phrases Flashcards
I’m running late
using “arriving”
Estoy llegando tarde
I’m going to be late
not using voy
using “to arrive”
llego tarde
take your time
tómate tu tiempo
tómate el tiempo que necesites
Take the time that you need
No rush
Sin prisa
I’ll be right back
three ways
ya regreso
ya vengo
ya vuelvo
not anymore
ya no
Ella ya no trabaja aquí
she doesn’t work here anymore.
ya se le pasará
he/she will get over it
My parents are mad at me, but they will get over it.
Mis papás están enojados conmigo, pero ya se les pasará.
not porque
ya que
Tomorrow the highway will be closed because of (there will be) construction.
different way of saying because
Mañana la autopista estará cerrada ya que habrá construcción.
ya qué
not the accent. diff meaning
what’s the point now? or there’s no point.
ya para qué
what’s the point now? or there’s no point.
Right now
ya mismo
(ahora synonym)
ahora mismo
right now
I ate breakfast already, I’m not hungry.
Yo ya desayuné, no tengo hambre.
I already did my homework
yo ya hice mi tarea.
Have you eaten yet?
ya has comido?
Common in Spain.
Did you eat yet?
ya comiste?
Common in Latin Ameria
Ya casi termino or just ya casi
I’m almost done
I’m almost there.
ya casi llego.
I’m about to leave
hint: leave myself
ya casi me voy
Ya no toco el piano
I don’t play the piano anymore.
You don’t know how much I love you
using “lo”
No sabes lo mucho que te quiero.
It impresses me how much you know about this topic.
Me impresiona lo mucho que sabes sobre este tema
sigue adelante
keep going
No matter how tired you are, keep going.
No importa lo cansado que estes, sigue adelante.
No importa lo (ADJ/ADV) que + subjunctive
always use the masculine form of the adj/adv
No matter how _____ something is.
It doesn’t matter how fast you run.
No importa lo rápido que corras…
según se mire
depending on how you look at it
La noticia de que se iba a vivir a otro continente me tuvo varios días descolocada. Yo tenía muchos planes con él.
The news that he was going to live in another continent had me in a state of shock for several days. I had a lot of plans with him.
tener descolocado
to be out of sorts/state of shock
hacer mella en
make a dent in
por tal y tal
such and such
son tal para cual
they are just like each other
con tal de que
as long as
limpiaré el baño, con tal de que tú laves los platos.
I’ll clean the bathroom as long as you do the dishes.
You can go out with your friends as long as you finish your homework by 3pm.
Saldrás con tus amigos con tal de que termines tu tarea para las tres.
The book 100 years of solitude has had such a success that it has sold millions of copies.
El libro cien años de soledad ha tenido tal èxito que ha vendido millones de copias.
The last movie has had such as impact on the teenagers that they are changing their mindset.
La ùltima pelìcula ha tenido tal impacto en los adolescentes que ellos se estàn cambiando su mentalidad. (o ellos están su modo de pensar)
tal y como
just as I said
Everything happened just as I said it would happen.
Todo pasó (o sucedió) tal y como lo describí (o yo describí que pasaría)