of the strong nuclear force . Gluons bind quarks together to form protons & neutrons . Bind protons & neutrons together to form atoms
What are W and Z bosons?
Carriers of the weak nuclear force.
1 AU is equal to …
AU means astronomical unit
1 AU = about 93 million miles
P.J. soles claim to fame?
Riff Randall in Rock nRoll High School (movie with the Ramoness
What is Fascism?
Extreme nationalism & militarism centered around adoration of the leader. Dissent is discouraged and usually one group is considered better than the other.
What’s silphion/silphium
A plant used in Ancient Greece, Cyrene, Egypt as a medicine and seasoning that was consumed into extinction but now rediscovered in 2022
What’s a kamleika?
A traditional Chukchi dress
What continents have a ridiculous number of snakebite deaths?
Sub Saharan Africa 30,000
India 50,000
Asia 100,000
Of the 18 snake families, what two are the most venomous?
Vipers and elapids (cobras and mambas, taipans)
Elapid venom kills within hours by…
Blocking the transmission of nerve impulses. Paralyzes respiratory so can’t breathe
How does rattlesnake and viper venom harm the body?
Kills within days not hours like elapids. Causes kidney damage, disrupts blood clotting and blood flow, severe hemorrhaging, inflammation and tissue death.
Why do so many people die from venomous snakebites in Africa & Asia
They live in poor rural areas where hospitals are far away and they lack quick transportation
Anti venom is expensive and not readily available
They see a witch doctor
Lack of training in how to use anti venom
What is meant by an atoms energy state?
Refers to the fixed orbitals electrons can be in. The ground state is when their in the lowest levels closest to the nucleus
What is an ionized electron
An electron that is outside its highest orbital
When atoms clump together and enter the same energy state it’s called…
A Bose-Einstein condensate
What’s a polynomial?
An equation that contains letters, regular numbers and exponents.
Bose-Einstein condensâtes weren’t created in a lab (observed in reality) until…
The 1900s
What’s the Pauli Exclusion Principle?
States that fermions (what comprises matter) can’t be in identical quantum states. Atoms can’t occupy the same space at the same time.. Bose-Einstein condensâtes are the exception
Cornell, Wiemen and Ketterle …
These scientists are famous for…
Creating the first actual Bose-Einstein condensate
Which came first? The Ming Dynasty or the Qing Dynasty?
Ming first 14-1500 by 1600 in decline (Tamão)
Qing 1644-1911 (Opium wars)
What is the Forbidden City in China?
The world’s largest palace complex which can fit 50 Buckingham palaces inside . No regular people were allowed to enter its walls.
The Forbidden Palace complex is located within what Chinese City?
From when to when was theForbidden Palace the seat of China’s power?
The Yongle emperor in China’s history?
3rd Ming Ruler, moved capital from Nanjing to Beijing and started construction on the temple complex 1406 - 1420
When was the Ming Dynasty?
When was the Qing Dynasty?
What’s the Forbidden City’s name in Chinese?
Zijincheng purple forbidden city
Purple is considered lucky and symbolizes divinity, immortality and the North Star
When was the Zhou dynasty?
An ancient Chinese dynasty
11-3rd century BC
How are Chinese dragons different from European ones?
Instead of fire breathing monsters to be slain by knights Chinese dragons are powerful & benevolent bringers of life that control the elements
What Caribbean island did Columbus first land on?
Haiti/Dominican republic
Columbus first landed on what Caribbean island?
Haiti/Dominican Rebublic
What’s an astrolabe?
A 16th century sailing instrument used to measure the height of stars above the horizon
How did Charles II avenge his fathers execution?
He had the bodies of Oliver Cromwell, Henry Ireton and John Bradshaw removed from their graves. The bodies were hanged in chains and then beheaded. Body’s thrown in common graves and heads placed on spikes. Cromwell’s head came off. & allegedly through numerous hands
Who was Crassus?
Marcus Licinius Crassus 115-53 BC
Probably richest man in Roman history
Mentor to Julius Caesar and rival to Pompey
General who fought against Spartacus
Etymology of disciple
From Greek work mathētés: «one who engages in learning through instruction from another.”
