Visual System Retina Flashcards
What is the sclera?
Sclera: white of eye, Protect the eye from injury and serves as attachment for extra-ocular muscles
What is the iris?
Controls the size of the pupil, defines the eye color
What is the purpose of the pupil?
Pupil: Size regulates the amount of light entering the eye and reaching the retina
What is the vitreous humor?
Clear, gel-like liquid inside the eye ball
What is the ciliary body?
Releases vitreous humor, ciliary muscles change shape of lens when focusing
What are the lens?
Changes its shape to optimize focal distance of the eye to project a sharp image onto the retina
What is the retina?
Contains photoreceptors that transduce light into neural signals
What is the optic nerve?
Transmits neural impulses from retina to the brain, CN II
Describe the anatomy of the eye
The essential structures forming the eye are shown on the diagram on the right. The sclera, which is continuous to the dura mater covering of the optic nerve, forms the outer white layer of the eye ball, the retina the inner layer. Blood vessels are found at the surface of the retina. At the anterior pole of the eye ball the sclera is replaced by the transparent cornea. Aqueous humor is found in the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye, the rest of the eye ball contains vitreous humor, which has a higher viscosity.
Light enters the eye through the pupil, an aperture that is left open by the iris. The cornea and the lenses form the optic apparatus of the eye. The ciliary muscle and the zonule fibers (suspensory ligaments) take part in accommodation, producing a sharp picture of the image on the retina. Light activates the photosensitive elements of the retinal photoreceptors, which are adjacent to the retinal pigment epithelium. The optic disc region itself only contains axons of retinal ganglion cells, the output elements of the retina, but it lacks photoreceptors. As a consequence, the optic disc is responsible for the blind spot, a region inside the boundaries of the visual field, where we don’t receive visual information.
In the fovea shows, which is the central spot of the retina and which is also the location of the highest visual acuity, most layers of the retina, except retinal photoreceptors, are displaced laterally. This way the light can activate the photosensitive elements of the foveal photoreceptors without interference with other retinal structures.
Expain the exam of the ocular fundus
The back of the eye ball, the ocular fundus, can be examined using an ophthalmoscope. It has a light source that shines through the pupil of the patient and illuminates the interior of the patient’s eye ball, and an optic component which enables the examiner to see a sharp picture of the patient’s retina and associated structures.
As an alternative to an ophthalmoscope, a non-mydriatic camera can be used in retinal screening, as illustrated on the website of the Ophthalmic Photographers’ Society, where you can also see a picture of the ocular fundus. Based on this picture you should familiarize yourself with the basic interpretation of the ocular fundus and identify the fovea, the border between nasal and temporal hemiretina, and the location of the optic papilla responsible for the blind spot. You should also be able to figure out whether a picture is taken of the left or the right eye
What is the macula?
Macula (macula lutea) is a region of high visual acuity. It has a diameter of about 5 mm)
What is the purpose of the ophthalmoscope?
The optic nerve head (optic disk) can be easily identified by the radially emerging blood vessels originating in the center of the optic nerve. The fovea forms the center of the retina and is surrounded by the macula. Fovea and macula can be identified by the relative absence of large diameter blood vessels.
Looking at the back of the eye (ocular fundus) with an ophthalmoscope is important for clinical diagnosis. You will have the opportunity to perform fundal inspection on each other in one of the labs.
You can view the retina as part of the brain. The optic nerve, like the rest of the central nervous system, is covered with meninges. As a consequence, increased intracranial pressure, which can be induced by a space occupying lesion of the brain, will also affect the optic disk (optic papilla), leading to “papilledema”, an important clinical sign (see clinical correlations).
What is the blind spot?
The diagram on the right superimposes the passage of light originating from the point of fixation and from the blind spot region of the visual field on the underlying anatomical structures.
Light originating from the point of fixation is projected onto the fovea. Light originating from the blind spot region of the visual field ends up in the optic disk region of the retina. Since the optic disk region does not contain photoreceptor, the visual information of this region is lost.
In everyday life we are not aware of the existence of a blind spot, even when we close one eye (when it should become most obvious). The regions of our cerebral cortex processing visual information simply complete the picture, filling in the gap.
