motor system 3 Flashcards
voluntary movements vs reflexes
voluntary = purposeful and allow variable response to sensory input
effectiveness of voluntary movements improve with response and initiated internally (not seen with reflexes)
somatotopy in M1
homunculus just like somatosensory cortex
microstim experiments in M1 showed
1) if stim one part
2) if provide long trains of AP
1) recruit muscle groups not individual muscles
2) long trains = organized movements, complex motor sequences
describe why there is not strict somatotopy (1:1 btwn stim and muscles)
what can expand zones
complex mosaic of overlapping and redundant fields
allow flexibility of recruitment of multiple muscle groups for movements
practice can expand zones
Evarts experiments for motor physiology
M1 neuron fired before EMG activity of extensor muscle and action
shows that activity in M1 drives movement
Microstimulation of m1 at timescales relevant to movements result in mvmts that are sequentailly distributed across multiple joints and strikingly purposeful.
relationship of single M1 cell activity and arm movement direction
single or populations of neurons?
what is active when pointing in a given direction at level of neurons
Upper motor neurons of M1 cannot specify direction of movement because they are too broadly tuned.
different populations of neurons encoding net direction; single vector summation has directionality
By combining the responses of all the neurons a population vector can be computed that represents the movement direction encoded by the simultaneous activity of the entire population. = net population vector of active neurons matches movement direction
what happens if you don’t move limb after stroke?
How to enhance recovery after stroke?
the initial lesion becomes worse
Constraint induced movement therapy enhances recovery after stroke (can’t use good limb and forced to use stroke side)
Use of an area extensively can lead to an enlargement of that area’s representation in primary motor cortex
lateral premotor cortex active with
cue initiated movements
If you see a red stop light, premotor areas will selectively light up before M1.
medial areas of premotor cortex active with
spontaneously generated movements and memory guided movements, mental rehearsal
intention of movement
mirror neurons in premotor cortex
active when another person doing movement you know how to do
if you see activity in premotor doesn’t mean you actually get movement