Common Reproductive Issues Flashcards
abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB)
umbrella term used to describe any deviation from normal menstruation or from a normal menstrual cycle pattern.
expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it is viable. Surgical or Medical.
absence of menses
basal body temperature (BBT)
lowest temperature reached on awakening. Avoid unprotected intercourse until the BBT has been elevated for 3 days
cervical cap
Soft cup-shaped latex device that fits over base of cervix
cervical mucus ovulation method
assess the character of the cervical mucus. Cervical mucus changes in consistency during the menstrual cycle and plays a vital role in fertilization of the egg.
coitus interruptus
Man withdraws before ejaculation.
Male: Thin sheath placed over an erect penis, blocking sperm
Female: Polyurethane sheath inserted vaginally to block sperm
any method that prevents conception or childbirth, including OCs, sterilization of the female, and the male condom
contraceptive sponge
nonhormonal, nonprescription device that includes both a barrier and a spermicide. Removed from the market in 1995
An injectable progestin that inhibits ovulation
soft latex dome surrounded by a metal spring. may be inserted up to 4 hours before intercourse but must be left in place for at least 6 hours afterwards
inability to conceive a child after 1 year of regular sexual intercourse unprotected by contraception
difficult or painful sexual intercourse.
emergency contraception (EC)
Combination of levonorgestrel-only pills; combined estrogen and progestin pills; or the copper IUS (Paragard) inserted within 72 hr after unprotected intercourse.
80% failure rate
Secondary infertility
The inability to conceive after a previous pregnancy.
fertility awareness (contraceptive methods)
Refrain from sex during fertile period
(Nexplanon) A time-release implant (one rod) of levonorgestrel for 3 yrs
intrauterine contraceptive (IUC)
A T-shaped device inserted into the uterus that releases copper or progesterone or levonorgestrel
oral contraceptives (OCs)
A pill that suppresses ovulation by combined action of estrogen and progestin
(progestin-only minipills) A pill containing only progestin that thickens cervical mucus to prevent sperm from penetrating
lactational amenorrhea method (LAM)
effective temporary method of contraception used by breast-feeding mothers. fairly effective for up to 6 months after giving birth
oral contraceptives (OCs)
A pill that suppresses ovulation by combined action of estrogen and progestin
(progestin-only minipills) A pill containing only progestin that thickens cervical mucus to prevent sperm from penetrating. Don’t smoke!
vaginal ring
Vaginal contraceptive ring about 2 inches in diameter that is inserted into the vagina; releases estrogen and progestin
Sealing, tying, or cutting the vas deferens
What characteristic of the Hispanic culture determine family size?
Children, they validate the marriage therefore they typically have a large family.
Standard Days Method (SDM)
Or the Two-Day Method, both natural methods. Both methods provide women with simple, clear instructions for identifying fertile days. Women with menstrual cycles between 26 and 32 days long can use the SDM to prevent pregnancy by avoiding unprotected intercourse on days 8 through 19 of their cycles.
permanent, safe, and highly effective method of contraception for those who are certain they do not want any or any more children.
tubal ligation
sterilization procedure for women, can be performed postpartum, after an abortion, or as an interval procedure unrelated to pregnancy. Fallopian tubes are blocked to prevent conception