Trivia 15 Flashcards
What causes the odor in eggs & sulphur?
Proteins in egg whites contain sulphur.
Hydrogen sulfide is the gas that makes sulphur smell
When was the Constitution ratified?
September 17, 1787
Who was Mata Hari? What does the term mean?
She was a Dutch exotic dancer whose name is synonymous with a seductive female spy
Taking How much acetaminophen in one day is toxic?
4000mg but don’t take more than 3000, especially if you take it often or regularly .
How much is too much water?
More than 6 cups or 48 ounces per hour.
What elements are considered electrolytes?
Sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride & calcium
What is hyponatremia?
Low sodium.
Who are the three furies in Greek mythology?
Alecto, (unceasing in Anger) Megara, (Jealous) Tisiphone (Avenger of Murder)
Margaretha Gertruida MacLeod was more commonly known as…
Mata Hari
What does Mata Hari mean
Eye of the dawn in Malay
Mata Hari’s accusations of being a spy
As a citizen in Netherlands which remained neutral during WWI she was able to cross borders easily. French accused her of being a spy and she was executed by firing squad
What’s the difference between an IEP and 504 plan?
504 helps access the general curriculum. The IEP modifies the general curriculum
Where do the Tigris & Euphrates rivers originate?
In the Taurus Mountains of Southeastern Turkey
What do anticholinergic drugs help with?
Called antispasmodics, they prevent muscle contracting, cramps and spasms. Also a sleep aid
What’s key in French ?
What is esketamine?
A new type of antidepressant treatment that is administered as a nasal spray.
How does esketamine work?
It increases glutamate
Benefits of esketamine ?
Can provide fast relief while pills take several weeks
Bc it’s very potent, less is needed hence fewer side effects
Helps the brain form new connections
What is esketamine’s brand name?
Esketamine is made from…
A part of the ketamine molecule. Ketamine is an analgesic
What is ketamine used for?
Only FDA approved as an an aesthetic, but abused bc it’s a fast acting , brief hallucinationagenic trip. It’s marketed for other things that haven’t been thoroughly studied nor approved. It produces an out of body disconnected from the pain experience
What neurotransmitters does ketamine act on ?
It’s a n-methyl & D-aspartate receptor antagonist
How is vilazadone different from other SSRI drug?
Combines two mechanisms in a single drug, namely that of the SSRIs with 5HT1A receptor partial agonist actions, or a serotonin partial agonist reuptake inhibitor (SPARI).
What makes the serotonin 5HT1A receptor agonist of vilazadone so special?
Reduces sexual dysfunction side effect and produces more rapid onset of antidepressant effects and more robust serotonin availability
What new antidepressants have been introduced in the last decade?
Esketamine, vilazadone, (Viibryd) Gepirone (Exxua), Zuranalone (Zurzuvae) , Auvelity
About gepirone (Exxua) ?
A very new antidepressant just recently approved in the US & made available in 2024, it’s not a serotonin reuptake take inhibitor, but a serotonin receptor agonist that is it stimulates serotonin receptors
Is Maltese similar to Italian ?
No. It’s a Semitic language that uses Hebrew characters.
What’s the standard amount of time to fast for ā blood test?
8-12 hours
Why do so many types of rocks end with the suffix “lite”
From the Greek word “lithos” which means “rock”
What is halite?
Naturally occurring salt , that is sodium chloride , form when salty lakes evaporate
7 minerals your body absolutely needs…
Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride & sulfur
What are the 8 trace minerals the body needs?
Minerals needed in only small amounts
Iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride & selenium
Copper is found throughout the body & is needed to…?
- Works with iron to form red blood cells
- Helps form collagen
- Immune System
- Brain development
- Antioxidant
- Energy production
- Iron absorption
What is lordosis ?
an exaggerated inward curve of the spine, typically in the lower back, that can cause a swayback appearance:
What exactly are hemorrhoids?
Swollen veins on the anus & inside. Obesity & constant straining are some causes
About the halictadae bee family?
They’re called sweat bees because they’re attracted to human sweat. They don’t produce honey, aren’t aggressive so usually don’t sting, there’s over 4,500 species on every continent but Antarctica
Honeybees belong to what bee family?
Apidae largest bee family, halictadae is the 2nd largest
What’s interesting about the rainforest dwelling megalopta genus of sweat bees
They forage at night, night blooming flowers high in canopy
What is the source of the Amazon River?
Carruhadanta Creek which runs off the north slope of Mount Mismi in Southern Peru . Or the Mantaro River in Peru or the Apurímac River in Peru or the Marañon. All these tributary rivers can be considered the Amazon’s source
What is meant by à rivers headwaters?
Headwaters are the source of a stream or river. They are located at the furthest point from where the water body empties or merges with another.
What is leishmaniasis?
A disease caused by parasites transmitted by the sand fly
How tall is the tallest man in the world?
8 feet 3 inches 8 foot 2?
Sultan Kösen.
How tall is LeBron James?
6 foot 9
How tall is Georghe Muresan (tallest basketball player?
7 foot 7
What are the three types of leishmaniasis?