What is the cortical fill in?
- The cortical visual system fills in missing visual information from the blind spot
- The brain constructs a continuous visual scene
Describe the pathway of light?
– Light rays bounce off a surface
– We need light to be reflected from objects into our eyes in order to see them
• Absorption
– Transfer of light energy to a
– Basis for color vision
• Refraction
– Change in direction of light when passing from one medium (e.g. air) to another (i.e. water or glass)
– Basis for visual focusing and corrective vision (glasses)
Explain image formation by the eye
- Light rays bend (refract) when they cross from air into the curved surface of the cornea filled with aqueous humor
- Rays are bent to converge on the retina and photoreceptors in the back of the eye
- Important for clear, focused vision
- Focal distance: Distance from the refractive surface (cornea) to the point where parallel rays converge (retina)
- Refraction power of the cornea is ~ 42 diopters (= 1/0.024 m )
How does the lens help image formation?
- The lens further contributes to the refraction of light rays
- Mostly concerned in forming sharp images of objects closer than 9 m
- Accommodation occurs through changing the shape of the lens by ciliary muscles
- Near point: Contraction of ciliary muscles causes suspensory ligaments to relax
- →lens increases in curvature (‘fatter’)
- → more refractive power
• Far point: Relaxation of ciliary muscles
causes suspensory ligaments to tighten
• →lens flattens
• →less refractive power
• Accommodation by lens up to ~15 diopter
Describe the importance of the refractive power
Refraction and Image Formation
Refractive Power
When light rays pass from air into another medium, such as water (or human tissue, which also has a high water component), or a glass lens for example, they change their direction. This interaction between light and its environment is called refraction.
When incoming parallel light rays pass through a convex lens, all light rays after the passage will focus at a defined distance from the midline of the lens. This distance is called focal distance. The focal distance depends on the material and on the curvature of the lens.
Refractive power is the reciprocal value of the focal distance in meters. Its unit of measurement is called diopter, abbreviated as “D” (plural: diopters).
In the human eye, the cornea is responsible for the main refractive power of the eye of about 42 D, whereas the lens is responsibke for the modulation of refractive power (refractive plasticity)during accomodation
What is accomodation?
During far vision, light rays originating from a distant object can be considered (almost) parallel. The focus of light rays during far vision largely depends on the high refractive power of the cornea (42 D) and only a small refractive power of the flat lens (13 D).
During far vision, the ciliary muscle, which is a circular muscle around the lens, is relaxed. The diameter of this circular structure is large, causing tightening of the suspensory ligaments (zonule fibers). As a consequence, these ligaments pull on the lenses’ equator, thereby flattening it and minimizing its refractive power.
What is refractove plasticity and presbyopia?
During near vision incoming light rays can no longer be considered parallel. Therefore, a stronger refractive power is needed to focus the light rays on the retina.
This is achieved by constriction of the circular ciliary muscle, which reduces its’ diameter and relaxes the suspensory ligaments. The lens follows its own elasticity and gets a more rounded (more convex) shape, which increases its refractive power to about 26 D in a young individual. The ciliary muscle is activated by parasympathetic fibers of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Cell bodies of the first order efferent parasympathetic neurons are located in the upper midbrain, in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus of cranial nerve III. Together with the somatic efferent fibers innervating the extraocular muscles, the preganglionic fibers originating in the midbrain form the oculomotor nerve (CN III). The preganglionic parasympathetic fibers synapse on second order neurons in the ciliary ganglion. Postganglionic fibers originating in this ganglion form the short ciliary nerves which innervate the ciliary muscle.
The variability of the refractive power of the lens between far vision (13 D) and near vision (26 D) is called refractive plasticity.
Unfortunately, the lens looses its elasticity during aging, thereby reducing the ability to focus on near objects, a condition called presbyopia.
What is visual activity?
Spatial resolution / “two-point discrimination of the visual system” • Depends on – Optical factors • Sharpness of retinal focus in the eye – Neural factors • Receptor density – Centralvsperipheral • Retina function – Retinaldetachment – Maculardegeneration • Cortical processing – Amblyopia(lazy eye) - TBI, stroke, etc.
