Derivatives - Advanced Flashcards
From what verb with what meaning do we derive expression?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive molt (moult)?
muto : change
From what verb with what meaning do we derive censorious?
censeo : assess, value, be of the opinion
From what noun with what meaning do we derive commonplace?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive tender (verb)?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive route?
rumpo : break, burst
From what noun with what meaning do we derive middle-class?
classis : fleet
From what noun with what meaning do we derive vice?
vitium : fault, defect
From what verb with what meaning do we derive tile?
tego : cover, protect
From what verb with what meaning do we derive censorship?
censeo : assess, value, be of the opinion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive querulous?
queror : complain
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reason?
reor : suppose, think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive certes?
cerno : discern, see
From what noun with what meaning do we derive discouragement?
cor : heart
From what verb with what meaning do we derive superintendence?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive consummation?
summus : top of, highest
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ostentatious?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive secrecy?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive conquer?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive transparent?
pareo : obey; appear
From what verb with what meaning do we derive bartender?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impatiently?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive original?
orior : rise, arise
From what noun with what meaning do we derive encouragement?
cor : heart
From what verb with what meaning do we derive result?
salio : jump, leap
From what verb with what meaning do we derive destruction?
struo : place together, build
From what noun with what meaning do we derive mental?
mens : mind
From what verb with what meaning do we derive solvent?
solvo : release, loosen
From what verb with what meaning do we derive instrumentality?
struo : place together, build
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive well-balanced?
bis : twice
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive bisect?
bis : twice
From what noun with what meaning do we derive courageously?
cor : heart
From what noun with what meaning do we derive munificent?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive confessor?
fateor : confess, admit
From what noun with what meaning do we derive humbly?
humus : soil, ground
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ministerial?
minor : threaten, tower over
From what verb with what meaning do we derive untutored?
tueor : protect
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fruitage?
fruor : enjoy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive transfiguration?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive prefatory?
for : say, speak
From what noun with what meaning do we derive investiture?
vestis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unassuming?
sumo : take up
From what noun with what meaning do we derive quittance?
quies : rest, sleep
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ravisher?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive expenditure?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what noun with what meaning do we derive cooperation?
opus : work
From what verb with what meaning do we derive certain?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive cinch?
cingo : encircle, surround
From what verb with what meaning do we derive sprain?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intermeddle?
misceo : mix
From what verb with what meaning do we derive sample?
emo : buy
From what noun with what meaning do we derive remodel?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive incendiary?
incendo : kindle, set fire to
From what noun with what meaning do we derive negotiation?
otium : leisure
From what verb with what meaning do we derive certify?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive presumption?
sumo : take up
From what verb with what meaning do we derive exemplify?
emo : buy
From what noun with what meaning do we derive unmolested?
moles : mass, bulk
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive mollusk?
mollis : soft
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive vinegar?
acer : sharp, keen, fierce
From what verb with what meaning do we derive usual?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ravish?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive exempt?
emo : buy
From what noun with what meaning do we derive recorder?
cor : heart
From what verb with what meaning do we derive misuse?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive refusal?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive abnegation?
nego : deny
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive indignant?
dignus : worthy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive diffusion?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive commentary?
memini : remember
From what verb with what meaning do we derive complacence?
placeo : please
From what noun with what meaning do we derive segregation?
grex : flock, herd
From what verb with what meaning do we derive falsify?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive compulsory?
pello : drive, push
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reasoner?
reor : suppose, think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive aim?
aestimo : value, estimate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive soliloquy?
loquor : speak, tell
From what verb with what meaning do we derive confound?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive suitable?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive vintage?
emo : buy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive subjugate?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fallible?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive arson?
ardeo : keep off, ward off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive deputy?
puto : think
From what noun with what meaning do we derive operatic?
opus : work
From what verb with what meaning do we derive nationalistic?
nascor : be born
From what noun with what meaning do we derive testimony?
testis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intensify?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ordure?
horreo : bristle; shudder
From what verb with what meaning do we derive figurative?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive orison?
oro : beg, plead
From what verb with what meaning do we derive faint-hearted?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive obsequy?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive uninterrupted?
rumpo : break, burst
From what verb with what meaning do we derive abruptly?
rumpo : break, burst
From what verb with what meaning do we derive negate?
nego : deny
From what verb with what meaning do we derive concrete?
cresco : grow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive confuse?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rapacity?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive express?
premo : press (down)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive semester?
mensis : month
From what preposition with what meaning do we derive improve?
pro : for, before
From what verb with what meaning do we derive conjunction?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive consumption?
sumo : take up
From what verb with what meaning do we derive complacent?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive naturalize?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive sconce?
condo : found, establish; hide
From what verb with what meaning do we derive abhorrence?
horreo : bristle; shudder
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unaccountable?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intermixture?
misceo : mix
From what verb with what meaning do we derive discretion?
cerno : discern, see
From what noun with what meaning do we derive seniority?
senex : old
From what noun with what meaning do we derive demoralize?
mos : custom, tradition
From what noun with what meaning do we derive quiescence?
quies : rest, sleep
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reflection?
flecto : bend, turn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive administrative?
minor : threaten, tower over
From what verb with what meaning do we derive volume?
volvo : turn, roll
From what noun with what meaning do we derive negotiate?
otium : leisure
From what noun with what meaning do we derive ventilation?
ventus : witness
From what noun with what meaning do we derive flaming?
flamma : flame
From what verb with what meaning do we derive superintendency?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive moil?
mollis : soft
From what verb with what meaning do we derive solution?
solvo : release, loosen
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive impiety?
pius : devoted
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unpleasantly?
placeo : please
From what noun with what meaning do we derive somberly?
umbra : shadow, shade
From what noun with what meaning do we derive vulgar?
vulgus : crowd, rabble
From what verb with what meaning do we derive contend?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what noun with what meaning do we derive modest?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive revolver?
volvo : turn, roll
From what verb with what meaning do we derive usurer?
utor : use
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive quantitative?
quantus : how much
From what verb with what meaning do we derive compulsion?
pello : drive, push
From what noun with what meaning do we derive commonly?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rapt?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive revere?
vereor : fear
From what noun with what meaning do we derive animal?
anima : spirit, breath, wind
From what verb with what meaning do we derive imprint?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive repulsion?
pello : drive, push
From what verb with what meaning do we derive interference?
ferio : strike, hit
From what verb with what meaning do we derive concerning?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive passive?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive revolutionary?
volvo : turn, roll
From what verb with what meaning do we derive accountable?
puto : think
From what noun with what meaning do we derive testimonial?
testis : witness
From what noun with what meaning do we derive demented?
mens : mind
From what verb with what meaning do we derive presumable?
sumo : take up
From what verb with what meaning do we derive absolutely?
solvo : release, loosen
From what verb with what meaning do we derive irreverent?
vereor : fear
From what verb with what meaning do we derive please?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive falsely?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fallacious?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive caution?
caveo : be on one’s guard, beware
From what verb with what meaning do we derive passionately?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reflective?
flecto : bend, turn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive sampler?
emo : buy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unreflecting?
flecto : bend, turn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive irresolutely?
solvo : release, loosen
From what noun with what meaning do we derive flame?
flamma : flame
From what verb with what meaning do we derive nature?
nascor : be born
From what noun with what meaning do we derive accommodating?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fictitious?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive undeniable?
nego : deny
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impassible?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what noun with what meaning do we derive modesty?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive utilitarian?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive notice?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inattention?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive mollusc?
mollis : soft
From what noun with what meaning do we derive quietude?
quies : rest, sleep
From what noun with what meaning do we derive animate?
anima : spirit, breath, wind
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pursue?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive feign?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive eloquently?
loquor : speak, tell
From what verb with what meaning do we derive print?
premo : press (down)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive criminal?
crimen : charge
From what verb with what meaning do we derive effusion?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive connoisseur?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive eloquence?
loquor : speak, tell
From what verb with what meaning do we derive apparition?
pareo : obey; appear
From what verb with what meaning do we derive self-denial?
nego : deny
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reasonableness?
reor : suppose, think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive secrete?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive oppressor?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive propulsion?
pello : drive, push
From what verb with what meaning do we derive profusely?
fundo : pour (out)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive messieurs?
senex : old
From what noun with what meaning do we derive protest?
testis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive superintendent?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive street?
sterno : spread (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive compassion?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive counterrevolution?
volvo : turn, roll
From what noun with what meaning do we derive senate?
senex : old
From what verb with what meaning do we derive discerning?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive redeemer?
emo : buy
From what noun with what meaning do we derive quietness?
