Volcanic hazards Flashcards
What is the spatial distribution of volcanoes?
What are hot spots?
What is the VEI?
A volcani richer sacle used since 1992 using logarithmic scale from 0-8 volanic explosivity index
Compares size of volcanic eruption (magnitude) by measuring amount and height of matter ejcted and how long the eruption lasted
Shield volcano
Shallow-sided amd wide found at constructive plate margins and formed of balsaltic lava
Composite volcano
Steep-sided and tall found at destructive plate margins formed of andesitic and rhyolitic lava
Molten rock above the earths surface
Type of magma ? Characeristics? E.gs?
Hawaiian Volcanoes
- Type of magma: basaltic
- Characteristics: Active, lava flows gently from central vent
- E.g.: Kilauea, Hawaii
Type of magma ? Characeristics? E.gs?
Strombolian volcanoes
- Type of magma: Thicker basaltic
- Characteristics: Frequent explosive eruptions of tephra and steam and occasional short lava flows
- E.g.: Mount Etna, sicily
Type of magma ? Characeristics? E.gs?
Pillian volcanoes
- Type of magma: Rhyolotic
- Characteristics: Exceptionally violent eruptions of gases, ash and pumice, torrential rain storms cause devestating lahars
- E.g.: Moount vesuvis italy
Type of magma ? Characeristics? E.gs?
Icelandic volcanoes
- Type of magma: Baslatic
- Characteristics: Lava flows gently from fissures
Type of magma ? Characeristics? E.gs?
Vulcanian volcanoes
- Type of magam: Baslatic, desitic and rhyolitic
- Characteristics: Less frequent but more violent eruptions of gases ash and tephra
Type of magma ? Characeristics? E.gs?
Vesuvivian volcanoes
- Type of magma: basaltic andestic and rhyolitic
- Characteristics: following long periods of inactivity very violent gas explosions blast ash high into the sky
Type of magma ? Characeristics? E.gs?
Peleean volcanoes
- Type: Andesitic and rhyolitic
- Characteristics: Very violent eruptionsof nuees ardneees
What are primary effects?
- Tephra
- Prycolastic flows
- Lava flows
- Volcanic gases
Solid material of varying grain size ranging from volcanic bombs to ash all ejected into the atmosphere
* Larger the particle shorter distance of travel from source
* Volcanic bombs are very dangerous people tend to avoid them
* Fine ash can be thrown into atmosphere and strong winds blows it around the earth reducing incoming radiation and cooling the earth
Pyroclastic flows ( nuees ardentes)
Very hot (over 800 degrees gas charged high velocity flows made up of a misture of gas and tephra
Hug ground and flow down sides of volcanoes up to 700km p/h
- in 2018 flows from volcan de fuego guatemealakilled as many as2900 peopleand destroyed on estimated8500 hectares of agriculture land
Lava flows
- lava can flow quickly or slowly depending on its viscosity.
- Silica makes lava viscous and slow, which is common in explosive eruptions.
- Rarely cause injury to people due to their relativley low velocity
- ## Often unstoppable so damage crops, buildings and block roads
Volcanic gases
- released during some eruptions, even CO₂ can be toxic as it can replace oxygen as it is heavier
- Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide and chlorine
- In 1986 co2 from lake in the crater of nyos camerons killed..
Secondary effects (natural ) (volcanoes)
- Lahars
- Flooding
- Volcanic landslides
- Tsunamis
- Acid rain
- Climate change
Lahars = unconsolidated ash from recent eruptions combined with water may be swept down river valleys in the form of hot, dense, fast moving mud flow
* Water can come from heavy rain e.g. mount pinatubo, phillippines in 1991
* Melting snow and ice e.g. nevada del ruiz columbia 1985 completley destroyed the town of armeno 28,000 survived
Flooding = when an eruption melts glaciers and ice caps
E.g. iceland in 1996 grimsvton
Volcanic landslides
Volcanic landslides = range in size from less than 1km3 to more than 100km 3
* High velocity and great momentum of landslides allows them to cross between valleys and run up slopes several metres high
* E.g. the landslide at mount st helens in 1980 had a volume o 2.5km reached speeds of 50-80 m/s and surged up over a 400m high ridge located 5km from volcano
Tsunamis = sea waves generated by violent volcanic eruptions such as those formed after the eruption of Krakatoa (indonesia) in 1883. This tsunami killed 36,000 people