Visceral (fatal if not treated) cutaneous (most common, causes awful scars) & mucocutsneous ( Mouth nose & throat)
Leishmaniasis facts
- The protozoan, leishmania is engulfed by macrophages and replicated inside them.
- Cases found in poor parts of the world with improper resources
- Most people infected don’t show symptoms
What is apoptosis?
The natural healthy process of cell death which includes breakdown of DNA & the cytoskeleton .
What’s a fer-de-lance?
A highly venomous viper snake found in the Amazon & throughout Central America & Mexico.
What does “fer-de-lance” mean?
Lancehead in French, refers to the vipers’ triangular head that also has a sensory pit between the eyes
What do Spanish speakers call the fer-de-lance?
Barba Amarillo (yellow chin)
What’s considered the deadliest snake in the Western hemisphere?
The fer-de-lance
Geographical location of Beijing vs Shanghai?
Beijing is in northern China and inland .
Shanghai is on the coast, southeast of Beijing. On a branch of the Yangtze River
Difference between Beijing & Shanghai?
Beijing is the capital and where thé Forbidden Palace is. It’s more traditional with a rich history. Shanghai is the center of commerce and more modern with more obvious cultural influences of the rest of the world.
Tianamen Square is in which Chinese city?
Beijing, the capital
Which Chinese river is furthest north? Pearl Yangtze or Yellow?
The Yellow River. The Pearl River is South
What country is Apoptygma Berzerk from?
Sodium tetraborate is also known as…?
Sodium bicarbonate is commonly known as…
Baking soda
What elements are in baking soda?
In borax?
Soda: sodium, hydrogen, carbon, oxygen
Borax: sodium, boron, hydrogen, oxygen
Is borax poisonous?
Yes. Don’t eat it or let kids & pets eat it!
May irritate skin
Rinse it completely away
5-10 grams harms child
10-25 harms adult
5 grams = approx 1 teaspoon
Bullet ants are known for…?
Having the most painful sting.
Called “bullet ants” bc their bite feels like a gunshot.
Where in world do bullet ants live?
Honduras/El Salvador to Brazil & Bolivia
What’s the Schmidt Pain index?
Thé Schmidt Sting Pain Index measures how much insects bites and stings hurt.
What was entomologist, Justin O. Schmidt’s method for creating his pain index?
He got bitten or stung by various insects and kept a journal about it.
What 3 insects are a 4 on the Schmidt Sting Pain index?
Bullet ants
Warrior wasp
Tarantula Hawk Wasp
What wasp has the most painful sting and second most painful insect sting according to the Schmidt Sting Pain Index?
The tarantula Hawk wasp
What does the Tarantula Hawk Wasp look like & why is it called that?
It’s large, black, with bright orange wings. The wasp stings and paralyzes a tarantula to lay an egg on. The larva will burrow into the spiders belly drink it’s blood, then eat it’s guts.
Tarantula Hawk wasps habitat ?
South US & south & Central America
Before being an acclaimed director, Ron Howard was a…?
Child actor:
Opie- The Andy Griffith Show
Happy Days
In movies, the Music Man & The Journey
Also in movies, American Graffiti & the Shootist
When did Ron Howard make his directorial debut & with what movie?
The comedy , Grand Theft Auto, 1977
Some movies Ron Howard directed?
A Beautiful Mind, Apollo 13, Parenthood & Splash
Backdraft, Cocoon, Cinderella Man, Far and Away
Who is the hero of the Die Hard movies
Actor Bruce Willis as John McClane, a NY cop
Hans Gruber was the villain in…
First Die Hard movie, played by Alan Rickman (also famously plays Snape)
Who’s the main hero in The Fast & the Furious?
Dominc Toretto (Dom) played by Vin Diesel
Quick summary of what alpha, beta and gamma radiation is
Alpha, 2 protons & 2 neutrons heavy, doesn’t penetrate skin
Beta, high energy electrons
Gamma, pure energy, high energy photon, no mass nor charge
Uranium is primarily found and mined in what form?
Uranite or pitchblende, uranium oxide UO2
What are some other uranium minerals?
- Tobernite (bright green) copper uranium phosphate
Autenite sickly yellowgreen - calcium uranium phosphate - Carnotite uranium potassium vanadate
What are the naturally occurring radioactive elements?
Uranium, thorium, radium, potassium and radon
Uranium decays into…?
Radium, then radon gas
What is radon’s atomic number?
86, it’s a noble gas, colorless & odorless
What’s uranium’s atomic number?
What are elements 90 & 91 on the periodic table?
90 Thorium Th
91 protactinium Pa
Yes they’re radioactive
Atomic numbers 78-80 what are the elements?
- Platinum Pt
- Gold Au
- Mercury Hg
What are elements 80-85 on the periodic table?
- Mercury Hg
- Thallium Ti
- Lead Pb
- Bismuth Bi
- Polonium Po
- Astatine At
Elements 86-90 on the periodic table
- Radon Rn
- Francium Fr
- Radium Ra
- Actinium AC
- Thorium Th
What is the lightest radioactive element?
Tritium , an isotope of hydrogen
Radioactive element with the lightest atomic number??
Atomic number 43 has no stable isotopes
Who created the periodic table?
Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869
How many elements did the first periodic table have?
