Nursing Management During Pregnancy Flashcards
a glycoprotein produced initially by the yolk sac and fetal gut, and later predominantly by the fetal liver. In a fetus, the serum AFP level increases until approximately 14 to 15 weeks, and then falls progressively.
a transabdominal puncture of the amniotic sac to obtain a sample of amniotic fluid for analysis.
biophysical profile (BPP)
real-time ultrasound and NST to allow assessment of various parameters of fetal well-being. Monitoring of fetal movements, fetal tone, and fetal breathing
chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
A test used to detect chromosomal disorders via an 18 gauge needle sample.
The state of being pregnant.
high-risk pregnancy
those that are complicated by maternal or fetal conditions (coincidental with or unique to pregnancy) that jeopardize the health status of the mother and put the fetus at risk for uteroplacental insufficiency, hypoxia, and death.
natural childbirth
Birth without pain-relieving medications. Lamaze, Bradley, and Dick-Read method
The number of times a woman has given birth to a fetus of at least 20 gestational weeks (viable or not), counting multiple births as one birth event..
perinatal education
A broad range of topics regarding care, growth, development, exercise and nutrition.
preconception care
promotion of the health and well-being of a woman and her partner before pregnancy.
When do neural tube disorders develop?
in the first 4 weeks
first pregnancy
second pregnancy
What is GTPAL in a patient’s obstetric history?
G: gravida T: term births (>37 weeks) P: preterm births (>20 wks & before 37 wks) A: abortions, before 20 wks L: Living children (currently)
one birth after a pregnancy of at least 20 weeks
two or more pregnancies resulting in viable offspring
no viable offspring; para 0