voc qcm 4 Flashcards
faire tout son possible 2
do one’s utmost/ best
être sans le sou/ fauché
be hard up
ça me dit qch
It rings a bell
il connait la ville comme sa poche 2
He knows the city inside out = he knows the city like the back of his hand
se désister/ se retirer/ se démettre 2
step down = stand down The dictator held on the power for years. until he was forced to step down
jem’en occupe 2
I’will see to it = I’ll deal with it
Il faut que l’on s’occupe de ça 2
This has to be seen to = This has to be taken care of
savoir où est son intérêt
know which side one’s bread is buttered (on) He can’t tell which side his piece of bread has been buttered on
une personne sur quinze 2
one person IN / OUT OF fifteen One person IN fifteen will break the law at one time in their lives
en règle général
As a rule He disapproves OF such exercises. As a rule
arreter de faire qch qu’on est en train de faire s’arreter pour faire autre chose
stop + Ving stop + to + vb
held up The completition of the new Town Hall has been held up owing to a strike
to come into When his father died. John came into a great deal of money
délit de fuite
hit and run If a driver knocks down a pedestrian and then does not stop. Itis a hit and run accident
quitte ou double
hit or miss