VOC / MARITIME - smcp Flashcards
SMCP fr > ang
SMCP fr > ang
Voie d’eau
SMCP fr > ang
Sous la flottaison
Below waterline
SMCP fr > ang
Situation critique
Critical condition
SMCP fr > ang
SMCP fr > ang
Stopper la prise de gîte
Stop listing
SMCP fr > ang
To capsiz
SMCP fr > ang
Position de détresse
Distress position
SMCP fr > ang
To beach
SMCP fr > ang
Se déséchouer
To refloat
SMCP fr > ang
Désemparré et à la dérive
Disabled and adrift
SMCP fr > ang
Dérive à
Drifting at
SMCP fr > ang
Faire route
SMCP fr > ang
SMCP fr > ang
Une personne à la mer
Person overboard
SMCP fr > ang
Au voisinage du point
In vincinity of position
SMCP fr > ang
Assurer une veille attentive
Keep sharp lookout
SMCP fr > ang
Rendre compte
SMCP fr > ang
Poursuivre les recherches
Continue search
SMCP fr > ang
Picked up
SMCP fr > ang
Etat de santé
SMCP fr > ang
Route et vitesse actuelles
Present course and speed
SMCP fr > ang
Situation météorologique
Weather situation
SMCP fr > ang
Accusés de récéption et / ou relais de messages SAR
acknowlegement and / or relay SAR messages
SMCP fr > ang
Déroulement / coordination des opérations SAR
Performing / coordoning SAR operations
SMCP fr > ang
Commencer les opérations de sauvetage
Start rescue
SMCP fr > ang
Circuit de recherche
Search patern
SMCP fr > ang
Faire passer l’espacement des parcours
Adjust track spacing
SMCP fr > ang
Reprendre les recherches
Resume rescue
SMCP fr > ang
Changer de route
Alter course
SMCP fr > ang
SMCP fr > ang
Tenez-vous pret
SMCP fr > ang
Consultation radio médicale
Radio medical advice
SMCP fr > ang
SMCP fr > ang
Medecin à bord
Doctor on board
SMCP fr > ang
Se rendre au pt de rdv
Make rendez-vous
SMCP fr > ang
Avarie technique
Technical failure
SMCP fr > ang
Tenez-vous à l’écart
Keep clear
SMCP fr > ang
Gardez l’écoute
Stand by
SMCP fr > ang
Pétrole brut
Crude oil
SMCP fr > ang
Assistance pour dépolluer
Clearance assistance
SMCP fr > ang
Source dangereuse de radiation
Dangerous source of radiation
SMCP fr > ang
Avarie dues à la glace
Ice damage
SMCP fr > ang
Problèmes de stabilité
Stability problems
SMCP fr > ang
Givrage important
Heavy icing
SMCP fr > ang
Coup de vent
SMCP fr > ang
Avis de tempête
Storm warning
SMCP fr > ang
Le plus récent
The latest
SMCP fr > ang
Dans un rayon de
Within radius of
SMCP fr > ang
Mer belle / agitée / forte / grosse
Smooth / moderate / rough / high sea
SMCP fr > ang
La préssion atmosphérique
The atmospheric pressure
SMCP fr > ang
La variation barométrique
The barometric change
SMCP fr > ang
Stable / chute / croit
Steady / dropping / rising
SMCP fr > ang
Une vague d’une hauteur exeptionnelle
An abnormal wave
SMCP fr > ang
Visibilité réduite
Restricted visibility
SMCP fr > ang
Brume / Brouillard / neige / poussière / pluie
Mist / fog / snow / dust / rain
SMCP fr > ang
Situation des glaces
Ice situation
SMCP fr > ang
Danger de givrage
Danger of icing
SMCP fr > ang
Marées exeptionnelles
Abnormal tides
SMCP fr > ang
La marée monte / descend
The tide is rising / falling
SMCP fr > ang
Marée haute / basse
High / law water
SMCP fr > ang
SMCP fr > ang
Amers à terre ou en mer
Hard or sea marks
SMCP fr > ang
SMCP fr > ang
Nouveau et déplacé
New and moved
SMCP fr > ang
SMCP fr > ang
Navire de recherche
Survey vessel
SMCP fr > ang
Opérations dangereuses
Hazardous operations
SMCP fr > ang
Opérations de dragage
Dredging operation
SMCP fr > ang
Remorquage difficile
Difficult tow
SMCP fr > ang
Transbordement d’un navire-citerne
Tanker transhipment
SMCP fr > ang
Opérations de dépollution
Oil clearence operations
SMCP fr > ang
Installations au large
Off-shore installations
SMCP fr > ang
mouvements de plateformes
Rig moves
SMCP fr > ang
Ecluses ou ponts en avarie
Defective locks or bridges
SMCP fr > ang
SMCP fr > ang
Nappe d’hydrocarbures
Oil spill
SMCP fr > ang
SMCP fr > ang
Deversement accidentel d’hydrocarbures
Accidental spillage of oil
SMCP fr > ang
Tonneaux / fût / conteneurs
Barrels / droms / containers
SMCP fr > ang
Barrage flottant
Floating boom
SMCP fr > ang
SMCP fr > ang
SMCP fr > ang
SMCP fr > ang
Qu’est-ce qui na va pas ?
What is wrong ?
SMCP fr > ang
Prenez la mer
SMCP fr > ang
Une touline
SMCP fr > ang
SMCP fr > ang
Dispositif d’embarquement
SMCP fr > ang
Conformément à
SMCP fr > ang
A l’avant / à l’arrière
SMCP fr > ang
SMCP fr > ang
SMCP fr > ang
Nom et indicatif d’appel
Name and call sign
SMCP fr > ang
Flag state
SMCP fr > ang
Vitesse maximale de manoeuvre
Maximum speed
SMCP fr > ang
Défectuosités / restrictions
SMCP fr > ang
Temporairement enlevé
Temporarly removed
SMCP fr > ang
Temporairement supprimé
Temporarly discontinued
SMCP fr > ang
SMCP fr > ang
Zone délimitée
Area bounded
SMCP fr > ang
Large tour recommandé
Wide berth required
SMCP fr > ang
Opération de sauvetage
Salvage operation
SMCP fr > ang
Transfert de cargaison
SMCP fr > ang
Traverser les voies de traffic
Crossing traffic lane
SMCP fr > ang
En surveillance
In attendance
SMCP fr > ang
La marée monte
SMCP fr > ang
La marée descend
SMCP fr > ang
Au mouillage
SMCP fr > ang
A l’arrêt
SMCP fr > ang
Fait route inverse
SMCP fr > ang
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