quies : rest, sleep
From what verb with what meaning do we derive esteem?
aestimo : value, estimate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ponder?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive exultation?
salio : jump, leap
From what verb with what meaning do we derive excretory?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive dispenser?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what noun with what meaning do we derive flamboyant?
flamma : flame
From what verb with what meaning do we derive convolution?
volvo : turn, roll
From what verb with what meaning do we derive coercion?
arceo : keep off, ward off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive adage?
aio : say
From what verb with what meaning do we derive disappearance?
pareo : obey; appear
From what verb with what meaning do we derive amputation?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive professional?
fateor : confess, admit
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impulsion?
pello : drive, push
From what verb with what meaning do we derive cautious?
caveo : be on one’s guard, beware
From what verb with what meaning do we derive usurper?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive noble?
nosco : learn; know
From what noun with what meaning do we derive meticulous?
metus : fear
From what noun with what meaning do we derive copybook?
ops : riches, resources
From what verb with what meaning do we derive peruse?
utor : use
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive exasperate?
asper : harsh
From what verb with what meaning do we derive sequent?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive indiscriminate?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive oppression?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive denature?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive stipend?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive refuse?
fundo : pour (out)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive prize?
pretium : price
From what verb with what meaning do we derive oppressive?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive evolution?
volvo : turn, roll
From what noun with what meaning do we derive inflammation?
flamma : flame
From what verb with what meaning do we derive acquirement?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive conquest?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unrecognized?
nosco : learn; know
From what noun with what meaning do we derive communism?
munus : duty, gift
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive retaliate?
talis : such, of such a kind
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unsuited?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive sequel?
sequor : follow
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive couplet?
aptus : fit, suitable
From what verb with what meaning do we derive amputate?
puto : think
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive unbalance?
bis : twice
From what verb with what meaning do we derive conjoint?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive leisure?
licet : it is permitted
From what verb with what meaning do we derive discernible?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive depend?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive immoral?
mos : custom, tradition
From what verb with what meaning do we derive admixture?
misceo : mix
From what verb with what meaning do we derive medley?
misceo : mix
From what verb with what meaning do we derive suitcase?
sequor : follow
From what noun with what meaning do we derive molder (moulder)?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive instructive?
struo : place together, build
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive indignity?
dignus : worthy
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive consomme?
summus : top of, highest
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive exasperation?
asper : harsh
From what noun with what meaning do we derive moderately?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reflect?
flecto : bend, turn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive repulse?
pello : drive, push
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inquisition?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive discreet?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive displease?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intensely?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive negation?
nego : deny
From what verb with what meaning do we derive incognito?
nosco : learn; know
From what noun with what meaning do we derive commune?
munus : duty, gift
From what noun with what meaning do we derive funeral?
funus : funeral
From what verb with what meaning do we derive incorruptible?
rumpo : break, burst
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive mitigate?
mitis : fear
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pursuit?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive jostle?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive secondary?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fiction?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive destructive?
struo : place together, build
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fateful?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive complacency?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive transparency?
pareo : obey; appear
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impression?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive estimate?
aestimo : value, estimate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reasonable?
reor : suppose, think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive placid?
placeo : please
From what noun with what meaning do we derive investment?
vestis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive patentee?
pateo : stand open, lie open
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impassive?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inquisitively?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive compute?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive failing?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rationalist?
reor : suppose, think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive require?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive portent?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive secretary?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive succinctly?
cingo : encircle, surround
From what verb with what meaning do we derive infantry?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive dispensation?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rape?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what noun with what meaning do we derive somber?
umbra : shadow, shade
From what verb with what meaning do we derive recount?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive miscellany?
misceo : mix
From what verb with what meaning do we derive complaisant?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive attentively?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive plea?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive aid?
iuvo : help, aid, assist
From what verb with what meaning do we derive faultless?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what noun with what meaning do we derive umbrageous?
umbra : shadow, shade
From what noun with what meaning do we derive senile?
senex : old
From what verb with what meaning do we derive resumption?
sumo : take up
From what verb with what meaning do we derive revolting?
volvo : turn, roll
From what verb with what meaning do we derive affability?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive repulsive?
pello : drive, push
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fingerprint?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive usable?
utor : use
From what noun with what meaning do we derive violation?
vis : force, strength
From what verb with what meaning do we derive faulty?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive disputation?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reflex?
flecto : bend, turn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive commuter?
muto : change
From what noun with what meaning do we derive arrive?
ripa : riverbank
From what verb with what meaning do we derive secretly?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive loquacious?
loquor : speak, tell
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reverent?
vereor : fear
From what verb with what meaning do we derive exultingly?
salio : jump, leap
From what verb with what meaning do we derive recompense?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what noun with what meaning do we derive classmate?
classis : fleet
From what verb with what meaning do we derive subjugation?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive overrate?
reor : suppose, think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive disconcert?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive revolutionize?
volvo : turn, roll
From what verb with what meaning do we derive mixture?
misceo : mix
From what noun with what meaning do we derive remuneration?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive erroneous?
erro : wander; make a mistake
From what verb with what meaning do we derive usefully?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive configuration?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pleasance?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pictorial?
pingo : paint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive preponderant?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unfeigned?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pleasant?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ravin?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive dignity?
dignus : worthy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive usefulness?
utor : use
From what noun with what meaning do we derive acquittal?
quies : rest, sleep
From what noun with what meaning do we derive record?
cor : heart
From what verb with what meaning do we derive undisputed?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive presumptive?
sumo : take up
From what verb with what meaning do we derive interrupt?
rumpo : break, burst
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unprotected?
tego : cover, protect
From what verb with what meaning do we derive suspension?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive suppression?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive renaissance?
nascor : be born
From what noun with what meaning do we derive river?
ripa : riverbank
From what noun with what meaning do we derive quiescent?
quies : rest, sleep
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive adaptability?
aptus : fit, suitable
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unpleased?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive detective?
tego : cover, protect
From what verb with what meaning do we derive profess?
fateor : confess, admit
From what verb with what meaning do we derive originally?
orior : rise, arise
From what verb with what meaning do we derive printing?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive consume?
sumo : take up
From what verb with what meaning do we derive dependent?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive soluble?
solvo : release, loosen
From what noun with what meaning do we derive assortment?
sors : lot, fate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intuition?
tueor : protect
From what noun with what meaning do we derive moderator?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive internationally?
nascor : be born
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive mollify?
mollis : soft
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive acrid?
acer : sharp, keen, fierce
From what verb with what meaning do we derive preponderate?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive consecutive?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive diffuse?
fundo : pour (out)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive immune?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ensample?
emo : buy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive mutability?
muto : change
From what verb with what meaning do we derive usurp?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive funnel?
fundo : pour (out)
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive bichloride?
bis : twice
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ardent?
ardeo : keep off, ward off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inquest?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reasonably?
reor : suppose, think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive underestimate?
aestimo : value, estimate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive consequently?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive nativity?
nascor : be born
From what noun with what meaning do we derive sirrah?
senex : old
From what verb with what meaning do we derive prosecute?
sequor : follow
From what noun with what meaning do we derive congregation?
grex : flock, herd
From what noun with what meaning do we derive copyist?
ops : riches, resources
From what verb with what meaning do we derive indecent?
decet : it befits
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rapid?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive effusive?
fundo : pour (out)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive egregious?
grex : flock, herd
From what verb with what meaning do we derive nationalism?
nascor : be born
From what noun with what meaning do we derive cordial?
cor : heart
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reverential?
vereor : fear
From what noun with what meaning do we derive discordant?
cor : heart
From what noun with what meaning do we derive salutary?
salus : health, safety
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reluctantly?
luctor : speak, tell
From what verb with what meaning do we derive oration?
oro : beg, plead
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive bicarbonate?
bis : twice
From what verb with what meaning do we derive dependent?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pensively?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive falseness?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what noun with what meaning do we derive requital?
quies : rest, sleep
From what verb with what meaning do we derive consumer?
sumo : take up
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impute?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive cognizance?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive decency?
decet : it befits
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ravage?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reputable?
puto : think
From what noun with what meaning do we derive senorita?
senex : old
From what verb with what meaning do we derive patience?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive resultant?
salio : jump, leap
From what noun with what meaning do we derive vested?
vestis : witness
From what noun with what meaning do we derive divulge?
vulgus : crowd, rabble
From what verb with what meaning do we derive prosecutor?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive futile?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive miscellaneous?
misceo : mix
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inquirer?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive abusive?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unaccounted?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive taciturn?
taceo : be silent
From what verb with what meaning do we derive infantine?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive falsehood?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive attenuate?
