Vocabulary 2 Flashcards
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: mitto.
mitto, mittere, misi, missus – send
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: semper.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: pons.
pons, pontis, M. – bridge
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: arbor.
arbor, arboris, F. – tree
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: cura.
cura, curae, F. – care, concern
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: fides.
fides, fidei, f. – faith
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: mater.
mater, matris, F. – mother
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: auxilium.
auxilium, auxilii, N. – help
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: advenio.
advenio, advenire, adveni, adventus – arrive
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: pater.
pater, patris, M. – father
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: pulcher.
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum – beautiful, handsome
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: navigo.
navigo, navigare, navigavi, navigatus – sail
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: curo.
curo, curare, curavi, curatus — take care of, look after
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: augeo.
augeo, augere, auxi, auctus – increase
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: vita.
vita, vitae, F. – life
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: homo.
homo, hominis, M. – man
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: cupio.
cupio, cupere, cupivi, cupitus – desire
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: fessus.
fessus, fessa, fessum – tired
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: puella.
puella, puellae, F. – girl
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: accipio.
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptus – receive
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: intro.
intro, intrare, intravi, intratus – enter
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: paro.
paro, parare, paravi, paratus – prepare
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: aequus.
aequus, aequa, aequum – even, just, calm
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: scio.
scio, scire, scivi, scitus – know
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: debeo.
debeo, debere, debui, debitus – owe, ought
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: duco.
duco, ducere, duxi, ductus – lead
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: nox.
nox, noctis, F. – night
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: ramus.
ramus, rami, M. – branch
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: aqueductus.
aqueductus, aqueductus, M. – aqueduct
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: ago.
ago, agere, egi, actus – do, drive, live, spend, discuss
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: domus.
domus, domus, F. – home
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: multus.
multus, multa, multum – much, many
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: traho.
traho, trahere, traxi, tractus – drag, pull
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: libero.
libero, liberare, liberavi, liberatus – free
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: capio.
capio, capere, cepi, captus – take
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: quid.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: scribo.
scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptus – write
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: surgo.
surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrecturus – rise, get up
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: vulnero.
vulnero, vulnerare, vulneravi, vulneratus – wound
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: fugio.
fugio, fugere, fugi, fugiturus – flee
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: signum.
signum, signi, N. – sign, signal
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: manus.
manus, manus, F. – hand
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: res.
res, rei, F. – thing, matter, situation
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: appropinquo.
appropinquo, appropinquare, appropinquavi, appropinquatus – approach
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: prope.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: relinquo.
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictus – leave, leave behind
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: tempus.
tempus, temporis, N. – time
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: demonstro.
demonstro, demonstrare, demonstravi, demonstratus – demonstrate, show
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: maneo.
maneo, manere, mansi, mansurus – remain
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: nauta.
nauta, nautae, M – sailor
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: vox.
vox, vocis, F. – voice
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: praemium.
praemium, praemii, N – reward
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: facio.
facio, facere, feci, factus – do, make
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: servus.
servus, servi, M. – slave
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: fenestra.
fenestra, fenestrae, F. – window
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: canis.
canis, canis, M/F – dog
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: annus.
annus, anni, M. – year
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: dea.
dea, deae F. - goddess
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: pax.
pax, pacis, F. – peace
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: equus.
equus, equi, M. – horse
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: bellum.
bellum, belli, N. – war
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: caput.
caput, capitis, N. – head
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: trado.
trado, tradere, tradidi, traditus – hand over, surrender
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: de.
about, from
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: cena.
cena, cenae, F. – dinner
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: discedo.
discedo, discedere, discessi, discessurus – leave, depart
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: villa.
villa, villae, F. – farmhouse, estate, house
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: dies.
dies, diei, M. – day
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: portus.
portus, portus, M. – harbor, port
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: ager.
ager, agri, M. – field
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: vilicus.
vilicus, vilici, M. – overseer
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: iacio.
iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus – throw
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: fortis
fortis, fortis, forte – brave, strong
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: deus.
deus, dei, M. – god
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: sub.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: hostis.
hostis, hostis, M. – enemy
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: invenio.
invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus – find
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: parvus.
parvus, parva, parvum – small
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: numerus.
numerus, numeri, M – number
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: patria.
patria, patriae, F. – country, native land
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: quis.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: periculum.
periculum, periculi, N – danger
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: familia.
familia, familiae, F. – family
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: frater.
frater, fratris, M. – brother
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: puer.
puer, pueri, M. – boy
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: verbum.
verbum, verbi, N – word
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: ira.
ira, irae, F – anger
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: oculus.
oculus, oculi, M. – eye
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: littera.
littera, litterae, F. – letter
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: navis.
navis, navis, F – ship
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: liber.
liber, libri, M. – book
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: ignavus.
ignavus, ignava, ignavum – lazy, cowardly
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: templum.
templum, templi, N – temple
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: teneo.
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentus – hold
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: novus.
novus, nova, novum – new
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: cado.
cado, cadere, cecidi, casus – fall
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: agricola.
agricola, agricolae, M. – farmer
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: insula.
insula, insulae, F. – island, apartment house
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: senatus.
senatus, senatus, M. – senate
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: consilium.
consilium, consilii, N. – plan
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: vito.
vito, vitare, vitavi, vitatus – avoid
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: do.
do, dare, dedi, datus – give
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: laboro.
laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratus – work
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: timeo.
timeo, timere, timui – be afraid (of), fear
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: cedo.
cedo, cedere, cessi, cessurus – yield, move
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: arcus.
arcus, arcus, M. – arch
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: servo.
servo, servare, servavi, servatus – save, protect, guard
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: habito.
habito, habitare, habitavi, habitatus – live
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: soror.
soror, sororis, F. – sister
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: per.
through, along
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: tango.
tango, tangere, tetigi, tactus – touch
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: ab.
by, from
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: aqua.
aqua, aquae, F. – water
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: spes.
spes, spei, F. – hope
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: custodio.
custodio, custodire, custodivi, custoditus – guard
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: clarus.
clarus, clara, clarum – clear, famous
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: pono.
pono, ponere, posui, positus – place
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: lux.
lux, lucis, F. – light
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: urbs.
urbs, urbis, F. – city
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: cubiculum.
cubiculum, cubiculi, N – bedroom
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: ambulo.
ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatus – walk
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: ubi.
when, where
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: rogo.
rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatus – ask
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: pecunia.
pecunia, pecuniae, F. – money
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: rideo.
rideo, ridere, risi, risus – laugh, smile
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: corpus.
corpus, corporis, N. – body
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: sto.
sto, stare, steti, status – stand
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: dormio.
dormio, dormire, dormivi, dormitus – sleep
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: festino.
festino, festinare, festinavi, festinatus – hurry
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: dominus.
dominus, domini, M. – master
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: ianua.
ianua, ianuae, F. – door
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: silva.
silva, silvae, F. woods, forest
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: pugno.
pugno, pugnare, pugnavi, pugnatus – fight
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: amicus.
amicus, amici, M. – friend
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: baculum.
baculum, baculi, N. – stick
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: amicitia.
amicitia, amicitiae, F. – friendship
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: rex.
rex, regis, M. – king
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: lectus.
lectus, lecti, M. – bed, couch
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: fabula.
fabula, fabulae, F. – story
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: frumentum.
frumentum, frumenti, N – grain
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: bonus.
bonus, bona, bonum – good
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: inimicus.
inimicus, inimici, M. – enemy
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: cur.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: via.
via, viae, F. – road, street
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: porto.
porto, portare, portavi, portatus – carry
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: casa.
casa, casae, F. - house
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: perterritus.
perterritus, perterrita, perterritum – frightened
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: voco.
