TCA cycle Flashcards
How many reactions are involved in the TCA cycle?
What occurs during pyruvate oxidation?
Pyruvate is oxidised to acetate, with the formation of NADH and the release of CO2. Acetate is combined with coenzyme A, yielding CoA
What occurs in the first step of the TCA cycle?
The two carbon acetyl group and four-carbon oxaloacetate combine, forming six-carbon citrate
What occurs in the second step of the TCA cycle?
Citrate is rearranged to form its isomer, isocitrate
What happens in the third step of the TCA cycle?
Isocitrate is oxidised to a-ketoglutarate, yielding NADH and CO2
What happens in the fourth step of the TCA cycle?
Alpha-ketoglutarate is oxidised to succinylcholine CoA with the formation of NADH and CO2; this step is almost identical to pyruvate oxidation
What happens in the 5th step of the TCA cycle?
Succinyl CoA releases coenzyme A, becoming succinate; the energy thus released converts GDP to GTP, which in turn converts ADP to ATP
What happens in the sixth step of the TCA cycle?
Succinate is oxidised to fumarate, with the formation of FADH2
What happens in the seventh step of the TCA cycle?
Fumarate and water react, forming malate
What happen sin the eighth step of the TCA cycle?
Malate is oxidised to oxaloacetate, with the formation of NADH. Oxaloacetate can now react with acetyl CoA to reenter the cycle
What is the mnemonic used for remembering the steps in the TCA cycle?
A- Acetyl CoA Clown- Citrate In- Isocitrate Kilamanjaro- a-Ketoglutarate Sings- Succinyl CoA Songs- Succinate For- Fumarate Money- Malate Only- Oxaloacetate
State the products from the reaction - Acetyl CoA + Oxaloacetate
Citrate + CoA Citrate synthase
State the enzyme produced from citrate
Isocitrate Aconitase
State the enzymes produced from Isocitrate + NAD+
a-ketoglutarate + NADH + CO2 Isocitrate dehydrogenase
Where are all enzymes of the TCA cycle located apart from succinate dehydrogenase and where is that enzyme located?
Mitochondrial matrix
Integrated in the inner mitochondrial membrane
State the products from succinate + FAD
Fumarate + FADH2
What does each turn of the TCA cycle onvolve the uptake and releasde of?
Uptake of two carbon atoms in the form of acetyl-CoA and the release of two carbon atoms as CO2
What does each turn in the TCA cycle involve the transfer of?
Transfer of 3 pairs of electrons to NAD+ to form NADH + H+, and the transfer of 1 paor of electrons to reduce FAD to FADH2
One substrate level phosphorylation reaction results in what?
The formation of GTP from GDP and Pi
What does high ATP, NADH and acetyl-CoA mean?
Plenty of energy
What does high ADP and NAD+ mean?
Lack of energy
What does high succinylcholine-CoA and acetyl-CoA mean?
Plenty of precursor molecules for biosynthetic reactions
State the products of the TCA cycle
From each acetyl-CoA, the TCA cycle generates: 3x NADH + H+ 1X FADH2 1X GTP 2X CO2
What is the TCA cycle used for?
Can be used to complete oxidation derived from gylcolysis or to convert other carbon sources