From fovea to periphery…
Higher visual acuity in the center compared to periphery
- Blurring of image reflects the progressive loss of visual acuity with eccentricity
- The central visual field is represented by more brain area than the periphery.
Explain what is visual acuity
Visual acuity is the ability to distinguish between two nearby points. Visual acuity is high when the two-point discrimination threshold is low (high spatial resolution).
The ability to distinguish two points, A and B, can be measured in degrees of the visual angle between point A, the pupil, and point B.
Visual acuity is highly dependent on the densities of retinal photoreceptors. It is high in center of the visual field, since the density of photoreceptors in the fovea and macular region of the retina is high. In the periphery of the visual field, visual acuity is lower.
In addition to the densities of photoreceptors, visual acuity also depends on a proper function of the optical apparatus of the eye, including accommodation. When the optical apparatus fails to produce a focused (sharp) picture on the retina, the objects in the visual field appear “blurry”.
Describe the results of eye charts
• 20/20 = normal vision
• 20/800 = What patient can read at 20 ft, individual with
normal 20/20 vision can read at 800 ft = very bad eye sight!
- Ensure good ambient lighting
- Chart at prescribed distance
- Test each eye separately
- For Neuro-Exam leave glasses on
- Start from top line
• Alternatives
– Non-numericals
– Counting fingers (CF)
– Light perception (LP)
Explain hyperopia/farsightedness
Hyperopia / Farsightedness:
eyeball is too short, image focused behind retina
-> blurry vision
Correction: Convex glass lens in front of eye
Explain myopia/nearsightedness
Myopia / Nearsightedness: eyeball is too long, image focused before retina
-> blurry vision
Correction: Concave lens is placed in front of eye
Accommodation by eyeglasses is usually to about +/- 4 diopters
What are the clinical correlations of Emmetropia, Myopia and Hyperopia?
In order to produce a sharp picture of parallel rays entering the eye ball, the refractive power of the optical apparatus of the eye has to match the length of the eye ball (emmetropia). This condition is also called normal sightedness.
Aberrations from this ideal match (myopia or hyperopia) can appear during development of the eye ball. In myopia the focus of parallel light rays, as in far vision, is anterior to the photosensitive elements of the retinal photoreceptors. Objects positioned closer to the eye, as in near vision, can still be focused on the retina, even without the contribution of the usual mechanisms for near accommodation. Vision is best during near vision and the condition is therefore also called nearsightedness. In hyperopia the focus of parallel light rays would be beyond the retina, in case the ciliary muscle is relaxed and the lens has its lowest refractive power. Objects in the far distance from the eye can still be brought into focus, by activating the mechanisms for near accommodation, which increase the refractive power of the eye. Near accommodation fails for objects close to the eye and reduces the ability for near vision. Vision is best during far vision and the condition is therefore also called farsightedness. In myopia and hyperopia, vision can be corrected with lenses, or corneal surgery
How do we perform a neurological examination of visual activity?
At one point in your life you probably have seen eye charts hanging on the wall of your physician or ophthalmologist, showing different sized letters, numbers or symbols.
For bedside examination of visual acuity we have pocket-sized near cards, as shown on the right. These cards indicate visual acuity as distance equivalents. 20/20 (twenty over twenty) is normal. 20/200 indicates that a patient can read the same number at a distance of 20 feet, which a person with normal vision could read at a distance of 200 feet
What is pappilledema?
Papilledema (Optic Disk Edema)
Papilledema is an important clinical sign, which can indicate increased intracranial pressure. It is seen when inspecting the ocular fundus with an ophthalmoscope. The increased pressure compromises the venous drainage of the eye, leading to a dilation of the retinal veins. As a consequence, the optic disc is pushed forward and the disk appears white, rather than pink, as it would under normal conditions.
What is a detached retina?
The retina separates from the retinal pigment epithelium and the areas detached lose their function. A focal lesion in a defined region causes a scotoma. Laser surgery can stop the process of further separation, although the detached part of the retina does not regain its function
What is age macula degeneration (AMD)?
Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Age related macular degeneration is the leading cause of loss of vision in individuals 60 years of age in the US and many European countries. Patients have poor central vision, but most can walk around, dress themselves, and perform many of their normal daily tasks. It has been demonstrated that a number of genetic, ocular and environmental factors, age, smoking and body mass index heavily contribute to the incidence of AMD.
What is diabetic retinopathy?
The retina is very vulnerable in a patient suffering from diabetes mellitus, which is associated with increased blood glucose levels. During the initial phase of the disease, smaller scotomas are usually not recognized by the patient. As soon as the macula is involved, the visual loss increases dramatically.
The retinal defects are caused by blood supply dysfunction including reduction of permeability of basal membranes of capillary endothelial cells and blood vessel damage (aneurysms).
Explain the pupillary light reflex
The pupillary light reflex limits the amount of light falling on the retina and prevents potential damage to the retina by excessive light intensities. It helps in adjusting the stimulus intensity on the retina for an optimal performance of the visual system. When the intensity of light shining into one eye increases, the pupils of both eyes constrict. The response on the side with the elevated light intensity is called direct response, whereas the response on the other side is called consensual response. Shining light into the right eye activates retinal ganglion cells. The axons of retinal ganglion cells form the afferent limb of the reflex arc. About 50 percent of the fibers forming the optic nerve stay ipsilateral and continue in the optic tract of the same side. The other 50 percent ganglion cell axons cross at the optic chiasm and then run along the contralateral optic tract. Figure 8-44 of your Haines Atlas, 10th edition, illustrates both, fibers staying ipsilateral and fibers crossing at the optic chiasm contributing to the pupillary light reflex. As indicated in a previous lecture, not all of the fibers carrying visual information synapse in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). Some of these fibers synapse in the pretectal nucleus of the midbrain. Collaterals of axons originating in the pretectal nucleus bilaterally innervate the Edinger-Westphal nuclei, which are the accessory nuclei of the oculomotor nerve (CN III). The Edinger-Westphal nuclei of CN III are the origin of parasympathetic fibers of the autonomic nervous system (which will be covered in more detail in a specific lecture module after midterm). Preganglionic fibers follow the path of the somatic motor neurons of the oculomotor nerve, until they reach the ciliary ganglion, where they synapse on the second order neurons. The postganglionic fibers form the short ciliary nerves, which innervate the circular smooth muscle of the pupil, the constrictor muscle of the pupil, and the pupils constrict.
Contrast direct and consensual response of the pupillary light reflex
Direct stimulus: same side as stimulus
Consensual stimulus: opposite to side of stimulus
Explain the corneal reflex
The corneal reflex protects the eye and the cornea from damage by inducing a closure of the eye lids and causes them to blink (hence it is also called the blink reflex). When a dust particle hits the cornea of one eye, it stimulates pain fibers (nociceptors). This sensory information forms the afferent limb of the reflex arc. It activates the efferent limbs of the reflex arc, and both eyes blink (direct and consensual response).
When sensory endings of nociceptors located in the cornea (which is the transparent part of the anterior eye ball) are activated, their sensory signal enters the pons via the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve (CN V1). The fibers descend within the pons and medulla (see previous lecture on pain), to synapse in the spinal nucleus of CN V. Fibers originating from there activate (directly or indirectly) both facial nuclei located in the lower pons.
The efferent axons originating in the facial nuclei run within the facial nerve (CN VII) and synapse in the orbicularis oculi muscles of both eyes, which cause the closure of the eye lids
Contrast the direct and consensual response of the corneal reflex
Consensual response- opposite side of stimulus
Direct response- same side of stimulus
explain the neurological examination of the pupillary light reflex
In a darkened room, the examiner asks the patient to look straight into the distance and then he shines light alternatingly into each pupil. The examiner monitors for the direct reaction (pupillary constriction in the same eye), and for the consensual reaction (pupillary constriction in the opposite eye). In class we will discuss examination of the pupillary light reflex. To familiarize yourself with this examination, watch the hyperlinked youtube video above. A short video on pupillary light reflex testing is available on the SGU mediasite server.
