Trivia 5 Flashcards
How did the slave known as Onesimus help save people from smallpox in 1721?
He shared a procedure that was done in Africa where smallpox puss was rubbed into an open wound. This was called variolation. Cotton Mather became a proponent of the procedure.
Reduced deaths from 1 in 7 to 1 in 40
What was the name of the only doctor in Boston in 1721 who supported Onesimus’s variolation procedure?
Zabdiel Boylston
What is inoculation?
Introducing the body to a weaker or smaller form of a disease not through injection, to produce immunity.
What did Carole King do before “Tapestry”?
She and her then husband, Gerry Goffin, wrote many hits such as “Natural Woman” - Aretha Franklin
“Will you still love me tomorrow” - Shirelles. “The Loco-motion”
“Pleasant Valley Sunday”- Monkees
“I’m into Something Good” - Herman’s Hermits
“Going Back” - Dusty Springfield
When did Carole King’s Tapestry come out?
Her second solo album (Writer was her first) I. 1971 after she had broken up with husband.
A group of sea turtles is called a…
What is a loupe?
Not loop
A small magnifier used by jewelers and watchmakers.
What’s the name of the series created by Courtney Kemp that ran for six seasons about about a drug king pin who attempts to go legit as a nightclub owner staring 50 Cent as Kanan and has spawned one hit sequel series and 3 more on the way?
Power 2014-2020
What’s rapper, 50 Cent’s real name
Curtis James Jackson III
Who writes the books in the YA series, Vampire Academy
Richelle Mead
What is the Archimedes Principle?
also known as the law of buoyancy, states that any object fully or partially immersed in a fluid will experience an upward force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid.
What are Archimedes contributions to mathematics and engineering
Law of buoyancy
Pi pi” (π), is greater than 3 1/7 but less than 3 10/71;
The law of the lever
The compound pulley
The Archimedes screw (for raising water)
What is pi a calculation of?
the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter,
What problem was Archimedes working on when he discovered the law of buoyancy?
A way to check if King Hiero II’scrown was made completely of gold or had other metals.
When did Archimedes live?
Where did he live?
287-212 BC
Syracuse on the Island of Sicily. He was Greek and this part of Italy was part of the Greek empire.
What’s the equation to achieve equilibrium on a lever?
D= distance from fulcrum
W= weight
1 and 2 are what’s on either side.
Who was Lawrence of Arabia?
A British archeologist, diplomat and intelligence officer who helped Arabs fight against the Ottoman Empire during the First World War. He identified with the Arab people and preferred their style of dress. He advocated unsuccessfully for independence for the Arab countries.
Thomas Edward Lawrence was more commonly known as…?
Lawrence of Arabia
Who was the main character on the TV show, Power
James St. Patrick
Played by Omari Hardwick
Actor David Harbour is known for…
Playing Jim Hopper on Stranger Things also Red Guardian in Black Widow Hellboy in 2019 version Also in Quantum of Solace First Suicide Squad Movie Brokeback Mountain
How many films set in Jungles as Dwayne Johnson starred in?
Five! The Rundown Journey 2: the Mysterious Island Jumanji 1 an 2 And now Jungle Cruise
Who is Hopper (David Harbour) married to?
Lily Allen !!
What does Neolithic mean?
When capitalized : of or relating to the latest period of the Stone Age characterized by polished stone implements
Not capitalized: belonging to an earlier age and now outmoded
(Beginning of agriculture and widespread use of bronze)
When we’re the first Dead Sea scrolls discovered and by who?
In 1947 by Bedouin goat herders.
The oldest found Dead Sea scrolls date back to…?
3rd century BC
When was the Neolithic period
10,000 - 2300 BC
What was the Beatles first hit/first single. What year did it come out?
Love Me Do
What’s the difference between a cation and an anion?
Cation: positively charged, more protons
Anion: negatively charged, more electrons than protons
Who was Frida Kahlo’s first husband
Acclaimed artist, Diego Rivera who was 16 years older.
Frida Kahlo’s painting “Henry Ford Hospital” is about…
Her second miscarriage
What is depicted in Frida Kahlo’s “A Few Small Nips”
Reaction to her husband’s affair. She’s lying naked on the bed, cut up and bleeding with Diego standing over her with a knife.
