Verbs like gustar Flashcards
The truth is important to me.
Me importa la verdad.
I don’t like spiders.
No me gustan las aranas.
My stomach aches.
Me duele el estomogo
I have too many books.
Me sobran los libros.
She likes the fall.
A ella le gusta el otono.
It seems ridiculous to me.
Me parace ridiculo.
I love your dress.
Me encanta tu vestido.
We have ten dollars left over.
Nos sobran diez dolares.
I hate your attitude.
Me disgusta tu actitud.
I love ice cream.
Me encanta el helado.
You are missing a button.
Te falta un boton.
These photos are fascinating to us.
Nos fascinan estas fotos.
The movie is interesting to them.
A ellos les interesa la pelicula.
What is important to you?
Que te importa?
His manners disgust me.
Me disgustan sus modales.
He seems egotistical to me.
Me parece egoista.
This movie bores me.
Esta pelicula me aburre.
She bothers me.
Ella me molesta.