CARDIO-CAD Flashcards
As a HCP what are you primary goals to prevent d/t statistics in US?
- Heart dz, 2. Cancer 3. COPD 4. CVA
What is true definition of Ischemia?
insuffiencent coronary blood flow to heart d/t imbalance of supply vs demand. REVERSIBLE. 1. MC atheroscerlosis, aterioscleroiss 2. VTE, DVT, 3. spasm, 4. severe LVH via HTN or AS.
What is major difference with ishemcial vs. infart?
Infarct is tissue death. IRREVERSIBLE. Ischemia is not a Diagnosis
When do coronary arteries fill w/ blood?
Diastole, unlike other artieries. Location: Main aa. LAD- ant. Interventricular descending. Septum
When are coronary aa blocked?
During aortic valve opening/systole, due to involuted vavles in the way of coronary aa. During aortic valve closure/diastole leaflets fall back down and fill coronary aa
How does HTN and AS affect CAD?
Bc over time HR inc w/ HTN, diastole shorten, less filling of coronary aa.. HR <180= less diastole thus less leaflets closed, less coranory artery fill w/ blood
What is the widowmaker artery?
LAD- ant. Interventricular. Off of LCA. Supplies LV, 2/3 of IV septum, RBB, and LBB. Thus if block, heart will not perfuse or contract d/t block of purkinje and Branches
The heart requires relatively lots of Oxygenation, how is it supplied?
RCA,LCA resistance here determines myocardial blood flow. Myocardial tissue doesn’t fatigue
What does the RCA supply in the heart?
RV, Post and inf LV, Post 1/3 of septum, SA and RV node, His, post. LBB. Conduction blocks may mean coronary aa dysfx
What is essential regarding HTN?
AtHEROSCLEROSIS or arteriosclerois will requiring high pressure to perfuse the body’s essential need for O2. Coronary aa will require higher pressure if stiffened. Age- need high pressure to profose bc lose compliance/elasticy in vessels.
What forms in due to endothelium injury?
ALL Pressure cause damage. Loss of NO. Deposits in intima. If tears platelet adhere, monocyte recruited, foam cells, and fatty streak. FIBROMUSCULAR PLAGUE-MSK FIBERS +CHOLESTERAL CORE
When fibromuscular plaque ruptures?
Breaks off embolus travel to smaller vessels, occulde, CVA, or MI
what inflammatory component affect atherosclerois?
CRP inc rupture risk- inducing MACs
How does smoking inc risk?
Dec NO, INC inflammation, oxidation of LDL
Mr. KFC has low HDL, does he need Rx? What is TX fo him?
Not necessarily based solely on HDL. #1 Exercise to inc HDL
Ms. KFC has LDL 132, no risk factors except smoking?
Lifestyle diet and smoke talk
Mr. KFC had low HDL and LDL 192? TX?