Anterior eye Flashcards
Insepction of eye for
anterior chamber
visual acuity/color vision
+/- glasses
1) occlude one eye = confrontation technique
2) pinhole exam to eliminate refractive error
3) stain 20 ft (8th row down on Snellen’s = 20/20)
4) map blind spot
5) red desaturation test
what does 20/60 mean
you have to be at 20 ft what you should be able to see at 60 ft
what is rosenblaum
pocket Snellen’s acuity at 14 in
what is red desat test for?
distinguish optic neuritis
one eye has good color vision, other doesn’t
how to check visual fields?
confrontation technqiue?
patient look at nose and detect finger in periph
confrontation = cover one eye while fixate on examiner eye with non covered eye
patient then count number of fingers in 4 diff quadrants
pupils inspect for?
what is light reflex
swinging flashlight test?
round, reactive to light equal size
light reflex = both pupils should constrict if light in one eye
swinging flashlight = alternating constrict and dilate as light swings
what is abnormal swinging flashlight test mean?
if lack of constriction as light switch from eye to eye = afferent pupillary defect
normal near vision reflexes
purpose of alignment and motility testing?
how to test alignment and motility
test ROM of eyes (follow finger) to see single EOM function should come out 15-20 degrees
test movements
1) horiz and vertical conjugate movements
2) pursuit
3) saccadic (voluntary/reflexive)
4) oculovestibular and oculocephalic reflex (passive head movement, warm or cold irrig)
other tests of alignment and motility
1) normal nystagmus vs abnormla
2) strabismus = misaligned eye
3) corneal light reflex
4) forced duction test (make sure muscle not damage after surgery0
fundoscopic exam
examine what with ophthalmoscope
cornea iris vitreous retina leave fovea/macula for last
vessels (optic vein venous pulsations = green, red light on ophthalmoscope )
find glow = red reflex
what is normal cup to disc ratio
absence of red reflex?
1 to 3
absence of red reflex = congenital cataracts
blind spot located where?
15-20 degrees medial to fovea
how to measure intraocular pressure
measured by tonopen or palpation
never perform if open globe