What does måneskin mean?
Moonshine in Danish
Who wins The Squid Game?
Seong Gi-Hun
In what year was the King James Bible translation completed?
What’s the historical and spiritual significance of the King James Bible?
For the first time, people had access to the word of God since the invention of printing presses made books more affordable. It was the most faithful and scholarly translation to date. Formerly, bibles were only in churches and read by the clergy.
Who was William Tyndale?
Produced first English translation of New Testament in 1525 with severe opposition from England’s monarchy and Catholic Church. His passion was to teach the people of England the good news of justification by faith.
What happened to William Tyndale?
He was tried and executed (burned at the stake) as a heretic in 1536. His life was full of teaching and ministering.
What did the Celts believe happened on Samhain?
The boundary between the worlds of the living and dead became blurred and ghosts returned to earth. They would cause trouble and damage crops, but Druids, Celtic Priests, found it easier to predict the future.
How did Celts celebrate Samhain?
Druids built a huge, sacred bonfire where people gathered to burn crops and animal sacrifices. Celts wore costumes of animal skins and heads and attempted to tell each other’s fortunes.
Where does the tradition of bobbing for apples come from?
When Romans conquered their land in 43 AD, they combined their festivals with Samhain, one of which honored Pomona, Roman goddess of fruit and trees, symbolized by an apple.
“Word” in French
“Food” in French
Mot (Mō)
Nourriture (NU ree chur)
When and how did Halloween come to America?
With Irish immigrants fleeing the potato famine in the 1840’s. They would play pranks and ask for a treat. If one didn’t oblige, they’d play a prank. All hallow’s Eve had been around with various incarnations in different regions, but wasn’t celebrated in colonial Puritan New England.
Before we carved pumpkins, the Irish chiseled faces onto…
Carving jack-o-lanterns comes from what Irish folktale?
Stingy Jack who invited the devil for a drink but did not want to pay for it. He trapped the devil with a cross twice and freed him on the condition the devil wouldn’t claim his soul. When he died he wasn’t let into Heaven and the devil kept his word and gave Jack one burning coal that Jack put into a hollowed out turnip.
Who was Elizabeth Krebs
An avid gardener who wanted to stop the vandalism of her yard on mischief night in 1914.
How did Elizabeth Krebs change the way Halloween is celebrated?
She wanted to tire the children out so she threw a big party for the community called “the Hiawatha Halloween Frolic where people would wear costumes, play games and get treats, there was a costume parade and contest. There was music dancing and guessing each other’s costumes. In Hiawatha, Kansas
What is a sett?
Underground chamber and tunnel system where badgers live
What weird reproductive advantage do female badgers have?
They can maintain embryos in a sort of suspended animation in uterus for months and delay implantation so babies are born in ideal season.
What does Ensorcell mean?
To bewitch, enchant
Definition of profligate?
Wildly extravagant
Shamelessly immoral
A person horribly extravagant and self indulgent
In Doctor Who, what’s the name of the villain who created the Daleks?
What does specious mean?
How about traipse?
Specious: having a false look of truth or genuineness. Sophistic, having a deceptive allure
Traipse: to go on foot, travel about without apparent plan or purpose
Approximately what percentage of food is wasted in the US?
English food waste activists who wrote the book “Waste”
Tristram Stuart
Many foods are wasted solely because …
They don’t look right. There’s nothing wrong with their taste and nutrition.
Who was Vincent Price?
A beloved actor whose career spanned 60 years. Lady film was Edward Scissorhands. Known mainly as a star of classic horror films, but his roles were very diverse
Some of the most known movies starring Vincent Price?
Laura 1944, the Tingler 1958, theatre of blood 1972, Last Man on Earth 1964, the Abominable Dr. Phibes, the Pit and the Pendulum 1962, the House on Haunted Hill 1959
…many more
Who was the first European to land in Hawaii and when?
Captain James Cook in 1778
Where did Cook first land in Hawaii?
Waimea River on Kauai
First people to settle Hawaii and when?
Approximately 400 AD from the Marquesas Islands
What did Cook name the Hawaiian Islands?
The Sandwich Islands after the Earl of Sandwich
When was the attack on Pearl Harbor?