tenuis : slight, slender
From what verb with what meaning do we derive nationally?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive faintness?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive incompressible?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive erratic?
erro : wander; make a mistake
From what verb with what meaning do we derive disquisition?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive oblivion?
obliviscor : forget
From what verb with what meaning do we derive avoirdupois?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive standard?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive uncertainly?
cerno : discern, see
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive summit?
summus : top of, highest
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inquisitive?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive false ?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive meddlesome?
misceo : mix
From what verb with what meaning do we derive excrement?
cerno : discern, see
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive pitiable?
pius : devoted
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive aptly?
aptus : fit, suitable
From what verb with what meaning do we derive famous?
for : say, speak
From what noun with what meaning do we derive classroom?
classis : fleet
From what noun with what meaning do we derive humiliation?
humus : soil, ground
From what noun with what meaning do we derive moral?
mos : custom, tradition
From what verb with what meaning do we derive protective?
tego : cover, protect
From what noun with what meaning do we derive inflammatory?
flamma : flame
From what noun with what meaning do we derive signorina?
senex : old
From what noun with what meaning do we derive municipality?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive affable?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pell-mell?
misceo : mix
From what noun with what meaning do we derive inoperative?
opus : work
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive qualify?
qualis : of what kind
From what verb with what meaning do we derive subsequent?
sequor : follow
From what noun with what meaning do we derive modify?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive usurious?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive oratory?
oro : beg, plead
From what noun with what meaning do we derive community?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive obstruct?
struo : place together, build
From what noun with what meaning do we derive operator?
opus : work
From what verb with what meaning do we derive recondite?
condo : found, establish; hide
From what noun with what meaning do we derive salutary?
salus : health, safety
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intendant?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive requirement?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive resume (n.)?
sumo : take up
From what verb with what meaning do we derive nefarious?
for : say, speak
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive deign?
dignus : worthy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive entente?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive noticeably?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unpleasant?
placeo : please
From what noun with what meaning do we derive sire?
senex : old
From what verb with what meaning do we derive discretionary?
cerno : discern, see
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive combine?
bis : twice
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rejoin?
iungo : join
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive summarize?
summus : top of, highest
From what noun with what meaning do we derive intestate?
testis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive flexure?
flecto : bend, turn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive protect?
tego : cover, protect
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive charitable?
carus : dear
From what verb with what meaning do we derive second-hand?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fallible?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive joint?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive flexible?
flecto : bend, turn
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive cum?
summus : top of, highest
From what verb with what meaning do we derive propensity?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive opulent?
ops : riches, resources
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ministration?
minor : threaten, tower over
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rapture?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive piety?
pius : devoted
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rapine?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what noun with what meaning do we derive consanguinity?
sanguis : blood
From what noun with what meaning do we derive molest?
moles : mass, bulk
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impending?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pleader?
placeo : please
From what noun with what meaning do we derive operate?
opus : work
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rapacious?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pleasantly?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pound?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive coalition?
alo : nourish, feed
From what verb with what meaning do we derive indissoluble?
solvo : release, loosen
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pendulous?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive vault?
volvo : turn, roll
From what verb with what meaning do we derive mutation?
muto : change
From what verb with what meaning do we derive questionable?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive usurp?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive painter?
pingo : paint
From what noun with what meaning do we derive detestation?
testis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive indispensable?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive caution?
caveo : be on one’s guard, beware
From what verb with what meaning do we derive natal?
nascor : be born
From what noun with what meaning do we derive copy?
ops : riches, resources
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive apt?
aptus : fit, suitable
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impress?
premo : press (down)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive quite?
quies : rest, sleep
From what noun with what meaning do we derive modernistic?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive suppress?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive enjoin?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive penthouse?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive disruption?
rumpo : break, burst
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive bivalve?
bis : twice
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive eagerness?
acer : sharp, keen, fierce
From what verb with what meaning do we derive utilize?
utor : use
From what noun with what meaning do we derive vesture?
vestis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reluctance?
luctor : speak, tell
From what noun with what meaning do we derive senatorial?
senex : old
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive bichromate?
bis : twice
From what noun with what meaning do we derive commode?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive apparent?
pareo : obey; appear
From what verb with what meaning do we derive discern?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive profession?
fateor : confess, admit
From what noun with what meaning do we derive vicious?
vitium : fault, defect
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unpleasantness?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive good-natured?
nascor : be born
From what noun with what meaning do we derive sir?
senex : old
From what verb with what meaning do we derive decorator?
decet : it befits
From what verb with what meaning do we derive absolute?
solvo : release, loosen
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ratify?
reor : suppose, think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive parsimonious?
parco : spare
From what verb with what meaning do we derive appendage?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive infancy?
for : say, speak
From what noun with what meaning do we derive umbrage?
umbra : shadow, shade
From what noun with what meaning do we derive praiseworthy?
pretium : price
From what verb with what meaning do we derive exemplification?
emo : buy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive resume?
sumo : take up
From what verb with what meaning do we derive coalesce?
alo : nourish, feed
From what verb with what meaning do we derive notion?
nosco : learn; know
From what noun with what meaning do we derive discourage?
cor : heart
From what verb with what meaning do we derive disjoint?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive juncture?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive distend?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ministry?
minor : threaten, tower over
From what noun with what meaning do we derive priceless?
pretium : price
From what verb with what meaning do we derive appearance?
pareo : obey; appear
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fay?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive portend?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what noun with what meaning do we derive excommunication?
munus : duty, gift
From what noun with what meaning do we derive molestation?
moles : mass, bulk
From what verb with what meaning do we derive notorious?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive circumlocution?
loquor : speak, tell
From what verb with what meaning do we derive erroneously?
erro : wander; make a mistake
From what noun with what meaning do we derive requite?
quies : rest, sleep
From what verb with what meaning do we derive coercive?
arceo : keep off, ward off
From what noun with what meaning do we derive communion?
munus : duty, gift
From what noun with what meaning do we derive copiously?
ops : riches, resources
From what verb with what meaning do we derive horrid?
horreo : bristle; shudder
From what verb with what meaning do we derive minority?
minor : threaten, tower over
From what verb with what meaning do we derive executor?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive tendance?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unusual?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive expressly?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive coalescence?
alo : nourish, feed
From what verb with what meaning do we derive usurpation?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive minstrelsy?
minor : threaten, tower over
From what verb with what meaning do we derive accountant?
puto : think
From what noun with what meaning do we derive assorted?
sors : lot, fate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive feebly?
fleo : weep
From what verb with what meaning do we derive expensive?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive countinghouse?
puto : think
From what noun with what meaning do we derive señora?
senex : old
From what verb with what meaning do we derive conjunction?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive adult?
alo : nourish, feed
From what verb with what meaning do we derive puny?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive enrapture?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive cinture?
cingo : encircle, surround
From what verb with what meaning do we derive involve?
volvo : turn, roll
From what verb with what meaning do we derive meritorious?
mereo : deserve, earn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reverend?
vereor : fear
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive summary?
summus : top of, highest
From what verb with what meaning do we derive futility?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive compressed?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive exercise?
arceo : keep off, ward off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive salient?
salio : jump, leap
From what noun with what meaning do we derive quietly?
quies : rest, sleep
From what noun with what meaning do we derive unquiet?
quies : rest, sleep
From what noun with what meaning do we derive inflame?
flamma : flame
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pleasing?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive execution?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive nationality?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ascertain?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive assailant?
salio : jump, leap
From what verb with what meaning do we derive enquiry?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive destroyer?
struo : place together, build
From what noun with what meaning do we derive violent?
vis : force, strength
From what verb with what meaning do we derive extend?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive streetcar?
sterno : spread (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pigment?
pingo : paint
From what noun with what meaning do we derive appreciate?
pretium : price
From what verb with what meaning do we derive secondly?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reflexive?
flecto : bend, turn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive disuse?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ill-fated?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive preponderance?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what noun with what meaning do we derive investor?
vestis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inquiringly?
quaero : seek, ask
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive tantamount?
tantus : so great
From what verb with what meaning do we derive coadjutor?
iuvo : help, aid, assist
From what verb with what meaning do we derive nationalist?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive discreetly?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive promptly?
emo : buy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive native?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive surcingle?
cingo : encircle, surround
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reappear?
pareo : obey; appear
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive disdain?
dignus : worthy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive insolvent?
solvo : release, loosen
From what noun with what meaning do we derive operation?
opus : work
From what noun with what meaning do we derive mode?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive colloquial?
loquor : speak, tell
From what verb with what meaning do we derive corruptible?
