Substance-Related or Addictive Disorder Unit 3 (1) Flashcards
State of compulsive or chronic need for a substance that is so strong that physical (tolerance may develop) or psychological distress occurs
Amnesic episode i.e period of time in which an individual is conscious and appears to behave normally, but for which the individual has no recollection (occurs with the use of alcohol)
Refraining from use of a substance
Hunger and rebound depression which occurs after the initial pleasurable experience with amphetamines and cocaine (the rebound depression may be so severe that suicidal ideation is also present)
Behavioral response to memory loss in which the client “makes up” imaginary events and inappropriate words to fill in memory gaps
Treatment modality used to decrease the symptomsof withdrawal from a substance (e.g. alcohol or methadone detoxification) and gradually return the individual to a substance free state
State achieved after ingestion of a substance in sufficient quantities to produce VS and MS changes, includes symptoms and effects of use
Dual Diagnosis
Diagnosis of an individual with two disorders in the DSM-5, a mental illness diagnosis and a substance related disorder (also know as MICA or mentally ill chemical abuser)
Reoccurence of visual distortions and/or intense emotional experiences similar to those occuring during a trip
Loss of Control
(in alcoholism) the individual cannot control the amount of alcohol use on any given occasion, although s/he is not driven to drink
(in other substance abuse) the inability to stop using the drug
Taking substances IV (narcotics or amphetamines may be injected)
State occuring when metabolic changes in the tissue response to a substance are diminished resulting in the need to increase the amount of drug used in order to obtain the desired effect. Long-term tolerance and excessive tissue damage may eventually cause an inverse (opposite) effect where decreased amounts of the drug are needed to achieve the desired effect
Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome
Occurs when a physically dependent individual is deprived of the opiod drug
Unpredictable experience (may be good or bad) that occurs when a hallucinogen is taken
Progressive predictable set of symptoms occurring when a substance is discontinued or a dose is reduced
Withdrawal Delirium
(formerly called delirium tremens) Serious, potentially life threatening form of alcohol withdrawal
Mental ill chemical abuser
Sedative hypnotics