December 7, 1941
Who was Hawaii’s last indigenous ruler?
Queen Lili’uokalani, she was deposed in the 1890s
What’s the name of Queen Lili’uokalani’s palace? What song did she write?
Iolani Palace in Honolulu. “Aloha Oe”
What happened on Captain Cook’s second trip to Hawaii?
He ended up being killed. The Europeans exploited the Hawaiians who thought they were gods. When a crewman died, the Hawaiians were angry.
What did the Hawaiians do with Cook’s body after they killed him.?
Cut off his hands and preserved them in salt and buttocks?? Roasted his body not to eat him but remove the bones per their funerary practices for important people
What’s a wendigo or windigo
: a cannibalistic creature of Algonquian mythology believed to have been a lost hunter forced by hunger to eat human flesh and thereafter to have become a crazed man-eating ogre roaming the forest often portrayed with a antlered stag’s head.
Name some economic advantages of the polar ice melting that are being exploited?
Mining, drilling for oil, tourism like a cruise ship that sails the Northwestern Passage. Arctic Ocean being used as a faster shipping passage.
Who are the Nenets?
The indigenous nomadic reindeer herders who live on the Yamal Peninsula of Russia.
Captain Cook’s accomplishments
Discovered Hawaii, first to circumnavigate and chart New Zealand, first to cross Antarctic Circle, first to encounter aborigines, made detailed maps of New Foundland,, discovered New Caledonia, charted Tonga and Easter Islands. Successfully prevented scurvy on his ships.
Who was Daniel Inouye?
A Japanese American who fought in World War II and was the first Japanese American to serve in the House of Representatives and in the senate representing Hawaii.
What’s a supermoon, also called sugar or sap moon?
When the moon shows at its largest and brightest (7% bigger and 14% brighter than usual)
When does the supermoon happen? Why?
When the moon is closest to earth in its elliptical orbit.
What’s interesting about the shark fossil found in a quarry in Mexico in 2012?
It’s of a shark with long wings, kind of manta ray like
What’s a group of badgers called?
A cete, clan or colony
What’s a group of porcupines called?
A prickle
What’s a group of alligators called?
A congregation
What’s a group of jellyfish called?
A smack
More than one hippopotamus is a…
What lost city came before Macau?
How long was Macau a Portuguese colony?
Who founded the first European settlement in China and when?
Jorge Álvares from Portugal in 1513
How long did the Tamão settlement last? What was interesting about it?
Eight years, fusion of Chinese and European cultures
Who created the legend of Atlantis?
What ended the Portuguese trading town of Tamão?
Portuguese Captain Simao de Andrade did not respect the delicate amicable relationship Alvares had established with the Chinese. de Andrade refused to pay taxes to China, assaulted a Chinese official and started building a fort suggesting military presence. Final straw was when navy refused to suspend trading upon death of Ming Dynasty emperor Zhengde. Chinese navy came in and a bloody battle ensued and surviving Portuguese fled.
What major Chinese city used to be called Canton and resides at the mouth of the Pearl River?
Places around the mouth of China’s Pearl River?
Guangzhou, Shenzhen Macau, Hong Kong
What country is closer to Japan and Russia than to Southeast Asian countries?
North and South Korea
Who was Eddie Aikau?
A renowned lifeguard and big wave surfer in Waimea Bay, Honolulu. He and his brother Clyde never lost a person. Eddie saved over 500 people. 1967-1978
How did Eddie Aikau die?
At age 31, he was on the Hoku’le voyage to Tahiti in a canoe. It got a hole and capsized. Eddie paddled towards Lanai to get help and was never seen again.
What does “Eddie would go!” mean?
Eddie Aikau would go out into the biggest waves to save people while others wouldn’t.
What’s the difference between pahoehoe and aa lava
Pahoehoe lava is smooth and slow moving, dries to look like fabric or “ropy” easy to walk on. Aa is jagged and what is formed if the conditions aren’t right for pahoehoe. These are types of lava seen on the surface.
How is blocky lava different from aa?
Blocky lava is like aa but with bigger blocks and has a high silica content.
What type of lava is formed underwater?
Pillow lava, blobs of lava are cooled quickly by water and form round pillowy shapes about 1 meter across.