What is Loperamide?
A drug, taken for diarrhea. Same as immodium?
Contraindications of Loperamide
Do not take if have severe diarrhea after taking antibiotics,
An inflammatory bowel condition, swollen belly, abdominal pain without diarrhea , if have acute dysentery
Do not take loperamide/Imodium with?
Clarithromycin, omeprazole, fluoxetine & citalopram. Also, Tonic water, grapefruit & grapefruit juice- can causé heart rhythm problems
How long should you check for breathing?
At least 5 seconds, no more than 10
How long should you check for pulse?
10 seconds
CPR how many breaths vs chest compressions?
30 compressions, 2 breaths
Nystatin is a medicine for…?
Oral thrush, take 4X per day . It’s a liquid
What people tend to get Thrush?
Infants, people with immune deficiency, people taking a steroid for asthma
What causes thrush? What is it?
A yeast fungi called Candida albicans, most people already have spores in their mouth . If multiply got thrush in the mouth,
Define “prophylactic”
Preventative, given before problem starts
Who got most of the credit for defeating the Slave Rebellion?
Pompey overshadowed Crassus
Crassus’s setback while fighting Spartacus?
Mummius, Crassus’s lieutenant, disregarded Crassus’s orders & openly attacked enemy with two legions. Mummius lost.
How did Crassus punish Mummius for disobeying orders.
Actual decimation, forcing an army member to killing one tenth of his men in view of everyone
Crassus’s downfall and legendary death?
Crassus extorted much wealth from people in Syria but it wasn’t enough. He was defeated by the Parthian king, Orodes II and executed by having molten gold poured down his throat.
Where and what was the kingdom of Parthia
In northern Iran after dissolution of Seleucid dynasty 250 BC
Where was Moesia?
Where was Dacia?
Moesia: Serbia, part of Macedonia, part of Bulgaria
Dacia: Transylvania in Romania
King Charles II was known as…?
The Merry monarch
King Charles II known for?
His political adaptability enabled him to guide hiscountry through the religious unrest between Anglicans, Catholics, and dissenters He came after Oliver Cromwell & the Interegnum
The Hudson Charter
What was the Hudson Bay Charter?
Gave England (exclusive trading rights on Hudson Bay, Canada. The commodity was premium furs.
When was the Hudson Bay Charter?
Where did Taylor Swift grow up?
West Reading, PA
Moved to Hendersonville, TN when she was 13 so she could pursue a career in country music
What is a Herbig-Haro object?
Nebulous newborn stars with narrow jets shooting out the sides
Why do Herbig-Haro jets exist in newborn stars?
When newborn stars eat to much, they throw up. Gravity pulls it matter around it
What are alkali metals?
6 elements that react with water to to form alkalies which are strong bases that neutralize acids
What are the 6 alkali metals?
Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, rubidium, cesium & francium
What types of clothing stains require hot water?
Ones with oil , sweat, foundation
Use cold water on what types of stains?
Wine, blood, chocolate, coffee, grass,
How old was Charles II when he was welcomed back as king?
Charles the II was related to…
His ally, France’s King Louis XIV
What kind of drug is fexofenadine?
It’s an antihistamine
What is fexofenadine’s brand name?
Cetirizine is more commonly known as…
Benefit of fexofenadine ?
Doesn’t cross blood brain barrier & is least sedating of antihistamines
What decreases the efficacy of fexofenadine?
Taking it with juice or antacids
Urticaria is a fancy word for…?
Hives, skin rash triggered by certain foods, medications or stress
What does the T stand for in Captain James T. Kirk?
What is Temazepam?
Also restoril, a sedative used for insomnia, trouble falling or staying asleep.
Temazepam contraindications
Do not take if you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant
Do not take with allergy or cold medicines that make you tired. Nor with narcotic pain meds, depression anxiety meds, muscle relaxers, seizure medicines,other sleeping pills
What are Lanthanides?