The Greek word technetos means…?
Why is technetium so unstable?
Even with 43 neutrons to match the protons, a stable pairing configuration doesn’t exist.
What’s an arapaima
One of the largest freshwater fishes. Lives in rivers in the Amazon. Also called pirarucu or paiche
How big is the largest freshwater fish in the world?
That would be the beluga sturgeon which is up to 23 feet long & weighs up to 3,463 lb.
Characteristics of sturgeon
Generally the largest type of freshwater fish. One of the most primitive lineages of bony fish. Covered with string bony plates
Beluga sturgeons’ habitat?
Eurasia. Black Sea, Caspian Sea , Sea of Azov & connecting rivers.
Beluga Sturgeon are critically endangered because
Their eggs are highly prized caviar and all the usual reasons
Largest freshwater fish in North America?
White sturgeon. Can get up to 20 feet long & weigh 1,800 lb. Usually 10 feet long & weigh 400
Arapaima interesting facts
It can breath air and survive outside water for 24 hours
How does the arapaima manage to breath air?
Modified swim bladder that opens into fishes mouth can act as a lung
Arapaima size
Can be 10 feet long weighing up to 440 pounds, 7-8 feet, 200 lb more common
Name seven dangerous freshwater fish
Goliath Tigerfish, (African rivers) large with sharp teeth & aggressive.
Arapaima, just big & thrashes , slimy, hard to remove armored scales
Piranha, aggressive with sharp teeth & powerful jaws
bull shark, can tolerate low salinity water & swim deep into rivers & lakes along coast
electric eel, giant stingray
What’s an adaptogen?
A natural substance that can help the body manage stress, anxiety & fatigue
What is ashwaghanda?
An evergreen shrub that grows in Africa & Asia . It contains contains chemicals that might help calm the brain, reduce swelling, lower blood pressure, and alter the immune system.
Dave Thomas is the founder of…?
What is a VNG test?
Videonystagmography. Measures nystagmus (involuntary eye movements)
Wear goggles and look at things and move your head & it’s supposed to measure thé vestibular system.
What is transnistria?
A narrow strip of land in Moldova on the Ukraine border that does not want to be a part of Moldova. Russia supports them, but Transnistria is not recognized by Moldova nor the international community as independent.
Where is Transnistria?
In Moldova, between the Dniester River and Ukraine. It’s a long narrow strip of land.
Why does Transnistria want to be independent?
They speak and consider themselves Russian and not Moldovan/Romanian .
Capital of unofficial Transnistria?
What does “uncontacted” indigenous tribe mean?
Not that the tribe does not know of the existence of others nor have ever been contacted by the outside world. It means they choose to live without regular contact.
How many uncontacted peoples are there?
Approximately 100. Can’t be sure exactly.
Where are the worlds uncontacted tribes?
South America /Amazon basin, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia , North Sentinel Island in Bay of Bengal
Most remote and hostile uncontacted tribe?
The sentilese of North Sentinel Island. No one knows their language nor customs. Or what they call themselves. They will kill persistent intruders. They are isolated even from other natives of the archipelago
Where is North Sentinel Island
Bay of Bengal , closer to the Burma side? Part of the Andaman Islands, Nicobar islands are south
Who were England’s kings between Richard II & Henry VII Beginning the Tudors reign in 1485?
Rich II Deposed :
Henry IV
Henry V
Henry VI
Edward IV
Henry VI again
Edward IV again
Ricard III
What were the War of the Roses in England’s history?
A battle for the throne between the house of York and the house of Lancaster, two branches of thé Plantagenet line
When was the War of the Roses?
1455 - 1487
Why was the rivalry for the throne between The house of York and Lancaster called “war of the roses”?
The white rose was the symbol of the house of York.
The red rose of Lancaster
What do you need to do to extract the sap/mucilage from marsh mallow roots?
Soak the roots in cold water overnight
How were marshmallows originally made?
Combining marsh mallow sap with egg whites and sugar. Then whipping it and pouring it into a mold.
Is marsh mallow the only mallow plant with throat soothing properties?
Any mallow plant with mucilage can be used.
Store bought marsh mallows do nothing. It’s just sugar
What is mucilage?
A thick, gelatinous, water-soluble substance found in plants and some microorganisms. with water and food storage, seed germination, and thickening cell walls. It’s produced by specialized cells in the plant’s endosperm. Cacti, flax seeds, and other succulents are especially rich in mucilage
How would one eat the mallow plant?
The flowers, roots & leaves are edible.
How would one eat the mallow plant?
The flowers, roots & leaves are edible.
Period in England history where the War of the Roses occurred. Time between the Plantagenet lines & Tudor
In 1399, Richard II was deposed & who took his place?
Henry IV
Who were England’s kings during the War of the Roses, before the Tudor period?
- Henry IV
- Henry V
- Henry VI
- Edward IV 4th
- Edward V
- Richard III
How did Henry VI contribute to the Cousins War/War of the Roses?
The king failed to settle disputes between the most powerful landowners in England & he lost large amounts of land in France.
War of the Roses - when exactly & how many battles?
16 battles between 1455 - 1487
Which English kings did Shakespeare write plays about?