Who was the king of Persia who married Esther? What year did he attack Greece?
Xerxes I (also Ahasuerus) 480 BC
In the prophecy in Daniel 11, what does the “kind of the north” and the king of the south refer to?
South:Ptolemy I Soter ruled over Egypt
North: seleucids ruled Israel and Palestine Antiochus Ii
After Alexander the Great, Greek empire was broken into 4.
How hot is lava?
1,300-2,200 f
The more silica lava has the…
More viscous it is. It moves slower. It’s probably aa
Which type of lava forms lava tubes
Features of andesitic lava
Forms block lava, more regular bigger clinkers (jagged pieces) than aa.
Andesite’s composition is between basalt and rhyolite
What is a pyroclastic lava flow?
Very fast hot and deadly like what destroyed Pompeii. Fast advancing cloud of hot ash, gas and lava
What causes pyroclastic lava flows?
Collapse of an erupting explosive column. Boiling over. Collapse of lava domes or flows
What’s the difference between mafic and felsic lava?
Mafic magmas are low in silica and contain more dark, magnesium and iron rich mafic minerals, such as olivine and pyroxene. Felsic magmas are higher in silica and contain lighter colored minerals such as quartz and orthoclase feldspar. … Felsic magma is viscous and does not flow easily.
What is a lahar?
A volcanic mudflow
What type of magma flows easily and is more likely to flow to the surface?
Mafic which is less viscous
Who is the daughter of the king of the south mentioned in Daniel 11:6?
Berenice, Ptolemy II’s daughter.
In Isaiah 43:4, what does “I will give men in exchange for you “mean?
Cyrus would allow Israelites to go back to their land and rebuild the temple and he would be successful conquering Egypt, Cush and part of Saudi Arabia
What is unique about the Mosuo culture?
It’s matriarchal. Marriage doesn’t exist. The Grandmother is head of the family and the women own and inherit property. No stigma attached to multiple sexual partners. Fathers are not involved at all in their children’s lives, but rather help raise their sister’s children.
Where do the Mosuo people live?
Yunnan, southwest China in the far eastern foothills of the Himalayas. Near border if Myanmar/Burma. Near a mountain and Lugu Lake.
One way the Mosuo culture is not progressive towards women.
All women are expected to have children. Motherhood is the highest honor for a woman
What is zuo hun or walking marriage?
In the Mosuo culture, after initiation at age 13, girls can take as many or as few lovers as they’d like.
Who created the first vaccine?
Edward Jenner in 1796. He used cowpox to create immunity to smallpox.
Account of variolation in 1717
In the letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to a friend in the Ottoman Empire, variolation was practiced in Turkey, but there are accounts of similar practices all over the world possibly dating back to 200 BC in India or China.
The universe is estimated to be how old?
15-16 billion years old
Cotton Mather was ahead of his time in what regard (medical field)
First to believe microorganisms were the cause of disease. In 1700s a century before Pasteur and Lister
What was the Royal Philanthropic Vaccine Expedition and when was it?
Spanish King, Charles IV sent and expedition to South and Central America, phillipines, Macau and Canton/Guangzhou to bring Jenner’s smallpox vaccine to the colonies. Lasted from 1803-1896
Who led the Spanish Royal Philanthropic Vaccine Expedition?
Francisco Xavier de Balmis
How was the vaccine kept viable during the long oversea journey of the Royal Philanthropic Vaccine expedition?
From arm to arm of 22 orphaned children ages 8-10. 3-9 ?
Earliest evidence of smallpox?
Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses V, who died in 1157 B.C. His mummified remains show telltale pockmarks on his skin.
What was the Byzantine Empire?
The Eastern Roman Empire that continued on after Western Rome’s fall. It was comprised of the tip of Italy, Greece, Macedonia, Turkey, Bulgaria, the Slavic nations.
How long did the Byzantine empire last?
330 AD (Constantine I moved capital to Byzantium/Constantinople) Fell to Ottomans 1453
When did the Roman Empire split into eastern and western?
285 AD by Emperor Diocletian
When and where did Justinian’s plague occur?
Byzantine empire 541-542 AD
588? 750?