Lesions affecting the Pupillary Light Reflex
The two diagrams on the right show examples of lesions affecting the pupillary light reflex. By analyzing which neuronal elements in the reflex circuitry are intact, you should be able to exclude them as possible candidates for the lesion and make final conclusions about the most likely site of the lesion.
Explain the neurologucaal examination of the corneal reflex
The examiner asks the patient to look up and away from him/her and then lightly touches the cornea of one eye of the patient with a fine wisp of cotton, approaching from out of the patient’s line of vision. Closing of the eyes is monitored in both eyes (direct and consensual responses). In class we will discuss examination of the corneal reflex. To familiarize yourself with this examination, watch the hyperlinked youtube video.
Lesions affecting the Corneal Reflex
Based on the same principle as the pupillary light reflex, you should be able to localize lesions in the afferent or efferent limb of the corneal reflex, by carefully monitoring the direct and consensual responses
What is Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis)?
In Bell’s palsy, a peripheral lesion of the facial nerve, the facial nerve can lose its function overnight, due to swelling and compression in the distal part of the bony facial canal. This may result in a total loss of the corneal reflex reaction (blink) on the affected side.
In addition, the patient presents with a flattened nasolabial fold and is unable to raise the eyebrow and wrinkle the forehead on the affected side.
Please note: facial nerve function can be affected by central lesions, as well as peripheral lesions (such as Bell’s palsy).
The images (marked “before”) in an article by Hontanilla B and Vila A (2012) give you an idea of the impact facial paralysis has on facial expression. Although beyond the scope of the course, the surgical interventions described in this article may serve as an inspiration, presenting some impressive images of rehabilitation after facial paralysis
What are the causes of facial nerve?
-Peripheral facial nerve(CNVII) lesion
Damage to facial root
- Paralysis of upper and lower facial muscles on left
- Left-sided loss of pain/thermal sensation on posterior surface of ear and part of auditory canal
- Loss of taste on anterior two thirds of tongue on left
- Decreased secretions of lacrimal, sublingual and submaxillary glands and mucous membranes of mouth
Facial deficiets from other causes
- Lesion of genu of internal capsule on right= left lower facial paralysis
- Lesion of right interna facial genu= paralysis of upper and lower facial muscles on right
- Irritation of facial root = facial tic on that side
What are photoreceptors?
- Convert electromagnetic radiation (light) into neural signals
- Located at the back of the retina, number ~125 million
- Divided into 4 regions
- Cell body
- Synaptic terminal
- Inner segment
- Outer segment
- Membraneous disks containing photopigments -> light triggers changes in receptor membrane potential => phototransduction
Describe the physiology of rods
• Long cylindrical outer segment with large number of disks
• Disks are continuously shed and replaced • More sensitive to light (x1000)
• More photosensitive pigment
• Sole contributor to night-time (scotopic) vision
• Achromatic (i.e. not for color vision)
• Poor spatial resolution (convergence high)
• Poor temporal resolution
Describe the physiology of cones
• Shorter tapering outer segment with fewer disks
• Three cone types with different photopigments -> color
• Mainly responsible for day-time (photopic) vision
• Good spatial resolution (convergence low)
• Good temporal resolution
Describe the regional difference in retinal structure
• Predominantly monopigmental rods
• With large receptive fields
• Night-time vision
- Central:
- Predominantly multi-pigmental cones
- With small receptive fields
• Fovea • Highest density of cones • No rods • No blood vessels, bipolar or ganglion cells -> Cones only
Describe the structures of the photoreceptors
Structure of Photoreceptors
Photoreceptors are the sensory receptors (transducers) of the visual system.
The human retina (like most vertebrate retinas) contains two basic types of photoreceptors, rods and cones. Their outer segments are oriented towards the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and their inner segments towards the interior of the eye ball.
Photoreceptor outer segments contain the visual pigment for the phototransduction process; the inner segments form synapses (rod spherules and cone pedicles) transmitting the visual information on to the subsequent cells of the retina (bipolar cells and horizontal cells).
The neurotransmitter released at the synaptic endings of retinal photoreceptors is glutamate, which is released in the dark; light reduces the release of glutamate!
What are the properties of the rods and cones?
