Phrases+ that Struck My Fancy Flashcards
Prima o poi
Sooner or later
Tosto o tardi
Quanto prima
Al piu presto: at the earliest time
Per quanto
Although, no matter, nevertheless
Nonostante, tuttavia
Essere in gamba
To be in good shape, to be on the ball
Cf. Essere male in gamba: To be in bad shape
La gamba: leg, stem
Con le mani in mano
Sitting on one’s hands (rather than doing something …)
La mano: hand
Andare a monte
Fall through/apart
Cadere a brani: fall apart
Far LA festa
To do in, kill (uccidere)
MA far festa: to celebrate
No way! Not at all! Not even!
Ci mancarebbe (altro)!
In POSITIVE sense: Lit. “Something would be lacking otherwise,” cioè: Certainly! Of course! By all means! ; Don’t mention it! (response to “Thank you!); obviously
In NEGATIVE sense: Of course NOT! , obviously not! ; to express displeasure (That’s the last straw!); Heaven forbid! (Ci mancerrebe che + subj)
Bottom line: Yes, of course! OR Of course not!, depending on tone/context
In bocca al lupo!
Response: Crepi [il lupo]!
- Into the wolf’s mouth!
- May it [the wolf] die!
Crepare: to burst/crack; (slang) croak
Can also respond “Viva il lupo!” insofar that literally “in bocca al lupo” refers to mother wolf taking pup by scruff of neck to transport to safety … (or “Grazie!”)
By Jove!
Accipicchia! (Darn it!)(Accidenti!)
Bacco: Baccus
Note: Baccano - noise, hubbub (casino)
To like
Construction is: IDO + ANDARE + oggetto/di verbo
Note: If object is plural, use VANNO: Mi vanno le pizze ….
Es. Me vado il vino dolce. Ti andrebbe (conditional) di venire con me?
Essere (ancora) in alto mare
To (still) have a long way to go
Good morning/day
Buon giorno! (inter)
Per intenderci
“To be clear”; “in other words”; “don’t get me wrong” ….