Richard II, Henry IV, & Henry V
Richard III (usurped by Henry VII - 1st Tudor king)
King John
Why was Richard II deposed?
He was a poor leader, favoring certain members of his court who gave bad advice. He seized land from wealthy nobles violating inheritance rights to fund his war with Ireland. . He seized his uncle, John of Gaunt’s land thus robbing his cousin Henry IV, who in turn usurped his throne.
Watkin Tudor Jones is more commonly known as…?
Ninja from Die Antwoord
Yolandi from Die Antwoord’s real name?
Anri de Toit
Name some of the healthier cheeses
Gouda, mozzarella , Swiss, cottage cheese
What are the most unhealthy cheeses?
Soft cheeses like Brie & Camembert, processed cheeses like American, velveeta & shredded bag cheese. Sweetened “fruit flavored” cottage cheeses. Marscapone , cheddar cheese
Ways to eat mallow plant?
Young leaves & flowers, can boil in a soup, CSN dry, crumble & add to soup to thicken it. The entire plant is edible .
How do you eat mullein
The seeds are toxic. The leaves are edible but hairy & hard to digest. Flowers are tasty. Flowers have a lot of minerals. Roots & leaves have antiseptic & antibiotic properties.
Who was Leon Botha?
A South African DJ & painter who worked with Die Antwoord & collaborated with them. He suffered from progeria and was the longest survivor on record when he died at 26.
Meaning of band name, Gogol Bordello?
From Nikolai Gogol, a Ukrainian writer who “smuggled” Ukrainian culture into Russian society. A Bordello is the Italian word for brothel or gentlemen’s club.
Eugene Hutz is the lead singer of…?
Gogol Bordello
Who were the other two members of Destiny’s Child?
Kelly Rowland & Michelle Williams
What is Pyrex made out of?
Borosilicate glass: boron trioxide
What is a thermal expansion coefficient?
It describes how an object changes size with the change of temperature
Why is borosilicate glass stronger through temperature changes?
Heat causes atoms to vibrate and spread apart, hence, thermal expansion. Boron atoms don’t vibrate & separate as much.
What’s the difference between PYREX & pyrex?
Caps matter here. PYREX is made with borosilicate glass and could withstand heat & sudden cooling thereafter. pyrex (all lowercase is made out of tempered soda lime glass & will shattered
What is tempered glass?
Tempered glass is stronger & safer than regular glass. This is because it’s heated to high temperatures and then rapidly cooled it. This process compresses the surface of the glass and creates a balance of tension and compression that makes it up to four times stronger than regular glass.
When tempered glass breaks, it shatters into small, rounded chunks instead of sharp shards.
Where in the Bible is Balaam & the talking donkey
Numbers 22
Time of Moses & Aaron before entering promised land.
Name the four most heat resistant elements?
Tungsten W
Tantalum Ta
Molybdenum Mo
Hafnium Hf
Can be made into Tantalum or Hafnium carbide
What is a carbide?
A metal element combined with carbon
What is meant by 2d electrons
2d means two dimensional
Electrons can only move in two dimensions
What is tungsten’s melting point?
6,192 •F
Difference between vilazadone & Gepirone
Vilazidone is SPARI that is both ā partial 5HT agonist & teuptake inhibitor.
Gepirone is just a Serotonin 5HT agonist
What does «pasta è fagioli « mean?
Pasta and beans
What is carrageenan?
A food additive made from seaweed that is used as an thickener & gelling agent & preservative
How is carrageenan additive made?
It’s boiled in a slightly alkaline water, dried & ground into powder.
What are the health concerns of carrageenan?
It may cause inflammation, ulceration and damage to the digestive system as well as increased risk of cancer
What foods may contain carrageenan?
Dairy alternative mills
Lunch meat
Non dairy creamer
Chocolate milk
Cottage cheese
Nutritional drinks
Carrageenan is known by what other names ?
Irish moss
Vegetable gelatin
How exactly might carrageenan be harmful?
By changing microbiome thus leaving digestive lining vulnerable .
Carrageenan contact to epithelial cells triggers inflammation thru kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) pathway,
Can also trigger peritoneal macrophages to release inflammatory cytokines
Stomach acids can break down carrageenan to poligeenan which is a known carcinogen
What are TLRs in the immune system?
TLR stands for Toll Like Receptors.
Part of the innate immune system & the 1st line of defense against pathogens . Mediates innate & adaptive immune response especially in the gut.
What food’s definitely DO NOT cause gut inflammation?
Leafy greens
Nuts & seeds
Lentils chickpeas
Olive oil
Fatty fish, Tuna, salmon , sardines
Green white & black tea
Whole grains
Peanut butter
What are the most inflammatory foods?
Red meat, full fat dairy, pizza, cheese,
White bread & rice & pasta
Bacon, lunch meat, pepperoni
Food dyes & preservatives
Corn safflower & soy oils
Fast food, fried chicken, doughnuts, French fries
Deserts , candy, sugary cereals
The actual St. Nicholas was believed to have been born when & where?
Patata Turkey, circa 280 AD
Who wrote «‘Twas the night before Christmas «?
