Spinal Reflexes Flashcards
What is a reflex?
Predictable stereotyped response to a specific stimulus (e.g., muscular contraction after stretch of the patella tendon)
• Spinal reflexes are mediated at the level of the spinal cord
Whatis the monosynaptic reflex?
Monosynaptic reflex
• Afferent and efferent limb are directly connected (e.g., deep tendon reflex)
What is the poly synaptic reflex?
Polysynaptic reflex
• Afferent and efferent limb are interconnected with one or more interneurons (abdominal reflex)
What is the function and segm. Of the diaphragm?
What is the function and segm. Of the deltoid?
Shoulder abduction
What is the function and segm. Of the biceps brachii, brachioradialis, brachialis?
Elbow flexion, C5,C6
What is the function and segm. Of the extensor carpi, radialis longus and brevis?
Wrist extension
What is the function and segm. Of the triceps brachii?
Elbow extension
What is the function and segm. Of the flexor digutorum superficualis and profundus?
Finger flexion
What is the function and segm. Of the interossei?
Finger ab- and adduction
C8, T1
What is the function and segm. Of the adductor longus and brevis?
Thigh adduction
What is the function and segm. Of the quadriceps?
Knee extension.
What is the function and segm. Of the extensor hallucus longus?
Great toe Extension
L5, S1
What is the function and segm. Of the gastrocnemius, soleus?
Ankle plantar flexion
What is the function and segm. Of the sphincter ani externus?
Anal contraction
What are the landmarks for reflex testing?
- C5, C6: Biceps, brachioradialis
- C7,C8:Triceps
- L2, L3, L4: Knee jerk
- L5, S1: Plantar Response
- T8–T12:AbdominalReflex
- S1: Ankle jerk
Describe the scale for reflex testing
Normal responses vary widely, and healthy individuals can express weak reflexive responses
• Differences between sides often indicate disease
0- absent, areflexia
1+ may or may not be normal, diminished, hyporeflexia
2+ brisk, nirmal
3+ - may or may not be normal, hyperrefkexia, very brisk
4+-exxagerated, hyperreflexia+ clonus
What is the plantar response?
When the lateral aspect of the sole is stroked from the heel to the ball of the foot with a semi-sharp object, a plantar response is evoked.
- Afferent limb: nociceptive fibers (A delta and C).
- Efferent limbs: alpha motor neurons (L5 and S1).
What is to be pbserved in the plantar response?
Observe the movement of the toes:
Normal: Brisk flexion of all toes when the sole of the foot is stroked by a blunt instrument (flexor response). Seen in adults or a children older than 2-years old
Abnormal: Dorsiflexion of the great toe while the other toes fan out (extensor response) This is called the Babinski Reflex and indicates an upper motor neuron lesion