Virology Flashcards
What is the basic description of viruses?
Not “alive” but are obligate intracellular parasites that infect all forms of life
Name some viruses that have become some of the top killers?
Describe the virus life cycle
9 steps
1) Recognition
2) Attachment
3) Penetration
4) Uncoating
5) Transcription
6) Protein synthesis
7) Replication
8) Assembly
9) Lysis and release
What are the simple forms of virions?
- Naked icosahedral capsid
- Enveloped icosahedral
- Naked helical nucleocapsid
- Enveloped helical nucleocapsid
What are the types of virus DNA molecules?
- Linear single stranded
- Circular single stranded
- Linear duplex
- Duplex with closed ends
- Closed circular duplexes (with and without supercoils)
What are the types of virus RNA molecules?
- Linear, single strand infectious, “positive” strand
- Linear, single strand non-infectious, “negative” strand
- Segmented positive strands
- Segmented negative strands
- Double stranded segmented
- Diploid single strands
What are the two shapes of animal viruses?
What are the sites of virus entry and release?
- Conjunctiva
- Respiratory tract
- Alimentary tract
- Urogenital tract
- Anus
- Arthropod
- Capillary
- Scratch, injury
- Skin
Name the parts of the herpes simplex virus
- Envelope glycoproteins
- Tegument
- Capsid
- Lipid envelope
Regarding viral epidemiology, what are the mechanisms of virus transmission?
- Respiratory or salivary spread
- Formites (eg, tissues, clothes)
- Sexual contact
- Zoonoses (animals, insects)
- Blood transfusions, organ transplant, needle sharing
Regarding viral epidemiology, what are the geographical/season effects?
- Presence of cofactors or vectors in environment
- Habitat and season for arthropod vectors (mosquitos)
- School/university
- Climatic conditions
What viruses do not have a vaccine as of yet?
What are the difficulties that are associated with the design and use of anti-viral drugs?
- Few biochemical pathways, unique to viruses
- Therapeutic index often very low
- Selection of drug resistant mutants
- Many viruses which cause similar diseases have very different modes of replication and may not be sensitive to some drugs
- By the time some symptoms appear, often chemotherapy is too late to make much difference to clinical course of disease
Type A influenza exists as what shape?
Spheroidal particles
Viruses can only replicate in living cells. Describe the multistep process of the influenza infection
- Firstly the virus has to bind to and enter the cell, then deliver its genome to a site where it can produce new copies of viral proteins and RNA
- They then assemble these components into new viral particles and finally exit the host cell
What does an antigenic drift result in?
Small mutations
What does an antigenic shift result in?
New strain
What is Oseltamivir? What name is it sold under?
An antiviral drug that slows the spread of influenza virus between cells in the body by stopping the virus from chemically cutting ties with its host cell
Symptoms of the flu are caused by what?
Huge amounts of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines 9such as interferon or tumour necrosis factor)
Define mitigation
Focuses on slowing but not necessarily stopping epidemic spread reducing peak healthcare demand while those most at risk of severe disease from infection
Define suppression
Aims to reverse epidemic growth, reducing case numbers to low levels and maintaining that situation indefinitely