Trivia Flashcards
White gold is made of…
Gold & palladium (46)
Interesting property if palladium
Can absorb 900x it’s own volume of hydrogen
Jupiters 4 biggest main moons (Galilean ) moons
Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto
Unique features of Europa
Has lots of water, theorized ocean under ice could have life. On earth life could exist by subterranean volcanoes
What’s LENR
Low emiting nuclear reaction
Widom-Larsen theory
Wisdom Larsen theory
Low emitting nuclear reactions
LENR more plausible explanation for results of cold fusion experiment 1989 (pons & fleischmann)
How do car engines work?
Spark causes gasoline vapor & air in the cylinder to explode. Turbo uses rush of exhaust from exiting the engine to spin a turbine which drives a compressor that crams extra air into the cylinder extra air means more fuel burns
Longest neck of any animal who has ever lived
Elasmosaur, 76 vertebra neck, 39 foot long aquatic dinosaur
Earths magnetic poles are believed to switch every
200,000 years
Prinzmetal’s disease
Variant angina :sudden &severe spasm of the coronary artery, reversible & unprovoked
What is angina?
Chest pain caused by heart not getting enough oxygen
Hydrogen peroxide & & sulfur dioxide on planets is interesting because
Play vital roles in chemical reactions that form the foundation of life.
How can Europa possibly have life if surface is -260 degrees?
Elliptical orbit & Jupiter’s huge gravitational pull expand & contract europa’s core producing heat.
Titans surface (a Saturn moon)
Has an atmosphere & lakes of methane
A moon of Saturn, interesting bc has water on surface in form of vapor & polar ice caps. Geysers shoot water vapor out. It has an atmosphere
How can europa’s chaotic ice scape, Thera Macula, provide clues to how life could form there?
Heat from below melts a pocket above in the ice. The pressure causes the water to flow strangely. Ice above eventually caves in providing surface compounds like hydrogen peroxide & sulfur dioxide to warmer water in lake pocket below maybe forming ecosystems of microbes ??
Bright moon on Saturn
Enceladus bc it’s one big snowball, surface ice reflects light, it had an ocean of actual water by South Pole
Core of dwarf planets
Rocky, cool, no molten stuff
Highest mt in northamerica where is it?
Mt McKinley in Alaska
Largest network of caves
Mammoth caves in Kentucky
Who is Elizabeth loftus?
A psychologist, wrote the myth of repressed memory. Her studies show how easy it is to make people remember things that didn’t happen.
Bottom most layer of atmosphere
Troposphere where clouds are, 12 miles up, stratosphere is on top of that
Difficulty with wind as an energy source
We don’t fully understand how wind behaves. As a result, the system overloads & windmills break when wind gets too strong.
Windmills need to be made to be more adaptable to wind changes & we need to be able to better predict what the wind will do.
Ineffable means?
Beyond expression in words; unspeakable.
Quale, qualia
A property considered separately from a thing having that property. Qualia is plural
What’s a kinase
Regulates cell growth
HER2 & herceptin
Gene that mutates in 25% of breast cancer patients. Herceptin is effective in treating only only breast cancer that arises from this genes mutation.
ALK & xalkori
Xalkori only works on lung cancer patients with an ALK MUTATION
What are the problems with a police lineup
Eyewitness memory is not reliable & often leads to innocent people being convicted. Memory can be shaped by other people’s influence & the pressure people feel to choose someone from a lineup.
Well’s alternative to a traditional police lineup.
Sequential lineup where you view one suspect at a time.
Hyper connectivity in what brain region has been implicated in depression?
Left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
Why does plastic live forever in landfills?
Molecules are too huge for bacteria & fungi to digest
Most common type of plastic?
What is plastic made of
Very very long molecules, like strings of beads. Molecular units are called polymers.
Who invented cellophane, what year?
Swiss chemist, Jacques brandenberger in 1908.
When was the first plastic invented, when was it actually used in homes.
1850 by Alexander parkes, flammable material broke easily once mass producer. 1908-1903
Prehistoric trees, pre-dinosaur that were 80 feet tall & looked like bottle brushes
What are lycopsids?
A very primeval type of plant that grew in swampy areas once dominantly and accounts for most of our coal. Only lycopsids around today (6 kinda) ground cover, club moss
Best defense against a shark attack
Fight back, hit it in nose & eyes, don’t swim away don’t play dead
Possessing or believed to possess protective magical power.
According to Robert Trivers, the evolutionary biologist at Rutgers, what is the evolutionary advantage of us lying to ourselves?
It’s easier to fool others
James Webb Space telescope
Hubble’s successor, set to launch later in the decade, will be the largest telescope in space & parked farther out than Hubble
Light amplified by stimulated emission of radiation
What are plasmons?
Sets of electrons that collectively oscillate as one.
What’s a moraine
Levee type horseshoe shaped structure left behind when a glacier receded
Main river in Alaska
Konrad Lorenz
Famous Austrian animal behaviorist. Imprinted goose chicks to think he was Mom.
Klimely’s theory about sharks
He theorizes that sharks navigate by sensing magnetic fields from underground lava flows. Sharks could swim out 10 miles from school and ret on exact same path
What’s the point of Klimley, Ketchum etc shark tagging research.
To locate where sharks go to breed & estab them as MPA (marine protected areas)
How could protocells save Venice?
Protocells are a few chemicals wrapped in a membrane. Protocells would attach to rotting wood & Chemical reaction would transform membranes into hard calcium to form core of a reef.
How could bacteria be a building material
Grow it around a lattice
Girl Scouts founder
Juliette Gordon Lowe
What year was Girl Scouts founded?
Noah’s 3 sons
Shem (Semites) ham (African) Japheth(Caucasian)
Noah’s ark came to rest where?
Mt Ararat in Turkey
What was Noah’s fathers name?
Adam & eves 3rd son
Seth ancestor of Noah Abraham gods preferred bloodline
Birthplace of Girl Scouts ?
Savannah, Georgia
Capital of Dem. republic of Congo
Most of the worlds chocolate comes from…
West Africa 70% (northern half)
Year first American cookbook was published
1796 “American Cookery”
Who was the first Hebrew/Jew?
What was Jacob’s daughter’s name?
How did the Jews get into Egypt before Moses?
Joseph brought them down to protect them against the 7 year famine. (All 12 of his brothers, 12 tribes of Isreal)
Mc stands for
Master of Ceremonies
Is Jesus descended from Joseph & his Egyptian wife?
No. He’s a descendant of Judah, jacobs oldest son with Leah
Nas’s real name
Nasir Jones
Who was Nas’s Dad
Jazz musician Olu Dara (absent Father)
He sucked
Who wrote Crime & Punishment
Who is Rodion_Romanovich_Raskolnikov
Protagonist in Crime & Punishment
How many sets of teeth do elephants go through in their lifetime?
How many pounds of food does an elephant eat in a day?
Asian 300
Need to chew constantly
Most quinoa in us comes from
Evolutionary advantage of pruny digits
Helps grip wet stuff better ie fish, rocks
Why may women be better at remembering faces?
Study shows women move eyes more times (scan more) btwn features
12 tribes of Isreal
Reuben Simeon Judah Issachar Zebulun Benjamin Dan Naphtali Gad Asher ephraim & Manasseh
Father of the 12 tribes of Isreal
Jacob (ephraim & Manasseh) we’re Joseph’s adopted sons
Why isn’t Joseph a tribe of Isreal ?
Genesis 48: Jacob blessed Joseph’s first 2 sons, ephraim & Manasseh & said they would be called his
What year was the Hoover Damn started, completed
Substantia Nigra
Produces dopamine
Important in reward
Diesseroth method “clarity” for mapping the brain
Makes a mouse brain clear by replacing light scattering compounds in the brain with transparent ones. Than used glowing chemical labels that attach to certain proteins to trace neural pathways. Can then rinse & do another one.