Where did the Justinian Plague come from? What type of plague was it?
Black rats aboard trade ships. Believed to have originated in China and NE India but brought to Constantinople through Africa. It was a bubonic plague.
What was the first ever recorded pandemic or plague. What did people believe was the cause?
The Justinian plague. People attributed the plague to the wrath of God.
What bacteria caused the Justinian Plague?
Yersinia Pestis, bubonic plague, often called just “plague” behind The Black Death
What is the bubonic plague?
It’s caused by the bacteria yersinia pestis which comes from flea bites and causes buboes which are very large, painful swollen lymph nodes (could be big as a chicken egg.) on neck, groin and armpits.
What show was Shelley Fabares on as a child/teen?
The Donna Reed show. 1958-1966
Longest continually inhabited cities in world
Jericho 11,000 - 9,000
Damascus 10,000 - 8,000 BC
Byblos- Lebanon
The Justinian Plague is believed to have killed?
Between 30 and 50 million people, half the world’s population.
When was the Black Death?
How many died?
1347-1351 peak?
Approximately 50 million
Or 70-200 million
How did the Black Plague arrive in Europe?
In 1347, 12 ships docked at the Sicilian port of Messina. Plague had been in Asia and Middle East in the early 1340s
The bubonic plague killed approximately
One third of Europe’s population
How did Yersinia Pestis diseases spread to humans?
Through rodents and their fleas.
Flea bites
What was probably the worst plague in history. What helped to stop it?
The Black or Bubonic Plague when it first appeared in the 14th century. This was when people first started quarantines. Arriving Sailors had to stay in their ships 30, later 40 days before they could disembark.
What type of plague hit London in 1665?
The Bubonic Plague
Who plays the pretty would-be girlfriend in the first Ghostbusters movie?
Sigourney Weaver
In what year was Edwin Chadwick’s “Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain. “
In 1854 in London what did Dr. John Snow show about the cholera epidemics?
The link between bad water and cholera.
What three recommendations did Chadwick make in his sanitation report.
Cities need refuse removal
Clean water in every home and an effective sewage system
A qualified medical officer in each area
What did Chadwick’s report show. What did the report ultimately lead to?
That poverty and ill health were not caused by idleness and that urban material progress led to more not less health problems.
Lead to the Public Health Act of 1848. World’s first modern system of public health emerged
What was the “Great Stink” of 1858 in London?
Refers to when hot weather exacerbated the smell of raw sewage and industrial pollution in the Thames.
What is scrofula?
Tuberculosis of the neck, causes inflamed lymph nodes
Monty’s Python’s “Bring out your dead” sketch was inspired by what historical event.
The Great Plague of London” in 1665. Families were someone was sick were confined to their homes and the death cart would come around every morning to remove those who died and dump them in mass graves.
What does “Dickensian” mean?
Reminiscent of the poor living conditions of the working class in industrialized Victorian England. Entails bleak scenes of poverty, hardship, squalor, and unsafe working conditions.
What are Charles Dickens’ most famous novels?
Oliver Twist, a Christmas Carol, Great Expectations, Bleak House, David Copperfield, the Pickwick Papers, A Tale of Two Cities
What causes earth to have magnetic poles?
The solid core is made of iron. Molten, conductive fluid in the outer core is constantly moving. This generates a magnetic field via the dynamo effect.
What is cholera
An acute diarrheal disease caused by bacteria that infects the small intestine and can be fatal. Contracted from infected water supplies.
What are the symptoms of cholera
Severe diarrhea leading quickly to dehydration. Diarrhea has pale milky appearance like water rice was cooked in. Abdominal pain, vomiting.
Does Cholera still exist today?
In non-industrialized countries such as parts of Africa, Southeast Asia and Haiti.
What does the cholera bacteria do to the intestines?
Cholera toxin causes the cells lining the intestines to release increased amounts of water leading quickly to dehydration
First detailed account of cholera?
Described by Gaspar Correa, a Portuguese historian described an outbreak in the Ganges Delta in 1543. Killed victims within 8 hours of developing symptoms.
When was the first cholera pandemic?
Started in Ganges Delta in 1817, spread through Asia teaching China 1820, Japan 1822. Also spread to Persian Gulf, Turkey Russia 1821
When was the second Cholera pandemic?
