Verbs That Struck My Fancy Flashcards
VOLERCI: To take/require (X amount of time, etc). Only third person sing, plural.
Cf. METTERCI: To take me/you/she/etc X amount of time. Can take all persons, sing and plural.
Note: Use METTERCI only with time. VOLERCI isn’t limited to time, ex.: Per andare al cinema ci vuole il biglietto.
To go away, leave
Note: Andare via –to go away
To not give a hoot (di)
Fregare: To rub; (slang) to steal/cheat/dupe; (vulg) to make love with
Note: strozzare - strangle, fleece/swindle
Pesarci su
Think about it
Es.: Mi ha chiesto di sposarlo, ma devo pensarci su.
Without “su”, one is not thinking as deeply
Ragionarci: Think about something more complex
- To think about/of it (pensare a)[things]
Es.: Avrei dovuto portare l’ombrello, ma non ci ho pensato.
Cf: Lo/la penso: I think of him/her [people]
- To handle/take care of something
Es.: Ci penso io: I’ll take care of it. [Prendersi cura di q.c.: Me ne prendo cura io]
Ammollare (ammollo)
To soften, soak, deliver (a slap), slacken, (ref) to get soaked
Ammollire: to soften, weaken
Mollare (mollo): let go, slacken, soak, give up
To be angry or upset by someone
Perché ce l’hai con me? Non ho fatto niente!!
Averla con: To be angry at
Note: spostare - tr. To move; to change; to upset. ref. To move; to get out of place; to be upset (spostato: ill-adjusted, out of place … misfit)
To have to do with (es. La fortuna non c’entra./Luck has nothing to do with it.)
Lei non c’entra: This is none of your business.
Questo non c’entra: This is besides the point.
Also: To make it/ find a place. (Con questi soldi non c’entro./I can’t make it with this money.)
Trovare posto, potere stare in qualcosa O avere una relazione logica con qualcosa
To take root, prosper
Trans: (lit) restore; (obs) turn
Intrans (essere): return, (coll) jibe, agree, square (squadrare)
Tornare a bomba: return to the point (cf venire al dunque: come to the point)
Tenere a qualcuno/qualcosa
To care about someone/thing
Tengo molto alla mia macchina.
To turn again; to revolve; to overturn; to train (a weapon); to address; to deter
Note: rivolgersi - to apply to
Volgere: To turn (dirigere: to direct; turn; lead)
Svolgere: to unfold, develop, take place (succedere)
To be out of place; to sing/play out of tune; to upset
Stonato: out-of-tune; upset; clashing (color); ( fig) absent-minded (distratto)
Note: spostare (sposto) - to upset; to move; to change; to upset (ref: get out of place; to be upset)
Spostato: ill-adjusted, out-of-place; misfit
Maldestro: clumsy, awkward
To defeat, rout; to pull (a nail); to unfasten
Abbattere (fig) (to demolish; to fell; to depress/ ref. be downcast)
Addossare (addosso)
To put on
Mettere, porre addosso
Addossarsi: to take upon oneself; to crowd together (addossarsi a: to lean against; to crowd)(appoggiarsi)
Addossato: leaning
Addosso: on; on oneself; on one’s back; about oneself
Dare addosso a qlcu: to assail s.o. (assalire)
Fall for it (a joke, a swindle)
Casare: to fall (cadere); drop; fit (clothes)
Casare della noia: to be bored to death
Present: casco, caschi, casca, caschiamo, cascate, cascano
Future: cascherò …
Rimanerci: (coll) To be duped/to be killed
Count on
Contare su
Contare: To count; limit; regard/value; propose
To be close to doing something or something happening (to be missing [just] a bit of time …)
C’è mancato poco che non von vincessi la gara: I was close to winning the race
Mancare: To miss
Mancare a: To break (one’s word …)
Note cf: STARE PER + Infinitive = To be about to + verb
To suffer
Soffrire (intrans)
Note: To suffer (also transitive) - sopportare (bear; endure); tollerare (tolerate; bear); provare dolore
Provare: To test; try; taste; prove; feel (eg., anger)
To deceive; cheat; elude; beguile
Ingannarsi: To be mistaken
Inganno: Deception; illusion
Ingannatore, -trice: Deceptive; imposter
To be in agreement; accept; to be with someone; to be in a place
Starci di: To be in favor (Io ci starei d’andare al cinema)
Note: Stare con - to be on the side of
To be able to
Riuscire (a)
To understand, (ref) to be understood, be implied
Sottinteso: understood, implied; innuendo
Note: intendere- to understand; to hear; to intend; to mean
Dare per scontato
To take s.t./s.o. for granted
Mi dà per sconto e non mi piace.
(Can shorten to: Dò per …)
(Note: Accent marks are to distinguish from other words.)
Scontare: To expiate; to discount