VISNAV FG Flashcards
Route planning considerations
- terrain
- PRDs and controlled airspace
- VFR routes, inbound/outbound points, aerodrome procedures
- high traffic and drone areas
- circuit areas of non-controlled aerodromes
- fly neighbourly/noise avoid/environmental areas
Turn-point planning
- obvious, unique locations with funnel features leading to them
- natural topographical features over man-made
- balance between good feature vs efficient route
- too far features that trigger a turn onto next track if turn point is missed
Altitude selection
- terrain elevation
- VFR hemispherical cruising altitudes above 3000ft AMSL
- VMC requirements
- controlled airspace and PRDs
- wind strength
- range increases with altitude but favourable winds usually more important
Climb planning
Add 1 min to leg climb for every 2000ft of climb
- YSNW to 4500 AMSL, add 2 min to leg time
- slower speed and greater fuel burn
Airspeed planning
Standard 120KTAS for med. level nav
- 2kts/1000ft
120KTAS at 4000’ AMSL = 112KIAS
Holding fuel requirements
INTER = 85kg
TEMPO = 170kg
For ops in training area with dual radio comms, INTER/TEMPO fuel requirements may be waived at autho direction if VFR/SVFR applies in the circuit
MET considerations
Is the weather suitable for VMC departure?
Is the weather suitable for VMC at planned cruising levels?
Is the weather at the destination above the VFR alternate minima?
- If weather is below alternate minima, what holding/alternate fuel is required?
Calculate ETI’s based on winds?
Calculate min fuels based on ETIs and holding/alternate requirements?
Away base ops to RAAF bases
ESTTR to air base command post on DRN
Away base
How long does EC135 before flight service last?
Not adhering to this when away requires prior coordination through ops
What is track crawling?
Tracking to ID’d ground features as opposed to flying a drift corrected heading
Basic Nav technique
Clock - time since last fix, or est to next turn point
ND - distance to next TP and L/R of track
- based on time + ND
- what should my position on the map be? - identify features around this
Ground - look outside to find the features (big to small)
ID, and describe a feature
Right 2 o’clock, middle ground, a tower on top of a hill. Left 300m, a sharp drop off down to a plateau. Track for the plateau.
Pre departure workcycle
AIDS - confirm route loaded and GTNs configured correctly
“We’ll taxi to runway 26 via holding point A. Expect a right turn after take off and crosswind departure. Track is 350, altitude 4500, time 12-minute leg and speed 111 indicated”
Controlled departure workcycle
- comply with ATC
- intercept track as per airways clearance by 5nm
Non controlled departure work cycle
a) Extend a leg of the circuit
b) helicopter departure
After take off workcycle
- Note time and fuel
- Intercept track
Track - confirm on ND, identify tracking feature for FP
Obstacles - brief obstacles on the leg
Points of interest - brief significant features, airspace, etc
Other admin - FCLEARM
Top of climb work cycle
- Set cruise power to achieve IAS
- Fix position on map and note time
- Update ETA for turn point
- Cruise work cycle - FCLEARM
Pre turn point work cycle
Brief: describe physical features of the turn point
Track - brief and set course bar
Altitude - brief altitude
Timing - brief next leg time
Speed - brief IAS needed to maintain 120KTAS
Overhead turn point work cycle
Time - note time over head TP
Turn - direct FP to new tracking feature
Fuel - note fuel
Post turn point work cycle
Cruise work cycle
Track - clock, ND, map, ground
Altitude - correct altitude, QNH, airspace
Time - update ETA
Speed - confirm IAS to ground speed
Track - update if required
Obstacles - PRDs and hazards
Points of interest - airspace boundaries & frequency changes
Other admin - FCLEARM
Descent work cycle
Diversions work cycle
Divert point - select, and calculate track, alt, distance, time, fuel for new legs
Info - check wx + notams if going to an aerodrome
Airspace - check for controlled airspace and PRDs
- do we have enough fuel?
- Is holding/alternate fuel required?
a) controlled - request onwards clearance for new route
b) non controlled - advise route changes to ATS
Execute - conduct diversion
Normal poor weather + recovery plan
1000ft cloud base, 3km vis
No recovery plan
Limited poor weather and recovery plan
Clear of cloud, 800m vis, in sight of ground/water, speed to avoid cloud/obstacles/aircraft
Weather must allow visual recovery at approach minima where IAP is available, or enroute LSALT
Poor weather poor conditions + recovery plan
Worse than limited (SVFR)
No take off. If conditions deteriorate to poor in flight than;
a) land
b) initiate IMC recovery
IMC recovery considerations
Consider how to climb to LSALT clear of terrain
- freezing level
- airspace
- fuel
Poor weather options
A) fly lower
B) slow down
C) divert/turn back
Lost procedure
- announce that you are lost
- to NB 500ft AO
- note time(med. level, TOT)/stop the clock (ET)
- direct FP to hold (orbits, racetrack, cardinal)
- determine area of uncertainty based on time + heading
- big to small; ID features to determine position
If still lost:
A) fly reciprocal to last known position
B) climb higher
C) confirm with GPS
D) use nav aids, ATC, or radar services
Fuel - monitor fuel flow rate and compare to plan
Compass - confirm correct HDG/TRK flow, and orientation with ground features
Log - annotate nav logs
Engine - CAD, OAT, Ts & Ps
Alt/airspeed - maintaining cleared alt or LSALT. Next altitude considered and set. Review VNE if needed
Radio/nav - radios and transponders set for current and next event, review next R/T call
Mission equip - switches configured to support next event
CEFR (revised FCLEARM for CP/PSR and before ops normal)
Compass - aligned and review nav indications
Engines - CAD, OAT, Ts & Ps
Fuel - remaining and assess against plan
Radios - revise R/T and navaid frequencies
HASEL (low level and auto)
Height - confirm entry height, NB, DH settings
Area/authorisation - area is suitable for sequence and authorised
Security - crew harnesses locked and no loose articles
Engines - no warnings/cautions, advisories, Ts and Ps
Lookout - confirm location of pertinent traffic
Low level hazards
- wires
- towers
- birds
- aircraft
- turbulence
- controlled flight into terrain
Low level ground speed
Fuel burnt on taxi
Cruise fuel burn
Holding fuel burn
OEI fuel burn & total fuel
Total - 50kg (supply tanks)
Minimum fuel to get back
Fixed reserve (20min = 70kg) + variable (leg fuel + 10%)
Ideal features for low level track crawling
Timing corrections:
90KIAS and 10 sec late
Fly 100KIAS for next 90 secs
Timing corrections:
100KIAS, 40 sec late
120KIAS for 180 seconds
How to divert for large time error
Left 60 degrees for 1min
Right 120 degrees for 1 min
Takes 2min for a 1min leg
Wire obstacle brief
During TOPO: “there is a set of high tension wires in 4nm”
“Wires in 2nm, crossing from rear left to front right”
“Wires in 1nm, should be prior to the next ridgeline in the low ground”
If not seen:
“Climb not below 500ft”