rumpo : break, burst
From what verb with what meaning do we derive combustion?
uro : burn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intrinsic?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive persecute?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive confessional?
fateor : confess, admit
From what verb with what meaning do we derive disreputable?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive construe?
struo : place together, build
From what noun with what meaning do we derive solar?
sol : sun
From what noun with what meaning do we derive mold (mould)?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive complacently?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive resolute?
solvo : release, loosen
From what verb with what meaning do we derive originator?
orior : rise, arise
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impulsively?
pello : drive, push
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive indignantly?
dignus : worthy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive incense?
incendo : kindle, set fire to
From what verb with what meaning do we derive colloquy?
loquor : speak, tell
From what verb with what meaning do we derive commutator?
muto : change
From what verb with what meaning do we derive decorative?
decet : it befits
From what verb with what meaning do we derive saute?
salio : jump, leap
From what verb with what meaning do we derive minimize?
minor : threaten, tower over
From what noun with what meaning do we derive sanguine?
sanguis : blood
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive biennial?
bis : twice
From what verb with what meaning do we derive instructor?
struo : place together, build
From what verb with what meaning do we derive tendency?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive aliment?
alo : nourish, feed
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive uncharitable?
carus : dear
From what verb with what meaning do we derive merit?
mereo : deserve, earn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fruitful?
fruor : enjoy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fairyland?
for : say, speak
From what noun with what meaning do we derive incommunicable?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pending?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive disappear?
pareo : obey; appear
From what noun with what meaning do we derive modern?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive usury?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive consequent?
sequor : follow
From what noun with what meaning do we derive incontestable?
testis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive bankruptcy?
rumpo : break, burst
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive piteously?
pius : devoted
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reminiscent?
memini : remember
From what verb with what meaning do we derive meretricious?
mereo : deserve, earn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive demerit?
mereo : deserve, earn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive decorous?
decet : it befits
From what verb with what meaning do we derive defame?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive adjunct?
iungo : join
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive extenuate?
tenuis : slight, slender
From what verb with what meaning do we derive exemplary?
emo : buy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive adoration?
oro : beg, plead
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unaided?
iuvo : help, aid, assist
From what noun with what meaning do we derive vent?
ventus : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive corrupter?
rumpo : break, burst
From what noun with what meaning do we derive copious?
ops : riches, resources
From what verb with what meaning do we derive incombustible?
uro : burn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive surreptitiously?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inflexible?
flecto : bend, turn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unnoticed?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive abortion?
orior : rise, arise
From what verb with what meaning do we derive appendicitis?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive lawsuit?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reminiscent?
memini : remember
From what verb with what meaning do we derive instrumental?
struo : place together, build
From what verb with what meaning do we derive expressive?
premo : press (down)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive official?
ops : riches, resources
From what verb with what meaning do we derive execute?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive recognition?
nosco : learn; know
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive pitiful?
pius : devoted
From what verb with what meaning do we derive aide?
iuvo : help, aid, assist
From what verb with what meaning do we derive default?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive disqualify?
qualis : of what kind
From what verb with what meaning do we derive increase?
cresco : grow
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive dignified?
dignus : worthy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inexpressible?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive suitor?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive usage?
utor : use
From what noun with what meaning do we derive demolish?
moles : mass, bulk
From what verb with what meaning do we derive redeem?
emo : buy
From what noun with what meaning do we derive eliminate?
limen : threshold
From what verb with what meaning do we derive patent?
pateo : stand open, lie open
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unsuitable?
sequor : follow
From what noun with what meaning do we derive vestry?
vestis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive depression?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive aboriginal?
orior : rise, arise
From what verb with what meaning do we derive recognizance?
nosco : learn; know
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive asperity?
asper : harsh
From what verb with what meaning do we derive discount?
puto : think
From what noun with what meaning do we derive ensanguine?
sanguis : blood
From what verb with what meaning do we derive excrescence?
cresco : grow
From what noun with what meaning do we derive concordance?
cor : heart
From what noun with what meaning do we derive depreciate?
pretium : price
From what verb with what meaning do we derive assume?
sumo : take up
From what verb with what meaning do we derive somersault?
salio : jump, leap
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive lenient?
lenis : gentle, soft
From what verb with what meaning do we derive nobleness?
nosco : learn; know
From what noun with what meaning do we derive classical?
classis : fleet
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impend?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive acquaintance?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impatient?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what noun with what meaning do we derive immoderate?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive sect?
sequor : follow
From what noun with what meaning do we derive aggregate?
grex : flock, herd
From what verb with what meaning do we derive discernment?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ensue?
sequor : follow
From what noun with what meaning do we derive signor?
senex : old
From what noun with what meaning do we derive morose?
mos : custom, tradition
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unused?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive bib?
bibo : drink
From what verb with what meaning do we derive subsequently?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive suit?
sequor : follow
From what noun with what meaning do we derive communication?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pursuer?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive abhorrent?
horreo : bristle; shudder
From what verb with what meaning do we derive grapefruit?
fruor : enjoy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive dissolution?
solvo : release, loosen
From what noun with what meaning do we derive sort?
sors : lot, fate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive promiscuous?
misceo : mix
From what noun with what meaning do we derive signeur?
senex : old
From what noun with what meaning do we derive vestment?
vestis : witness
From what noun with what meaning do we derive humiliate?
humus : soil, ground
From what verb with what meaning do we derive displeasure?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive query?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive questionnaire?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive dispassionate?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive standardization?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impromptu?
emo : buy
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive daintily?
dignus : worthy
From what noun with what meaning do we derive vestee?
vestis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive injunction?
iungo : join
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive adapt?
aptus : fit, suitable
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reconstruct?
struo : place together, build
From what verb with what meaning do we derive licentious?
licet : it is permitted
From what verb with what meaning do we derive exquisite?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rapidity?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what noun with what meaning do we derive morality?
mos : custom, tradition
From what noun with what meaning do we derive immorality?
mos : custom, tradition
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive charity?
carus : dear
From what verb with what meaning do we derive transfigure?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive combustible?
uro : burn
From what noun with what meaning do we derive appreciable?
pretium : price
From what noun with what meaning do we derive inviolable?
vis : force, strength
From what noun with what meaning do we derive modification?
modus : method, manner
From what noun with what meaning do we derive ammunition?
moenia : walls
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive adaptable?
aptus : fit, suitable
From what noun with what meaning do we derive accomodate?
modus : method, manner
From what noun with what meaning do we derive communist?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive exhort?
hortor : encourage, urge
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reconnoitre?
nosco : learn; know
From what noun with what meaning do we derive inure?
opus : work
From what noun with what meaning do we derive classic?
classis : fleet
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intentional?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unreasonably?
reor : suppose, think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive administer?
minor : threaten, tower over
From what verb with what meaning do we derive question?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intermix?
misceo : mix
From what verb with what meaning do we derive profuse?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive concern?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive obsequious?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive aide-de-camp?
iuvo : help, aid, assist
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive couple?
aptus : fit, suitable
From what noun with what meaning do we derive modernist?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive voluble?
volvo : turn, roll
From what verb with what meaning do we derive decoration?
decet : it befits
From what noun with what meaning do we derive common?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive tutelar?
tueor : protect
From what verb with what meaning do we derive uncertainty?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive resolved?
solvo : release, loosen
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inquisitor?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive cognition?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive imprint?
premo : press (down)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive solstice?
sol : sun
From what verb with what meaning do we derive compassionate?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impel?
pello : drive, push
From what verb with what meaning do we derive consequential?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fame?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive incompatible?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what noun with what meaning do we derive commonwealth?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pretension?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive orientation?
orior : rise, arise
From what noun with what meaning do we derive acquit?
quies : rest, sleep
From what verb with what meaning do we derive extensively?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive deny?
nego : deny
From what verb with what meaning do we derive tension?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive placidly?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive infamous?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive adjutant?
iuvo : help, aid, assist
From what noun with what meaning do we derive subordinate?
opus : work
From what verb with what meaning do we derive uncertain?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fabulous?
for : say, speak
From what noun with what meaning do we derive humbleness?
humus : soil, ground
From what verb with what meaning do we derive confusion?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive bankrupt?
rumpo : break, burst
From what verb with what meaning do we derive concerto?
cerno : discern, see
From what noun with what meaning do we derive vulgarize?
vulgus : crowd, rabble
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive pitiless?
pius : devoted
From what verb with what meaning do we derive paint?
pingo : paint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intensively?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive eagerly?
acer : sharp, keen, fierce
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ennoble?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive horrible?
