voc 10 11 Flashcards
attacher beaucoup d’importance à qch/ priser qch 2
to prize/ value sth highly
overtake/ overcome/ overlap/ overpass
doubler un véhicule/ surmonter un problème recouvrir/ se recouper/ se chevaucher pont autoroutier
surmonter un problème 2
overcome/ get over sth
doubler un véhicule
overtake pass a car
recouvrir/ se recouper/ se chevaucher
autoport pont autoroutier
crier de joie
shout FOR joy cry OUT of happiness
pleurer un bon coup
have a good cry
s’endormir à force de pleurer
cry oneself to sleep
c’est une pleurnicheuse
she is a cry baby
ramener qn à la vie ranimer qn
bring sb to He was still half asleep but the cold shower brought him to
comme allant de soi
as a matter of course
en depit de 3
for all = in spite of = despite For all the opposition the new treaty has the backing of informed public opinion
… ou je ne m’y connais pas
if there ever= ever there was one… Robert was a silly fool if there ever was one
sur fond de suspicion
against a background= backdrop of suspicion the two leaders met against a background of suspicion
traiter qn avec considération= égard
treat sb kindly
conserver un taux de croissance de… 2
to hold the line on growth = to maintain/ sustain growth
rira bien qui rira le dernier 2
he who laughs last. Laughs best/ longest
Tout sauf…
Anything but… It’s anything but clear which treatment is best in this case
être en bon/ mvs état 2
Be in 0 good/ bad condition= be in A good/ bad state the car you have bought is new but is in bad condition
être en augmentation de… 4
be up by= increase by= go up by = rise by the population there is up by an estimate 4 percent
nuire à la réputation de qn
cause damage to sb’s reputation
injuste/ déloyal 2
below the belt= unfair
porter un coup bas
hit below the belt Boxers are forbidden to punch below the belt
synonymus have achieved sth already
have sth under one’s belt B. Obama has got more than one years’ experience in the White House under his belt
Not a man of scintillating intellect. but perhaps all the better for/ so much the better for that !
Cette homme ne brille pas par son intelligence mais ce n est peut etre pas plus mal.
être sous pression 3
be under pressure/ pressured/ pressurized to do sth the Banks are under pressure TO restrict credit
proposer qch à qn
Propose sth TO sb he is proposing a new solution to us
exerce le pouvoir
exercice power= to wield power During the post-war period he almost exercised unlimited power in Japan
être géné/ interrompu/ dérangé par qch 4
distract sb FROM sth/ doing sth = interrupt/ disrupt/ disturb 0 sb Betty was ditracted from/ disrupted in her work by the noise
être inquiété/ troublé/ perturbé par qch 3
be perturbed at/ about sth = be worried about sth = be alarmed at/by sth
mettre qn au supplice/ torturer qn par des remarques désobligeantes
taunt= make sb very angry/upset
à l’exception du fait que… + S + vb
save that + subject + vb
rester chez soi garder qn en retenu 2
keep in keep sb in
garder de bonnes relations avec qn
keep in with sb
rester en relation/ contact avec qn// se tenir au courant de qch
keep up WITH sth/ sb I promise to keep up with you wherever you go. It is hard today to keep up with all the new technologies
concurrencer son voisin pour faire aussi bien que lui
keep up with the Joneses
maintenir le cap/ garder la forme
keep sth up ! Take care John and keep it up !
rester à l’exterieur/ rester en dehors de qch
keep out
remettre qch à qn de la main à la main/ en main propre 2
Hand sth in to sb = give sth in to sb He decided to stop by at my office to hand in his réssumé
feu/ incendie
blaze The fireman entered the blazing building to find out if people were trapped
flamber/ resplendir
idée d’ajout/ d’avancée/ de progrés
gain She gained weight
le conseil municipal
the city council
pleurer 2
cry= weep
diriger un pays
rule a country
un dirigeant politique
a ruler
dorloter/ choyer 3
coddle= pamper= cosset
à l’exception de 3
save = saving = except ( for)
grève sauvage 2
wildcat strike = unofficial work stoppage
incalculable 4
untold = countless = beyond measure = enormous British Aiways says that the wildcat strikes have caused untold damage to its reputation
toss vb/ nom
vb. lancer/ jouer à pile ou face nom. Pile ou face/ tirage au sort
haze vb/ nom
vb. Bizuter/ malmener physiquement nom. Brume