History of Monarchy & Republic Flashcards
When did the monarchy begin?
April 21, 753 BC
When did the monarchy end?
510 BC
How many Roman kings were there?
Who was the first king of Rome?
Who was the father of Romulus
Who was the mother of Romulus
Rhea Silvia
Who was the brother of Romulus?
Who were Romulus and Remus raised by?
Faustulus the shepard
Who was the wife of Faustulus?
Acca Laurentia
Who was the grandfather of Romulus?
Where did Romulus go to help his grandfather get his throne back?
Alba Longa
Who took the throne from Numitor?
On which hill did Romulus build a city?
On which hill did Remus build a city?
Who was Romulus’s wife?
Who did Romulus co-rule with?
Titus Tatius
Where was Titus Tatius from?
What was Romulus called after death?
Who was the second king of Rome?
Numa Pompilius
Which king invented the calendar?
Numa Pompilius
Which king established religion?
Numa Pompilius
Who was the consort of Numa Pompilius?
What was unique about Egeria?
a nymph
Who was the third king of Rome?
Tullus Hostilius
What city did Tullus Hostilius destroy?
Alba Longa
Who was the king of Alba Longa when it was destroyed?
Mettius Fufetius
What two sets of triplets fought during the reign of Tullus Hostilius?
The Roman Horatii triplets and the Alban Curiatii triplets
Which king built the Curia?
Tullus Hostilius
Who was the fourth king of Rome?
Ancus Marcius
Which king was said to have build the Pons Sublicius?
Ancus Marcius
What was the first bridge across the Tiber river?
Pons Sublicius
Who was the fifth king of Rome?
Tarquinius Priscus
What does “Priscus” mean in Tarquinius Priscus’s name?
The Elder
Who was the wife of Tarquinius Priscus?
Which king is said to have drained the Forum and begun work on the Circus Maximus?
Tarquinius Priscus
Who was the sixth king of Rome?
Servius Tullius
Which king was supposedly born a slave?
Servius Tullius
Which king built the Servian wall?
Servius Tullius
Who killed Servius Tullius?
his daughter Tullia and Superbus, her husband
Who was the seventh king of Rome?
Tarquinius Superbus
Which king of Rome was also known as, “The Proud”?
Tarquinius Superbus
Which king of Rome built the Cloaca Maxima?
Tarquinius Superbus
When did the Republic begin?
509 BC
When did the Republic end?
27 BC
Who were the first two consuls of the republic?
Lucius Junius Brutus and Collatinus
What is the name of Collatinus’s wife who was raped by Tarquinius’s son, told the consuls, and then killed herself?
With whom did Tarquinius Superbus seek help after beign chased out of Rome?
The Etruscans
What is the name of the Etruscan king who fought the Romans in the early republic?
Lars Porsenna
What was the capital city of Etruria during the early republic?
What man fought Etruscans at Sublician Bridge (Pons Sublicius)?
Horatius Cocles
What was Horatius Cocles also known as?
What man tried to kill Porsenna, was captured, then thrust his right arm into a fire to prove his bravery, and was released because of this?
Gaius Mucius Scaevola
What nickname was given to Gaius Mucius Scaevola?
What Roman girl held by Porsenna swam the Tiber to get back to Rome?
Who defeated the Volscian city of Corioli, was exiled from Rome, and then attacked Rome,but was only stopped by the pleas of his mother and wife?
Who was the wife of Coriolanus?
Who was the mother of Coriolanus?
Who was dictator in 458 BC?
For how many days was Cincinnatus dictator?
Who and where did Cincinnatus fight?
Aequi at Mount Algidus
What was the name of the laws codified by the decemviri?
12 Tables
Between what years were the 12 Tables written?
451 BC - 450 BC
Who led the decemviri?
Appius Claudius
Who defeated the Veii, was later exiled, then finally,when he helped rid Rome of Gauls, was called pater patriae?
What major event occurred in 390 BC?
Gauls beat Rome at Allia River
Who was the Gallic chief at Allia River in 390 BC?
What famous quote did Brennus say, and what does it translate to in English?
Vae Victis - “Woe to the conquered”
Name two notable Roman defeats during the 2nd Samnite War, and give the years they occurred.
Caudine Forks (321 BC) and Lautulae (315 BC)
What occurred in 312 BC?