First 5 numbers pi
What is the name of the Wright brothers plane that was the first to fly?
The flyer
Where did wright bothers plane make it’s first flight?
Kitty hawk North Carolina
Name 2 moons of Uranus
Titania & Miranda
What year did Wright bros. plane make 1st flight?
Who sings summer in the city
Lovin’ spoonful
What are Linus , Lucy & reruns last name?
Van Pelt
Adult lions can weigh up to
500 lb
What is a Pikaia?
Prehistoric wormlike animal, first sign of a backbone
3 divisions of Mesozoic Era (age of dinosaurs)
Triassic ;earliest
What was Abraham’s hometown? Where was it?
Ur btwn Tigris & Euphrates by Persian gulf of rt/ east side of Arabian desert. Modern day southern Iraq
7 major moves of the Old Testament
- Eden to Ur (Abe’s hm town)
- Ur to Haran (pt 1 Gods command)
- Haran to Isreal with baby Isaac
- Isreal to Egypt (Joseph)
- Egypt to Isreal (exodus 40 yrs)
- Isreal to Babylon (neb exile)
- Babylon & back again
Abraham’s dad’s name?
Muhammad’s wife’s name
Alaric’s historical significance
Visigoth/barbarian/German King who conquered Rome 400 something AD
Zerubabbel’s historical significance?
Returned to Jerusalem after exile in Babylon to rebuild God’s temple. Sent by Persian King Cyrus. Zeru took 1st group back.
Only 2 tribes that got to return to Jerusalem after Babylonian exile?
Tribe of Judah & Benjamin
Who was Deborah in the Bible?
Female prophet in Judges. Went to battle against Jabin, King of Canaan. With Barak of Naphtali
Where is David in the Bible?
Book of II Samuel
Where is Elijah in the bible?
1 kings Solomon & breaking away of Isreal
Where is Elishah in bible?
II kings - the divided kingdom & scattering of tribes
Who was Barak in bible?
Book of Judges, Deborah told him God wanted him to go against Jabin (King) Sisera (commander of army) Barak wouldn’t go unless Debirah went with him
Who was Jael in the bible?
Wife of Heber the Kenite, descendants of Hobab, Moses’s brother in law, she killed Sisera, commander of Jabin’s army in Judges 4
When & where was the ice cream cone popularized?
1904 worlds fair in St. Louis Missouri
Where was 1904 worlds’ fair?
At Louis Missouri
Where does word “fruit” come from?
Latin word “fructus” means “enjoyment”
Who named Pluto?
11-14 yr old Venetia Burney.?shes English?
Who discovered Pluto & when?
Clyde Tombaugh in 1930
What’s the capital of Georgia?
What body of water borders Georgia on the west?
Black Sea
What 3 countries border Georgia to the south ?
Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan
What mountain range runs through northern Georgia ?
Caucasus mountains
What’s interesting about upper Svaneti?
Culture isolated by Caucasus mountains remained undisturbed till Russia collected countries. Many medieval customs still practiced today.
Which spacecraft gave us eye opening images of Titan?
Advantages of now experimental silk screws
Biodegradable, can be used to join broken bones & no need for surgery to remove them David Kaplan tufts university
What do meerkats eat?
Bugs, larvae, scorpions spiders ,millipedes
Where are meerkats habitat ?
Southern part of Africa, semi arid, Botswana Namibia South Africa
Hogar Spanish word for
What is black tea called in China?
Red tea
Eating rhubarb
Stalks ok, leaves are poisonous
5 members of NWA
Dr Dre, Ice-T, Easy-E, MC Ren, Old Yella
Also Arabian Prince left b4 Straight Outta Compton. Mc ren joined later
Origin of word “ok”
Mispelled “oll korrect” used by editors in 1830,s orl korekt
Popularized by van buren campaign “old kinderhook”
What are the largest species of otter?
Amazon & Orinoco river dwelling Goan river otters.
How do Jaguars catch their prey?
They don’t chase it. They perch on branches & jump on top of it in Amazon rainforest.
4 compounds that make up DNA?
Adenine guanine cytosine thymine
What are stratus clouds?
Rain clouds low &; flat
What is a perissodactyl?
Animal with odd number of toes on hooves ( horse, tapir, rhino)
Name 3 perissodactyls
Horse, rhino, tapir
Date of first moon landing
July 20th, 1969
Where do hippos live?
Rivers, lakes & swamps of subSahara Africa
What is markhor?
Type of mountain goat found in tadjikstan, aphghanistan, Uzbekistan mountains
Interesting features of a Gerenuk
Very slender long neck, legs like sticks, a small antelope gazelle that lives in Ethiopia area of Africa
The veins &; arteries of plants
Phloem brings food from photosynthesis from leaves through tree. Xylem : tubes that bring water & ; nutrients from roots up
2nd biggest moon in the solar system
Saturn’s biggest moon
The moons of which planet are named after Shakespeare characters?
Gideon’s evil son & Gideon’s good son
Abimelech: bad, Jotham: good
Where did the Ebola virus get its name?
A modest waterway in Zaire where the Ebola virus first appeared in 1976
What is the most common food truck specialty?
Which city has the most food truck businesses?
A group of orcas is called a…
How can you tell a male orca from a female?
Males have a tall dorsal fin
How does oxygen get into the blood stream?
Microscopic sacs called alveoli (alveolus singular) have put oxygen in close contact with ends of capillaries and cross the membrane
What is a cetacean?
Dolphin porpoise, orca, whales
Are there plants in Antarctica?
No trees or shrubs. Only 2 flowering plants: Antarctic hair grass & pearlwort.
Grows in south Orkney islands, South Shetland islands & western Antarctic peninsula
Which pole is colder? Why?
Antarctica is coldest place on earth. No ocean currents to warm interior of land.
Who was Jawaharlal Nehru?
India’s first prime minister after independence from britains rule in 1943 ish?
State capital of North & South Dakota?
North: Bismarck
South: Pierre
Capital of Montana
Which 4 prophets lived right before the fall of Judah.
Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Habakkuk & Daniel.
What year did Neb invade Jerusalem?
Also year book of Daniel starts in
605 BC
What does “Septuagint” mean?
The translation of the Old Testament into Greek which occurred circa 3rd century BC. Septa bc it was done by approx 70 Hebrew scholars
The Maccabean rebellion was against who?
Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Greek/Seleucid ruler of the province (Greece split into 4 after Alexander’s death)
What does Hellenize mean?
To shape people into a Greek worldview. Historically done during the Grecian empire.
What is the Secretary bird’s habitat?
Savannahs of central & South Africa
What is a natural predator of the Black mamba snake?
Secretary bird
Worlds fastest terrestrial snake
Black mamba
Who created Thomas the Tank Engine?
Reverend Wilbert Awdry
On what island does Thomas the tank engine stories take place?
Sodor in England
What year did Thomas the Tank Engine first appear?
1946 in rev. Wilbert Awdry’s Railway Series
What is “repowering” in terms of conservation/saving the planet?
Taking something old and obsolete like a coal-burning factory or diesel garbage truck and retrofitting it with a cleaner power source.
What is helenite?
A deep green jem produced in the eruptions of Mt. St. Helens
A group of goats is called a…
Kraków and Vistula River are in what country
Poland (Vistula also touches Russia
Deut. 31:6
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.””
Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV
Where’s Saskatoon & Regina?
Saskatchewan, Canada
Who discovered the God Particle? When?
Carl Haber,
What is the IRENE computer program designed to do?
Allow us to hear old, damaged audio, it uses optical technology to create a detailed map of the surface of old recordings
What is Bisbee’s Black and Blue Marlin Tournament and where is it?
