Motor system 1 Flashcards
Define a motor unit
what happens when press against table with lightest touch
alpha neuron + all muscle fiber it innerv
every time alpha motor neuron fibers, all muscle fibers connected contract
light touch = recruit motor units with small # of muscle fibers harder, recruit more units with more # muscle fibers
Define size principle of recruitment of motor neurons
as incr force generating, you start recruiting motor units with larger and larger sizes (varied force)
ex: if push table soft or firm, you have to recruit right size muscle fibers (smallest motor neurons recruit first, largest last)
Describe graded tension in skletal muscle
change number of active motor neurons that innerv muscle
key elements of stretch reflex
sensory 1a neuron with cell body in DRG
sensory receptor = receive input from muscle spindle stretch receptor
synapses on dendrites of alpha motor neuron in gray matter
ex knee jerk reflex what are components
what happens when activated
sensory neuron cell body in DRG
motor neuron
sensory receptor = muscle spindle
target muscle = quadriceps
all 1a afferents in quad activ
spatial sum of EPSP
each 1a afferent has train of high frq AP so EPSP summate = temporal summation
what happens during a reflex
simultaneous activ of all muscle spindle sensory neuron and activ of all motor neurons
DRG neurons innerv muscle spindles = largest of DRG neurons, fastest
what are stretch receptor neurons and what do they innerv
stretch receptor neuron = 1a afferents and innerv all motor neurons in that muscle
what happens in cat calf
60 1a afferent
300 alpha motor neuron to gastrocs
each 1a synapse on all alphascausing small EPSP in motor neuron for spatial summation
since lots of NT, also temporal summation
activ motor neuron –> fire AP
in addition to motor neurons innerv muscle in which spindle resides what are two other sets of neurons innerv by 1a affernt ends
alpha motor neuron innerv what?
alpha motor neuron = LMN with branches
1) excitatory synapse on motro neurons of synergistic muscles
2) via interneurons, inhib motor neurons of antagonistic muscles
3) motor neurons of muscle where spindle located
define homonymous muscle
muscle that contains or is assoc directly with sense organ producing reflex
define motor reflex
1) positive or neg feedback
2) what happens when muscle is stretch
1) neg feedback
1) muscle stretch
2) 1a afferent distorted, initiate AP
3) AP travel in cord to muscle’s motor neuron
4) alpha motor neuron fire AP for contraction
relieves stress so 1a neurons silenced
compare and contrast muscle spindles and golgi tendon organs
muscle spindles = parallel with extrafusal fibers
golgi tendon = series with muscle; when muscle contract or passively stretched, 1b afferents fire AP
compare and contrast muscle spindles and golgi tendon organs
info transmitted
muscle spindle = length
golgi tendon = force
Describe gamma motor neurons
1) what do they innerv
2) what part of NS regulates these?
3) compare to alpha motor neurons
1) afferent, innerv small muscle fibers inside muscle spindle (stretch receptor)
2) regulates activity of primary somatosensory receptors
3) smaller and slower conducting than alpha motor neuron
what kinds of fibers are inside muscle spindle
what are those fibers innerv by?
what do gamma motor neurons do when activ
contain intrafusal fibers
innerv by gamma motor neuron
gamma motor neuron provides afferent signal to stretch spindle ends and cause sensory response in mid spindle where efferent innerv
what happens to intrafusal fibers as muscle shortens
purpose of this effect
as muscle shortens, intrafusal fibers excited by gamma motor neurons and contract
keeps afferent innerv stretched so response generated even when muscle shortened
what happens when your expected contraction is greater than what object’s weight
motor neurons compensate for expected shortening of muscle
1) intrafusal fibers stretch so 1a afferents don’t change activity during shortening
2) if discrepancy in muscle contraction for moving object, stretch receptor output signals to brain to compensate
apply “what happens when your expected contraction is greater than what object’s weight”
to lifting a box you thought was heavy
1) you exert more force than necessary
2) muscle shortens faster than expected
3) stretch of spindle by gamma motor neuron not large enough for sensory response
4) signal from 1a afferents decr to decr excitation of alpha motor neurons and decr excitation of muscle
5) adjust force matching
what happens as muscle shortens,
intrafusal fibers excited by gamma motor neurons and contract to keep afferent innerv stretched
therefore can respond even when muscle is shortened