Eye movement 2 Flashcards
driven by?
what is the reflex
driven by vestib input from semicircular canals
center of gaze maintained by contraction of extraocular muscles so eyeball rotation opposes head rotation (conjugate because eyes move same amount)
rightward head rotation signaled by___
left eye rotation produced by
right head = horiz canals
left eye =
1) excitation of motor neurons to left lateral rectus in left abducens
2) excitation of medial rectus by motor neurons in right oculomotor nucleus
pathway of VOR horizontal gaze
1) had rotate to right, fluid in horiz canal lags so deflects cupula in both horiz canals
in right, depol hair cells
in left, hyperpol hair cells
2) excitation in right transmit to right vestib nuclei
then project via MLF to left lateral rectus neurons in abducens
3) any stim excite abducens neuron also excite internuclear interneurons which cross over and ascend in MLF to excite right medial rectus
4) coactivate left lateral rectus and right medial rectus
where do interneurons for VOr horiz gaze cross over
at abducens nucleus
simplified explanation of VOR
CN3 innerv R medial rectus
CN6 in caudal pons contract L lateral rectus
half of CN6 connect to CN 3
head to right excite vestib hair cells
axons contact lateral rectus motor neurons/interneurons to medial rectus
MLF runs from CN3 to cervical cord
describe internuclear ophthalmoplegia
MLF damage –> disconnection of coord of medial and lateral recti during horizontal gaze
in MS
describe what you observe for patient with INO
often get double vision
when young, think tumors
when middle age, young adults, think MS
when older, think vascular lesions
how can you tell if medial rectus motorneurons and/or nerve are intact in a patient with INO
do convergance tests
medial rectus and motor neurons can be normal even if muscle not function during horiz gaze
if bring pen to left and left eye moves but right eye stays = MLF damage = conjugate abnormality
if can’t do horiz gaze saccades or pursuit but can do convergance then likely INO
What is nystagmus
if head turn right
if head turn
if head turns to right, eye counter to left
if head turn, eyes rotate slowly until limit of eye rotation reached then snap back to new fixation point
graphical pattern of nystagmus
slow ramp opposite to head rotation then fast saccade to center of eye position
direction of nystagmus =
direction of rapid saccade