1829, also thought to have originated in Europe. In England in 1832.
What slowed Cholera’s spread?
Cold winters. Bacteria dies in cold water.
When was the third and deadliest Cholera pandemic?
1852-1859 devastated Asia, Europe, Africa, North America. 1854 John Snow identified contaminated water pump in Soho London
Who’s the female lead singer of Chvrches?
Lauren Eve Mayberry (She’s Scottish)
Who was Esther Ahn Kim?
A Korean missionary who faced severe persecution when Japan annexed Korea and forced them to worship Shinto idles. Only person who Refused to bow to an idol. Was in prison for six years.
What was Esther Ahn Kim’s Korean name? What book tells her story?
Ahn Ei Sook
“If I Perish”
What did Esther Ahn Kim do to prepare for possible imprisonment?
Memorized 100 Bible chapters and hymns. Fasted from food and water and slept in the cold.
What was the Profumo affair scandal of the 1960s
Profumo was Britain’s Secretary of State for War. He had an affair with a 19 year old girl who was also involved with a Russian military attaché which led to accusations of espionage. Profumo denied he was involved with her and resigned after it was proven.
What other names are associated with the Profumo scandal?
Stephen Ward, an osteopath artist socialite who set up meetings of the aristocracy with the underworld. Christine Keeler, 19 year old dancer. Eugene Ivanov, Prime Minister Macmillan
What is a military attaché?
a military expert who is attached to a diplomatic mission,
What does CEA stand for on a blood test?
Carcinoembryonic antigen, a glycoaprotein involved in cell adhesion produced in a fetus’s bloodstream that diminishes after birth. High levels in an adult could indicate cancer.
What is CEA’s relationship to cancer?
CEA is made by cancer cells or normal cells in response to the presence of cancer.
What is a normal CEA level in a blood test?
Who was the first nonprofessional actor to win an Oscar and for what and when?
Real life veteran and double amputee Harold Russell in 1947 for his portrayal of Homer Parrish in The Best Years of our Lives”
Name non-professional actors who’ve won Oscars.
- Haing Ngor, Khmer Rouge refugee “Killing Fields” 1984
- John Houseman “The Paper Chase” 1973
- Jennifer Hudson “Dreamgirls” 2006
- Harold Russell, double amputee “The best Years of Our Lives”
- Anna Paquin age 11 for the Piano 1993 (never acted before that)
- Marlee Matlin deaf actress at age of 22 “Children of a Lesser God” 1986
Issa Rae stars in what show?
Insecure, 2 African American best friends deal with their own insecurities and flaws.
Why were John Leonard Dober and David Nitschman noteworthy missionaries
They were from the Moravian Protestant Church and sold themselves into slavery in 1732 in order to reach the enslaved people of St. Thomas. Or they stayed their willingness to be sold as slaves, but authorities didn’t allow it since they were white so they went and worked their trade.
Who was Count Zinzendorf?
Gave persecuted Moravians asylum on his estate in Saxony, Germany . Full name Nikolaus Ludwig Graf von Zinzendorf. Count’s estate was in Saxony.
What started the Moravian mission to St. Thomas?
A black servant named Antony/Anton from the court of the King of Denmark was brought to Herrnhut by Count Zinzendorf to plea for volunteers to go to his native St. Thomas and preach the gospel. His sister Anna was there. (Early 1730s)
The Moravian missionaries were the first to…
Encourage non segregated worship and witness to the slaves of the Caribbean
What/where is Saxony?
A region of Germany in the middle eastern side in the border of Czech Republic. Historically the region of the Germanic Saxons in the “dark” ages.
Where is Moravia
In what is now known as the Czech Republic. It was a major kingdom before it was incorporated into Bohemia in the 11th century.
The beginning of the Moravian Church?
Unity of the Brethren Church founded in 1400s in Moravia, Czech Republic, believed the Bible was the only source of God’s true word. In 1722 there was a revival after small group went to Saxony (Herrnhut) and were moved to travel overseas to reach people.
What are Moravian beliefs?
Bible is only source of God’s word.
All church members must achieve holy perfection
Must live true Christian life
Must believe in God and Jesus to enter Heaven.