horreo : bristle; shudder
From what verb with what meaning do we derive nation?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive revolutionist?
volvo : turn, roll
From what verb with what meaning do we derive internationalize?
nascor : be born
From what noun with what meaning do we derive mural?
murus : duty, gift
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive overbalance?
bis : twice
From what verb with what meaning do we derive compel?
pello : drive, push
From what verb with what meaning do we derive junction?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive certificate?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive indecorous?
decet : it befits
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fruitfulness?
fruor : enjoy
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive aptness?
aptus : fit, suitable
From what noun with what meaning do we derive copyright?
ops : riches, resources
From what noun with what meaning do we derive contest?
testis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive underrate?
reor : suppose, think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive prosecution?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive sumptuous?
sumo : take up
From what noun with what meaning do we derive price?
pretium : price
From what verb with what meaning do we derive repeal?
pello : drive, push
From what verb with what meaning do we derive aberration?
erro : wander; make a mistake
From what verb with what meaning do we derive recognizable?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive horrify?
horreo : bristle; shudder
From what verb with what meaning do we derive evolve?
volvo : turn, roll
From what verb with what meaning do we derive stray?
sterno : spread (out)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive courage?
cor : heart
From what verb with what meaning do we derive instruction?
struo : place together, build
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pounder?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive deflect?
flecto : bend, turn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive premium?
emo : buy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive oblivious?
obliviscor : forget
From what verb with what meaning do we derive enfant?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive annoy?
odi : hate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive decorate?
decet : it befits
From what verb with what meaning do we derive foible?
fleo : weep
From what verb with what meaning do we derive indiscretion?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive exult?
salio : jump, leap
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inflection?
flecto : bend, turn
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive daintiness?
dignus : worthy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unpretentious?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive indisputable?
puto : think
From what noun with what meaning do we derive umber?
umbra : shadow, shade
From what noun with what meaning do we derive modernize?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive incautious?
caveo : be on one’s guard, beware
From what noun with what meaning do we derive protestant?
testis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive national?
nascor : be born
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive disdainful?
dignus : worthy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive parsimony?
parco : spare
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive adept?
aptus : fit, suitable
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive disqualification?
qualis : of what kind
From what noun with what meaning do we derive salute?
salus : health, safety
From what noun with what meaning do we derive cooperative?
opus : work
From what verb with what meaning do we derive quarrelsome?
queror : complain
From what noun with what meaning do we derive vitiate?
vitium : fault, defect
From what verb with what meaning do we derive peroration?
oro : beg, plead
From what verb with what meaning do we derive extended?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive set?
sequor : follow
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive inept?
aptus : fit, suitable
From what verb with what meaning do we derive juxtaposition?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive confess?
fateor : confess, admit
From what verb with what meaning do we derive attention?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive join?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive recrimination?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive tense (adj.)?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive pitifully?
pius : devoted
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive cherish?
carus : dear
From what verb with what meaning do we derive figuratively?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive pittance?
pius : devoted
From what verb with what meaning do we derive expulsion?
pello : drive, push
From what verb with what meaning do we derive conjunctive?
iungo : join
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive caress?
carus : dear
From what verb with what meaning do we derive assumption?
sumo : take up
From what noun with what meaning do we derive violently?
vis : force, strength
From what verb with what meaning do we derive conjoin?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive repellent?
pello : drive, push
From what verb with what meaning do we derive acquire?
quaero : seek, ask
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive acrimonious?
acer : sharp, keen, fierce
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive biceps?
bis : twice
From what verb with what meaning do we derive excise (a tax)?
censeo : assess, value, be of the opinion
From what noun with what meaning do we derive opulence?
ops : riches, resources
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive pity?
pius : devoted
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rediscount?
puto : think
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive uncouple?
aptus : fit, suitable
From what verb with what meaning do we derive errant?
erro : wander; make a mistake
From what verb with what meaning do we derive revolve?
volvo : turn, roll
From what verb with what meaning do we derive substratum?
sterno : spread (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive noticeable?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reminiscence?
memini : remember
From what verb with what meaning do we derive imbibe?
bibo : drink
From what verb with what meaning do we derive tensely?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive decently?
decet : it befits
From what noun with what meaning do we derive moralize?
mos : custom, tradition
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive bimetallic?
bis : twice
From what verb with what meaning do we derive interfere?
ferio : strike, hit
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive expiation?
pius : devoted
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive lenity?
lenis : gentle, soft
From what verb with what meaning do we derive surreptitious?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive refund?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive immutable?
muto : change
From what verb with what meaning do we derive optional?
opto : choose, select, prefer
From what verb with what meaning do we derive tent?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive protection?
tego : cover, protect
From what noun with what meaning do we derive ventilator?
ventus : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reconstruction?
struo : place together, build
From what verb with what meaning do we derive account?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive enquire?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intention?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive illicit?
licet : it is permitted
From what noun with what meaning do we derive moderation?
modus : method, manner
From what noun with what meaning do we derive aggregation?
grex : flock, herd
From what verb with what meaning do we derive utility?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive misconstrue?
struo : place together, build
From what noun with what meaning do we derive vulgarity?
vulgus : crowd, rabble
From what verb with what meaning do we derive stratify?
sterno : spread (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive consumptive?
sumo : take up
From what verb with what meaning do we derive infallible?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what noun with what meaning do we derive contestant?
testis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive eruption?
rumpo : break, burst
From what noun with what meaning do we derive immodest?
modus : method, manner
From what noun with what meaning do we derive funereal?
funus : funeral
From what verb with what meaning do we derive mutable?
muto : change
From what verb with what meaning do we derive superstructure?
struo : place together, build
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fatal?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive concerned?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fallacy?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive famed?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pendant?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive deputation?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive censer?
incendo : kindle, set fire to
From what noun with what meaning do we derive commodious?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive obloquy?
loquor : speak, tell
From what verb with what meaning do we derive irresolute?
solvo : release, loosen
From what verb with what meaning do we derive confabulate?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive example?
emo : buy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reverently?
vereor : fear
From what noun with what meaning do we derive acquiesce?
quies : rest, sleep
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pendulum?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive construct?
struo : place together, build
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rational?
reor : suppose, think
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive dulcet?
dulcis : sweet
From what verb with what meaning do we derive figurehead?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impatience?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive disjointed?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive second?
sequor : follow
From what noun with what meaning do we derive senor?
senex : old
From what verb with what meaning do we derive negative?
nego : deny
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pursuivant?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unmixed?
misceo : mix
From what noun with what meaning do we derive salubrious?
salus : health, safety
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive mitigation?
mitis : gentle, soft
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive eager?
acer : sharp, keen, fierce
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intensity?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what noun with what meaning do we derive animated?
anima : spirit, breath, wind
From what verb with what meaning do we derive frankincense?
incendo : kindle, set fire to
From what verb with what meaning do we derive odious?
odi : hate
From what noun with what meaning do we derive demoralization?
mos : custom, tradition
From what verb with what meaning do we derive dependency?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive demolition?
moles : mass, bulk
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive frustrate?
frustra : in vain
From what verb with what meaning do we derive expense?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive compatible?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive adopt?
opto : choose, select, prefer
From what verb with what meaning do we derive counter?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive superintend?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive extenuation?
tenuis : slight, slender
From what verb with what meaning do we derive suffusion?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive abhor?
horreo : bristle; shudder
From what noun with what meaning do we derive dispraise?
pretium : price
From what verb with what meaning do we derive depressed?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive comment?
memini : remember
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive pitifully?
pius : devoted
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ravine?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive natural?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive decent?
decet : it befits
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive billet-doux?
dulcis : sweet
From what verb with what meaning do we derive append?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive infant?
for : say, speak
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive summarily?
summus : top of, highest
From what verb with what meaning do we derive resolve?
solvo : release, loosen
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fault?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive administration?
minor : threaten, tower over
From what verb with what meaning do we derive quest?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive excretion?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive disputant?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive independence?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive modulation?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive license?
licet : it is permitted
From what noun with what meaning do we derive acquiescence?
quies : rest, sleep
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive balance?
bis : twice
From what verb with what meaning do we derive compression?
premo : press (down)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive monsieur?
senex : old
From what noun with what meaning do we derive sorceress?
sors : lot, fate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive revolt?
volvo : turn, roll
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive retaliation?
talis : such, of such a kind
From what verb with what meaning do we derive perusal?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive useless?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive crew?
cresco : grow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive insolvency?
solvo : release, loosen
From what verb with what meaning do we derive depict?
pingo : paint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unquestionably?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive peremptory?
