Verbal Behavior Flashcards
A physical energy change capable of affecting an organism through one of its receptors: photoreceptors, phonoreceptors, chemoreceptors (gustatory and olfactory), mechanoreceptors (touch), thermoreceptors, and free nerve endings.
A stimulus in the presence of which a given response has a history of being reinforced.
Discriminative Stimulus
A stimulus following a response that increases or strengthens the likelihood of that response occurring in the future, under similar conditions.
A stimulus following a response that decreases or weakens the likelihood of that response occurring in the future, under similar conditions.
An environmental event, most commonly a discriminative stimulus, which controls or determines the likelihood that a given response will be emitted.
Controlling Variable
Words “refer” to other things
What a word “refers” to is often its meaning
We can create and understand an infinite number of meaningful sentences
Typically studied on the basis of its form or structure, as shown in this sentence diagram, with little attention paid to the circumstances under which it occurs
Verbal Behavior
Verbal Behavior is Behavior
Behavior that is reinforced through the mediation of another person who has been specifically trained to provide such reinforcement.
Verbal Behavior
A stimulus change that occurs after a response has been emitted, increases the future probability of that response, and results from the action of another individual
Mediated Reinforcement
A stimulus change that has the following features:
It occurs after a response has been emitted
It increases the future probability of that response
It results from the action of another individual
Mediated Reinforcement
An example of mediated reinforcement is when you emit the vocal response “water” and someone then presents you with a glass of water, and this tends to increase or maintain your tendency to say “water” whenever water would currently be reinforcing. The key is that the reinforcement was provided by the actions of another individual.
An example of mediated reinforcement is when you emit the vocal response “water” and someone then presents you with a glass of water, and this tends to increase or maintain your tendency to say “water” whenever water would currently be reinforcing. The key is that the reinforcement was provided by the actions of another individual.
You emit the response “milk” and someone presents you with a glass of milk. This increases the probability that you will say milk in the future under similar circumstances. This is an example of:
Mediated Reinforcement
You write the word “water” as a result of hearing someone say “water,” and someone says “correct.” This increased your tendency to write “water” as a result of hearing someone say “water.” This is an example of:
Mediated Reinforcement
You turn on a light switch and the lights come on. This results in an increase in your tendency to turn on lights by turning on the switch. The lights coming on is an example of:
Non-Mediated Reinforcement
An environmental event, most commonly a discriminative stimulus, which controls or determines the likelihood that a given response will be emitted.
Controlling Variable
Behavior that is established and maintained by reinforcement that is mediated by another person. In addition, the other person’s action that results in the reinforcement must have been specifically trained in order to reinforce speakers.
Verbal Behavior
Saying “water” and then receiving some water as the result of the actions of another person is an example of verbal behavior.
Saying “water” and then receiving some water as the result of the actions of another person is an example of verbal behavior.
Salivation at the sight of a steak is not verbal behavior for several reasons. The primary reason is that the response is not established and maintained by reinforcement; it is established and maintained by classical or respondent conditioning.
Salivation at the sight of a steak is not verbal behavior for several reasons. The primary reason is that the response is not established and maintained by reinforcement; it is established and maintained by classical or respondent conditioning.
You enter a very cold room, see that the window is open, and say, “Close the window, please.” Someone else in the room then gets up and closes the window. This results in an increase in your tendency to say, “Close the window” in the future under similar conditions. This is an example of:
Verbal Behavior
Someone asks you how many cookies you would like and you hold up two fingers. He then gives you two cookies. In the past when you did this you got two cookies. Holding up two fingers is an example of:
Verbal Behavior
You are walking on some ice and you slip and fall. Falling is an example of:
Non-Verbal Behavior
You ask someone for a cookie and they refuse to give it to you. In the past, you sometimes have received a cookie when you asked. Asking for it now is an example of:
Verbal Behavior
As a result of the person refusing to give you a cookie in the previous question, you go out and buy a box of cookies, open it, and take out a cookie. Taking out the cookie is an example of:
Non-Verbal Behavior
Your ophthalmologist shines a bright light in your eye to get your pupil to contract. Shining the bright light is an example of:
Non-Verbal Behavior
You find an email address on a person’s Facebook profile and write it down. Copying the email address is an example of:
Verbal Behavior
One particular class of verbal responses does not seem to be controlled by a prior discriminative stimulus
Establishing Operation
An environmental event or operation that momentarily increases the reinforcing effectiveness of some particular reinforcement.
Establishing Operation
Three types of controlling variables must be considered when classifying verbal behavior:
verbal discriminative stimuli, non-verbal discriminative stimuli, and establishing operations.
An establishing operation is an environmental event or operation that:
Momentarily increases the reinforcing effectiveness of some particular reinforcement.
A physical energy change capable of affecting an organism’s sensory receptors that has a specific form or pattern which, as a unit, has controlling effectiveness and is the result of verbal behavior.
Verbal Stimulus
A picture of a dog, or an actual dog itself, is a non-verbal stimulus. Why?
It is a visual stimulus that is not the result of prior verbal behavior.