The Super Bowl of fishing competitions in Cabo San Lucas Mexico
What 6 states border Wyoming
Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska
What countries border Honduras?
Guatemala, El Salvador and Costa Rica
Maracaibo is in what country?
Name two cities in Columbia besides Bogota?
Cartagena, Medellin, Pereira, Barranquilla, Cali, bucaramanga
2 landlocked nations of South America?
Bolivia & Paraguay
Gaborone is the capital of…
What’s the capital of Nigeria?
Luanda is the capital of..,
What countries border Luxembourg ?
France Belgium Germany
Where is Zagreb?
What does “tabernacle” mean?
A dwelling place, a residence
B-Real is from…
Cypress Hill
Master craftsman of the tabernacle ?
Names of John the Baptists parents?
Zechariah & Elizabeth
Countries with the most c-sections
Brazil & Dominican Republic
Where is the Principality of Sealand. What is it?
A micronation on a decommissioned fort off the coast of Enlgland
How many Psalms are there
Lake Tahoe’s only outflow
Truckee river runs northeast to pyramid lake
How many Psalms are there
What is turbidity?
A measure of cloudiness, particles in the water
What’s the order of the dinosaur ages
Permian Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous from older to more recent
What’s a pinniped?
Fur footed, seals, sea lions, walruses
What’s a phocid?
A true seal, not sea lion, no ear flaps
What’s the difference between seals and sea lions?
Sea lions have ear flaps, seals move on land only using their front flippers. Sea lions use all four
Who sings “Lola”
The Kinks
What was the name of the Duo group Rem with Warren Zevon?
Hindu Love Gods, late 80s 1990
Name of the native Americans who lived by Lake Tahoe
Roughly how many people are blind?
39 million one in every 200
What is macular degeneration ?
Underlying areas of macula (part of the eye with most photo receptors?) have deposits of deteriorating cells (age related)
What/where are zonules?
Fibers connecting the ciliary body and the lens of the eye
What’s the difference between the macula and fovea?
Fovea is a smaller point within the macula with the highest concentration of receptors
What’s the difference between the choroid and the sclera?
Sclera is the outer layer of the eyeball. Choroid is under that.
What is immune privilege?
Parts of the body that do not have an inflammatory response to foreign things. Eyes, testis, fetus and placenta & maybe the brain (currently disputed) have immune privilege.
AMD occurs where exactly?
The back most layer of the retina under the macula & photo receptors. This layer is called RPE retinal pigment epithelium.
Humayun and Clegg’s experimental cure for AMD?
Insert a stem cell laced patch in the RPE to replace the damaged cells
Half the worlds blindness is caused by…
Cataracts in developing countries which can be fixed by a routine surgery.
Who is Helena Ndume
Namibian Eye surgeon from who operates cataract camps in underserved regions of Africa. Provides free cataract surgery
What band was Jeff Beck in?
What band was Jeff Beck in?
Largest city is Syria?
Capital of Syria
Largest: Aleppo
Capital: Damascus
Name of the girl from Sonic Youth
Kim Gordon
What’s the name of Prince’s special estate? Where is it?
Paisley Park in Chanhanssen Minnesota
How do you make sugar crystals?
Squeeze out juice on the same day and boil it. Not made of the stalks
Sugar cane originated in..
New Guinea
Words candy and sugar come from…
Indian words for types of sugar, sarkara, jaggery and khanda
What does the name “Jesus” mean?
Greek form of Joshua which means “The Lord saves”
How many ounces in a pound
4 quarts equals
1 gallon
How many cups in a pint?
In a quart?
2 cups = 1 pint
4 cups = 1 quart
Spherical ancient roman flask with handles on both sides. Also referrers to several anatomical structures with a similar shape
What are ampullae of lorenzini?
Electro receptors in sharks. Electricity sensing organ cartilage fish: sharks, Rays, and some others sturgeon, lungfish
What’s a remora?
A sucker fish or shark sucker . Those fish that attach to sharks & ride
Who wrote Amazing Grace?
John Newton, former slave ship master/slave trader
What is Borborygmus?
Stomach growling
8 species of bears
- Brown/grizzly 2. Black 3. Polar 4. Andean/bespectacled 5. Sloth 6. Sun 7. Panda 8. Asian black
What are the 3 main nutrients plants use
Nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus
How do bees make honey
From nectar of flowers, they suck it in & ; out mixing it with an enzyme in their mouth to make it thicker. Then, spit it into honeycombs(wax) as it dries the water evaporates, it becomes thicker
All sugars are made from what 3 atoms?
Carbon, hydrogen & oxygen
Why do we crave sugar
It’s the fuel that powers all our cells
What are the 3 simple sugars out of which all sugars are built
Fructose, glucose, galactose
How do plants make sugars?
Get O, H & C from air & water & sun provides the energy.
What is Plitvice National Park
A system of 16 interlocking lakes and forest in Croatia
Who wrote Bonfire of the Vanities & Electric Kool Aid Acid Test
Tom Wolfe, Iconic Rolling Stone writer
Thom Yorke fronts what band?
Adam Clayton is the bassist for what band??
Trey Anasastasio
Singer-guitarist for Phish
Little Steven = Steve Van Zandt known from…
The E street band with Bruce Springsteen
Uzo aduba is known for what role?
What country is she from?
Crazy Eyes in Orange is the New Black
Only capital city in US without a McDonald’s or Burger King
Smallest capital city in US
Largest flower in the world?
Rafflesia. Corpse flower
Why does rafflesia smell like rotting meat?
To attract flies which help with pollination
Noah was told to bring 7 (not 2) of which animals?
Clean animals and birds
What is suzerainty and suzerain?
a sovereign or state having some control over another state that is internally autonomous
Cities in Belgium other than Brussels
Antwerp Ghent Bruges
What is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?
In Jerusalem, built atop of what is believed to be where Jesus died & was buried
When did Constantine rule?
Ad 306-337
Constantine’s famous for?
Made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire
Who were the first to climb mt Everest & when?
Edmund Hillary & Tenzing Norgay in 1953
When did Alcatraz open?
When did it close?
Did anyone ever escape from Alcatraz?
Possibly. Frank Morris and John and Clarence Anglin. It is presumed they drown in the bay.
What’s a spirit bear? Where can they be found.
A white colored black bear. Rare and live in the great bear rainforest of British Columbia.
What was Alcatraz before it was a prison?
A military base and site of first lighthouse on Pacific coast
What was Alcatraz after it was a prison?
Location of a year long trans tribal Native American protest
What’s the largest fish in the world?
Whale shark, can be up to 40 feet,
Which big cat has the strongest bite?
Jaguar of north & South America, it’s jaws can cut right through a caimans armored top
What causes the water to get so hot in the Peruvian Amazon’s boiling river?
Geothermal systems underground, water heated by the earth
In what year did the World Wide Web launch?
Where does word “electricity” & the like come from?
Greek word for amber which literally mean “beaming sun”
First First Lady not born in USA?
Louisa Catherine Adams wife to John Quincy Adams, 6th president
What are the 4 leg bones called?
Tibia, femur, fibula, patella
How are queen bees made
Ordinary bee larvae are fed royal jelly, continually which allows a fertile queen to develop
Name some poisonous mammals
Platypus, slow loris, solenodon, (hispaniolan & Cuban) some shrews & moles
What makes slime sticky or slippery?
Protein vs sugar chains
What does A.D. stand for?
Anno Domini Latin for”in the year of the Lord”
What is ergot?
Poisonous fungus that grows on wheat & rye. Causes tingling & hallucinations. Formerly blamed on witches
What’s interesting about the kakapo?
Largest & only flightless parrot. Found in New Zealand
What makes Rose gold that color?
Gold is mixed with copper instead of
Silver or palladium
What karat gold is pure gold?