Properties of Rods and Cones
Rods are highly sensitive to light and enable us to see under low intensity light conditions (at night). Their cellular signal amplification mechanisms are well developed. Rods are not very good in distinguishing between two subsequent flashes of light (= low temporal resolution).
Cones, on the other hand, are less sensitive to light. They work best at higher light intensities, such as bright sunlight. Three types of cones (instead of one rod type) enable us to see colors. The signal amplification in cones is lower than in rods (there is no need for it), and their temporal resolution is much better than that of rods
What is convergence?
Convergence (see previous lecture on Sensory Systems) is high in the rod system. It is low in the cone system. As a consequence, spatial resolution (visual acuity) is better in bright light, when the cone system is active.
Rods and cones are not evenly distributed over the whole retina (see previous lecture on The Visual System) and the fovea only contains cones, but no rods. As a consequence, there is no central vision under dim light conditions
Describe the turnover of photoreceptor outer segments
The stacks of disks containing visual pigment molecules in the outer segments of photoreceptors are constantly renewed. New disks are added at the base of the outer segment, while old disks are displaced up the outer segment and are pinched off at the tips. This process is called disk shedding. Discarded discs are phagocytosed by the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells.
What is Rhodopsin?
Rhodopsin is the visual pigment of rods. It consists of two components:
•Opsin, a protein which is synthesized in the photoreceptor (cones have different types of opsins). •Retinal, a chromophore, is the light absorbing compound or the visual pigment. It is derived from Vitamin A and is the chromophore of the visual pigment in rods and cones. Vitamin A is synthesized from beta-carotene contained in our food.
Rhodopsin is part of the disk membrane of the photoreceptors.
The opsin molecule has seven membrane spanning domains. Its amino terminal is located in the disk interior, its carboxy terminal in the cytoplasm of the photoreceptor.
Retinal (indicated as a green rectangle) is covalently attached to one of the amino acids of the seventh membrane spanning region of the protein.
Whats the dark current?
Photoreceptors, unlike other sensory receptors, are depolarized during darkness, i.e. in the absence of their adequate “stimulus”, light.
During darkness, the visual pigment, which is coupled to a G protein is in its inactive state. Since phototransduction was the first signal transduction process discovered, the G protein involved in this process was simply named transducin.
In the dark, the G protein does not activate the enzyme cGMP phosphodiesterase. As a consequence, there is plenty of cytoplasmic cGMP (cyclic guanosine 3’5’ monophosphate) available, which keeps the cGMP gated channels in the photoreceptor membrane open.
This allows a continuous inward current of sodium ions, which keeps the photoreceptors depolarized in the dark. Now similar to other sensory neurons, or any neurons in general, photoreceptors release their neurotransmitter (glutamate) while they are depolarized, which is during darkness
What is the phototransduction process?
The first step in the phototransduction process is the absorption of light by the visual pigment, which causes a conformational change of the retinal molecule from its inactive 11-cis isomer to its active all-trans isomer. This triggers the other events of the signal transduction process. After the activation of the visual pigment, the enzyme cGMP phosphodiesterase is activated via the G protein. The enzyme activity causes a breakdown of cytoplasmic second messenger molecule cGMP, metabolizing it to 5’ GMP.The reduction of the cGMP concentration in the cytoplasm causes closing of the cGMP gated channels.
As a consequence, photoreceptors are hyperpolarized during the light. And again, like any neuron in general, photoreceptors reduce (or terminate) the release of their neurotransmitter during hyperpolarizatio
What is The impact of visible light?
Light is part of the electromagnetic radiation that surrounds us. The visible part of the spectrum is characterized by wavelengths ranging from 400 to 700 nm (nanometers). Monochromatic light (light with only one wavelength) is very rare. In nature it occurs in the different bands of the rainbow. Artificial light produced by a laser is also monochromatic. Light intensity is described by the amplitude of the electromagnetic waves.
What are the special sensitivity of cones?
Spectral Sensitivity of Cones
The human retina contains three types of cones:
•S (short wavelength sensitive) cones, also called “blue” cones, with a maximum sensitivity at 430 nm
- M (medium wavelength sensitive) cones, also called “green” cones, with a maximum sensitivity of 530 nm
- L (long wavelength sensitive) cones, also called “red” cones, with a maximum sensitivity of 560 nm.