A highly reactive group of metals that are separated out from the periodic table & placed on the top row in the bottom. They tarnish when exposed to air due to oxidation and react with water.
Etymology of lanthanides and
Lanthanites (Star Trek)
From Greek word “lanthanein” means to lie hidden
What does “Kothbiro” mean?
Rain is coming” in Luo, a Kenyan folk song , encourages people to live in harmony with nature. Version of Song that’s famous is by Ayub Ogada on my playlist
Who was Leda in Greek Mythology
A Spartan Queen, mother of Helen of Troy. Was seduced by Zeus and different versions have different stories of which kids were hatched from eggs. She had twin sons, Helen and Clytemnestra
Who were the dioskouri in Greek Mythology?
Twin diety sons of Zeus & Leda via swan. Named Castor and Pollux (Polydeuces)
What does the drug, glipizide, do?
Also called glucotrol
Helps with Type 2 diabetes by stimulating the release of insulin from the pancreas which directs the body to store blood sugar
What should one avoid while taking glipizide?
Alcohol, fatty, processed and sugary foods and sweetened beverages
About King Uzziah?
He was a good king of Judah until he entered the temple of the Lord to burn incense instead of allowing the priests to do it. He raged at priests who tried to stop him and got leprosy as a result. Also called Azariah in 2 Kings
What is usury?
Lending money at ridiculously high interest rates.
What’s the difference between vomiting & regurgitation in terms of cats? How can you tell which your cat is doing.
Vomit is partially digested and rejected from the stomach. Regurgitated food never makes it to the stomach but comes up from the throat or falls out of the mouth. If cat makes weird sounds and pumps and retches it’s vomit.
What amino acids do cats need to have healthy fur?
Taurine and arginine
What are Ozempic and Wegovy
Drugs to regulate blood sugar and diabetes that also seem to be effective at promoting weight loss by increasing chemical in brain that says one is full.
What is a semaglutide?
A class of medications that glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists. It mimics the GLP-1 hormone that is released in the gastrointestinal tract in response to eating. One role of GLP-1 is to prompt the body to produce more insulin, which reduces blood glucose (sugar).
In higher amounts it interacts with parts of the brain to produce weight loss
What’s the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes?
Type 1: the pancreas does not produce enough insulin. It’s a genetic disorder that shows up early in life.
Type 2: body does not respond normally to insulin. Largely due to poor diet and develops over time
What is Ouroboros?
An ancient symbol of a dragon or serpent eating its own tail.
What does Ouroboros symbolize
The eternal cycle of death & rebirth
What is the origin of Ouroboros?
Not completely known, but oldest reference found in King Tut’s tomb so some thing. Ancient Egypt. It’s been found all over the world, in Norse, Greek, HINDI, Chinese, Mesopotamian , Siberian, South American and African texts
What is solipsism?
Philosophical theory that only oneself exists. A solipsistic person is very self centered
What does Metformin do?
It’s a biguanide. It decreases the amount of glucose you absorb from your food and the amount of glucose made by your liver. Used to treat Type 2 diabetes
What is lactic acidosis?
A serious condition where lactic acid builds up in the bloodstream.
What causes lactic acid to build up in the blood stream?
When oxygen levels become low in parts of the body where metabolism takes place. Or in response to sympathetic over activity resulting from epinephrine type substances. Intense convulsions or exercise can also cause it.
Build up of lactic acid or lactate in our blood can be caused by what two things?
- Lack of oxygen
- Liver and kidneys aren’t functioning properly
Why is there lactic acid in our bodies in the first place?
It’s a natural byproduct of cellular metabolism . Our cells convert glucose (sugar) to lactate to use for energy in a process called anaerobic glycolysis. They do this when they’re in need of immediate energy that can’t be supplied by oxygen
What where is the Guadalquivir River?
The 5th longest river in the Iberian Peninsula . The only navigable River in Spain from Seville toCadiz
What’s a corsair?
A privateer type pirate, paid to plunder, usually originating in North Africa. Ottoman Barbary or Berber pirates
What does becalmed mean?
