Vocab from YouTube Flashcards
make sure (imp)
Asegúrate de sacar la basura.
Make sure you take out the garbage.
Asegurate de + infinitve = with no subject change, you can ask people to do things.
Make sure you wash the car
Asegúrate de lavar el carro.
Asegùrate de no dejar las llaves en el carro.
Make sure you don’t leave the keys in the car.
Asegúrate de que la puerta está cerrada con llave.
Make sure the door is locked.
Indicative. Why? Because you’re telling them to check and make sure. You’re not asking them to close and lock the door. That is not a wish. A wish to have them close and lock the door that is currently open is in the subjunctive.
Asegúrate de que la puerta esté cerrada con llave.
Asegúrate de que la puerta esté cerrada con llave.
Make sure the door is locked.
This being in the subjunctive mood, you are extering influence upon them, telling them to go close and lock the door.
Algo parecido ha pasado…
Something similar has happened…
Something similar has happened with the word “lunch”
Algo parecido ha pasado con la palabra “lunch”
To deliver, hand over
Bolivar entregó a Miranda en manos de las autoridades de España.
Bolivar handed Miranda over to the Spanish authorities.
Due to…
Debido al frío, tuve que ponerme un abrigo.
Due to the cold, I had to wear a coat.
un fracaso
a failure
Lo que había sido…
What had been…
To reinstate, to resume