24 karat
14 karat gold is what percent gold?
Star Spangled Banner was written about what war?
War of 1812
What metals are worth more than gold
Palladium? Californium ?
Rhodium and platinum
Bronze is made from
Copper & tin
Brass is made from
Copper & zinc
Where did word “guinea” come from?
African word from original region of Guinea in Africa. Europeans use it to refer to anyone with a darker complexion, even Italians
How are bones fossilized?
Bones have tiny holes, water with minerals dissolved in it deep in & gradually replace organic matter
What is Loricifera? What’s interesting about it? Where is it found?
First multicellular (metazoan) organisms discovered that doesn’t need oxygen at all. Found on Mediterranean Sea floor. Live in a 60 meter thick layer of sea brine that lacks oxygen
What are ice worms?
Black worms that actually live in glacial ice. They melt at 40 degrees. Habitat Oregon to Alaska, British Columbia
What’s Cyanobacteria?
Also known as blue green algae, anaerobic bacteria stuck together, not a plant. Interesting bc it actually produces oxygen
Grand Tetons named for…
French for breasts/tits😳
What’s the difference between Jackson & Jackson Hole?
Jackson is the town, Jackson hole is the valley where the town is.
What is the fastest animal in the world?
Peregrine falcon, dive speed
Fastest runner/mammal in US?
What’s the deepest lake in the world? Where is it?
Lake Baikal, in Siberia Russia north of Mongolia
Only country’s flag that is not 4 sided
Where’s Cat Island?
Aoshima in Ehime in Japan
Where do the Korowai live
West Papua, a province of Indonesia, in the middle near the border of Papua New Guinea
Who was queen Amina?
African warrior queen of Zazzua, northern Nigeria late 1500s conquered neighboring kingdoms, never married. Increased wealth, slave trade
Zaria Nigeria named after
Queen Amina’s sister
What was the name of Shaka Zulu’s mom?
When did Shaka Zulu rule? Where was the Zulu empire?
South Africa Eastern coast between Swaziland & Lesotho
7 members of BTS
RM Jin Suga J-Hope Jimin V Junkook
7 members of BTS
RM Jin Suga J-Hope Jimin V Junkook
Who was the real Lady Trieu?
Female warrior in 3rd century Vietnam who resisted Eastern Wu occupation for a time.
Who was Lozen
Apache female warrior, military strategist, medicine woman born in 1840-1889
Who was Queen Boudica?
Celtic queen who led revolt against Roman Rule in AD 60-61 in ancient Britain, of Iceni tribe
Who was Artemisia I of Caria?
Queen of the Anatolian region of Caria,
Battle of Salamis in 480 BC, aided Xerxes of Persia against Greece, great naval battle
Where does the word Lesbian come from?
Greek island of Lesbos, poetess Sappho first woman to write of erotic attraction to women 600 BC
How many books are in the Bible?
How many books in the Old Testament? The new?
39 old
27 new
Besides David, who else wrote the psalms?
Asaph (12) Sons of Korah (9) Solomon (2) Heman, Ethan, Moses (1)
What do we know about Ethan, Heman & Asaph
Levites, appointed by David, to create & preform worship songs. Ethan’s great wisdom mentioned in reference to Solomon’s. They each wrote a psalm
Why is a sundog called a sun dog?
Because the bright spots on either side of the sun follow it like a dog follows its owner.
What causes a sundog?
Cirrus clouds, very high clouds with ice crystals that reflect & refract the light.
What does Parhelion mean?
“With the sun” From Greek, another word for sundog
Why was Shiloh an important place in the Old Testament?
It’s where the ark of the covenant was before the temple was built.
What does Shiloh mean?
The peaceful one, one who is to be sent
What did Nikola Tesla invent?
AC alternating current, the Tesla coil & remote control
Names & meanings of Job’s daughters after his tribulations.
Jemimah, daylight dove, Keziah, Cassia a precious perfume, Kerenhappuch eye make up
Jemimah shared in sons inheritance
Who was Tomoe Gozen
Female samurai warrior known for her bravery 1157-1247 during the Genpei War. On the side of Minimoto Clan, first shogunate
Battle of Awazu 1184
Who was Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra?
Widowed queen of Syria, AD 262-267, conquered several Roman ruled provinces. Septimia Zebobia
Subjugated by Aurelian
What is the Coriolis Effect?
an effect whereby a mass moving in a rotating system experiences a force (the Coriolis force ) acting perpendicular to the direction of motion and to the axis of rotation.
The Coriolis Effect causes air currents in the Northern Hemisphere to bend in which direction?
Right. East
Jesus is descended from which of David’s sons?
Nathan, and/or Solomon
On the Simpsons episode where Lisa becomes a vegetarian, which character finally sympathizes with her?
Which celebrity agreed to appear on the Simpson’s if Lisa remained a vegetarian?
Paul McCartney
What is the ground effect with regards to aerodynamics?
Whenever wings (airplane, butterfly) are near a fixed surface, it increases lift and decreases drag.
What’s the difference between bioluminescence & biofluorescence ?
Bioluminescence is caused by a chemical reaction inside the animals body which produces photons & does not need light. Whereas bio fluorescence organisms absorb light & re-emit it.
How is light produced on an atomic level?
When electrons jump down their atomic orbits or energy levels, a photon is produced
What kind of music do cats like?
Other cat sounds, purring, suckling, feline voices, not regular human music
How does bio fluorescence work?
Animals have fluorescent molecules that absorb photons. When electrons go down an energy level a lower wavelength light like blue or green is emitted.
Who really took the historical balloon ride of 1862?
James Glaisher, meteorologist, and expert Aeronaut, Henry Coxwell.
How high did Coxwell & Glaisher’s balloon go?
37,000 feet
Of the four authors of the gospels, which two were of the original 12 disciples and which two were not?
Matthew (Levi) the tax collector and John were of the 12. Mark, (John Mark) who wrote down Peter’s account and Luke, the doctor who knew Paul and wrote Acts were not.
Which refrigerant is best for the environment?
R410A and R134 Hydrofluorocarbons HFCs, R22 R12 bad contains chlorine
How do Varroa mites kill bees?
They feed on the bees fat body organ which acts as our liver to filter out impurities.
How high can butterflies fly?
Monarchs have been seen as high as 11,000 feet, can be above clouds. They’ll ride a thermal if it’s going in the direction of their migration.
How do butterflies get so high
They’re carried up on a thermal.
What is a thermal in terms of meteorology?
thermal is a column of rising air, caused by uneven heating of the earth.
Where is the Three Gorges Dam located?
Spans Yangtze River in Hubei province, town of Sandouping.
What’s interesting about Three Gorges Damn
Worlds largest power station
Largest concrete structure
Largest damn in the world
How big is Three Gorges Damn?
1.4 miles wide
630 feet high (50 stories)
Name the countries along the East African coastline.
South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, Somalia
What countries border the Red Sea on the African side?
Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti
What are vector-borne diseases?
Diseases transmitted from one living thing to another by an animal, Usually, a blood sucking insect.
Name some characters from Cats?
Grizabella, Mr. Mistoffelees, Rum Tum Tugger, Bombalurina, Macavity, Jennyanydots, Old Deuteronomy, Munkustrap, Demeter, skimbleshanks, Victoria, Gus the theatre cat, Mungojerri, Jemima, jellylorum, Rumpleteazer, Bustopher Jones, Growltiger, Alonzo, Griddlebone, Carbucketty, Coricopat & Tantomile, Carbuckety/Pouncival Kitten not in movie
Bulgaria’s 4 biggest cities?
Sophia, Burgas, Plovdiv, Varna
What 5 Countries border the Caspian Sea?
Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan
What 6 countries border the Black Sea?
Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia
Chemicals that are refrigerants have the unique property of…
Boiling at low temperatures, boils at room temperature
What’s significant about the scrap of John’s gospel found in 1934 by C.H. Roberts?
Proved gospel of John was written circa 100-150AD. Prior beliefs held it was written 160 years after Jesus’s death & unreliable, but this was a copy originally found in Egypt.
Name the 12 disciples
Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew (Nathanael)? Matthew, James son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas, son of James (Thaddeus) and Judas Iscariot.
What do you call the Persian New Year?
Nowruz Farsi for New Day, pronounced naw ROOZ
When is Nowruz?
Spring Equinox, March 19 or 20
What is Zoroastrianism?
A monotheistic religion that predates Christianity & Islam founded by Zoroastra/Zarathustra in 6th century BC. In ancient Persia God is called Ahura Mazda
How many feet are in a story?
10, 10.826, 10-12
5 biggest cities in China?
Guangzhou, Shanghai, Chongqing, Beijing, Hangzhou
Other top 10 cities in China
Wuhan, Chengdu, Tianjin, Xi’an, Jinan, shenzhen, Nanjing
How do freezers work?
A refrigerant, a substance that boils at room temperature sucks the heat out of the air bc it’s undergoing a phase change.
What planet did Darth Vader blow up in New Hope
Alderaan (Where his daughter grew up!!)
In Star Wars who is Yaddle
A female of Yoda’s species and Jedi Master.
What is enthalpy?
How much Heat and Work were added or removed from the substance during a change.
What is latent heat?
Heat required for a change in state without a temperature change. (Energy used for breaking & changing bonds?)
Who was Piers Gaveston?
1st Earl of Cornwall, Edward II’s best friend, possibly lover.
Who was Thomas Earl of Lancaster?
A Plantagenet, Henry III grandson and enemy of his cousin King Edward II. Was executed in 1322 for Collusion with Scottish opposition.
Historical significance of Thomas, Earl of Lancaster’s execution?
Set a dangerous precedent when king executed to suit his needs without a fair trial. Set stage for his own later deposition and murder.
Define Impecunious
having very little or no money usually habitually : PENNILESS
What’s the difference between an earl and a duke?
Duke ranks higher, right below monarch. Earl is lower, below marquess, above viscount
Paracetamol is another name for?
Why shouldn’t ibuprofen and aspirin be taken if you have Dengue fever?
They increase the risk of bleeding.
What is a Saola?
Also called an Asian unicorn because it’s profile looks like it only has one horn. A rare antelope like, but not an antelope mammal found only in the Annamite mountains of Laos. It’s actually a bovid & it’s endangered.
Who & Where are Seleka and Anti-Balaka.
Central African Republic, Seleka (Muslim) and anti-balaka (Christian) militias are violent and kill many civilians.
Seleka “alliance” in Sango, “anti-balaka” invincible” in Sango
What is Dengue Fever?
A mosquito-borne viral disease occurring in tropical and subtropical areas. ( high fever, rash, muscle and joint pain)
Bad: bleeding and shock
How do hemorrhagic fevers cause internal bleeding?
Cause blood vessels to leak, gaps in the membrane. virus will infect vascular endothelial cells, leading to the reorganization of the VE-cadherin catenin complex (a protein important in cell adhesion). This reorganization creates intercellular gaps in endothelial cells. The gaps lead to increased endothelial permeability
The name “Lazarus” means…
One God has helped, Eleazer in Hebrew
How does necrotizing fasciitis (flesh eating virus) destroy cells?
Bacteria releases toxins that destroy cells.
What’s the northernmost mountain range on earth?
Roosevelt range in Peary Land, Greenland (450 miles from North Pole
Highest mountain in North America?
Mt. McKinley or Denali in Alaska
Where’s Mt. Chamberlain?
Brooks Range, (Franklin Mountains) Northern Alaska, Mt. Isto, highest peak in range.
Who was the last king of Judah?
Zedekiah (Mattanyahu, Mattaniah)
What’s the first national park established in the U.S. and what year?
Yellowstone National Park, 1872
What is magnetic flux?
magnetic flux shows the quantity or strength of magnetic lines produced by the magnet.
Magnetic Flux is defined as the number of magnetic field lines passing through a given closed surface. I
Magnetic flux is measured in…
Webers Wb
Inductance is measured in…
What is inductance with regards to electromagnetism?
is the tendency of an electrical conductor to oppose a change in the electric current flowing through it.
What is an inductor ?(electromagnetism)
a part of an electrical apparatus that acts upon another or is itself acted upon by induction
Who wrote Bone?
Jeff Smith
Females have antlers in which deer species?
What’s the difference between caribou & reindeer.
Essentially the same species but…caribou live in the wild in Western Hemisphere Alaska & Canada. Reindeer are found in Europe & Asia & are the products of centuries of domestication
When did the apostle, Paul die
62-64 AD
Define apocrypha
biblical or related writings not forming part of the accepted canon of Scripture.
writings or reports not considered genuine or inspired
According to Faraday law what induces a current in a conductor.
A change in magnetic flux. Moving the wire, changing the magnetic field
What elements are magnetic?
Iron nickel &; cobalt
Where is the great pacific garbage patch?
NE of Hawaii & off norther US coast, smaller concentration off coast of southern part of Japan
What is a gyre?
A large circular ocean current
How many gyres are in the ocean?
5: 2 in the Atlantic
2 in the pacific
1 in the Indian Ocean
What are micro plastics?
Tiny pieces of plastic. Plastic never goes away but breaks into smaller & smaller pieces.
What are Morning Glory clouds?
Rare cloud formations that are a series of narrow tubes up to 600 miles long. Moves without changing speed or shape.
What may cause Morning Glory clouds & where are they most predictably seen?
temperature inversion that forms overnight above the peninsula creates a difference of air density on each side of the line of moisture where the two sea breezes have merged. This causes an atmospheric wave, or series of waves, to roll off the peninsula and over the gulf. Rising air on the advancing side of the wave causes the air to saturate and create a visible cloud. Descending air on the back of the wave causes the cloud to evaporate. Gulf of Carpentaria, Northern Australia
When did Alexander the Great rule?
336-323 BC
Word “apocrypha” comes from…
Greek word for “hidden” apokruptein, apokruphos
What additional books does the Catholic bible have?
known as the Deuterocanonicals/Apocrypha or 2nd Cannon. They are Tobit, Judith, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, Wisdom, Sirach (Ecclesiasticus), and Baruch.
What’s the difference between magnetic field and magnetic flux?
The magnetic field is the field of electromagnetic energy. Magnetic flux described density/strength and direction of magnetic
The most significant difference between the magnetic field and the magnetic flux is that the magnetic field is the region around the magnet where the moving charge experiences a force, whereas the magnetic flux shows the quantity or strength of magnetic lines produced by the magnet.
What is Hengill?
Located in Iceland, 20 Some 20 kilometers south of Reykjavik, is a geothermal area and volcano and a source of renewable energy. Tourists can bathe in hot springs &; some locals cook their food by putting it in the ground.
Name Canada comes from…
Huron-Iroquois word “kanata” which means “settlement”
How many people died in Boston’s great molasses flood?
When was the great molasses flood?
What was the Great Molasses Flood?
Tank ruptured spilling more than two million gallons of molasses in a tsunami that reached up to 35 miles per hour. Smell lingered for decades.
What animal is threatening Coral Reefs?
Crown of Thorns Starfish, eat coral faster than it can grow back and reproduces quickly,
Who was the “artichoke king”?
Mobster Ciro “whitey” Terranova, took over entire artichoke supply to New York in 1930-1935 ish. Bullied farmers in CA gauged prices in NY.
Of the Morello crime family.
Who ended the artichoke wars?