Unable to move from lack of wind. Said of ships
What’s a shawm
A double receded woodwind instrument and precursor to the oboe that was used on 16th & 17th century Spanish ships
Oldest dated cave art?
Northern Spain, done by Neanderthals 65,000 years ago
What band sings 80s metal song Rock you like a hurricane ?
The Scorpions
What’s the normal blood sugar level?
Fasting test: 70-100
Random test: under 125
What blood glucose level means diabetes ?
Fasting test: higher than 126
Random: 200 or over
A blood sugar level of 100 to 125 on a fasting blood glucose level is an indication of…?
Impaired fasting glucose , a type of pre-diabetes
What is and causes psoriasis?
We think it’s from the immune system attacking healthy cells. Causes inflammation and overgrowth of skin cells.
What is the Chamber of Vulvas?
A secluded portion of the Tito Bustillo caves, where representations of female genetalia are portrayed.
Interesting features of the Tito Bustillo Caves?
- Early example of prehistoric art
- Named after a caver in the group that discovered it & died young & tragically
- Earliest paintings from 36,000 years ago
- Prehistoric artists used 2 colors and shading to give images depth
- Chamber of Vulvas among earliest representations of female genitalia
- Earliest paintings of a man & woman . Seems sexual
Lead singer of Young the Giants
Sameer Gadhia
Why did ancient Israel split into two kingdoms?
Solomon’s son & heir, Rehoboam, was approached by Jeroboam representing the people of Isreal, who were subject to harsh labor at the end of Solomon’s reign, and asked if Reho would treat him better. Régît friends told him to answer harshly. Jero and northern Isreal rejected God and worshipped idols bc of this
Who was Jeroboam?
First King of Northern Israel who l led secession of 10 tribes. He was an Ephraimite who Solomon put in charge of all the labor in Isreal.
What prophet came to Jeroboam. What was his message
Ahijjah. That God was going to take away from Solomon/his son, 10 kingdoms and give them to Jero. Jero would have an enduring dynasty as long as obeyed God’s commands.
Are tomato plants poisonous ?
Somewhat, but not that much. They’re in the nightshade family and therefore contain solanine, the active poison, but tomato plants have tomadine which isn’t as strong and it’s more concentrated in leaves and stems and unripe tomatoes. A large amount would have to be consumed
Who was Emmet Till?
A 14 year old black boy who was cruelly tortured & killed in 1955 after Carolyn Bryant accused him of whistling at her. This happened in Mississippi in 1955. Bryant’s husband and brother in law kidnapped & killed him & were acquitted of the murders.
Who was Ruby Bridges?
First black child in south to attend all white school. At age of 6. A crowd yelled slurs at her as she entered. Parents withdrew their kids. Only one teacher would teach her & no one was in her class. Her Dad list his job. Grocery store wouldn’t sell to her mom & her grandparents were evicted from their home. This was in Louisiana
What does Nevada mean?
Spanish word for snowy mountains or snowy land
Where is Hadrian’s Wall?
Northern British isle/Scotland
When was Hadrian emperor of Rome? Who preceded him?
117 AD-138 AD
Trajan before
Who were Rome’s “Five Good Emperors”
succession of Nerva (reigned 96–98 CE), Trajan (98–117), Hadrian (117–138), Antoninus Pius (138–161), and Marcus Aurelius (161–180), who presided over the most majestic days of the Roman Empire. It was not a bloodline.
Why were the five good Roman emperors called “good”
They ruled during the most peaceful and prosperous time of the Roman Empire. Succession was not based on a bloodline nor violent takeover rather each emperor adopted a son and named him his successor.
Hadrian’s goal was to
Strengthen & fortify the existing Roman Empire rather than expand it.
Who established Palestine?
Roman Emperor Hadrian after the Bar Kochba revolt where the Jews were brutally suppressed & basically exterminated in that area. Hadrian imported Greco-Roman Syrians and perhaps some veterans of the Roman army.
Who named Palestine, Palestine
Hadrian after the Jews were removed and he wanted to establish a Greco-Roman City
What’s a lich?
