voc qcm 17 Flashcards
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to / by
Managers have less time to deal with
less et non pas little
ce qui. ce que
“which” en milieu de phrase et “what” en début de phrase What we will do now is another exercise on the preposition. which shouldn’t take too long// They want to go abroad. which sounds like a good idea to me
grammaire: négation => ??
inversion soit : aux + sujet + verbe At no time at all did the reporter talk to the president
Jack has been in the Fire Brigade since he left the Army : justifier l’utilisation du prétérit
utilisation du prétérit car Jack quitte l’armée à un moment précis. qui est désormais révolu
any hope whathever
pas le moindre espoir Do you think there is any hope whatever of getting help ?
nothing whatever
absolument rien
Has he any chance whatever ?
a-t-il la moindre chance ?
any hope whathever // nothing whatever // Has he any chance whatever ?
pas le moindre espoir Do you think there is any hope whatever of getting help ? // absolument rien // a-t-il la moindre chance ?
at least = at the very least
au minimum
nommer qch en certains termes
to call sth sth It is an exageration to call these “ missions”
a project pending
un projet qui doit être conclu. qui est en suspens
le capital risque
venture capital
to earmark the budget for
réserver/ affecter / destiner le budget pour …
une absence
a lack