AD2Supp Flashcards
How many LFAs can be requested at one time?
LFA 1-8
- SFC to 3000ft
- Approved for terrain flight
- Broadcast on 296.3 - if other ACFT establish Comms before descending 500ft AO
- Maintain listen watch if transiting
- Max 3 call signs
- Only 1 ACFT type per LFA
Prohibited landing areas
LFA 7 and 8
- due unexploded ordnance
LFA 9-14
- SFC to 1500ft
- Not approved for terrain flight
- No air to air common frequency- make normal broadcasts/clearance requests
- Max 2 call signs per LFA
- Only 1 ACFT type per LFA
- LFA 14 primary purpose is emergency/autorotation training to continue below 200ft AO
ACFT not to conduct NoE
What LFA is inferred with a Helo N clearance?
- LFA14
Inbound call
NWA TWR, TAIP 41, 5nm to the NE, tracking for final runway 21, for full stop
Helicopter spot operations
- Used by default for helicopter ops
- Use of a runway must be specifically requested
- T/O or landing should be done parallel to the active runway
- Normally most upwind spot for take off, most downwind for landing
Night ops
- Aided/unaided mixing is permitted
- Join circuit using at least 3 legs
- Appropriate CTAF calls
- Recovery to a full stop should be made to a helo spot on the dead side
Who is SARWATCH held with?
- ATC when R421 is active
- Ops normal with ATC for any training areas outside CIRA
- Calls to be made on the H, H+15, H+30, H+45
Held with SQN duty officer
YJBY Circuit
- 1000ft (on YSNW QNH)
- Max 5 ACFT
R421AB Airspace Class
- Class C
Class D for: - Raytheon
- Air affairs
- Sky traders
- Toll
NWA Class D service
- Traffic info 3nm/1000ft
- Class C VMC used
- ACFT on departure + approach are de conflicted
SVFR - SVFR (due vis)
Traffic info for other categories
R421 & EAXA Separation (when it’s activated)
- No use of Shoalhaven Bight, Jervis Bay, YJBY
- R421 immediately next to EAXA 3nm buffer is applied to any aircraft under radar control
R421 & EAXA activation Self separation
Approved for Navy FAA aircraft
- Radar pick up of self separating aircraft will only be done once the ACFT is separated to ATC standard
Gun clubs
- shoalhaven pistol club; sat, sun, wed morning
- Nowra rifle club; 1000ft AGL, 1000m radius
- Shoalhaven Clay target; yerriyong state forest, close to southern confined areas, 750ft AGL 250m radius
Coolangatta Mountain restriction
No landing, hover, hoist training etc due to cultural significance
Choppers West
West of 03/21 within 5nm of TACAN
Parma Creek
172 off 2.5 TACAN
Helo Training areas dimensions
Helo North location
- N of Shoalhaven river up to gerringong
- 5 TAC arc to 15 TAC arc
Helo South area
- 162 radial 5 TAC arc to 23 TAC arc
- down to mollymook (Ulladulla)
Shoalhaven bight
Gerringong township to little beecroft head
SFC to 2000ft
Jervis Bay airspace dimensions
SFC to 2000ft both JVBN and JVBS
Low flying in YSNW CIRA
Whilst low flying is not permitted, flight down to 200ft AO is permitted to facilitate transit between airfield and training areas
Eastern Confined areas
5 clearings in L13
Adjacent CIRA to the east
Southern confined areas
5 clearings in L9
Adjacent and south of CIRA
Reporting points
November - 1nm RWY 21
Echo - 1nm RWY 26
Sierra - 1nm RWY 03
Whisky - 1nm RWY 08
NW - longreach
NE - swamp
SE - bay
SW - park
Jaspers brush
- N of Coolangatta mountain
- Private runway need prior approval
No. of ACFT in CIRA during ATC hours
6 + 2 coming in to land
No. of ACFT in CIRA in CTAF
4 + 2 to land
What’s in Choppers N
Dust bowl
Track pad
What’s in Choppers S
Parma Creek
What’s in Choppers E
Parma Ck
What’s in Choppers W
Dust bowl
Track pad
ACFT limit in Husbands drop zone
ACFT limit in Lovells drop zone
ACFT limit in western pad
3 day
2 night
Choppers dimensions
SFC - 1500ft
Preferred runway at NWA
Lovells Drop Zone take off
Need request to become airborne after landing
Parma Ck vertical limits
Runway subdivisions
Short - threshold to 4000,
Centre - 4000-2000
Long - 2000 to threshold
Husbands static line drop area vertical limits
SFC - 2000ft
Lovells drop area limits
SFC - 10000ft AGL
Darling road drop area
Jervis Bay national park up to Vincentia (including the bay)
Jervis Bay drop area
Consideration for low level circuits
Can’t be conducted when overlapping areas (eg FDPT) within CIRA contain aircraft