Clément Clarke Moore, an episcopal minister wrote a poem for his three daughters called «an account of a visit from St. Nicholas»
What is known about St. Nicholas ?
Born into a wealthy family who raised him to be a devout Christian, he sold all his inheritance & gave it to the poor, became bishop of Myra. Was imprisoned during Diocletian ‘s persecution & attended the council of Nicaea . Known for his generosity and love for children.
St. Nicholas ‘s two most famous legendary miracles?
Threw three bags of gold through a window for a poor man with 3 daughters who would’ve otherwise been sold into prostitution & slavery. Resurrected three youths who had been murdered & pickled in a barrel by a innkeeper
Which country revered St. Nicholas through the Reformation & brought his legend to America ?
Holland, the Dutch
Which artist first depicted Santa Clause as we know him today
Thomas Nast , a political cartoonist in 1863
What are elements 11-15 on the periodic table ?
10: neo
11. Sodium
12. Magnesium
13. Aluminum
14. Silicon
15. Phosphorus
When we’re pants invented ?
Around 3000 - 3300 years ago in Central Asia China for comfort while riding horses
How many years between book of Malachi & Jesus’s birth ?
Roughly 400
Malachi circa 420 BC
What was “Pax Romana” historically
Height of the Roman Empire , 200 year long period beginning with Augustus’s reign. There was peace through Rime’s sheer strength
How are barrels made from wood watertight?
If it’s made from oak, the wood absorbs moisture & swells closing the gaps between staves. Oak barrels need to be kept wet & never dry out. In the Southwest US in the late 1800s, a cowhide was sewn over the barrel and would absorb water that seeped through the staves, as the hide dried it would shrink & tighten sealing the barrel.
Who was Fanny Goldwater Soss?
A divorced mother who opened a dress shop in Las Vegas, She divorced her husband & refused help from her family during the Great Depression. working alone 7 days a week at first. Her store It was highly successful & remained open for 35 years. She lived to be 105. Considered a founding woman of Las Vegas
What is the Helldorado Parade?
The Helldorado Days festival began in 1934 as a fundraiser and tribute to the Old West.
Why did Archibald Stewart get into the gun fight that killed him at Kiel Ranch?
Schyler Henry, a ranch hand told Helen Stewart he was quitting & demanded his pay, when Helen said he’d need to wait until her husband returned. Schyler insulted Helen. Archibald rode to Kiel a ranch to confront Schyler and a gun fight ensued. No one was indicted
Why wasn’t anyone punished for Archibald Stewart’s murder?
There were no eyewitness. It was Helen’s word against to men, Schyler Henry & Conrad Kiel. It didn’t help that she was a woman & her husband wasn’t well liked in Pioche
What state is Cancun & Playa Del Carmen in on the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico ?
Quintana Roo
What is a penstock?
A conduit or pipe for directing water. A gate or sluice regulating the flow of water.
How big were the largest penstock rings used for the Hoover dam?
30 feet in diameter.
Weighing 170 tons
Why is there a wedding tradition of tieing cans to the back of a couple’s car?
Comes from old custom of making loud noises to scare evil spirits away. Also what horn honking is for?
When did the white wedding dress become the norm for brides?
In the 1800s. Queen Victoria wore a white wedding dress when she was married.
Before Queen Victoria popularized the white wedding dress, bridal gowns were?
Colorful , sometimes blue, gold, red or even black. Women intended to wear their wedding dress on other important occasions after.
Who invented the washing machine .
James King invented the first mechanical washing machine in 1851. He created a drum-based device that used water pressure to agitate clothes and remove dirt. Hamilton Smith created a rotary version in 1858 that became more popular .
Angiotensin is a type of…?
What does angiotensin II do? 5 things
- Increases blood pressure by narrowing blood vessels
- Signals body to retain sodium & loose potassium in urine
- Triggers thirst
- Triggers desire for salt
- Signals kidneys to reabsorb water
What does angiotensin I do?
Nothing that we know of. It’s the precursor for angiotensin II which does many things.
How is angiotensin produced in the body?
The liver creates & releases a protein called angiotensinogen. It’s broken down by an enzyme called renin that is released by the kidney. This breakdown produces angiotensin I
What’s the difference in the molecular structure of angiotensin I - IV
Angiotensin I is a decapeptide (made of 10 amino acids)
Angio II is an octopeptide
3 & 4 are much smaller.
What are the functions of each type of angiotensin?
We don’t know. Angio II Does a lot. Angio I is a precursor to II & we don’t know of any biological functions. We don’t know what III & IV Do🤷♀️
How does the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) regulate blood pressure?
ACE converts angiotensin I into angiotensin II which constricts blood vessels so all it can do is increase blood pressure.
How does angiotensin II signal the body to retain sodium & lose potassium?
By stimulating the release of aldosterone from the adrenal glands.
What part of the body does angiotensin act on to produce thirst & a craving for salt?
The hypothalamus
What is the function of sodium vs potassium in the body?
Sodium helps maintain extra cellular fluid volume while potassium controls intracellular fluid volume.
What type of animal is Knuckles from Sonic the Hedgehog lore?
A short nosed echidna
What are the names of Spinal Taps band members?
