Essential College Mottos Flashcards
University of Florida
civium in moribus rei publicae salus
the welfare of the states lies in the character of its citizens
University of Chicago
crescat scientia, vita excolatur
let knowledge grow, let life be enriched
University of Texas
disciplina praesidium civitatis
training, the defense of the state
University of the South (Sewanee)
ecce quam bonum
behold how good
Brown University
in deo speramus
in God we trust
Columbia University
in lumine tuo videbimus lumen
in your light, we shall see the light
University of Nebraska
litteris dedicata et omnibus artibus
dedicated to letters and all the arts
University of North Dakota
lux et lex
light and law
Yale University
lux et veritas
light and truth
University of New Mexico
lux hominum vita
light, the life of men
University of Washington
lux sit
let there be light
University of Oregon
mens agitat molem
mind moves the mass
Hunter College
mihi cura futuri
my care is for the future
Brooklyn College
nil sine magno labore
nothing without great labor
Tulane University
non sibi sed suis
not for herself but for her own
New York University
perstare et praestare
to persevere and surpass
Trinity College
pro ecclesia et patria
for church and country
City College of New York
respice, adspice, prospice
look to the past, look to the present, look to the future
University of Missouri
salus populi
the welfare of the people
Fordham University
sapientia et doctrina
wisdom and knowledge
Deleware College
scientia sol mentis
knowledge, the sun of the mind
University of Vermont
studiis et rebus honestis
to honorable pursuits and deeds
Amherst College
terras irradient
let them illuminate the earth
Harvard University
Johns Hopkins University
veritas vos liberabit
the truth will set you free
University of Mississippi
virtute et armis
by valor and arms
Dartmouth College
vox clamantis in deserto
the voice of one crying in the wilderness
University of Michigan
artes, scientia, veritas
arts, knowledge, truth
dominus illuminatio mea
the lord is my light
hinc lucem et pocula sacra
from here, light and sacred droughts
utraque unum
both into one
University of Pennsylvania
leges sine moribus vanae
laws without morals are useless
dei sub numine viget
under God she flourishes
eruditio et religio
knowledge and faith
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
mens et manus
mind and hand
Boston College
religioni et bonus artibus
religion and good skills
University of Notre Dame
vita, dulcedo, spes
life, sweetness, hope
Florida State University
vires, artes, mores
strength, arts, morals
pro deo et veritate
for god and truth
Rollins College
fiat lux
let there be light
Bryn Mawr College
veritatem dilexi
i delight in the truth
University of Indiana
lux et veritas
light and law
Cato University
Amo tuam arborem
I love your “tree” 😉🍆