Vocab Unit 1 (4) Flashcards
Group Therapy
A form of psychosocial treatment in which a number of clients meet together with a therapist for purposes of sharing, gaining, personal insight, and improving interpersonal coping strategies.
Yalom’s Curative Factors
- Instillation of Hope
- Universality (not alone in their problems, thoughts, feelings - anxiety relieved)
- The imparting of information (knowledge is gained through formal instruction as well as the sharing of advice and suggestions among group members)
- Altruism (providing assistance and support to others creates a positive self image and promotes self growth)
- The corrective recapitulation of the primary family group ( group members are able to reexperience early family conflicts that remain unresolved)
- The development of socializing techniques
- Imitative Behavior (role modeling)
- Interpersonal Learning (interaction and insight gained regarding how one perceives and is being perceived by others)
- Group Cohesiveness (members develop a sense of belonging that separates the individual from the group)
- Catharsis (members ar eable to express both positive and negative feelings)
- Existential Factors (group is able to help individual members take direction of their own lives and to accept responsblity for the quality of their existence)
Initial or Orientation phase of group development
- Leader and members work together to establish the rules that will govern the group
- Leader is expected to orient members to specific group processes, encourage members to participate without disclosing too much too soon, and promote and enviromnet of trust, and ensure that rules established by the group do not interefere with fulfillment of the goals.
- Members have not yet established trust and will respond to this lack of trust be being overly polite.
Middle or working phase of group development
- Cohesiveness has been established within the group.
- Role of the leader diminishes and becoimes one of the facilitator during the working phase
- Trust has been established among the members. Accept cristism from each other
Final or Termination Phase
- Termination is difficult for many members
- LEader encourages the group members to reminisce about what has occurred within the group, to review the goals and discuss the actual outcomes, and to encourage members to provide feedback to each other about individual progress within the group
- Greif/denial/anger
Family Therapy
Focus of treatment is on the family as a unit.
Cognitive Therapy
To assist the client to control thought distortions that are considered to be a factor in the devlopment and continuation of emotional disorders.
- Obtain symptom relief as quickly as possible
- Assist the client in identifying dysfunctional patterns of thinking
- To guide the client to evidence and logic that effectively test the validity of dysfunctional thinking
One member of the family is viewed as different and is singled out and blamed for any problem or trouble that occurs
Double-Blind Communication
When a person receives simultaneous yet contradictory messages. No matter how the person responds to the communications, it’s wrong
Ex. Go ahead and go skiing but don’t blame me if you break your leg
Identified Patient
The family member manifesting symptoms of behavioral disturbance or illness.
Behavioral Therapy
The assist the client ot change maladaptive or undesirable behavior by manioulating the environment and behavior.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
To treat chronic self injurious and suicidal behaviors.
- Teach client to cope with stress
- Regulate emotions
- Improve relationships with others
Suicide Precautions
Observation every 15 minutes with documentation
1:1 supervision when using harmful objects
Violence Precautions
2 staff members must observe client when in groups
Observations every 15 minutes with documentation
1:1 supervision when using harmful objects
Escape Precautions
No lingering in doorways
Check unfamiliar faces
Know which clients are on escape precautions
Use specific staff enterance
Client must remain in a locked room, with little furniture of belongings. Client usually puts on a hospital gown instead of personal clothing. Includes camera surveillance. At least 2 staff need to be present to open the door. Every 15 minute checks with documentation. No conversations with client in seclusion
Client is restrained in bed, by leather straps. 4 point restraints are used. includes intensive 1:1 supervision by staff member. Every 15 minute RN checks with documentation. Monitor client respirations closely, must attend to client’s basic needs
Show of Force
when the client looks to be losing control, many staff will gradually gather around the client to escort them to the seclusion room and/or apply restraints
Community Limits
may go off hospital grounds
Hospital limits
may leave the locked unit but must remain on hospital grounds. this is scheduled in advance and usually lasts about 20 minutes
Unit Limits
Client can’t leave unit
1:1 Supervision
Continuous ‘eyes on client’ observation. observer must be within 6 feet of client at all times
Verbal Limit Setting
- Be sure client is aware of unit rules
- Clearly re-state the rule
- Identify the undesirable behavior
- Suggest alternative behaviors
- Clearly state the consequence
- Enforce the consequence
Verbal Contracting
The RN and the client set up an agreement that if the client experiences (target symptoms), the client will tell the nurse before doing anything unsafe.
Crisis Intervention
Assistance with problem solving skills that are often diminished by the level of anxiety accompanying disequilibrium
A disequilibrium from which many individuals require assistance to recover
Maturational/Developmental Crises
Crises that occur in response to situations that trigger emotions related to unresolved conflicts in one’s life. These crises are of internal origin and reflect underlying developmental issues that involve dependency, value conflicts, sexual identity, control, and capacity for emotional intimacy.
Dispositional Crises
An acute response to an external situational stressor.