A corpse/body. In fantasy fiction, an undead scorcher monster thing
Who was King Agur from Proverbs 30?
Don’t know. Not mentioned anywhere else in Bible. Itbiel recorded the words. Same Ithiel from Nehemiah’s time?
What is the heading of Proverbs 25?
“More Proverbs of Solomon compiled by the men of Hezekiah, King of Judah”
Who was King Lemuel at the end of Proverbs?
Can’t really be sure. Jewish legend says it’s another name for Solomon & it’s advice from his mother, Bathsheba.
What is watermeal?
Also called duck weed or wolffia. It’s an aquatic plant and the tiniest flowering plant in the world. Eaten in Thailand
Watermeal dietary benefits?
Very high in protein. Also has omega 3 fatty acids
What led to Peter & Paul being executed in Rome?
Nero decided to blame the great fire of Rome on them.
How did Julia Agrappina (Agrappina the Younger ) die
Fourth wife and murderer of Claudius, mother of Nero, was killed by her son’s orders by his slave/general
What is a drop bear?
An aggressive predatory koala that drops from its tree and falls on & attacks it’s prey - not a real thing
Where did the ancient Philistines come from?
Egyptian writing states they came from the sea (possibly Greece or Aegean islands) and tried to invade Egypt. After failing they settled in Palestine.
Who were the Luwians?
An ancient people with their own language and cuneiform who occupied western/ southern Turkey from 2000 to 600 BC
What is a langsuyar?
A mythical Malaysian monster. When a pregnant woman dies or dies while in childbirth she becomes a blood sucking ghost who can turn into an owl. Usually had long black hair and long nails. Long sue ear
What ancient biblical culture provides information about the Luwians in their writing
The Hittites
The oldest written language?
Sumerian, Akkadien perhaps also Egyptian hieroglyphs
Name some countries that were never colonized/subjugated by Europe?
China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Iran, Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand
What is riboflavin?
Another word for vitamin B2
Proverbs 3:7-8
“Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.”
Proverbs 3:7-8 NIV
Lord Byron’s most famous work?
Satiric Epic Don Juan
2nd: Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage
An autobiographical poem where he presents himself as a gloomy egoist
Lord Byron’s full name?
George Gordon Byron
Lord Byron first gained recognition with what work?
English Bards and Scotch Reviewers in response to a scathing review of his first book of Poetry
Other things about Lord Byron besides his writing?
Part of Whig party, served in House of Lords, was for rights of the oppressed. Also was known for being unfaithful, had many lady lovers , but also fond of men. Very cynical, Well traveled
Lord Byron’s writings as a result of his affair with his married half sister and Lady Francis Webster at the same time?
The Giaour, The Bride of Abydos, The Corsair, Lara
Define Libertine
a person, especially a man, who behaves without moral principles or a sense of responsibility, especially in sexual matters.
2. A person who rejects opinions in matters of religion; a freethinker.
Did Lord Byron create the character, Don Juan
No, he was a legendary character centuries before and the subject of many songs, poems and stories
When was Lord Byron born? Died ?
Died at 36
Emperor, Claudius I’s first wife?
Plautia Urgulanilla, married when Claudius was 18 divorced on grounds of her adultery & suspected of murder
What four countries did Lord Byron live in?
England, Switzerland, Italy, Greece. Travelled throughout Europe though
What was Lord Byron involved with at the end of his life.
He aided Greece in their struggle for independence from Ottoman rule. He gave $ to the Greek fleet and even led them in battle.
Emperor Claudius I wives
- Plautia Urgulanilla
- Aelia Paetina
- Messalina
- Agrippina the Younger
The Latin name Agrippa means
“Born feet first “
Who did Lord Byron harshly parody in his Ravenna Italy writings?
Robert Southey’s fulsome eulogy of King George III in “Robert Southey, The Vision on Judgement” Ravenna is where he wrote Don Juan
What are the six leptons
And each of their accompanying neutrinos
The building blocks of matter are…
Electrons and quarks
Key characteristic of a lepton
It does not take part in the strong interaction
How did Michael Fagan get into the queens bedroom ?