emo : buy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inquiry?
quaero : seek, ask
From what noun with what meaning do we derive classification?
classis : fleet
From what verb with what meaning do we derive astray?
sterno : spread (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ransom?
emo : buy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive nobleman?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ruinous?
ruo : fall (down with violence), rush down
From what verb with what meaning do we derive printer?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive perpendicular?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impressive?
premo : press (down)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive munificence?
munus : duty, gift
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive dainty?
dignus : worthy
From what noun with what meaning do we derive attest?
testis : witness
From what noun with what meaning do we derive discord?
cor : heart
From what verb with what meaning do we derive oracle?
oro : beg, plead
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fruition?
fruor : enjoy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive picture?
pingo : paint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rating?
reor : suppose, think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pretend?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive increment?
cresco : grow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive portentous?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what noun with what meaning do we derive concord?
cor : heart
From what verb with what meaning do we derive originate?
orior : rise, arise
From what verb with what meaning do we derive complacence?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive utensil?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impulse?
pello : drive, push
From what verb with what meaning do we derive cognizant?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ratification?
reor : suppose, think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive faery?
for : say, speak
From what noun with what meaning do we derive cornucopia?
ops : riches, resources
From what verb with what meaning do we derive depute?
puto : think
From what noun with what meaning do we derive encourage?
cor : heart
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impassioned?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what noun with what meaning do we derive turpitude?
turpis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ponderous?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive patiently?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive pityingly?
pius : devoted
From what noun with what meaning do we derive commodity?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive detection?
tego : cover, protect
From what noun with what meaning do we derive uncommonly?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ostentation?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive depress?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rapidly?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive independent?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive irresolution?
solvo : release, loosen
From what verb with what meaning do we derive faintly?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive protection?
tego : cover, protect
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive expiate?
pius : devoted
From what verb with what meaning do we derive abortive?
orior : rise, arise
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pretense?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive passionate?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what noun with what meaning do we derive inflammable?
flamma : flame
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fairy?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pleasure?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive independency?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive tuition?
tueor : protect
From what verb with what meaning do we derive origin?
orior : rise, arise
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pulsate?
pello : drive, push
From what verb with what meaning do we derive press?
premo : press (down)
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive bimetallism?
bis : twice
From what verb with what meaning do we derive undissolved?
solvo : release, loosen
From what verb with what meaning do we derive nation-wide?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive absolve?
solvo : release, loosen
From what verb with what meaning do we derive commute?
muto : change
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ostensibly?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reflexive?
flecto : bend, turn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive nobly?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive commuter?
muto : change
From what verb with what meaning do we derive excrete?
cerno : discern, see
From what noun with what meaning do we derive sorcery?
sors : lot, fate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive corrupt?
rumpo : break, burst
From what verb with what meaning do we derive tutelage?
tueor : protect
From what noun with what meaning do we derive appreciative?
pretium : price
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fuse?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive nobility?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rapturous?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive routine?
rumpo : break, burst
From what verb with what meaning do we derive notification?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pulsation?
pello : drive, push
From what verb with what meaning do we derive licentiousness?
licet : it is permitted
From what verb with what meaning do we derive acquisitive?
quaero : seek, ask
From what noun with what meaning do we derive violence?
vis : force, strength
From what verb with what meaning do we derive usurpation?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive attendant?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what noun with what meaning do we derive investiture?
vestis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive annoyance?
odi : hate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pansy?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive unqualified?
qualis : of what kind
From what noun with what meaning do we derive consort?
sors : lot, fate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive precautionary?
caveo : be on one’s guard, beware
From what verb with what meaning do we derive esteem?
aestimo : value, estimate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reasoning?
reor : suppose, think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive propel?
pello : drive, push
From what noun with what meaning do we derive commonweal?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive secretion?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ravenous?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive meddle?
misceo : mix
From what verb with what meaning do we derive professionally?
fateor : confess, admit
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inattentive?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inexpensive?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive instrument?
struo : place together, build
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive qualification?
qualis : of what kind
From what noun with what meaning do we derive morale?
mos : custom, tradition
From what verb with what meaning do we derive use?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rapaciousness?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive minstrel?
minor : threaten, tower over
From what verb with what meaning do we derive adjoin?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pension?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive figure?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive instruct?
struo : place together, build
From what verb with what meaning do we derive denial?
nego : deny
From what verb with what meaning do we derive absolution?
solvo : release, loosen
From what verb with what meaning do we derive repress?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive assail?
salio : jump, leap
From what verb with what meaning do we derive joust?
iungo : join
From what noun with what meaning do we derive class?
classis : fleet
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ravishing?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive overestimate?
aestimo : value, estimate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reconnaissance?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive sue?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive oratorio?
oro : beg, plead
From what noun with what meaning do we derive elimination?
limen : threshold
From what verb with what meaning do we derive foible?
fleo : weep
From what verb with what meaning do we derive option?
opto : choose, select, prefer
From what verb with what meaning do we derive acquaint?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive plead?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive suspense?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what noun with what meaning do we derive ventilate?
ventus : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ration?
reor : suppose, think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive foundry?
fundo : pour (out)
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive consummate?
summus : top of, highest
From what verb with what meaning do we derive annoying?
odi : hate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive invective?
veho : bear, carry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive imputation?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unfruitful?
fruor : enjoy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive indigence?
egeo : lack, be in need of
From what verb with what meaning do we derive obstruction?
struo : place together, build
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pleasurable?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive complaisance?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive extent?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fusion?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive falsity?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive prefigure?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive compensate?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what noun with what meaning do we derive preliminary?
limen : threshold
From what verb with what meaning do we derive compress?
premo : press (down)
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive unpitied?
pius : devoted
From what noun with what meaning do we derive aflame?
flamma : flame
From what verb with what meaning do we derive decrease?
cresco : grow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive uncorrupted?
rumpo : break, burst
From what verb with what meaning do we derive confusedly?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive attendance?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive devolve?
volvo : turn, roll
From what verb with what meaning do we derive conjugal?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive usurper?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive horribly?
horreo : bristle; shudder
From what verb with what meaning do we derive utilization?
utor : use
From what noun with what meaning do we derive communicable?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive exultant?
salio : jump, leap
From what verb with what meaning do we derive propeller?
pello : drive, push
From what verb with what meaning do we derive runagate?
nego : deny
From what noun with what meaning do we derive signora?
senex : old
From what noun with what meaning do we derive precious?
pretium : price
From what verb with what meaning do we derive feebleness?
fleo : weep
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pretentious?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what noun with what meaning do we derive municipal?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intrinsically?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive preface?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pleasantry?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive secret?
cerno : discern, see
From what noun with what meaning do we derive praise?
pretium : price
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reverence?
vereor : fear
From what noun with what meaning do we derive riverside?
ripa : riverbank
From what verb with what meaning do we derive aborigines?
orior : rise, arise
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ministrant?
minor : threaten, tower over
From what verb with what meaning do we derive picturesqueness?
pingo : paint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive irrational?
reor : suppose, think
From what noun with what meaning do we derive disquiet?
quies : rest, sleep
From what verb with what meaning do we derive expel?
pello : drive, push
From what verb with what meaning do we derive dissolve?
solvo : release, loosen
From what noun with what meaning do we derive farrier?
ferrum : iron
From what verb with what meaning do we derive estimation?
aestimo : value, estimate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reputed?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive tend?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what noun with what meaning do we derive mentality?
mens : mind
From what verb with what meaning do we derive flexibility?
flecto : bend, turn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive eruptive?
rumpo : break, burst
From what verb with what meaning do we derive oratorial?
oro : beg, plead
From what verb with what meaning do we derive oriental?
orior : rise, arise
From what verb with what meaning do we derive resolution?
solvo : release, loosen
From what verb with what meaning do we derive tiling?
tego : cover, protect
From what verb with what meaning do we derive notoriety?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive appear?
pareo : obey; appear
From what verb with what meaning do we derive transfuse?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive independently?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive recognize?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive estimation?
aestimo : value, estimate
From what noun with what meaning do we derive parapet?
pectus : breast, chest
From what verb with what meaning do we derive censure?
censeo : assess, value, be of the opinion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive suffuse?
fundo : pour (out)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive immure?
murus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive suite?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unpretending?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what noun with what meaning do we derive disquietude?
quies : rest, sleep
From what verb with what meaning do we derive oracular?
oro : beg, plead
From what verb with what meaning do we derive dispense?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pressure?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive originality?
orior : rise, arise
From what noun with what meaning do we derive appreciation?
pretium : price
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inexorably?
oro : beg, plead
From what noun with what meaning do we derive cooperate?