New York City mayor Fiorello La Guardia.
Besides New York, where else did Artichoke wars occur?
Northern California where Italian farmers grew artichokes.
In geology, what is a hoodoo?
A hoodoo is a tall thin rock spire made of sandstone with a hard and dense rock sitting on top,
A hoodoo is a tall, thin spire of rock that protrudes from the bottom of an arid drainage basin or badland. Hoodoos typically consist of relatively soft rock topped by harder, less easily eroded stone that protects each column from the elements.
What’s an alluvial fan?
An alluvial fan is a triangle-shaped deposit of gravel, sand, and even smaller pieces of sediment, such as silt. This sediment is called alluvium. Alluvial fans are usually created as flowing water interacts with mountains, hills, or the steep walls of canyons.
What is alluvium?
Alluvium is loose, unconsolidated soil or sediment that has been eroded, reshaped by water in some form, and redeposited in a non-marine setting. Alluvium is typically made up of fine particles of silt and clay and larger particles of sand and gravel.
What are brine pools?
Pools of extremely salty dense water on the ocean floor, also have high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide & methane. Toxic to most animals
What native tribe lived in Las Vegas originally?
Southern Paiute
When we’re visible nuclear tests conducted north of Las Vegas?
Then underground till 1992
Who played Morticia Addams?
Carolyn Jones
Where did inspiration for Cats musical come from?
Based on the 1939 poetry collection Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T. S. Eliot.
Carbon 14 contains…
6 protons and; eight neutrons
(Normal carbon, carbon 12 has 6 of each)
Where does the Carbon 14 in all living tissue come from?
Cosmic rays, showers of neutrons, bombard the atmosphere & ; strike abundant nitrogen atoms and create Carbon 14 which combines with Oxygen to make radioactive carbon dioxide, which is absorbed by plants & eaten by animals. When an animal dies it stops absorbing carbon 14
What is the bomb pulse?
Huge increase in Carbon-14 levels from above ground atomic testing dispersed evenly through atmosphere, 1960s
How does carbon dating work?
Living things stop absorbing C14 when they die & the C14 starts decaying. Radioactivity can be measured to determine when living thing died.
Who was Hildegard Von Bingen?
Visionary Benedictine nun who wrote 9 books and composed 77 sacred songs, prophetess, holistic healer.
First composer that a biography was written about.
At what age did Hildegard von Bingen start writing and composing?
What’s a polymath?
A person of wide ranging knowledge or learning.
What does “Sibyl on the Rhine” mean?
Sibyl Sibylla, a Greek prophetess. Rhine is on Western border of Germany.
What countries does the Rhine flow through?
Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany, France and Netherlands
What are the four main rivers in France?
Rhône (south) Seine (North) Loire, Garonne
Rhine establishes German border
France borders…
Andorra, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium
Who founded JCPenney & when?
James Cash Penney
Where was the first JCPENNY store?
Kemmerer, Wyoming
What’s a caisson?
Meaning big box in French, it’s a watertight retaining structure used in construction in waterways, damns, bridges, ship repair
Who designed the Brooklyn Bridge?
John A Roebling
Who was Emily Roebling?
Wife of Washington Roebling, son of John A Roebling Brooklyn Bridge designer. An educated woman, Emily saw to the completion of the bridge after her husband’s illness & death.
When was the Brooklyn Bridge completed?
Brooklyn Bridge was the first …steel wired
Steel wired suspension bridge in the world. Was the longest until the Williamsburg bridge broke that record in 1903.
How did people get decompression sickness while working inside dry area of caisson?
Air inside caisson is compressed.
Name some of Victor Lustig’s scams.
Selling the Eiffel Tower to scrap metal buyers.
The Rumanian Box scam, (machine that supposedly duplicated money.
Conned Al Capone out of 1-5 thousand dollars
Then printed & circulated counterfeit money.
What ultimately led to Lustig’s arrest?
Lustig’s mistress, Billy May, learned Lustig was pursuing his partners mistress & made an anonymous call to federal authorities.
What Prison was Victor Lustig sent to?
Alcatraz circa 1935
Who were the Muggletonians?
A small Protestant movement started in 1651 1625? when two tailors announced they were prophets. Opposed the Quakers. Named after Lodowicke Muggleton in London.
What are some Muggletonian beliefs?
God takes no notice of everyday events.
Did not preach, worship or evangelize
Egalitarian, apolitical & pacifist
Cursed those who reviled their faith
Scriptural understanding of how universe works
God appeared directly on Earth as Jesus
Drew maps with Earth as the center of the universe
Two Muggletonian “prophets”
John Reeve & Lodowicke Muggleton
Last Muggletonian died in
Who built the Globe?
Shakespeare’s acting company, The Lord Chamberlain’s men.
What was significant about James Burbage’s Globe Theatre built in 1576?
Was the first theatre built for plays.
Why did the Globe Theatre have to move?
Lease ran out and landlord:land owner Giles Allen hated theater & raised the price exorbitantly. He also thought he owned the building & planned to dismantle it & sell materials.
So in 1598 Burbage, the players & a carpenter dismantled it beam by beam while landlord was away for Christmas & moved it across the river,
What year was the new Globe built?
What’s the name of the carpenter who built the Globe?
Peter Smith
Where was the relocated Globe Theatre?
South Bank of the Thames in Southwark.
Most magnificent theater of its time, could hold over 1000 people.
What happened to the Globe in 1613,
It went up in flames during a performance of Henry VIII, theatrical cannon misfired & globe was made out of wood & thatch.😱
Why do pigeons bob their heads when they walk?
To help them see food on the ground better. Spot food, keep eye on it, step towards it.
Who were some of Shakespeare’s contemporaries, other playwrites at his time?
Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Kyd, Ben Jonson, Thomas Middleton, John Fletcher
When did Christopher Columbus “discover” America?
Around when was Chichen Itza the dominant Mayan City?
AD 800-1000
Who was Enver Hoxha?
Communist leader of Albania, after King Zog deposed, banned religion, travel & ownership of private property. Resistance met with severe retribution. Extrajudicial executions were a thing. Ruled 1941-1985
Rebuilt Albania after WWII, fought off Italian Fascists
What happened to King Zog I (Albania)
He was friendly with Mussolini who pushed Italian influence in Albania &; ultimately took over when Zog resisted him during WWII. Royal family had to flee & go into exile.
What did John Kellett invent in 2008?
Mr. Trash Wheel, solar powered trash interceptor, that cleans up Jones Falls River in Baltimore, MD
What does funerary mean?
Used for, or associated with burial
Who invented eyeglasses as we know them today? ( two lenses in frames that fit over ears)
British optician, Edward Scarlett in 1727.
First use of lenses as a visual aid.
Reading stone circa 1000 AD
Salvino D’Armate probably invented …
Eyeglasses, around 1252, used publicly by monk, Alessandro della Spina, made of quartz, perched on nose
Hedy Lamar’s brilliant idea.
Frequency hopping, way of jumping around on radio frequencies in order to avoid a third party jamming your signal.
Hedy Lamar’s frequency hopping paved the way for what technology?
Wifi, Bluetooth, GPS, cell phones
Hedy Lamar’s real name?
Hedwig Kiesler,
Born in Vienna in 1914
Why was Hedy Lamar’s film “Ecstasy” banned in US
First depiction of female orgasm on film, Also Hedy was nude and a teenager.
1933 Czech film
Name 6 inhibitory neurotransmitters
GABA, serotonin, dopamine, glycine, taurine, agmatine
Dopamine, glycine & glutamate can be both
Name excitatory neurotransmitters
Glutamate, norepinephrine, epinephrine, PEA, histamine, aspartic acid,
Name the parts of the limbic system
Thalamus, hypothalamus, basal ganglia, hippocampus, amygdala
What’s a fruitarian?