David St. Hubbins
Nigel Tufnel
Nigel Smalls
Mick Shrimpton
Many different drummers
Who played the band members in This is Spinal Tap?
David St. Hubbins: Michael McKean
Nigel Tufnel: Christopher Guest
Derek Smalls: Harry Shearer
Who’s the main character from the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life? What actor played him?
George Bailey played by James Stewart
What year did “it’s a wonderful life” come out? Who was the director?
Frank Capra
What are electrolytes simply?
Substances that have a natural positive or negative electric charge when dissolved in water.
What & where is the Sea if Azov?
A smallish sea that is a north extension of the Black Sea bordering Ukraine & Russia. Might be words shallowest sea at 46 feet as the deepest
Who invented the car & when?
Karl Benz in 1886 invented the first gasoline powered internal combustion engine.
However, in 1769 Joseph Cugnot built the first self-propelled road vehicle. For the French military It was three wheeled & ran on steam .
Who sketched a plan for a horseless, self-propelled car in the 1500s?
Leonardo Da Vinci
He never had a chance to build it though
What did Henry Ford invent that contributed to the evolution of automobiles?
The moving assembly line which revolutionized the way cars are made thus making them cheaper & more efficient
What’s the significance of the model T car?
Produced from 1908 to 1907 it was the first mass produced car middle class Americans could afford thus making the car more popular.
Why did Henry Ford call his car Model T?
There were 19 versions tried before it. The 20th version worked! T is the 20th letter of the alphabet. Models A thru S didn’t work out.
Where in the world are the uncontacted indigenous tribes?
Mostly South America Amazon Brazil & Peru as well as Paraguay outside the Amazon Basin. North Sentinel Island in the Bay of Bengal and Papua New Guinea.
Who is Elphaba Thropp?
The Wicked Witch of the West in Oz.
When does Wicked take place in reference to The Wizard of Oz?
About 40 years before but catches up to the time of the wizard of Oz.
What is the Wicked Witch of the East’s name?
What is a brain aneurysm?
A bulge in a weak spot of the blood vessel. If it ruptures, that’s bad.
Name the behaviors that reduce the risk of an aneurysm rupture .
Control blood pressure
Don’t smoke
Don’t take uppper drugs
Eat healthy & exercise
Can an aneurysm go away on its own?
What is jamais vu?
Feeling like something familiar is unfamiliar
Jamais means never
Vu means seen
What symptoms are associated with right temporal lobe abnormalities?
- Difficulty recognizing faces
- Impaired visual memory
- Difficulty with spatial navigation
- Sudden mood swings, emotional disturbances
- Deja or Jamais vu experiences
- Auditory hallucinations
What is Dotarem?
A substance injected into one’s veins prior to a contrast based MRI. It’s gadolinium-based.
What is gadolinium?
A rare/earth metal in thé Lanthanide group with an atomic number of 64. It’s not radioactive but reacts with oxygen & moisture. It’s used to enhance MRI images . Gd
What is gadolinium?
A rare/earth metal in thé Lanthanide group with an atomic number of 64. It’s not radioactive but reacts with oxygen & moisture. It’s used to enhance MRI images . Gd
Why are the lanthanide elements considered rare although they occur relatively frequently?
They’re always combined with something else bc they’re highly reactive & they’re difficult to detect in ores
Name the 15 lanthanides?
- Lanthanum
- Cerium
- Praseodymium
- Neodymium
- Promethium
- Samarium
- Europium
- Gadolinium
- Terbium
- Dysprosium
- Holmium
- Erbium
- Thulium
- Ytterbium
- Lutetium
What is coprophagia?
The eating of poop.
Also coprophagy
How many ounces are in a cup?
Where do the Yaifo live?
One of the most isolated uncontacted tribes, they live in the highlands of Papua New Guinea’s East Sepik Province. It’s in the northern part of PNG. In an area unreachable by roads or rivers.
What flag is this
French flag
What does the French flag look like?
3 vertical stripes
Navy blue on left
White in middle
Red on right
Which flag is this?
What colors are in the German flag?
Black, red, yellow
What flag is this?
Chinese flag
John Chau & Benedict Allen
John Chau was an American adventurer & missionary who went alone to North Sentinel Island & was killed by the tribe there.
Benedict Allen was a British explorer who spent time with the Yaifo. He went missing & needed to be rescued when he tried to go back
About the Taaw’t Baton Tribe
They were only discovered in 1978! They live deep in the jungles of the island of Palawan, Philippines. They hide and live in giant natural caves for months during the rainy season.
What was the first miracle Jesus performed?
Turning water into wine. John 2:
Where did Jesus turn water into wine? What town?
Cana. I tiny little village near Nazareth. His family probably had family & knew people there.
When did Saturday Night Live debut?
October 11, 1975
Who was the original cast of SNL
John Belushi, Dan Ackroyd, Chevy Chase, Gilda Radner, Jane Curtin, Laraine Newman, Garrett Morris
What’s in toffee?
Caramelized sugar and buttet
What’s the difference between caramel & toffee?
Both are heated sugar. Toffee is more brittle bc sugar is heated to a higher temperature. Caramel is chewier and usually contains cream.
How is butterscotch different from toffee & caramel?
Butterscotch is made with brown sugar and butter.
