voc qcm 8 Flashcards
So far Britain has opposed the Euro currency
opposed 0 the Euro currencty
If America’s problem is a lack of available ideals. That of Russia might be that there are too many of them altogether
that of Russia
Let us send postcards. Shall we ?
shall we ?
You should get the secretary to do it
Should + subjonctif (get)
why not ask for a refund ?
why ( not) + bare inf
However big a company it is. It’s unfair to ask tax payers to save it from bankruptcy
big a company
What I would like to know is how much we actually wasted on that project
Although he looks OK. I wouldn’t trust him
No sooner had we left Somalia than violence struck again
no sonner had we left
We had photographs taken of the two of us with the Eiffel Tower in the backround
Voix passive
When was the film shot ?
was the film
Our car industry is not as widely automated as Japan’s
The new legislation stipulates that all cars BE FITTED with rear seatbelts
To stipulate that + subj ( be fitted)
To insist…
They have A LOT OF experience in that sector
a lot of // much
atteindre son objectif
to reach one’s target They won’t reach their targets unless they spend much more money
alimentation animale
cattle feed Britain banned the use of animals remains in cattle feed
write-up/ write-off/ a playwright
n: une critique ( littéraire) vb : rédiger/ perte sèche. Foutu A $ 1billion write-off/ un dramaturge
c’est le pompom
take the cake = take the biscuit She’s been opening my letter - that really takes the cake !
verb + possessif + verb-ing = verb + that + subject + verb ( past)
Your friend says he doesn’t remember your lending him any money
payer une amende de 10E pour avoir + inf
to pay fines of $10 for + Ving + to + bv Citigroup and J.P Morgan agreed to pay fines of $308 for helping to commit a fraud in offering services to Enron
profiter de qch
to profit from sth Merging can be see as a good way of profiting from such misvaluation
book-keeping= bookkeeping
tenu des comptes/ comptabilité In business the pernalties for poor book-keeping can be severe
bien trop de 2
much too + adj = Far too + adj This model assumes much too high a tax rate
d’une manière ou d’une autre
one way or another One way or another. America’s budget gap will have to be closed
un débat sur
a debate on/ over/ about The debate over how to safeguard our world is no limited
give away
sens litéral = faire don de/ donner figuratif = trahir He made loads of money. Invested wisely and gave much away to charity
put sth off // put sb off
remettre à plustard/ reporter // dégouter/ décourager qn Their attitude really put me off continuing the job
facultatif/ optionnel
optional extra When you buy a flight ticket. Travel insurance is generally an optional extra
proficient in 2
expert en/ balèze en The new Japanese student is rather proficient in mathematics
to turn up 2
( be pst) venir Bob turned up at the Saturday night party in the suburbs of Shady Hill // ( volume) augmenter turn up the volume
promettre qch à qn
to promise to do sth You promised to deliver the goods by June and it is now September