It wasn’t hard. He climbed the fence, then up a drainpipe to an unlocked window. He did it twice, drinking wine and trying out thrones the first time
Guy who got into the queens bedroom?
Michael Fagan
Did Michael Fagan really have a conversation with the queen?
Fagan has given several accounts but it seems not really, she said what’re you doing here and just a minute I’ll get someone & thats all
What six elements are halogens ?
, fluorine, chlorine Bromine iodine astatine,,, tennessine
What are valance electrons?
Electrons in an atoms outermost shell that can participate in forming chemical bonds.
What is a halide?
A compound containing a halogen atom
What are halogens?
A nonmetallic group on the periodic table that are highly reactive and found in nature combined with something else. Their outer shells always have seven electrons and their tendency is to complete the capacity of their outermost shell & make it 8
What is ciprofloxacin used for?
An antibiotic commonly known as cipro (can also be cetraxal, otiprio, ciloxan)
A broad spectrum antibiotic
How to use epipen basics
Remove blue safety release
Orange end against outer mid thigh
Press hard until clicks
Once click hold for 3 seconds
Define dynamic
Of a process or system characterized by constant change and progress
As a characteristic of a person; positive attitude and full of energy and new ideas
Physics: a force that stimulates change or progress
What are muons ?
A type of subatomic particle in the electron group, but 200 times more massive. Muons penetrate matter deeply and are found when cosmic rays hit the atmosphere
A muon exists for how long?
2.2 microseconds
A muon decays into…?
An electron and two kinds of neutrinos
How can muons penetrate so deeply into the earth if they only exist for 2.2 microseconds?
They move at nearly the speed of light
Which fundamental force causes muons to rapidly decay?
The weak force
How massive is a tau particle
3,477 more massive than an electron
Where in the universe do tau particles exist?
The core of stars, supernova, black holes, neutron stars or particle accelerators
The most massive neutrino?
The tau, therefore it only exist for a very very short time
What is a recrimination?
A retaliatory accusation
What are the negatively charged leptons ?
Electrons muons and taus
Ezra, Zerubabbal vs. Nehemiah roll in rebuilding the temple ?
Zeru went first with Ezra & rebuilt the temple. Nehemiah built the wall.
How did the state of California get its name?
Not certain. Two theories
1. From Spanish “Caliente horno or Latin calida fornax meaning hot oven or
2. From novel by Garcí Rodríguez de Montalvo called Las Sergas De esplandián. There was a pacific island of California ruled by Queen Calafia
What are hadrons?
Particles that interact via the strong interaction. Includes mesons and baryons, but excludes leptons
What are mesons?
Intermediate mass particles which are comprised of a quark antiquark pair.
Three quark combinations are known as…?
The lesser known baryons?
Lambda, sigma, xi and omega particles
What’s a pion?
The lightest meson which is responsible for the strong nuclear force
Mesons are responsible for…?
The residual strong force which is the force that holds the nucleons together after the exchange of gluons has taken place
Do Bosons have mass?
Some do. Some don’t. But no bosons have volume. They do not follow the Pauli exclusion principle
What does the Higgs boson do?
It gives mass to the particles that have mass via the Higgs field
Which bosons have mass?
The carriers of the weak force W+ W- and Z
What is a Higgs field
If a particle is slowed down by crossing this field, it has mass. A photon flies straight through the field without being engaged, hence no pass.
What is a Higgs boson first try?
A clump or ripple in the Higgs field
A particle that has no mass…
Travels at light speed (nothings slowing it) & doesn’t experience time, doesn’t change at all
Where do particles come from
Vibrations in the universes various fields
Finding a Higgs boson just means
Confirmation that there is a Higgs field in that spot.
Quantum field theory describes particles as
Waves in fields
What is the spin of the Higgs boson
- It’s scalar meaning it has no spin
Where’s the Volga River?
In the Russian part of Europe. Starts north of Moscow and empties into Caspian Sea, most of Russias population & commerce is along this river
Longest River in Europe?
The Volga, runs through Russia