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus – call
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: vir.
vir, viri, M. – man
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: moveo.
moveo, movere, movi, motus – move
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: flumen.
flumen, fluminis, N. – river
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: socius.
socius, socii, M. – comrade, ally
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: carrus.
carrus, carri, M. – cart, wagon
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: senator.
senator, senatoris, M. – senator
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: iter.
iter, itineris, N. – journey
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: regina.
regina, reginae, F. – queen
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: mors.
mors, mortis, F. – death
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: filia.
filia, filiae, F. – daughter
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: caelum.
caelum, caeli, N – sky
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: dono.
dono, donare, donavi, donatus – give
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: appareo.
appareo, apparere, apparui, apparitus – appear
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: nomen.
nomen, nominis, N. – name
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: onus.
onus, oneris, N. – load, burden
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: brevis
brevis, brevis, breve – short
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: sine.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: doceo.
doceo, docere, docui, doctus – teach
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: ex.
out of, from
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: cum.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: longus.
longus, longa, longum – long
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: moneo.
moneo, monere, monui, monitus – warn
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: amicus.
amicus, amica, amicum – friendly
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: femina.
femina, feminae, F. – woman
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: aestas.
aestas, aestatis, F. – summer
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: curro.
curro, currere, cucurri, cursus – run
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: gero.
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus – carry on, wear
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: lego.
lego, legere, legi, lectus – read, choose, gather
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: sed.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: clamo.
clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatus – shout
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: terreo.
terreo, terrere, terrui, territus – frighten, scare
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: -que.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: dico.
dico, dicere, dixi, dictus – say
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: ad.
to, towards
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: oppidum.
oppidum, oppidi, N – town
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: amitto.
amitto, amittere, amisi, amissus – lose, let go
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: lupus.
lupus, lupi, M. – wolf
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: magnus.
magnus, magna, magnum – great, large
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: rivus.
rivus, rivi, M. – stream
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: habeo.
habeo, habere, habui, habitus – have
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: terra.
terra, terrae, F. – earth
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: pes.
pes, pedis, M. – foot
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: pars.
pars, partis, F – part
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: et.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: altus.
altus, alta, altum – high, deep
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: malus.
malus, mala, malum – bad
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: liberi.
liberi, liberorum, pl, M. – children
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: filius.
filius, filii, M. – son
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: castra.
castra, castrorum, N. – camp
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: saepe.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: iratus.
iratus, irata, iratum – angry
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: laudo.
laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatus – praise
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: cibus.
cibus, cibi, M. – food
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: lex.
lex, legis, F. – law
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: latus.
latus, lata, latum – wide
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: civis.
civis, civis, M. – citizen
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: ars.
ars, artis, F – skill, art
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: animus.
animus, animi, M. – mind, spirit
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: nuntio.
nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatus – announce
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: incito.
incito, incitare, incitavi, incitatus – urge on, arouse
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: verto.
verto, vertere, verti, versus – turn
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: miles.
miles, militis, M. – soldier
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: aperio.
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus – open
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: noster.
noster, nostra, nostrum – our
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: hiems.
hiems, hiemis, F. – winter
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: specto.
specto, spectare, spectavi, spectatus – watch
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: lapis.
lapis, lapidis, M. – stone
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: in.
in, on, into, against
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: aedificium.
aedificium, aedificii, N – building
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: gladius.
gladius, gladii, M. – sword
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: possum.
possum, posse, potui – be able
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: amo.
amo, amare, amavi, amatus – love
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: defessus.
defessus, defessa, defessum – tired
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: sum.
sum, esse, fui, futurus – be
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: dux.
dux, ducis, M. – leader, general
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: captivus.
captivus, captivi, M. – prisoner
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: audio.
audio, audire, audivi, auditus – hear
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: unda.
unda, undae, F. – wave
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: venio.
venio, venire, veni, ventus – come
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: video.
video, videre, vidi, visus – see
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: munio.
munio, munire, munivi, munitus – fortify, build