Plate tectonics Flashcards
The part of the mantle which lies directly beneat the lithosphere made of molten and semi molten rocks
The layer of earth consisting of the rigid crust and upper section of the mantle
Key facts about structure of earth
- Helps to understand why tectonic hazards occur
- Theory of plate tectinics has revolutionised
- Earths outershell is the curst and thickness between 5 and 10km beneat the oceans to nearly 70km under the continents
- Rocks in upper mantle are solid anf sit on top of athenosphere, softer almost plastic like rock which moves very slowly
- As earth rotates liquid outercore spills, earths magenetic field
- Cores internal heat is major cause fo earths tectonic activity
- Some heat may primeval - retained from the ball of dust and gas from which the earth evolved
- Earths greatest source of heat energy is from radioactivedecay (natural radioactive decay from euranium, thorium, potassium and other elements provides a continoous buy slowly diminishing heat
- Heat at core generates convection currents within mantle
oceanic crust
An occasionally broken layer of balsaltic rocks known as sima ( made up of silicia and magenesium)
continental crust
Thicker crust up to 70Km Below continents
Bodies of mainly granictic rocks known as sial (silia and alumnumin)
The core is the centre and hottest part of the earth - reaches up to 6000 degrees celcius and is mostly made up of iron and nickel and is 4x more dense than the crust
inner core
inner core = solid and made up of iron nickel alloy
What is sea floor spreading?
Sea-floor spreading = Movement of oceanic crustal plates away from constructive plate margins
Who produced the idea of sea floor spreading and when?
-Harry Hess in 1962 and this helped support wegeners theory of continental drift
-Hess discovered that rocks increased in age with distance from mid ocean ridges and that new oceanic crust were therefore being formed when plates diverged
- Hess theory was backed by the magnetic dating of these rocks (paleomagnetism)
Facts about sea floor spreading?
- 12,000ft long mountain range formed as mid alantic ridge a ridge of underwater volcanoes
-Molten rock pushed up from inside earth at the ridge new crust new ocean floor - Rate of spreading is expected to be up to 5cm per year
What is Contitnental drift?
Continental drift = the movement of tectonic plates due to varying weights of crust
Slab pull is the primary driving force of plate movements
What is paleomagnetism?
Paleomagnetism = Measurement of the magnetism preserved in older rocks
Facts about paleomagnetism?
-Approximatley every 400,000 years the earths magnetic field swtitch polarity between north and south
-Studies in 1960s of magnite ( iron oxide) produced from the balsatic lava along mid ocean ridge records the earths magentic orientation at that time
-Both age and magnetic orientation and symetrical suggesting that the oceanic crust is slowly spreading away from this boundary and therefore supporrs theory of contineyal drift
What is mantle convention?
Mantle convention = the rising and falling of magma within the asthenosphere
Facts about the asthenosphere
part of the mantle that lies directly beneath the lithosphere
Gravitational sliding
Gravitational sliding = the movement of tectonic plates as a result of gravity at mid-ocean ridges and deep sea trenches (ridge push and slab pull)
Ridge push
Ridge push = the higher elevation at an ocean ridge causes gravity to push down and drag crust away from the ridge
Slab pull
Slab pull = The process whereby , following subduction, the lithosphere sinks into the mantle under its own weight ‘pulling’ the rest of the plate with it
How does ridge push occur?
Ridge push is a result of gravitational forces acting on young oceanic lithosphere, causing it to slide down the asthenosphere and push on the lithospheric material further away from the ridges
Magma rises as the plates move apart. The magma cools to form new plate material. As it cools It becomes denser and slides down away from the ridge. This causes other plates to move away from each other.