IF Assignment Flashcards
When aerodrome lighting is required and PAL is not being used, during what periods must the aircraft captain ensure that lighting is available and operating?
RWY, obstacle and taxiway lighting must be operated;
1. DEP - 10min before until at least 30min after take off
2. Arrival - 30min before ETA until the completion of taxi
Can you request the intensity of approach lighting to be altered?
Yes. Variation to the intensity is on pilot request with an expectation that the pilot will request a lower intensity as the aircraft nears the runway to reduce dazzle
What circumstances would you make an AIREP special report?
When requested, or as soon as practicable after encountering or observing hazardous meteorological conditions which, in the opinion of the pilot are, or may become, severe enough to warrant a SIGMET, regardless of any reports from aircraft or SIGMETs issued.
During flight, to what accuracy must you maintain a time reference?
Within 30 secs
How much holding fuel is required for an INTER/TEMPO?
INTER - 85kg
TEMPO - 170kg
What is the required validity for the TAF destination and alternate aerodromes when planning IFR?
Not less than 30min before and 60min after the ETA
Can you go flying without a serviceable Wx radar?
Yes, at flight autho discretion
What variable reserve fuel is required?
10% on each leg
What is the minimum RoC for a gradient of 2.5%?
When departing an aerodrome IFR, what is the requirement for establishing on track?
As soon as practicable after take off and within 5nm of the aerodrome. Except on a SID, may depart IAW those procedures.
When should an accuracy check of the altimeters be conducted?
Whenever an accurate QNH is available and the aircraft ist at a known elevation
What sources of QNH are accurate for the altimeter?
Where is the departure time calculated from, when using a SID?
A) Current time minus an adjustment for the distance from the aerodrome
B) When over or abeam the aerodrome
What report must an IFR aircraft make when taxiing from a non-controlled aerodrome?
Aircraft type
Runway to be used
At a non-controlled aerodrome when taxiing, if you can’t contact ATS what should you do?
ADF - IFR in class g must attempt to contact ATS on VHF/HF when taxiing. If unable to make contact with ATS during taxi, the flight may taxi and take off provided contact is established as soon as possible after take off, and a SARTIME for departure, that is a max of 30min after commencing the taxi has been established with ATS.
When does ATC assume responsibility for terrain clearance?
When vectoring the aircraft.
In VMC day, aircraft may be permitted to arrange their own terrain clearance. In this instance, aircraft will be instructed to “climb/descend visual”
Who is responsible for assessing whether met conditions are equal to or better than the prescribed minima for take-off or landing?
Aircraft captain
What does the phrase ‘visual’ mean when added to departure heading instructions by ATC?
When issued heading instructions and are required to maintain a level below the MVA/LSALT during a visual departure, ‘visual’ will be appended to the departure instructions
How should you depart from a non-controlled aerodrome to minimise traffic conflict?
Extend one of the circuit legs. Should not execute a turn opposite to the circuit direction unless the aircraft is well outside the CIRA and no risk of conflict exists (normally 3nm from aerodrome)
Can you request to fly at a non-standard level in controlled airspace?
Yes. Must only request a level not conforming to the table of cruising levels when it is determined by the aircraft captain to be essential to the safety of the flight and occupants. The phrase ‘due operational requirement’ is to be used in the request
What priorities do ATC set for aircraft at standard vs non standard levels?
Aircraft at standard levels will be afforded priority
In controlled airspace, how long after receiving an instruction to change level must the pilot comply?
Must commence a change of level as soon as possible, but not later than 1 min. Unless the instruction specifies a later time or place.
When should a pilot report changing a level?
A) when the aircraft has left a level at which level flight has been conducted in the course of climb, cruise or descent
B) when the aircraft leaves a level fir which ATC has requested a report
What does ‘standard rate’ mean when about to enter a climb/descent?
Rate of climb or descent not less than 500ft/min, except the last 1000ft to an assigned level may be at 500ft/min
OCTA, how long before changing level should a pilot report their intention to ATS?
Must report present position and intention to ATC approximately 1 min prior to making any change
Navigating IFR, what determines a positive fix?
A) Passage of the aircraft over an NDB, VOR, TACAN, marker beacon or DME site
B) Intersection of 2 or more position lines which intersect with angles of not less than 45 degrees obtained from NDBs, VORs, TACANs, localisers or DMEs. A position line must be within the rated coverage of the aid with the exception of a line entirely of NDBs, then must be within a range of 30nm from each NDB
C) ADF - GNSS meeting the requirements of GEN 1.5 section 1.2
OCTA IFR you require to divert. Do you need to advise ATS?
Yes. Pilots must provide the latest diversion time from the destination or from a point en route and, if required the time interval
If you are radar identified OCTA, are you required to make position reports?
Except when identified, position reporting is mandatory when operating under IFR and must normally be made at the positions or times notified on the flight plan
You encounter severe weather en route, what are your obligations?
Make an AIREP
When must PAL be activated for departure/arrival?
Before the taxi
Within 15nm of aerodrome
You are inbound to a CTAF where you know you will be unable to maintain Comms with ATS, what must you do?
Must report when changing to CTAF frequency. Report must include aerodrome location and frequency
Can you circle in no-circling areas?
Visual circling is prohibited in no-circling sectors by day in less than VMC and at night