Appius Claudius Caecus built the Appian Way and Aqua Appia
What was significant about Appius Claudius Caecus?
he was blind
What man in an act of devotion charged between his cavalry and the Gauls to his death?
Decius Mus
At what battle during what year did Decius Mus fight?
Battle of Sentinum in 295 BC
What man was the first to fight Rome with elephants?
Where was Pyrrhus king of?
Epirus (Greece)
What battle took place in 280 BC?
What Pyrrhic victory took place in 279 BC?
What battle took place in 275 BC?
Who was the unbribable Roman ambassador who Pyrrhus attempted to bribe?
When did the First Punic War begin?
264 BC
What were Rome and Carthage fighting over?
What was the first battle of the First Punic War?
Battle of Agrigentum
When was the Battle of Agrigentum?
262 BC
What type of battle was the Battle of Agrigentum?
land battle
What occurred between 261 and 260 BC
Rome builds naval fleet
When was the Battle of Mylae?
260 BC
What was Rome’s first naval victory?
What type of battle was the Battle of Mylae?
What battle occurred in 256 BC?
What kind of battle was Ecnomus?
naval victory
Who was admiral during the Battle of Mylae?
Besides a battle, what occurred in 256 BC?
Regulus lands in Africa
When was the defeat of Regulus’s army?
255 BC
What does Rome Capture in 254 BC?
What occurred in 250 BC?
Romans win at Panormus; siege of Lilybaeum
When did the First Punic War end?
241 BC
Who’s defeat occurred in 249 BC?
Where was the naval defeat in 249 BC located?
What bad omen foresaw the naval defeat in 249 BC?
Claudius throws sacred chickens overboard
What occurred in 247 BC?
Hamilcar Barca starts Carthaginian offensive in western Sicily
What battle occurred in 241 BC?
Aegates Island(Roman naval victory)
What was Rome’s first province?
What was Rome’s second province?
Corsica and Sardinia
What occurred in 237 BC?
Hamilcar to Spain
What occurred in 230 BC?
Hasdrubal succeeds Hamilcar in Spain
What occurred in 221 BC?
Hannibal succeeds Hasdrubal
What occurred in 219 BC?
Hannibal besieges Saguntum
When does the Second Punic War begin?
218 BC
When does the Second Punic War end?
201 BC
What battles occur in 218 BC?
Ticinus River and Trebia River(Rome loses both)
When was the Battle of Lake Trasimene?
217 BC
What was the outcome of the Battle of Lake Trasimene?
Rome lost(compensated with a victory in a naval battle off the Ebro river)
What was the worst Roman defeat up until that point?
Battle of Canae
When was the Battle of Canae?
216 BC
Which consuls died at the Battle of Canae?
Varro and Paulus(Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator is made dictator)
What occurred in 211 BC?
Hannibal’s March on Rome and the defeat of the Scipios in Spain
What occurred in 209 BC?
Capture of New Carthage
What occurred in 208 BC?
Battle of Baecula
When was Hasdrubal defeated?
207 BC
Where was Hasdrubal defeated?
Metaurus River
What occurred in 206 BC
Battle of Ilipa
What occurred in 204 BC?
Scipio lands in Africa
When was the Battle of the Great Plains?
203 BC
Who beats who in the Battle of the Great Plains?
Scipio beats Syphax
Besides the Battle of the Great Plains, what occurred in 203 BC?
Hannibal recalled to Carthage
When was the Battle of Zama?
202 BC
Who beats who at the Battle of Zama?
Scipio beats Hannibal
What occurred in 201 BC?
peace treaty
What was the last battle of the Second Punic War?
When did the Third Punic War begin?
149 BC
Which most amazing person said what in 149 BC?
Cato the Elder said, “Carthago delenda est” - Carthage must be destroyed
When was Carthage captured?
147 BC
Who captured Carthage?
Scipio Aemilianus
When was Carthage destroyed?
146 BC
What battle took place in 168 BC?
Battle of Pydna
Who beat who at the battle of Pydna?
Roman Aemilius Paulus defeats Perseus of Macedon
Who bequeathed Pergamum to Rome?
King Attalus III
What did King Attalus III bequeath to Rome?
What year did King Attalus III Pergamum to Rome?
133 BC
Who became tribune in 133 BC?
