Violence and Abuse Flashcards
Gender-based violence
A major global public health and human rights problem and one that often goes unrecognized and unreported. It is a common source of physical, psychological, and emotional morbidity.
acquaintance rape
someone is forced to have sex by a person he or she knows
cycle of violence
battered women syndrome
The woman has experienced deliberate and repeated physical or sexual assault by an intimate partner.
date rape
assault that occurs within a dating relationship or marriage without consent of one of the participants, is a form of acquaintance rape.
female genital cutting (FGC)
female circumcision, is defined as a procedure involving any injury of the external female genitalia for cultural or nontherapeutic reasons.
human trafficking
The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force, of abduction, of fraud, or deception to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation
sexual activity between persons so closely related that marriage between them is legally or culturally prohibited
intimate partner violence (IPV)
actual or threatened physical or sexual violence or psychological/emotional abuse
What type of treatment is used for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) envolving rape
medication prescribed along with therapy is the best combination to relieve the pain. Just as in the treatment of any other illness, at the first opportunity, the woman should be encouraged to talk about the traumatic experience.
An expression of violence, not a sexual act. It is not an act of lust or an overzealous release of passion: it is a violent, aggressive assault on the victim’s body and integrity
statutory rape
is sexual activity between an adult and a person under the age of 18 and is considered to have occurred even if the underage person was willing
Verbal or minor battery occurs.
Characterized by uncontrollable discharge of tension. Violence is rarely triggered by the victim’s behavior
CYCLE OF VIOLENCE (FEMALE VICTIM AND MALE ABUSER) Phase 3—Reconciliation (honeymoon)/calm phase:
First, the abuser is ashamed of his behavior. The batterer tries to minimize the abuse and blame it on the partner. The batterer becomes loving, kind, and apologetic and expresses guilt.
Physical abuse
Hitting or grabbing the victim so hard that it leaves marks
Throwing things at the victim
Slapping, spitting at, biting, burning, pushing, choking, or shoving the victim
Kicking or punching the victim, or slamming her against things
Attacking the victim with a knife, gun, rope, or electrical cord
Controlling access to health care for injury
Emotional abuse
Promising, swearing, or threatening to hit the victim
Forcing the victim to perform degrading or humiliating acts
Threatening to harm children, pets, or close friends
Humiliating the woman by name-calling and insults
Threatening to leave her and the children
Isolation from family and friends
Destroying valued possessions
Controlling the victim’s every move
Financial abuse
Preventing the woman from getting a job
Sabotaging a current job
Controlling how all money is spent
Failing to contribute financially
Sexual abuse
Forcing the woman to have vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse against her will
Biting the victim’s breasts or genitals
Shoving objects into the victim’s vagina or anus
Forcing the woman to do something sexual that she finds degrading or humiliating
Forcing the victim to perform sexual acts on other people or animals
What are the 5 types of abuse?
Sexual, financial, emotional, physical and elder
How does Plan B work?
prevents ovulation, not an established pregnancy
The primary goal of intervention in working with abused women is to:
a. Set up an appointment with a mental health counselor for the victim b. Convince them to set up a safety plan to use when they leave
c. Help them develop courage and financial support to leave the abuser d. Empower them and improve their self-esteem to regain control of their lives
The correct response is D. Giving women the ability to gain control over their lives allows them to make the changes needed to protect themselves and their children.
The first phase of the abuse cycle is characterized by:
a. The woman provoking the abuser to bring about battering
b. Tension building and verbal or minor battery
c. A honeymoon period that lulls the victim into forgetting
d. An acute episode of physical battering
The correct response is B. Tension builds within the abuser, and he demonstrates increased anger and violent behavior without any provocation from the woman.
Women recovering from abusive relationships need to learn ways to improve their:
a. Educational level by getting a college degree
b. Earning power so they can move to a better neighborhood
c. Self-esteem and communication skills to increase assertiveness
d. Relationship skills so they will be better prepared to deal with their partners
The correct response is C, since feeling better about herself, assertive, and being able to negotiate will lessen her risk for becoming an abused victim again.