Cancers of the Female Reproductive Tract Flashcards
Papanicolaou (Pap) test
Screening for abnormal cells
cervical cancer
a malignancy located in the uterine cervix.
cervical dysplasia
disordered growth of abnormal cells
A microscopic examination of the lower genital tract using a magnifying instrument called a colposcope.
cone biopsy
removes a cone-shaped section of cervical tissue. The base of the cone is formed by the ectocervix (outer part of the cervix) and the point or apex of the cone is from the endocervical canal
destroys abnormal cervical tissue by freezing with liquid nitrogen, Freon, or nitrous oxide.
endometrial cancer
(also known as uterine cancer) is a malignant neoplastic growth of the uterine lining. Two types: TI: endometrial hyperplasia (carcinoma) & TII: spontaneously appearing.
human papillomavirus
Leads to cervical cancer.
ovarian cancer
a malignant neoplastic growth of the ovary. 5th most common cause of cancer deaths in women.
Papanicolaou (Pap) test
Is a procedure used to obtain cells from the cervix for cytology screening, which detects cervical cancer and some precancerous lesions
vaginal cancer
Rare malignant tissue growth arising in the vagina. Only about 1 of every 1,100 women will develop vaginal cancer in her lifetime. Majority is a metastases from cervix.
vulvar cancer
an abnormal neoplastic growth on the external female genitalia including the clitoris, vaginal lips, and opening to the vagina
Clinical Breast Examination
Assessment of the breast for abnormal findings; client may discover lump herself; high-risk history for breast cancer
Mammography diagnostic testing
Screening modality for breast cancer or any distortion in breast tissue architecture
Pap smear diagnostic testing
Cervical cytology screening to diagnose cervical cancers
Transvaginal ultrasound
Screening for pelvic pathology to assist in diagnosing endometrial cancers
What is a CA-125 blood test used for?
Nonspecific blood test used as a tumor marker.
Elevated marker levels are not specific to ovarian cancer; they can be elevated in other types of cancer.
Leep (loop electrosurgical excision procedure) or LLETZ (large loop excision of the transformation zone)
the abnormal cervical tissue is removed with a wire that is heated by an electrical current. For this procedure, a local anesthetic is used. It is performed in the health care provider’s office in approximately 10 minutes. Mild cramping and bleeding may persist for several weeks after the procedure.
Cold knife cone biopsy
a surgical scalpel or a laser is used instead of a heated wire to remove tissue. This procedure requires general anesthesia and is done in a hospital setting. After the procedure, cramping and bleeding may persist for a few weeks.
Risk factors for Ovarian cancer.
Nulliparity, Early menarche (before 12 years old), Late menopause (after 55 years old), Increasing age after, menopause, High-fat diet, Obesity, Persistent ovulation over time, First-degree relative with ovarian cancer, Genetics—women of Ashkenazi Jewish decent, Use of perineal talcum powder or hygiene sprays, Older than 30 years at first pregnancy, Positive BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, Personal history of breast, bladder, or colon cancer, Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for more than 10 years, Infertility (CDC, 2015c)
What should be suspected if a female has a mast on her ovaries after menopause?
When describing ovarian cancer to a local women’s group, the nurse states that ovarian cancer often is not diagnosed early because:
a. The disease progresses very slowly.
b. The early stages produce very vague symptoms.
c. The disease usually is diagnosed only at autopsy.
d. Clients do not follow up on acute pelvic pain.
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The correct answer is B. Typically there are no glaring features of ovarian cancer.
A postmenopausal woman reports that she has started spotting again. Which of the following would the nurse do?
a. Instruct the client to keep a menstrual diary for the next few months.
b. Tell her not to worry, since this a common but not serious event.
c. Have her start warm-water douches to promote healing.
d. Anticipate that the doctor will assess her endometrium thickness.
The correct response is D. Any postmenopausal bleeding is suspicious for endometrial cancer.
Which of the following would the nurse identify as the priority psychosocial need for a women diagnosed with reproductive cancer?
a. Research findings
b. Hand-holding
c. Cheerfulness
d. Offering of hope
The correct response is A. Women need clear information to make informed choices about treatment and aftercare. This information will help reduce her anxiety and chose the best course of action for her.
When teaching a group of women about screening and early detection of cervical cancer, the nurse would include which of the following as most effective?
a. Fecal occult blood test
b. CA-125 blood test
c. Pap smear and HPV test
d. Sigmoidoscopy
The correct response is C. Pap smears are done specifically to detect abnormal cells of the cervix that might be cancerous.
After teaching a group of students about reproductive tract cancers, the nursing instructor determines that the teaching was successful when the students identify which of the following as the deadliest type of female reproductive cancer?
a. Vulvar
b. Ovarian
c. Endometrial
d. Cervical
The correct response is B. Typically ovarian cancer is not diagnosed until it is in advanced stages, when the prognosis and survival rates are poor.
The nurse is attempting to reassure her obese female client about the discovery of an ovarian cyst after her pelvic exam. Which of the following statements is true concerning ovarian cysts? They are:
a. Frequently seen in polycystic kidney disease
b. Always painful and need to be removed surgically
c. A precursor to ovarian carcinoma
d. Part of a syndrome that includes hypertension and diabetes
The correct response is “D” because ovarian cysts are frequently seen with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which is characterized by hypertension and diabetes as well as amenorrhea, obesity, and hyperlipidemia.
Which of the following is considered a risk factor for vulvar cancer?
a. Vitamin B12 deficiency
b. Epstein–Barr virus
c. Human papillomavirus
d. Adenovirus
The correct response is “C” because HPV isn’t just associated with cervical cancer, but also a major risk factor for the development of vulvar cancer.