Tiberius Gracchus
Who became tribune in 121 BC
Gaius Gracchus
Who is the mother of the Gracchi Brothers?
What legislation did Tiberius Gracchus attempt to pass?
Agrarian (land) reform
What did the Gracchi Brothers’ mother call her sons?
her gems (gemmae)
The Gracchi brothers are the grandsons of which famous Roman?
Scipio Africanus
How many times did Marius serve as consul?
Who did Marius defeat at Aqua Sexitae?
Who did Marius defeat at Vercellae?
When and where did Marius fight the Teutones?
Aqua Sextiae in 102 BC
When and where did Marius fight the Cimbri?
Vercellae in 101 BC
Who were the two leaders during the Civil War?
Marius vs. Sulla
Who did Sulla fight for during the Civil War?
Who did Marius fight for during the Civil War?
Between what years was Sulla dictator?
81 BC - 79 BC
When was the famous slave revolt?
73 BC - 71 BC
Who lead the famous slave revolt?
Who defeated Spartacus’ slave revolt?
Crassus (with a little help from Pompey)
Who were consuls in 70 BC?
Crassus and Pompey
What law was written in 67 BC?
Lex Gabinia
What did the Lex Gabinia do?
gave Pompey command over pirates in the Mediterranean
What law was written in 66 BC?
Lex Manilia
What did the Lex Manilia do?
gave Pompey command against Mithridates
Where was Mithridates king?
Name the five major events that happened in 63 BC.
1) Octavian born; 2) Julius Caesar becomes Pontifex Maximus; 3) Cicero consul (with Antonius Hybrida); 4) conspiracy of Catiline; 5) Mithridates dies
When did the first triumvirate begin and who was in it?
60 BC with Crassus, Pompey, and Caesar
When was the second consulship of Crassus and Pompey?
55 BC
Who was consul in 52 BC?
Pompey sole consul
What event occurred in 52 BC?
Clodius is killed by Milo’s followers
What law was established in 43 BC?
Lex Titia
What did the Lex Titia do?
made the second triumvirate legal
Who were in the second triumvirate?
Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus
When was the battle of Actium?
31 BC
Who fought during the battle of Actium?
Octavian and Agrippa vs. Antony and Cleopatra
What was the aftermath of the battle of Actium?
Octavian wins. Octavian has only army in the Mediterranean
When was Caesar born?
July 12, 100 BC
What year was Caesar elected Pontifex Maximus?
63 BC
When did the first triumvirate begin?
60 BC
Who was in the first triumvirate?
Caesar, Crassus, and Pomey
When was Caesar’s first consulship?
59 BC
Who was the other consul in Caesar’s first consulship?
When was Caesar in Gaul and Britain?
58-50 BC
When was the Battle of Gergovia?
52 BC
Who was the Gaul’s chieftain during the Battle of Gergovia?
Who won the battle of Gergovia?
When was the Battle of Alesia?
52 BC
Who does Caesar defeat at the Battle of Alesia?
When did Caesar famously cross the Rubicon River?
49 BC
What did Caesar say while he famously crossed the Rubicon River, and what does it mean?
Alea iacta est - the die is cast
When was Caesar’s first dictatorship?
49 BC
When was Caesar’s second consulship?
48 BC
When was Caesar defeated by Pompey?
48 BC
Where was Caesar defeated by Pompey?
Where does Caesar defeat Pompey?
When does Caesar defeat Pompey?
48 BC
Where does Pompey flee to after being defeated?
Egypt, where Pompey is killed by Egyptians
When was the Battle of Zela?
47 BC
What occurred at the Battle of Zela?
Caesar beat king Pharnaces
What famous line came from the Battle of Zela?
veni, vidi, vici
What occurred in 46 BC?
Caesar was made dictator for ten years and Caesar won the Battle of Thapsus
What occurred in 45 BC?
Caesar defeats the sons of Pompey at Munda(Spain)
When was Caesar made dictator for life?
44 BC
When was Caesar killed?
March 15, 44 BC(Ides of March)
Who killed Caesar?
senators led by Brutus and Cassius
When was the second triumvirate?
43 BC
What law made the second triumvirate legal?
Lex Titia
Who were the members of the second triumvirate?
Marc Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus
What occurred in 42 BC?
Antony and Octavian defeat Cassius and Brutus at Philippi