What are the monichromatic loght vision?
Monochromatic Light and Color Vision
To understand the first step of color vision, we think of relative stimulation of the different cone types by monochromatic light first.
Light of a wavelength of 450 nm, for example, indicated as a black vertical line in the diagram, will hyperpolarize blue cones most, green cones to a lesser extent, and red cones even less.
This pattern of stimulation of the different cone types is responsible for the perception of a specific color, which is some kind of blue in this example. In brief, monochromatic “blue light” hyperpolarizes all three types of cone photoreceptors, not only the blue cones.
How is light from natural objects characterized?
Natural objects are characterized by a mixture of absorption and reflection of the different wavelengths of light.
A blue flower petal, for example, is likely to reflect a certain amount of every single wavelength of the whole visible spectrum. When light reflected from this flower petal hits the retina, it will hyperpolarize all three types of photoreceptors.
The key to color perception is again a comparison between information from different cone types. Perception of the color blue for example is not based on an exclusive activation of the blue cone. Instead, the pattern of stimulation, the relative hyperpolarization of the different types of cones determines color perception. In case the pattern of hyperpolarization would match the pattern produced by the monochromatic stimulation above, we would perceive it as the same color as in the previous example, which would again be some kind of blue.
Vision based on one type of photoreceptors only, such as rod vision, lacks the ability to detect colors.
Explain the wiring of retina
The retina consists of five major cell types. The retinal photoreceptors (rods and cones) are the input cells of the retina. They are depolarized during darkness and hyperpolarized by light. In the direct, vertical, wiring pathway of the retina, photoreceptors form synapses on bipolar cells in the outer plexiform layer of the retina.
Bipolar cells transmit their sensory information in the inner plexiform layer on retinal ganglion cells, which are the output cells of the retina. Horizontal cells are the crucial elements of the indirect wiring pathway of the retina in the outer plexiform layer. Most of the horizontal cells are inhibitory interneurons involved in the center / surround organization of the receptive fields of bipolar cells.
Amacrine cells are the elements of the indirect wiring pathway in the inner plexiform layer. Most of the cells within the retina are specialized for short distance signaling and generate only graded potentials, but no action potentials.
The output cells of the retina, the retinal ganglion cells, connect the retina at a longer distance to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the diencephalon. They generate action potentials, which are conducted along their axons running in the optic nerves, chiasm and tracts
How do we test for color blindness?
Ishikara Test for Color Blindness
Pseudoisochromatic Plates
What is dyschromatopsia?
Red-green Colorblindness
- Most common color blindness
- Occurs in 6% of male population
- Rare in women
What is protonopia?
• defective long-wavelength cones (L-cones)
• Results in varying degree of colorblindness
• Or no L-cones
• dichromats
• Difficulties to distinguish between blue and green
• and between red and green colors
What is protonopia?
• defective long-wavelength cones (L-cones)
• Results in varying degree of colorblindness
• Or no L-cones
• dichromats
• Difficulties to distinguish between blue and green
• and between red and green colors
What is Deuteranopia?
• Medium-wavelength (green) cones are missing
• Dichromats (no green cones at all)
• Anomalous trichromats (defective green cones)
• Most common color blindness
• 6% of male population
• red and green are the most difficult to detect
• gray, purple and greenish blue-green hues
How to get started with a fundoscopy?
• Dim light • Take off your & patient’s glasses • Ask patient to fixate on something over your shoulder • Adjust focus wheel to your diopters
• Rule:
• When looking at R eye, scope is in R
hand, and use your R eye
- Look for
- Red reflection
- Find vessel and follow to optic disc
- Move laterally to find macula
Describe the structure of the macula through the ophthalmoscope
Macula • Area of retina dedicated to central vision • No large blood vessels • Roughly circular • Appears darker
Describe the fovea through the ophthalmoscope
• Area of the retina with highest cone
• Area of highest visual acuity
Describe the optic disk through the ophthalmoscope
Optic disk
• Area where retinal ganglion cells leave
the eye
• No rods or cones
• Area of no visual receptors -> blind spot
• Located nasally
What is papilledema?