A vegan who doesn’t eat anything from a plant that the taking of which will kill it. Only fruits, some won’t eat grains & nuts because they’re seeds
What substances are harder than diamond?
Wurtzite boron nitride w-BN, tetrahedral crystal formation
Lonsdaleite hexagonal carbon lattice (diamonds are cubic)
Very rare naturally occurring
What man made substances are harder than diamond?
- Dyneema, a plastic with high molecular weight 2. Palladium micro alloy glass (phosphorus, silicon, germanium, silver and palladium) warps instead of shatters 3. Buckypaper carbon nanotubes 4. Graphene 5. Wurtzite boron nitride, lonsdaleite
Who sculpted the Statue of Liberty?
Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi
When was the Statue of Liberty built?
September 1875
When was the Statue of Liberty dedicated by Grover Cleveland?
October 28, 1886
What’s the second hardest naturally occurring substance?
Corundum 9.0
Moissanite (silicon carbide) 9.25 hardness
(Very close)
Who was Sybil Luddington?
On April 26. 1777, at the age of 16, she rode all night on horseback, 40? Miles? throughout Putnam County New York, to alert militia forces that the British were coming
Who was Ernest Everett Just?
An African American Biologist circa 1909-1939-career) who studied embryonic cells of marine invertebrates.
(Fast and slow blocks to polyspermy, experimental parthenogenesis)
What is parthenogenesis?
reproduction from an ovum without fertilization, especially as a normal process in some invertebrates and lower plants.
What birds produce crop milk?
Pigeons and doves
Something kinda similar in flamingoes and male emperor penguins
Who was Nellie Bly?
Real name Elizabeth Cochran Seaman, 1864-1922, journalist who pioneered immersion (investigative)journalism by having herself admitted to a madhouse, also record breaking trip around the world in 72 days.
What’s the difference between the Torah and the Talmud?
Torah is what gentiles know as the Old Testament, especially the first 5 books. The Talmud was written after Jesus and greatly expands on the Torah and Jewish Law.
When was the Talmud written and by whom?
Jerusalem or Palestinian Talmud written circa 200 AD and published by Rabbi Judah the patriarch 350 AD, Babylonian, 500 AD
Babylonian Rav Ashi and Ravina II
What is Talmud Yerushalmi?
The Jerusalem or Palestinian Talmud
Talmud Bavli is known as…
The Babylonian Talmud
“Talmud” means…
Instruction, learning
What are the two components of the Talmud?
Mishnah 200 AD (compendium of oral Torah) and Gemara elucidation of the Torah 500 AD
What is the Nyepi Ogoh-ogoh festival?
An Indonesian festival based on Balinese Hinduism, statues that represent demons are paraded (Ngrupuk Parade) through town and burnt as a purification rite, burning Ogoh-ogohs banishes demons takes place on Eve of Nyepi day. (Silent Day)
When is Nyepi Day and the Ogoh-ogoh (Ngrupuk) parade?
In March (day varies due to different calendar)
In physics, “work” is defined as…
measure of energy transfer that occurs when an object is moved over a distance by an external force at least part of which is applied in the direction of the displacement.
When a force causes displacement of an object
Work equals Force times displacement (distance it moved)
Physics definition of “heat”
Energy transferred when two bodies at different temperatures are brought together.
A substance may absorb heat without an increase in temperature by…
By changing from one physical state (phase) to another)
What’s the difference between heat and temperature?
Heat is an energy, temperature is a measurement
In Physics, what is sublimation?
conversion of a substance from the solid to the gaseous state without its becoming liquid. The phenomenon is the result of vapour pressure and temperature relationships.
I.e. dry ice vaporizes at room temperature
Who was Annie Sullivan?
Helen Keller’s teacher, Annie was also blind. 1887-1909 and beyond?
Name countries that use euro
Austria, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Finland, the Netherlands, Cypress, Estonia, Malta, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Slovenia
Which countries don’t use the euro?
United Kingdom, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Denmark, Croatia, Czech Republic, Liechtenstein, Montenegro
When did the French Revolution happen?
What event began the French Revolution?
The storming of Bastille, a fortress used as a prison by the monarchy
When was the Bastille stormed?
July 14, 1789
French Revolution ended in 1799 with…
Napoleon Bonaparte’s coup d’etat, appointing himself First Consul, but in 1804 appointed himself emperor, waged war against several European nations. His powerful military managed Jacobins vs Loyalist & only effective way to get anything done in France.
2 Corinthians 5: 20-21
“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”
2 Corinthians 5:20-21
Where is the Baltic Sea?
DescriptionThe Baltic Sea is an arm of the Atlantic Ocean, enclosed by Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, northeast Germany, Poland, Russia and the North and Central European Plain.
Not Balkan
What is the somatic nervous system?
The somatic nervous system is the part of the peripheral nervous system associated with the voluntary control of body movements via skeletal muscles. The somatic nervous system consists of afferent nerves or sensory nerves, and efferent nerves or motor nerves
What is the autonomic nervous system?
acts largely unconsciously and regulates bodily functions, such as the heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupillary response, urination, and sexual arousal
What does the sympathetic nervous system do?
The sympathetic nervous system directs the body’s rapid involuntary response to dangerous or stressful situations.
What is the function of the parasympathetic nervous system?
Restores the body to a calm & composed state
What’s the difference between implicit and explicit memory?
Also called declarative memory. Requires conscious thought as when trying to remember something
What is implicit memory?
form of long-term memory that does not require conscious thought. “Knowing how” can do things without focusing
What’s the difference between brown and white sugar?
Brown sugar is just white sugar with molasses added to it.
When baking, when is it good to use brown sugar instead of white?
Use brown sugar when you want moistness (banana bread) Use white when you want light and fluffy
Who was Siddhartha Gautama?
The founder of Buddhism. The Buddha
When did the Buddha live?
5th century BC
Siddhartha Gautama was born…
Into wealth as a prince of modern day Nepal. Moved by suffering, he gave it up & embraced poverty. That didn’t help. Promoted middle path. 6 years seeking enlightenment & it happened under Bhodi tree.
Why the fat laughing Buddha?
The “Laughing Buddha” is not Siddhartha but rather a 10th century Chinese monk named Budai who wandered from village to village giving rice and sweets from his sack. Believed to be an avatar(deity incarnate). Belly represents abundance and good health.
Bebe Rexha and Dua Lipa are both…
Pop stars born to Albanian parents
Bebe Rexha’s real name
Bleta Rexha (raycha) means bumble bee
When did Muhammad live?
570-632 AD
When did Islam start?
610 AD Gabriel visits Mo in cave.
613 Mo begins preaching in Mecca
7th century
What was Inez Beverly Prosser known for
First African American woman to earn a PhD in Psychology. 1933 Area of study: teaching & assessing English and grammar to kids. Died at 38 in car crash. Ruth Winifred Howard first black woman to earn a PhD from a Psychology Department 1934
What was Inez Beverly Prosser’s dissertation about?
Whether black children do better in segregated schools or integrated. She concluded they do better in segregated schools.
Where was Alexander Hamilton born?
Charlestown, Nevis, a Caribbean island of St. Kitts and Nevis.
What’s the capital of the island of Nevis?
Who was Oliver Cromwell?
A general and statesmen who led the parliament of England’s armies success against King Charles during the English Civil War and ruled British Isles from 1653-1658.
Oliver Cromwell is infamous for…
Persecuting and killing Catholics in Ireland 1649-1652. He was a Puritan convert
When was the English Civil War and who was it between?
1642-1651, between parliamentarians and royalists
How did Puritan names differ from others?
