Microbial Diversity Flashcards
All organisms, whether prokaryotic or eukaryotic have what?
Plasma membranes and ribosomes
Some common metabolic pathways
DNA replication
What are the most common shapes for bacteria?
Also name the other ones
Spheres, rods and spirals
Filamentous and branching
Name the two bacterial groups?
Describe what firmicutes endospore-forming bacteria is?
- Generally rod shaped
- Form spores under nutrient limitation or other adverse conditions
- Resistant to heat and other stresses
- Can remain dormant for long periods
Describe what firmicutes non-aspore forming bacteria is
Can remain dormant for long periods
What are mycoplasmas?
They lack a cell wall
Among smallest cellular organisms
Can be found as a lung infection- Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Describe Actinobacteria
Filamentous brnaching growth form
Many can form spores or filamnets can fragment into ‘bacilli’ or ‘cocci’ which can divide by binary fission
Common in soil
Some are important pathogens
Describe hyperthermophilic bacteria
Thermophiles meaning heat loving
What is the term extremophiles?
Live in conditions that would kill most other organisms
What is cyanobacteria?
‘blue-green algae’
Unicellular, colonial, filamentous
Vegetative cells, spores and heterocysts
What is spirochetes?
Corkscrew movemtn by means of axial filaments that are modified flagella in the periplasmic space
What is the forms of chlamydia?
Eye infections, sexually-transmitted diseases, some forms of pneumonia
What is the largest bacterial group?
Descrive the types of alphaproteobacteria
Name some betaproteobacteria
Photoheterotrophs- Rhodocyclus
Chemolithotrophs-Nitrosomonas, acidithiobacillus
Pathogens-Neisseria gonorrhoea, burkholderia cepacia
Name some gammaproteobacteria
- Sulfur and iron phototrophs
- Sulfur chemolithotrophs
- Enterobacteriaceae
- Vibrionacae and pseudomonadaceae
Name some deltaproteobacteria
- Sulfate reducing bacteria
- Aerobic fruity-body forming Myxobacteria
Name some forms of epsilonproteobacteria
- Microaerophillic helical pathogens
- Ecologically-significant bacteria
Archea is the most ecologically diverse of the three domains. Name some
- Psychrophiles
- Hyperthermophiles
- Halophiles
- Acidphiles
- Methanogens
Give some examples of unique traits that archea have
- Absence of peptiglycan (methanogens have pseudopeptidoglycan)
- Branched chains of lipids with ether not ester linkages
- Metabolism-methanogenesis only found in archea
What are the two main types of phyla?
What are examples of crenarchaeota?
Hyperthermophiles, acidophiles
>70-80c pH 1-3
What are euryarchaeota?
- Greater range of metabolism
- Halophiles, high salt, may ahve carotenoid pigments
- Alkalinophiles pH<11.5
- Methanogens
What archea produce methane, obligate anaerobes and are present in soil of wetlands, rice paddies and landfills?
Name the types of extremophiles
What type of archae phyla are known from DNA analysis?
What archea phyla are very small in size ‘nano’
Eukaryotes that are not plants, animals or fungi can be termed what?
Most eukaryotes can be placed in one of 8 major clades. Name all 8 clades
Alveolates Stramenopiles Rhizaria Excavates Plantae Amoebozoans Fungi Choanoflagellates
Describe Alveolates, strvamenopiles, rhizaria, excavates and amoebozoans
- Diverse forms and lifestyles
- Motile or immotile
- Photosynthetic or heterotrophic
- Mostly unicellular
- Some multicellular
- Microscopic or macroscopic
Name three types of alveolates
- Dinoflagellates
- Ciliates
- Apicomplexans
Stramenopiles possess two flagella of unequal length. Name three of them?
- Diatoms
- Oomycetes
- Brown algae
Rhizaria are aquatic; unicellular and have cells, typically having long thin pseudopods. Name three types
- Cercozoans
- Foraminiferans
- Radiolarians
Name four excavates
- Diplomonads and Parabasalids
- Heteroloboseans
- Euglenids
- Kinetoplastids
Name three types of amoebozoans
- Loboseans
- Plasmodial slime moulds
- Cellular slime moulds
Describe plasmodial slime moulds (amoebozoans)
- Wall-less mass of cytoplasm and multinucleate
- Moves over substarte through cytoplasmic streaming
- Endocytic engulfing of food
- Can produce fruiting structures
- Spores germinate into haploid swarm cells that are flagellate or have pseudopodia
Describe cellular slime moulds (amoebozoans)
- Uninucleate haploid amoebae
- Swarm, endocytose food sources including bacteria
- Under appropriate conditions amoebae form a pseudoplasmodium
- The slug eventually produces a fruit body
- Released spores germinate to form amoebae
Fungi, choanoglagellates and animals share a common ancestor forming a group called what?
Distinctive features of fungi include what?
- Absorptive heterotrophy (saprotrophic, parasitic and mutualistic)
- Chitin in cell walls
Typically, fungi grow as filaments termed hyphae and these are how long in diameter?
Hyphae are surroundeed by a wall and extend at their tips. This is called what kind of growth?
Apical growth
The hyphae branch repeatedly to form the body of the fungus. This is called what?
The mycelium
Microscopic fruiting bodies may arise from what?
What is a characteristic reproduction feature of fungi?
What is a fungi but predominantly unicellular?
Name the 6 classes of yeast
- Microsporidia
- Chytrids
- Zygospore fungi (zygomycota)
- Arbusclar mycorrhizal fungi (glomeromycota)
- Sac fungi (Ascomycota)
- Club fungi (Basidiomycota)