opus : work
From what verb with what meaning do we derive undeniably?
nego : deny
From what verb with what meaning do we derive undisciplined?
disco : learn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive arrant?
erro : wander; make a mistake
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive mullein?
mollis : soft
From what noun with what meaning do we derive moderate?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fruitless?
fruor : enjoy
From what noun with what meaning do we derive uncommon?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive second-class?
sequor : follow
From what noun with what meaning do we derive travesty?
vestis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive executioner?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive apparently?
pareo : obey; appear
From what verb with what meaning do we derive protector?
tego : cover, protect
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unnaturally?
nascor : be born
From what noun with what meaning do we derive sorcerer?
sors : lot, fate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive faint?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what noun with what meaning do we derive detestable?
testis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive conjugation?
iungo : join
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive biscuit?
bis : twice
From what noun with what meaning do we derive protestation?
testis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unattended?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive cautiously?
caveo : be on one’s guard, beware
From what verb with what meaning do we derive irruption?
rumpo : break, burst
From what verb with what meaning do we derive arraign?
reor : suppose, think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive count (verb)?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive found (melt)?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive tacit?
taceo : be silent
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive indignation?
dignus : worthy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive aimless?
aestimo : value, estimate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive protege?
tego : cover, protect
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive lariat?
aptus : fit, suitable
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unconcern?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive eloquent?
loquor : speak, tell
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unconcerned?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive insult?
salio : jump, leap
From what verb with what meaning do we derive disputable?
puto : think
From what noun with what meaning do we derive recrimination?
crimen : charge
From what noun with what meaning do we derive salutation?
salus : health, safety
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unaccountably?
puto : think
From what noun with what meaning do we derive commoner?
munus : duty, gift
From what noun with what meaning do we derive ordain?
opus : work
From what noun with what meaning do we derive modestly?
modus : method, manner
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive adaptation?
aptus : fit, suitable
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unerringly?
erro : wander; make a mistake
From what verb with what meaning do we derive confession?
fateor : confess, admit
From what verb with what meaning do we derive naive?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive leisurely?
licet : it is permitted
From what noun with what meaning do we derive grandsire?
senex : old
From what verb with what meaning do we derive promptitude?
emo : buy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive commentator?
memini : remember
From what noun with what meaning do we derive violate?
vis : force, strength
From what verb with what meaning do we derive disesteem?
aestimo : value, estimate
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive piously?
pius : devoted
From what preposition with what meaning do we derive improvement?
pro : for, before
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impressively?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive corruption?
rumpo : break, burst
From what verb with what meaning do we derive dispute?
puto : think
From what noun with what meaning do we derive molecule?
moles : mass, bulk
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive kickshaw?
qualis : of what kind
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inexorable?
oro : beg, plead
From what verb with what meaning do we derive naturalization?
nascor : be born
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive binomial?
bis : twice
From what noun with what meaning do we derive model?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive footprint?
premo : press (down)
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive billion?
bis : twice
From what verb with what meaning do we derive err?
erro : wander; make a mistake
From what verb with what meaning do we derive subjunctive?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive consternation?
sterno : spread (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fable?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unquestionable?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive requisition?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intense?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what noun with what meaning do we derive inviolate?
vis : force, strength
From what verb with what meaning do we derive perquisite?
quaero : seek, ask
From what noun with what meaning do we derive gregarious?
grex : flock, herd
From what verb with what meaning do we derive voluminous?
volvo : turn, roll
From what noun with what meaning do we derive accommodation?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive expressionless?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive presumptuous?
sumo : take up
From what noun with what meaning do we derive communistic?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive interfuse?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive indestructible?
struo : place together, build
From what verb with what meaning do we derive disrepute?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive suspend?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive revolution?
volvo : turn, roll
From what noun with what meaning do we derive humility?
humus : soil, ground
From what verb with what meaning do we derive countless?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive profusion?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive crescent?
cresco : grow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive orient?
orior : rise, arise
From what verb with what meaning do we derive disfigure?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive sally?
salio : jump, leap
From what verb with what meaning do we derive repute?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive discriminate?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ravishment?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ventriloquist?
loquor : speak, tell
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ostensible?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive recruit?
cresco : grow
From what noun with what meaning do we derive siecle?
saeculum : generation, age
From what noun with what meaning do we derive excommunicate?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive passion?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive supernatural?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intuitive?
tueor : protect
From what verb with what meaning do we derive precaution?
caveo : be on one’s guard, beware
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive pious?
pius : devoted
From what verb with what meaning do we derive renegade?
nego : deny
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive piteous?
pius : devoted
From what verb with what meaning do we derive innate?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inveigh?
veho : bear, carry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive insoluble?
solvo : release, loosen
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive disdainfully?
dignus : worthy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive vehicle?
veho : bear, carry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive executive?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive repression?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rate?
reor : suppose, think
From what noun with what meaning do we derive modulate?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive usually?
utor : use
From what noun with what meaning do we derive detest?
testis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pleasantness?
placeo : please
From what verb with what meaning do we derive dumbfound?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive dependence?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive quarrel?
queror : complain
From what verb with what meaning do we derive indigent?
egeo : lack, be in need of
From what verb with what meaning do we derive adoption?
opto : choose, select, prefer
From what verb with what meaning do we derive irreverence?
vereor : fear
From what verb with what meaning do we derive increasingly?
cresco : grow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive adore?
oro : beg, plead
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ennui?
odi : hate
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive bigamy?
bis : twice
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive binocular?
bis : twice
From what verb with what meaning do we derive patient?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rapids?
rapio : seize, carry off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive volubility?
volvo : turn, roll
From what verb with what meaning do we derive abuse?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive redemption?
emo : buy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive coerce?
arceo : keep off, ward off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reconquer?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive professorship?
fateor : confess, admit
From what noun with what meaning do we derive quiet?
quies : rest, sleep
From what verb with what meaning do we derive disjoin?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive dispel?
pello : drive, push
From what verb with what meaning do we derive push?
pello : drive, push
From what noun with what meaning do we derive viciously?
vitium : fault, defect
From what verb with what meaning do we derive effuse?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive interdependence?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive futility?
fundo : pour (out)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive animation?
anima : spirit, breath, wind
From what verb with what meaning do we derive uselessness?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive disciple?
disco : learn
From what noun with what meaning do we derive maneuver?
opus : work
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive aptitude?
aptus : fit, suitable
From what noun with what meaning do we derive depreciation?
pretium : price
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive quality?
qualis : of what kind
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fruit?
fruor : enjoy
From what noun with what meaning do we derive pectoral?
pectus : breast, chest
From what verb with what meaning do we derive infusion?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive structure?
struo : place together, build
From what verb with what meaning do we derive contention?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unreasonable?
reor : suppose, think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pensive?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive attentive?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive requisite?
quaero : seek, ask
From what noun with what meaning do we derive secular?
saeculum : generation, age
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pretender?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive dependable?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive quit?
quies : rest, sleep
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive dulcimer?
dulcis : sweet
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intent?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive poise?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive renegado?
nego : deny
From what noun with what meaning do we derive courageous?
cor : heart
From what noun with what meaning do we derive modish?
modus : method, manner
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pensioner?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what noun with what meaning do we derive manure?
opus : work
From what noun with what meaning do we derive humble?
humus : soil, ground
From what noun with what meaning do we derive attest?
testis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive printless?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inestimable?
aestimo : value, estimate
From what noun with what meaning do we derive remunerative?
munus : duty, gift
From what noun with what meaning do we derive testament?
testis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive failure?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive protectorate?
tego : cover, protect
From what noun with what meaning do we derive communicate?
munus : duty, gift
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive dignitary?
dignus : worthy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive mixer?
misceo : mix
From what verb with what meaning do we derive melee?
misceo : mix
From what verb with what meaning do we derive dispense?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive mix?
misceo : mix
From what noun with what meaning do we derive munition?
moenia : walls
From what noun with what meaning do we derive classify?
classis : fleet
From what verb with what meaning do we derive feeble?
fleo : weep
From what verb with what meaning do we derive dissolute?
solvo : release, loosen
From what verb with what meaning do we derive adorable?
oro : beg, plead
From what noun with what meaning do we derive operative?
opus : work
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unfailing?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive assault?
salio : jump, leap
From what verb with what meaning do we derive feint?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive extensive?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impulsive?
pello : drive, push
From what noun with what meaning do we derive appraisal?
pretium : price
From what verb with what meaning do we derive effigy?
fingo : devise, shape, fashion
From what verb with what meaning do we derive jointly?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive enfeeble?