They were hortatory, strong messages for their lives. I.e Fight the Good fight of Faith, Kill Sin Pimple, Be Faithful, Stand Fast On High, Hate Evil, Fear Not, Sin Deny, Praise God, Silence, Abstinence, More Fruit
What does hortatory, and hortative mean?
Strongly urging, advisory, exhortatory
Where’s Cornwall? What’s it known for?
County of England on a peninsula on England’s Southwest tip. Beaches are a popular tourist hotspot. They look like a tropical paradise. “Cornish” means from Cornwall.
Who was Chankaya?
Lived circa 300 BC, a statesman and philosopher who wrote “Arthra-shastra-the science of material gain.) compilation of almost everything written on material gain up to that point. was compared to Machiavelli, promoted trickery and ruthlessness, advised ruler, Chandragupta, founder of Mauryan Empire.
How do you say “harmful” in French?
Nocive F
Nocif m
“Dans” means what in French?
In, into, within
What does “hors” mean in French?
What were mummies used for in 1800s?
Paint, “mummy brown”, medicine, fertilizer (mummified cats😳) paper during shortage, home trophy for the wealthy,
What was Egyptomania? What started it?
Upper class Europeans’s fascination and obsession with ancient Egypt fueled by Napoleon’s conquest of the country in 1789. 19th century-1800s. They would have mummy unwrapping parties.
What are finger limes?
A citrus fruit that grew in wild in Australia, interesting because pulp looks like little clear beads (caviar) with burst of flavor, pop when chew them,
What is Lenz’s Law?
Induced electric current opposes the change that induced it.
Magnetic field created by the induced current opposes the initial changing magnetic field
1834 Friedrich Emil Lenz
What is the Bon festival
In Japanese Buddhism, honors the spirits of one’s ancestors. Return to their ancestral family places to clean graves. Hang lanterns outside homes and put offerings in alters. Also called Obon, Bon Odori is the dance
Aug 13-16
Who was Fanny Jackson Coppin?
African American educator and missionary in late 1800s, born a slave, fought to educate herself. Lifelong advocate for female higher education.
What book did Fanny Jackson Coppin write?
Reminiscences of School Life and Hints on Teaching.
Fanny Jackson Coppin’s Alma mater?
Oberlin college
Samuel Clemens is more commonly know as…
Mark Twain
Who was Ray Kroc?
Turned McDonalds into what it is today with integrated, efficient supply system, so food tastes the same no matter where you are.
Two brothers who started McDonalds.
Dick and Mack, (Richard and Maurice)
Pioneered fast food model
Where was very first McDonalds restaurant?
San Bernardino, California
When did first McDonalds open?
1948 by McDonalds brothers in San Bernardino
1955 Des Plaines, Illinois first corporation franchise
What elements are in steel?
Primarily iron,
Carbon (less than 2%)
Manganese (less than 1%
Trace amounts silicon, phosphorus, sulfur and oxygen
When was steel invented?
As early as 1800 BC
3rd century AD in China first to mass produce
1700s became mass produced in West
What is wootz steel?
A sharp and tough steel characterized by swirling band pattern, originated in India 6th century BC, a crucible steel,
Originated in present day Tamil Nadu, closely guarded secret for centuries, put wood chips in crucible
How is steel made?
Carbon is added to the oven where iron is.
What are neodymium magnets?
An alloy of neodymium (rare earth element) boron and iron, strongest magnets known and rust proof.
Used to make cell phones vibrate
How do you say “to go” in French? What’re the conjugations in present tense?
To go: aller
Je vais (vy via)
Tu vas (vah)
Il/elle va (vah)
How do you say “to have” In French? What are the present tense verb conjugations?
J’ai I have (zh ay
Tu as you have (tu ah
Il/elle a she has (ah)
In ancient times, what did people melt metal in?
An oven made with or lined with a clay/ceramic material.
Why do ceramics have high melting point?
The ionic bonds are strong and unidirectional. Also covalent bonds, do not shift easily
Ionic bonds means electrons stay put & don’t shift easily
What is clay made of?
Essentially silica, alumina, magnesia and water, (s Metal combined with oxygen), clay is made of very small particles and hydrous layers (why its squishy) in a crystalline structure.
Clay can also have Potassium, sodium and calcium and iron?
What are affererent nerves?
Neurons that receive information from our sensory organs (e.g. eye, skin) and transmit this input to the central nervous system are called afferent neurons
What are efferent nerves?
Neurons that send impulses from the central nervous system to your limbs and organs are called efferent neurons.
What year was Thomas, Earl of Lancaster executed ?
War of 1812 was between?
United States and Great Britain.
What caused war of 1812?
It was over trade restrictions in shipping. England and France/Napoleon were at war and both tried to stop America’s trade with the other.
What was most noteworthy battle of War of 1812?
The British siege of Fort McHenry during the Battle of Baltimore inspired Francis Scott Key to write the lyrics of America’s National Anthem.
Where were the battles of 1812?
Maryland and along Great Lakes Canadian border. Northern Vermont.
Who was John Lafitte?
Circa 1810 pirate and ran smuggling business in Barataria Bay, Louisiana. US invaded and seized his fleet in 1814. In return for a pardon, Lafitte and his fleet defended New Orleans against British in War of 1812. Kept British from having access to the Mississippi. Was also a spy for the Spanish in Mexican War for Independence in 1817.
Who was Arete of Cyrene
Ancient Greek female philosopher, daughter of Aristippus, who learned from Socrates. Cyrene in Northern Libya during time of Greek empire. Arete took over school when her dad died. No reliable record of her teaching. 400-340 BC
What is a banana republic?
A place that has only one profitable export, typically governed by a dictator or armed forces where the working class is very poor and exploited.
Where did the term “banana republic” come from?
Coined by America author, O Henry, in short story collection “Cabbages and Kings) in 1901. Fictional land of Anchuria inspired by Honduras but it was Samuel Zemurray who brought bananas to America, got Rich and destabilized the country’s economy.
What is Samuel Zemurray known for?
Businessman who made his fortune in the banana trade. Brought bananas to America. In 1910 founded Cuyamel Fruit Company of Honduras. preeminent developer of agriculture in 13 nations of the American tropics, responsible for introducing about 30 crops from the Eastern tropics. He took bribes and arranged a coup against the Honduran leader that didn’t give him what he wants.
Who helped Louis Armstrong buy his first horn?
The Karnofsky’s a neighborhood Jewish family who treated him as a son.
Why was Louis Armstrong called “Satchmo”?
Short for “Satchelmouth” because of those big cheeks
Elements are uniquely identified by…
Their atomic number, which is the number of protons in the nucleus.
What are some of the indigenous people of Lake Baikal
Soyot, Evenks, Qurykan People, Buryats, Tofalars
What is senicide and geronticide?
Killing of the elderly,
What is thalaikoothal?
Tamil ritual practice of killing the old or infirm, means “leisurely oil bath” after long bath given tender coconut water which causes a fever.
What is Ubasute? Oobah stay
“Abandoning a parent” the rare, old[1] practice of senicide in Japan, whereby an infirm or elderly relative was carried to a mountain, or some other remote, desolate place, and left there to die.[
What is the Attestupa ritual?
DescriptionÄttestupa is a name given to a number of precipices in Sweden, Norway and Iceland. The name supposedly denotes sites where ritual senicide took place during Nordic prehistoric times, whereby elderly people threw themselves, or were thrown, to their deaths.
What cultures are believed to have killed their old people in the past.
Kinda everywhere, Siberia, Russia, Scandinavia, Japan, Mongolia, Paraguay, German tribes, Inuit
What is the tapetum lucidum?
Reflective layer of tissue immediately behind the retina, in nocturnal mammal that helps them to see at night.
What is a baby porcupine called?
A porcupette.
How do porcupines mate?
Female curves her tail over her back exposing the quill free underside and allowing for contact.