What’s the difference between macaroon & macaron cookies ?
Macaron cookies are colorful & look like sandwiches.
Macarōōn cookies are typically made with coconut and look more like messy balls.
How is diesel different from gasoline
Diesel undergoes less refinement & therefore is thicker. It’s denser & less volatile so produces more power per gallon. Diesel is good for engines that move heavy machinery.
Gasoline is good for heavier vehicles that require faster acceleration
What is meant by “pragmatic “ language skills?
The social aspects of communication referring to the ability to use language appropriately In different social situations including understanding social cues, adjusting language based on context, tone of voice, eye contact, taking turns in conversation
What is Benelux?
A cooperative union & alliance between Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. It allows for free movement of people & goods & share common goals of sustainable development & justice.
The five biggest cities in Germany?
Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt
Silkworms almost exclusively eat…?
Mulberry leaves
Who was Madame Germaine de Staël?
A highly regarded and remarkably eloquent female writer in the late 1700s. She favored the more moderate views of the Girondin during the French Tevolution and criticized Napoleon later. Called aconversationalist, philosopher and ran as salo as in place where prominent people came to converse and debate. Bridged neoclassicalism & romanticism
Some things Germaine de Staël wrote
Delphine 1802
Corinne, or Italy 1807
Considerations on the Principal Events of the French Revolution
The French Revolution & the Girondins/Girondists
The Girondins were a political party during the French Revolution that didn’t want to completely repeal the monarchy. Wanted the king imprisoned for future use & not beheaded. Party stopped/died/ disbanded in 1793
Are there states in France? What are they called?
France is divided into 18 regions, 13 of which are in mainland France. The régions are divided into départments of which there are 96
Where did the Girondists get their name?
Some were originally from the Départment of Gironde, but they were called Brissotins more back the. After Jacques-Pierre Brissot
Which Jacobin political faction led the Reign of Terror?
The Montagnards, led by Robespierre, they clashed with the more moderate Girondins.
The Girondins beliefs…
They wanted to abolish the monarchy and wanted a weaker executive branch and more provincial autonomy . Desired and orderly revolution not massacres & were imprisoned & executed during the reign of terror. Also supported free public education, assistance for the poor , abolition of Slavery & some even women’s suffrage . Party of the middle class, merchants & lawyers
What did The Feuillants want during the French Revolution?
Sought to preserve the position of the king & have a constitutional monarchy.
Jacques-Pierre Brissot in the French Revolution
Leader of the Girondins, wanted to spare kings life & decentralize Parisian power, an abolitionist, executed during the reign of tey
Sans-culottes & the French Revolution
Means “without breeches” did not dress like aristocracy. Working class people mostly of Paris, the boots on the ground of the French Revolution. Wanted democracy without even a parliament . Idea that everyone is created equal
Charlotte Corday & the French Revolution?
A Girondin, she killed Montagnard/Jacobin Jean-Paul Marat in his bathtub at home. She pulled a knife from her bodice & stabbed him!
Why did Charlotte Corday kill Marat?
She believed he was to radical & Mintagnards were too violent & that it needed to be done to save the French Revolution . She was part of the well educated Girondins . She was revolted by the September massacres & feared an all out civil war in Framce
What does it mean to be SAPTA certified?
Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency. Includes helping youth with prenatal alcohol & drug abuse exposure.
Which of the 9 plagues affected the Israelites? Which ones were pharaohs magicians able to reproduce?
The 4th plague, the flies did not affect Isreal. Isreal experienced the water turning to blood, the flies & the gnats. The Egyptian magicians did the blood & frogs but couldn’t turn the dust into gnats.
In sum: magicians could also do plagues 1 & 2
Israelites also experienced plagues 1-3 but not four
Exodus 8:22 “Iwill make a distinction “
Exodus 8:28 “but when the macicisns
Where do the Kawahiva live?
Mato Grasso province of Brazil. It’s central inland on the border of Bolivia . In the Rio Pardo area, along the Pardo river
Who are the Kaeahiva?
Am indigenous tribe that has no regular contact with outsiders & is considered endangered. They live along the Pardo River in central area bow Amazon River. They are an isolated piece of the larger tribes separated by development . Eveidence suggests they once were settled & farmed but are now nomadic due to illegal loggers pushing into their land threatening & even killing then.
Why don’t we tend to try to contact and civilize uncontacted indigenous tribes?
All the times this was done in the past have resulted in loss of the culture and huge decrease of the population once exposed to our disesases
Who are the Karijonas ?
The indigenous tribe of the Chiribiquete, Columbia area. It is believed there are 1-3 tribes still living in the state park.
Who was the first rap group to perform on national television ?
The Funky Four + 1. On Saturday Night Live in February 1981
Jeff Townes vs Jess Miree
Jeff Townes was DJ Jazzy Jeff with the Fresh Prince
Jeff Miree was MC Jazzy Jeff part of the funky four + 1
Who was the musical guest on SNL ‘s first episode in 1975?
Billy Preston & Janis Ian (not together) they had two musical guests )
Who was the guest host on the first Saturday Night Live?
George Carlin
Name 7 famous comics who auditioned for SNL & weren’t hired.