fleo : weep
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive leniency?
lenis : gentle, soft
From what noun with what meaning do we derive immunity?
munus : duty, gift
From what noun with what meaning do we derive umbrella?
umbra : shadow, shade
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reflector?
flecto : bend, turn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive naturally?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive suffusion?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive consequence?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive prostration?
sterno : spread (out)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive office?
ops : riches, resources
From what noun with what meaning do we derive morally?
mos : custom, tradition
From what verb with what meaning do we derive presumably?
sumo : take up
From what verb with what meaning do we derive computation?
puto : think
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive acrimony?
acer : sharp, keen, fierce
From what verb with what meaning do we derive certainly?
cerno : discern, see
From what noun with what meaning do we derive testify?
testis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive impassioned?
patior : suffer, endure; allow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive alimentary?
alo : nourish, feed
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unerring?
erro : wander; make a mistake
From what noun with what meaning do we derive cordiality?
cor : heart
From what verb with what meaning do we derive resolutely?
solvo : release, loosen
From what verb with what meaning do we derive feeble-minded?
fleo : weep
From what verb with what meaning do we derive elocution?
loquor : speak, tell
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive inexpiable?
pius : devoted
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ineffable?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive compensation?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what noun with what meaning do we derive cordially?
cor : heart
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive bicycle?
bis : twice
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reputation?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pendent?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what noun with what meaning do we derive vest?
vestis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive persecutor?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive volubly?
volvo : turn, roll
From what verb with what meaning do we derive obsequies?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reluctant?
luctor : speak, tell
From what verb with what meaning do we derive attend?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what noun with what meaning do we derive commonalty?
munus : duty, gift
From what verb with what meaning do we derive structural?
struo : place together, build
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive counterbalance?
bis : twice
From what verb with what meaning do we derive irrepressible?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive repel?
pello : drive, push
From what noun with what meaning do we derive officiate?
ops : riches, resources
From what noun with what meaning do we derive expectorate?
pectus : breast, chest
From what noun with what meaning do we derive crime?
crimen : charge
From what verb with what meaning do we derive integument?
tego : cover, protect
From what verb with what meaning do we derive evolutionary?
volvo : turn, roll
From what verb with what meaning do we derive mutual?
muto : change
From what noun with what meaning do we derive officious?
ops : riches, resources
From what noun with what meaning do we derive parasol?
sol : sun
From what noun with what meaning do we derive congregate?
grex : flock, herd
From what verb with what meaning do we derive suitably?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive painting?
pingo : paint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intend?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive preternatural?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive noisome?
odi : hate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive conqueror?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive notoriously?
nosco : learn; know
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive self-pity?
pius : devoted
From what verb with what meaning do we derive minstrelsy?
minor : threaten, tower over
From what verb with what meaning do we derive request?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive concert?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive tutelary?
tueor : protect
From what noun with what meaning do we derive officer?
ops : riches, resources
From what noun with what meaning do we derive moralist?
mos : custom, tradition
From what verb with what meaning do we derive discipline?
disco : learn
From what verb with what meaning do we derive infantry?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive dispensary?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive alimony?
alo : nourish, feed
From what verb with what meaning do we derive acquisition?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive refusal?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reprint?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive detector?
tego : cover, protect
From what verb with what meaning do we derive exquisitely?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive conjugate?
iungo : join
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unquestioned?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive cognate?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intensive?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive joiner?
iungo : join
From what noun with what meaning do we derive appraise?
pretium : price
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reassume?
sumo : take up
From what verb with what meaning do we derive estimable?
aestimo : value, estimate
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unacquainted?
nosco : learn; know
From what noun with what meaning do we derive coy?
quies : rest, sleep
From what verb with what meaning do we derive uselessly?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pulse?
pello : drive, push
From what verb with what meaning do we derive licentiate?
licet : it is permitted
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ardently?
ardeo : keep off, ward off
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unexampled?
emo : buy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ruin?
ruo : fall (down with violence), rush down
From what verb with what meaning do we derive mutually?
muto : change
From what verb with what meaning do we derive infuse?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unusually?
utor : use
From what noun with what meaning do we derive congregational?
grex : flock, herd
From what verb with what meaning do we derive arraignment?
reor : suppose, think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive indiscreet?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive peal?
pello : drive, push
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive dignify?
dignus : worthy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive desultory?
salio : jump, leap
From what verb with what meaning do we derive persecution?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive accompt?
puto : think
From what verb with what meaning do we derive useful?
utor : use
From what verb with what meaning do we derive prompt?
emo : buy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive accrue?
cresco : grow
From what noun with what meaning do we derive divest?
vestis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive transmute?
muto : change
From what verb with what meaning do we derive succinct?
cingo : encircle, surround
From what verb with what meaning do we derive constructive?
struo : place together, build
From what verb with what meaning do we derive native-born?
nascor : be born
From what noun with what meaning do we derive inanimate?
anima : spirit, breath, wind
From what verb with what meaning do we derive exhortation?
hortor : encourage, urge
From what noun with what meaning do we derive unofficial?
ops : riches, resources
From what verb with what meaning do we derive solve?
solvo : release, loosen
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive attitude?
aptus : fit, suitable
From what verb with what meaning do we derive construction?
struo : place together, build
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pimento?
pingo : paint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive adolescent?
alo : nourish, feed
From what verb with what meaning do we derive extension?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive interruption?
rumpo : break, burst
From what verb with what meaning do we derive transmutation?
muto : change
From what noun with what meaning do we derive arrival?
ripa : riverbank
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive impious?
pius : devoted
From what verb with what meaning do we derive adolescence?
alo : nourish, feed
From what verb with what meaning do we derive intently?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what noun with what meaning do we derive officially?
ops : riches, resources
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive frustration?
frustra : in vain
From what verb with what meaning do we derive sequence?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive notify?
nosco : learn; know
From what verb with what meaning do we derive sectary?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive prostrate?
sterno : spread (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive expensively?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive user?
utor : use
From what noun with what meaning do we derive segregate?
grex : flock, herd
From what verb with what meaning do we derive detect?
tego : cover, protect
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reticent?
taceo : be silent
From what verb with what meaning do we derive naturalist?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive interdependent?
pendeo : hang (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive inquire?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive certainty?
cerno : discern, see
From what noun with what meaning do we derive sanguinary?
sanguis : blood
From what verb with what meaning do we derive abrupt?
rumpo : break, burst
From what verb with what meaning do we derive picturesque?
pingo : paint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive contentious?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what noun with what meaning do we derive bepraise?
pretium : price
From what verb with what meaning do we derive jocund?
iuvo : help, aid, assist
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reprimand?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive oppress?
premo : press (down)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unconquerable?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive standardize?
tendo : stretch, strive; hurry
From what verb with what meaning do we derive transfusion?
fundo : pour (out)
From what verb with what meaning do we derive infallibility?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive rupture?
rumpo : break, burst
From what noun with what meaning do we derive testamentary?
testis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive indiscriminately?
cerno : discern, see
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive coupling?
aptus : fit, suitable
From what noun with what meaning do we derive core?
cor : heart
From what verb with what meaning do we derive expend?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive disrupt?
rumpo : break, burst
From what verb with what meaning do we derive ignoble?
nosco : learn; know
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive combination?
bis : twice
From what verb with what meaning do we derive counterpoise?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what noun with what meaning do we derive surly?
senex : old
From what verb with what meaning do we derive infantile?
for : say, speak
From what verb with what meaning do we derive international?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive destroy?
struo : place together, build
From what adverb with what meaning do we derive bilateral?
bis : twice
From what verb with what meaning do we derive coercion?
arceo : keep off, ward off
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive qualified?
qualis : of what kind
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unconquered?
quaero : seek, ask
From what verb with what meaning do we derive reticence?
taceo : be silent
From what verb with what meaning do we derive equipoise?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive suspender?
pendo : weigh; pay
From what verb with what meaning do we derive presume?
sumo : take up
From what noun with what meaning do we derive invest?
vestis : witness
From what verb with what meaning do we derive fail?
fallo : deceive, disappoint
From what verb with what meaning do we derive exemption?
emo : buy
From what verb with what meaning do we derive unnatural?
nascor : be born
From what verb with what meaning do we derive sectarian?
sequor : follow
From what verb with what meaning do we derive beverage?
bibo : drink
From what verb with what meaning do we derive concerted?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive abscond?
condo : found, establish; hide
From what adjective with what meaning do we derive quantity?
quantus : how much
From what verb with what meaning do we derive decree?
cerno : discern, see
From what verb with what meaning do we derive pursuance?
sequor : follow