What is the Moravian motto?
Our Lamb has conquered. Let us follow Him”
What does legend say Dober and Nitschman cried out as they were leaving for St. Thomas?
“May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward for his suffering!”
What’s remarkable about the Moravian prayer chain that started in Herrnhut in 1727?
It went on, nonstop for 100 years! 65 years after commencement of prayer chain, the small community had sent out 300 missionaries!
What’s it like working at the Bovanenkovo gas fields on the Yamal Peninsula?
Shifts are 8am to 8 pm for one month. The train commute from Salekhard to Bovanenkovo takes 24 hours. Many workers take several days just to reach train station. Workers sleep 4 to a room.
What’s the first offshore oil platform to be built in the Arctic?
In 2013 Russia opened the Prirazlomnaya platform in the Pechora Sea south of Novaya Zemlya
What’s the purpose of a CA 19-9 blood test? What is CA 19-9
A protein in the blood that is produced by cancer cells or cells near cancer.
What’s the normal level of CA 19-9 in the blood?
0-37 U/ml units/millimeter
High levels of CA 19-9 could indicate?
Pancreatic cancer, other cancers, pancreatitis, bile duct blockage, liver disease, cystic fibrosis, gallstones, cirrhosis
What is cirrhosis?
Scarring of the liver tissue, scar tissue doesn’t do what liver tissue is supply to do.
What are amps, volts and watts?
Amp: measured the flow of electric current. (Ie more water flowing thru a pipe, the stronger the current is-speed electrons flow
Volts: how much force needed to cause current to flow (ie water pressure) difference in the number of electrons between any 2 points
Watts: Amps times volts = watts or amount of energy
What are ohms?
Measure of electrical distance in a conductor
How are amps, volts, watts and ohms represented in equations?
Amps: I
Volts: V
Watts: P
Ohms: R
What’s the difference between a transmitter and transducer?
basically, a transducer measures pressure, load, force, or other states, and converts the reading into an electronic signal. A transmitter also converts a reading into an electronic signal, but it then amplifies, modifies, and sends that signal to a receiver.
How is the Fibonacci sequence calculated?
The sum of the previous two numbers. Fn in equations
What are the numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence?
What is the golden ratio (phi =
What is yedoma?
Organic-rich, Pleistocene-age permafrost. Found In Alaska, Canada Siberia
What’s interesting about the El Argar burial site dating back to 1700BC
Suggests that women may have had political power.
Where’s the Festival of La Maya celebrated. What does it celebrate?
Celebrated in Colmenar Viejo, Spain. Festival marks the arrival of Spring.
What happens in the Festival of La Maya?
A few girls between the ages of 7 and 11 are selected to be Mayas. They then need to make an alter of fresh flowers and a dress and sit perfectly still in it for two hours while towns people walk by.
Why is thawing Yedoma permafrost not good for the environment?
It contains twice as much carbon as what’s in the atmosphere. As Yedoma thaws, it releases carbon into the atmosphere which amplifies global warming.
What’s a boreal forest?
A snow forest or taiga. Made up of deciduous trees and conifers. Found in Alaska, Canada and Russia.
Although the ice is melting, what threats do Arctic mines and oil platforms face.
Periods of little daylight making it hard to work, extreme cold, hurricane level winds and as high as 50 foot waves.
How is the design of the Goliat oil platform unique and enable it to withstand Arctic weather?
It’s twenty five stories tall with a huge round orange hull where it can store oil and withstand wind and waves. It floats and is anchored in the path of the Gulf Stream which keeps the water mostly ice free.
What’s the name of the main island in the Seychelles?
Other two main islands: Praslin and La Digue.
The Seychelles are due East of what African country and near what two other island nations.
Due East of Tanzania and near Comoros and Madagascar
How did the Seychelles get its name?
Seychelles islands were named after Jean Moreau de Séchelles, Louis XV‘s Minister of Finance, in 1756 when the French set a Stone of Possession on the islands Mahé.
What was Fibonacci’s real name?
Leonardo of Pisa
Leonardo Bonacci
Fibonacci kind of made up (Son of Bonacci)
When did Fibonacci live?
Fibonacci’s main contribution to mathematics aside from the sequence.
