Perspectives on Maternal, Newborn, and Women's Health Care Flashcards
Affordable Care Act (ACA)
generally referred to as Obamacare – is the landmark health reform legislation passed by the 111th Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama in March 2010
case management
A interdisciplinary collaborative type of care. Assessment, planning, application, coordination, follow-up, and evaluation of the options and services required to meet an individual’s health needs through communication and available resources to promote quality cost-effective results.
evidence-based nursing practice
involves the use of research to establish a plan of care and to implement that care.
cultural competence
the ability to apply knowledge about a client’s culture so that the health care provided can be adapted to meet his or her needs
a view of the world and a set of traditions that are used by a specific social group and are transmitted to the next generation. It plays a critical role with women and their families. A person’s culture influences not only socialization but also his or her experiences related to health and specific health practices
fetal mortality rate
refers to the spontaneous intrauterine death of a fetus at any time during pregnancy per 1,000 live births. Fetal deaths later in pregnancy >20 weeks of gestation are also referred to as stillbirths
infant mortality rate
deaths occurring in the first 12 months of life. It is also documented as the number of deaths of infants younger than 1 year of age per 1,000 live births. Neonatal mortality and postneonatal mortality (covering the remaining 11 months of the first year of life)
considered the basic social unit of our society
the incidence or number of individuals who have died over a specific period
neonatal mortality rate
the number of infant deaths occurring in the first 28 days of life per 1,000 live births. The United States now ranks 41st in the world in terms of neonatal mortality, the death rate of infants less than 1 month old. The neonatal mortality rate is 4.5 per 1,000 live births
informed consent
ensure that client autonomy is respected in decisions about their health care. It is an agreement by a client to undergo an operation or medical treatment or take part in a clinical trial after being informed of and understanding the risks involved.
When preparing a presentation for a local woman’s group on women’s health problems, what would the nurse include as the number one cause of mortality for women in the United States?
A. Breast cancer
B. Childbirth complications
C. Injury resulting from violence
D. Heart disease
The correct response is D. The number one cause of mortality in women is heart disease, accounting for more than one half million deaths per year. Most women, however, believe that breast cancer is their number one concern. The mortality rate pales in comparison to that for cardiovascular deaths. Approximately 350 deaths occur secondary to childbirth complications. Statistics for injury resulting from violence would be much less when compared with the number of women who die annually from heart disease.
Which factor would most likely be responsible for a pregnant women’s failure to receive adequate prenatal care in the United States?
A. Belief that it is not necessary in a normal pregnancy
B. Use of denial to cope with pregnancy
C. Lack of health insurance to cover expenses
D. Inability to trust traditional medical practices
The correct response is C. Lack of adequate health insurance is a major barrier to receiving adequate prenatal care. Americans who have no health insurance, the majority are women. Without health insurance, many have limited options to procure prenatal care.
When caring for an adolescent, in which instance must the nurse share information with the parents, no matter which state care is provided in? A. Pregnancy counseling B. Depression C. Contraception D. Tuberculosis
The correct response is D. Pregnancy, contraception, and mental illness treatment are provided in many states to adolescents without parental involvement. Those laws do not include the provision of care for communicable diseases such as tuberculosis, which would require parental consent and notification.
Client advocacy, utilization management, and coordination of care describe which of the following?
A. Primary nursing care
B. Case management
C. Family-centered care
D. Patient-focused care
The correct response is B because all three items make up the core values of case management. Case management is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, application, coordination, follow-up, and evaluation of the options and services required to meet an individual’s health needs through communication and available resources to promote quality cost-effective results.
Nurses in the United States working in maternity services need to have knowledge of a variety of cultures and be culturally competent in caring for women and their families because:
A. All members of a specific culture are homogenous.
B. Physiological differences exist among different cultures.
C. Care can be individualized for different cultural preferences.
D. Nondominant cultural groups are made up of new immigrants.
The correct response is “C” because every culture has numerous differences, values, traditions, and ways they wish to receive health care.
The nurse is preparing a class about homelessness. Which factors contribute to homelessness? Select all that apply.
A. Decrease in the number of people living in poverty
B. Unemployment
C. Exposure to abuse or neglect
D. Cutbacks in public welfare programs
E. Establishment of community crisis centers
The correct response is B, C, and D. Factors contributing to homelessness include economic factors such as the increase in poverty, lack of affordable housing, decreases in availability of rent subsidies, unemployment, and cutbacks in public welfare programs.