Swelling of the optic disk
• Almost always bilateral
• Due to increased intracranial pressure
• Pressure transmitted to optic nerve sheath
• Short disturbances in vision, headache, vomiting
• Optic disk appears elevated and white, not yellow as is normal
• Blurred disk margins
- Associated with
- Tumors arising in brainstem and cerebellum
- Hematoma
- Cerebral edema, TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)
- Increased CSF
- Need to follow up with
- MRI/CT for lesion detection
What are the possible consequences of lens detachment?
• Part of the retina pulls away from retinal pigment epithelium that provides oxygen and nutrients
• Can lead to tears
• Can lead to vision loss in area of detachment (scotoma)
• Early symptoms include sudden appearance of floaters and
flashes and reduced vision
• Laser surgery can stop detachment process
What is diabetic neuropathy?
Chronically high blood sugar from diabetes is associated with damage to the small retinal blood vessels (leaking fluid or hemorrhaging)
- Deficit is usually symmetric between eyes
- Once macula is involved vision loss increases quickly
- Floaters in late stage
- Most common cause of vision loss among people with diabetes
- 60% of patients develop retinopathy after 15 to 20 years after diabetes diagnosis
- leading cause of vision impairment and blindness among working-age adults
- Treatment aimed at slowing or stopping progression
Contrast early and late stage diabetic neuropathy
- Early stage
- Micro- aneurysms
- Weaknesses in walls of vessels, leak fluid into retina
- Later stage
- Proliferation of new vessels
- Scar tissue
Whats the signifucance of the macula?
- Area of retina dedicated to central vision
* No large blood vessels
What is AMD?
• Leading cause of vision loss in people > 50
- Blurred vision in central visual field
- Affects one or both eyes
- Develops gradually
- Pathogenesis poorly understood
- Likely candidates: oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammatory processes
- Risk factors include age, smoking, stroke or coronary heart disease, obesity, family history
- Currently no effective treatment
What is Retinis Pigmentosa?
A group of serious, mostly genetically determined (autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X linked recessive) degenerative diseases, in which rods preferentially degenerate. One of the earliest symptoms is night blindness followed by loss of peripheral vision, leading to “tunnel vision”. It is a progressive disease which can lead to total blindness. Accumulation of pigment, which can be seen through the ophthalmoscope, gave the disease its name. Photoreceptor degeneration is often associated with reduced phagocytosis by RPE cells during the process of disk shedding.
What are the Night Blindness (Nyctalopia)?
Night blindness is encountered in individuals with vitamin A deficiency. Remember, vitamin A is the precursor of retinal (vitamin A aldehyde), which, together with the opsin protein, forms the photoreceptor pigment.
What is the cause of color blindness?
Lack of a particular cone type can lead to color blindness. Most common is red-green color blindness inherited by an X-linked recessive gene and therefore more frequently appearing in male subjects.
Individuals affected by red-green color blindness can no longer distinguish certain red colors from certain green colors.
The two different types of red-green color blindness are:
Protanopia: L cone (“red cone”) absent, 1.3% of males
Deuteranopia: M cone (“green cone”) absent, 1.2% of males Deficits in the S cone (“blue cone”) are rare.
How can color blindness be tested?
To examine a patient for color blindness, a set of pseudo-isochromatic color plates like the one on the right are presented to the patient. The numbers embedded in the pattern of colored dots can be distinguished by individuals with a fully intact color vision. Dichromats, who are weak in red-green discrimination, have difficulties in identifying the numbers on all plates. Below the original you find an identical picture where the colors have been converted into grey scale. You will notice – or to be more precise: those of you who are not red-green color blind will notice – that the numbers embedded in the picture are no longer visible, as the relative darkness of the different dots no longer give you a clue. In class we will discuss testing for color blindness. For this hyperlinked youtube video on color testing (the sound track is only background music, so you may well switch it off), have pencil and paper at hand to keep track on how many numbers you identified and how many you missed. A short video on cranial nerve 2 examination / color vision is available on the SGU mediasite server.