What are proteins on the surface that stimulate immune response with antibodies that cause cell to clump?
What are antibodies to blood surface protein absent in the host body?
•Agglutinins- from exposure, meat, playground.
If I am AO pos, I would have been exposed to what agglutinin/AB?
B agglutinin in my plasma from exposure
Do we have only one agglutinogen on surface of RBC?
NO- numerous antigens on RBC
Which are most like to cause a transfusion reaction?
OAB and RH
What are the MC common blood types?
O and A+ Type determined by alleles from parents
Which type is recessive?
O is recessive. AB are codominant
What indicates having the Rh factor?
(+) means RH
Which blood type has no agglutinin?
AB. Surface A B agglutinogens- RECIPIENT, no transfusion rxn
Which Blood type had A and B agglutinin?
Type O- no agglutinogens- DONOR
What occurs when RBC exposed to antibodies on surface of RBC?
Agglutination-clumping of cells. Important to not have Type B blood given to Type A b/c Type B antibody a would merge with Type Blood A surface protein. clump and lysis
Why does it take large exposure to mount hemolysis with RH type agglutinin?
slower formation than OAB. RH- 6 proteins Cc,Dd,Ee
What RH protein confers positive or negative?
D most prevalent and antigenic. Rh +means D subtype. Rh- means C or E subtype
Why is it not necessary to treat pregnant with Rh for the 1st time?
Senistiaxion occurs with repeated exposure. 1st exposure to Rh+ w/ Rh- mount mild immune response. Treat if mount response to Rh- fetus
What is agglutination and phagocyte of fetus RBCs in baby Rh+ and Rh- mother via Rh- ABY diffusing to placenta?
Erythroblastosis fetalis