Visual 1 Flashcards
what are the business end of the rods
what are they made of
disks = bags of ECF pinched off
what is ultimate consequence of phototransduction
decr in cGMP
phototransduction converts what to what
converts light to change in membrane potential by photoreceptors
pathway of phototransduction
1) photon abs by retinal (pigment in rhodopsin
2) changes conformation of cis to trans retinal
3) conformational change in rhodopsin –> metarhodopsin
4) metarhodopsin activates GTP binding protein (transductin)
5) transducin activate cGMP PDE
6) cGMP PDE active as long as trasducin bound
7) decr cGMP , closes cGMP gated NSC in surface membrane
8) photoreceptor hyperpol, decr NT release via electronic transmission (no AP)
structure of rhodopsin
where is transducing mostly found
where is PDE mostly found
7 TM protein
found in high concentration in disk surrounding rhodopsin
found in cytoplasmic space of disc membrane
what happens at basal end of photoreceptor with light and without
what is membrane potential changes in night vs light
with light = K+ leaving photoreceptor vs Na+ normally streaming in
in dark, photoreceptor at -40 mV
with light, -70 mV = reversal potential for K+
how do photoreceptor respond to various intensity of light
more intense = more hyperpol = less excitatory NT
compare # of photoreceptor to ganglion cell
multiple photoreceptor and bipolar cell per each ganglion cell
distinguish btwn on vs off center ganglion cell
on = excited by light in centers causing rGC to incr activity
and inhib by light in periphery
off= excited by light in periph and inhib by light in center
exam hint a stimulus that was stim the inhibitory ….
circuit was released and rebound depol for firing AP
what happens to response when light is turned on?
what happens when light turned off
more or less AP
rebound depol
compare receptive field size in fovea vs retina
larger in periphery
key determinant in receptive field type of ganglion cells is ___
type of receptor on bipolar cells
on-center bipolar cell pathway
1) light hyperpol photoreceptor, decr glutamate release
2) removes inhibition of ON-bipolar cell so it releases glutamate (has mGluR6 receptor inhib by glutamate)
3) excite retinal ganglion cell and fire AP at freq = intensity
role of horizontal cells?
when excited by glutamate, release GABA to inhib neighboring photoreceptors in receptive field
reinforce vertical pathway and excite retinal ganglion cell