Someone picks up a rock and throws it at you. Seeing the throwing motion and the approaching rock can be considered a visual stimulus that is:
Someone picks up a rock and throws it at you, but you don’t see the person do it. Your friend says “duck.” The auditory stimulus that results from your friend’s vocal behavior is:
You are driving down the road and see a sign that says “Beware of falling rocks.” The sign is a visual stimulus that is:
A bee when it flies produces an auditory stimulus that we call a buzzing sound. That buzzing sound is a(n):
A doughnut looks a lot like the letter “o” and you tend to say “o” whenever you see a doughnut. The doughnut is a visual stimulus that is:
You see the word “Pepsi” written in the sky and say “Those are really large letters.” The size of the letters is a visual stimulus feature that is:
You see the word “Pepsi” written in the sky. The spatial relationships between the letters and their overall pattern is a(n) _______________ stimulus that evokes the response “Pepsi.”
An environmental change or event that precedes the response to which it is functionally related and increases the effectiveness of a particular stimulus change as reinforcement.
Establishing Operation
Features that are irrelevant to classifying an environmental event as an establishing operation include:
The type of environmental event, the cause of the environmental event, and the type of stimulus that gains reinforcing effectiveness.
An establishing operation, is typically related to substances that are biologically required by an organism, such as food, water, air, heat, and possibly sexual contact.
“I have been too long without a pencil…must acquire pencil soon or I will perish!”
If someone shines a bright light in your face, that event makes the stimulus change which results in the light no longer shining in your face an effective reinforcement.
Aversive Stimulation
“Um…please stop. Why are you doing this to me?”
Aversive Stimulation
The concept of an establishing operation for reinforcement is relatively new and can be difficult to understand. It is helpful to contrast an establishing operation with a:
Discriminative Stimulus
For a discriminative stimulus to be effective, the reinforcement must currently be effective. Imagine a water vending machine that costs nothing to use, but only works when the “water” sign is lit up.
For a discriminative stimulus to be effective, the reinforcement must currently be effective. Imagine a water vending machine that costs nothing to use, but only works when the “water” sign is lit up.
Your smelly uncle gets out a cigarette and then finds that he does not have any matches or a lighter. Having a cigarette that needs to be lit is an example of a(n):
Establishing Operation
You are trying to think of examples of establishing operations and are having a difficult time. Not being able to think of an example is an example of a(n):
Establishing Operation
As a result of eating several cups of salted pretzels, you have an increased tendency to ask for water. Eating pretzels is an event that functions as a(n):
Establishing Operation
As the result of seeing someone place a glass of water on the table in front of you, you say “water.” Seeing someone place a glass of water on the table is a(n):
Discriminative Stimulus
Verbal behavior is classified, by behavior analysts, as which type of behavior?
Which verbal operant is defined as “a label or description” of the world?
Which verbal operant is described here: vocal responding controlled by a visual verbal stimulus, has point to point correspondence, and no formal similarity between the Sd and the response product.
An Sd signals ______ of a reinforcer, whereas an MO changes the _______ of the reinforcer.
availability / value
Which elementary verbal operant is the only one in which the MO is the controlling variable?
In using verbal behavior, according to Skinner (2020/1957), the individual acts indirectly on the environment.
Jessica is an 18-mo old typically developing child who can say a few words. She and her mother were walking down the street downtown when they passed by a bakery. Jessica POINTED to a display of doughnut in the window as they walked by and her mother walked inside and bought her a donut. Jessica squealed with excitement and devoured the doughnut! Referring to the bolded words in this scenario, which of the following statements is true?
this is an example of verbal behavior
Which of the following examples would be considered ‘vocal’ behavior but NOT ‘vocal verbal’ behavior?
We are at a restaurant, I take a drink and swallow wrong, so I clear my throat
June was teaching her student to respond to questions. June asked the student, “What animal has stripes?” The student responds, “a zebra.”
In relation to the response, “a zebra”, this response is a(n) __________ operant.
Which of the following is NOT an example containing verbal behavior.
It is lunch time, so you make a sandwich for you and your child
Frankie was working with a client who had a difficult time producing speech sounds. After much assessment and many discussions with the client’s team, the decision was made to introduce the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). During training, the initial response the learner was required to do was to simply tap an icon presented on a board to gain access to a desired item.
This type of communication system is considered which of the following?
Selection Based
Shayna was walking into a store with her mother and held the door open for her mother to walk through. Her mother responded, “thank you, my dear.”
The underlined phrase is considered which of the following verbal operants?
When children are young, usually before they are able to produce discernable speech sounds (words), they often will point to request. As they begin to develop more and more speech sounds that are reinforced in the social community, they will point less, as the point response is replaced by vocal verbal responses. Which assumption of science does this example most adhere to?
Which of the following is the technological description that encompasses a ‘total verbal episode’?
the behavior of both the speaker and listener
Toby enjoys watching television before he goes to bed. Every night after dinner has been cleaned up, he sits on the couch and picks up the remote to turn the television on. Tonight, Toby is exceptionally tired and when he sits on the couch, he picks up his PHONE, points it at the television and attempts to turn the television on. The television does not turn on. The bolded words represent which of the following?
stimulus delta