He introduced the western world to the Arabic number system which is what we use instead of Roman numerals.
Who was the first person in history to describe the properties of zero?
When did Brahmagupta live?
Where did The Arabic number system that Fibonacci loved originate?
India Brahmagupta
Brahmagupta’s contributions in mathematics?
Described zero (a number minus itself) (0 divided by any other # is 0)
First to discover formula for solving quadratic equations
Described pi as 3 or square root of 10 (3.162)
Established rules for working with + and - numbers
Said Earth closer to moon than sun
Identified year as 365 days, 6 hours, 12 minutes, 9 seconds
Calculated that Earth is a sphere
Formula for finding the area of a 4 sided shape in a circle
What’s a quadratic equation?
An algebra equation that is written to equal 0
What is Xn+2=Xn+1+Xn
Mathematical equation for the Fibonacci sequence
How is the Fibonacci sequence seen in flowers?
Many flowers either have 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, or 55 or 89 petals. The spiral in the center of Sunflowers.
How is the Fibonacci sequence observed on tree branches?
As the leaves spiral around the stick, a leaf in an identical position is either 3, 5, or 8 leaves away.
Bengaluru and other cities in India have many of what in their streets?
Stray dogs (Indies) run rampant.
What are some of the problems caused by “Indies” in Indian streets? What type of solution is trending?
Bites attacks and rabies deaths caused by dog bites. Many people are adopting Indies. The trend is towards compassionate solutions like vaccination, spaying and neutering where there’s funding. In 70s and 80s they were rounded up and killed.
What animal has the most legs?
Recently discovered Eumillipes Persephone has 1,306 legs. It’s the first true millipede (millipede means thousand legs) found 200 feet underground in Australia, 4 inches long
How are each of the five days of Diwali celebrated?
Day 1:bake sweets, clean home, pray to Lakshmi
Day 2: decorate their homes, rangoli
Day 3: go to temple, gather with family and friends, fireworks, light their lamps
Day 4: New Year and gift exchange
Day 5: time to honor siblings
What religions celebrate Diwali?
Hindu’s Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists
What does “Diwali” mean?
What is essentially being celebrated?
“Festival of Lights”
Triumph of good over evil
How is Diwali celebrated?
Varies from region to region, but most commonly, homes are decorated, rangoli, family gatherings, fireworks, charitable giving, temple, sky lanterns, big party
Members of the Eagles?
Don Henley, Glenn Frey, Joe Walsh, Timothy B. Schmidt
What year did “Appetite For Destruction” come out? What year was “Sweet Child O Mine” a single?
Debuted 1987
Sweet Child…1988
What Indian state is the city of Hyderabad in?
Bengaluru is the capital of what Indian state?
What four large states make up the southern tip of India?
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala (little Goa on Western Coast)
What and when is dev diwali?
Also called Dev Dipawali, celebrated 15 days after Diwali. Many Lights float in Ganges and lights decorate the shores. Believed to be the night the gods descend to earth to bath in the Ganges.
Indian godess Lakshmi?
Also called Shri, Hindu goddess of wealth and good fortune, wife of Vishnu
What fruits reflect the Fibonacci sequence?
Pinecones, pineapples, cauliflower
Where is the Fibonacci sequence seen in biology
Shells, segments of a fruit fly, curve of parrots beak, lions claws, rams horn, elephant tusks, measurements of DNA molecules, spiral of ear, spiral on side of fist
Fibonacci sequence also said to be seen in…?
Galaxy spirals, hurricanes, ocean waves
What animal has the second highest number of legs?
The white millipede named lllacme plenipes (Latin for “the pinnacle plentiful feet”) and found only in a small area of Northern California btwn Oakland and Berkeley, has 750 legs
How many legs does Illacme plenipes have?
Besides having 750 legs, what else is interesting about Illacme Plenipes?
Hairs on its back produce silklike product. Has a fused mouth it doesn’t seem to use for anything
How can one apply the golden ratio to design
For a complimentary bigger element multiply by 1.618
For a complimentary smaller, divide by 1.618
How do you calculate the golden ratio?
Example 21 + 34 divided by 34 (higher of 2 numbers divided)
If divide the lower, it’s always 2.6!