- Jim Carrey
, 2. Jennifer Coolidge, - Kevin Hart
- Stephen Colbert
- Donald Glover
- Mindy Kaling
7.Jordan Peele
More famous people rejected by SNL A-G
Jennifer Anniston
Nicole Byers
David Cross
Rachel Bloom
Sandra Bernhard
Geena Davis
Dave Foley
Zak Galifinakis
John Goodman Kathy Griffin
More SNL rejects H-N
Tiffany Haddish
Andy Kaufman
Ellie Kemper
Johnny Knoxville
Lisa Kudrow
Cristin Milloti
Jack McBrayer
Bruce McCulloch
Kevin Macdonald’
Kumail Nanjiani
Name the 9 things that are considered the fruit of the spirit according to the Bible?
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Forbearance
- Kindness
- Goodness
- Faithfulness
8.Gentleness - Self control
- Self control
Which scripture lists the fruit of the spirit?
Galatians 5: 22-23
What does the hormone ghrelin do?
Ghrelin regulates appetite & growth hormone secretion . It’s known as the hunger hormone.
What parts of the body produce ghrelin (4)
Stomach primarily, also brain, pancreatic islets, & small intestine
What hormone is the opposite of ghrelin?
Leptin, leptin decreases appetite .
How does insulin work on a molecular level?
Insulin binds to certain receptors on cells which triggers a cascade of signaling events, activates tyrosine kinase domain which then phosphorylates signaling proteins …it’s a long process , one molecule phosphorolates another, there’s 6? Phosphorylation’s that ultimately lead to the glucose transporter protein to report to the cell membrane to bring in glucose
According to the Bible, how did Mary Magdalene meet Jesus?
Luke 8:2 Jesus drove seven demons out of her. Not Mary with Martha, not woman who washed his feet with her hair at Simon the pharisee’s house .
King Uzziah was also known by what name?
Name some more celebrities who auditioned for Saturday Night Live and didn’t make it. N-Z
Paul Scheer, Amy Sedaris , Scott Thompson, Paul Reubens, Jordan Peele, Aubrey Plaza
How does insulin lower blood sugar in simple terms?
Insulin is a hormone that acts like a key & unlocks cells that they may let glucose in. Insulin signals cells to take glucose from the bloodstream
What were the Hawley-Smoot tariffs?
enacted in 1930, was a U.S. law that significantly increased tariffs on imported goods, aiming to protect American industries during the Great Depression; however, it backfired by triggering retaliatory tariffs from other countries, leading to a drastic decline in global trade and further exacerbating the economic crisis.
What is glucagon?
Another hormone your body uses. Glucagon raises blood sugar levels
Where exactly in the body is the pancreas located?
Behind the stomach
What does “stiff peaks” mean when your whipping egg whites?
You can stack the blops on top of one another & it doesn’t just puddle down
What was the intention of the Hawley-Smoot tarriiffs?
The goal was to protect American farmers and manufacturers by raising tariffs on imported goods, essentially making foreign products more expensive in the U.S. market.
What is the capital of Nunavut?
Uh KAHL ōō it
Ih KAAL ū eet
(Place of many fish)
What’s in the coconut macaroons?
Coconut, sweetened condensed milk , egg whites, salt, vanilla extract
What 2 types of glands comprise the pancreas?
Endocrine & exocrine
Exocrine: secretes digestive enzymes
Endocrine secretes hormones into the bloodstream
What country’s flag is this?
Where is insulin & glucagon made specifically?
In the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas
What are thé pancreatic islets?
Clusters of cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, glucagon, somatostatin & ghrelin&
What type of cells in the pancreas make, store & secrete digestive enzymes ?
The Acinar cells
What country’s flag is this?
What is somatostatin?
A hormone & neuropeptide that suppresses other hormones release such as growth hormone, insulin & glucagon , has an anti proliferation effect on certain cells, it reduces intestinal motility & acts as a neuro transmitter
Where else is somatostatin produced by the body besides the pancreatic islets?
Hypothalamus, gastrointestinal tract, brain stem & skin
Why are many Type II diabetics fat?
If the insulin isn’t working properly getting cells to store glucose then there’s too much glucose in the blood stream & it get stored as fat.
What ingredients are needed to made macarons?
Almond flower, egg whites ,powdered sugar and granulated sugar . Can also add food coloring, cocoa powder or vanilla extract
What is the capital of Canada’s Northwest Territories?
Northernmost town in the US?
Utqiagvik (formerly Barrow)
How long are days & nights in US northernmost town of Utqiagvik?
ceives 24 hour daylight from May 10 - August 2 and 24 hour darkness from November 18 – January 23.
Are there any deserts in Europe?
Only true desert is the Tabernas Desert in Spain
How big is Spain’s Tabernas Desert!
110 square miles
Where in Spain is the Desert?
In thé Southeast, north of Almeria which is on the Mediterranean
When did Europeans start wearing pants?
Mediterranean cultures started wearing pants in 4th century
Northern cold Europe
Middle Ages , northern Germanic tribes
By 19th century pants were universally standard for men
What are the Harry Potter commands for turning phone flashlight on & off
On = «Lumos»
Off= «Nox»