SNA, Reinforcement Schedules Flashcards
List the 4 basic schedules of intermittent reinforcement.
Fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, variable interval
List the 6 forms of differential reinforcement
List the 7 types of compound schedules
Concurrent, mixed, multiple, chained, tandem, alternative, conjunctive
T/F: Continuous reinforcement and
intermittent reinforcement are the
same thing.
False, are not the same thing
T/F: Ratio strain is what happens when the schedule of reinforcement has
been thinned too quickly.
T/F: Continuous reinforcement is used
to help establish new behaviors.
T/F: Schedule thinning refers to
systematically decreasing the
response ratio or duration of time of
the interval.
False, increasing
T/F: An intermittent schedule is used to
help establish new behaviors.
False, continuous
T/F: DRO (Differential Reinforcement of
Other Behavior) is used for
eliminating the target behavior
T/F: Fixed interval schedule produces
the highest rate of responding.
False, variable ratio
T/F: Variable ratio produces the lowest rate of responding.
False, highest rate of responding
T/F: Fixed ratio and fixed interval both
have post reinforcement pauses.
T/F: A DRA (differential reinforcement of
alternative behavior) provides
reinforcement for a functionally
equivalent replacement behavior.
T/F: Concurrent schedules of
reinforcement goes with the hashtag
This schedule of reinforcement
provides reinforcement for the
first response given after a fixed
amount of time.
Fixed Interval
This schedule of reinforcement
provides reinforcement after a set
amount of correct responses
Fixed Ratio
This schedule of reinforcement
provides reinforcement around an
average amount of correct
Variable Ratio
This schedule of reinforcement
provides reinforcement for the
first correct response after an
average amount of time.
Variable Interval
What is associated with Concurrent schedules of reinforcement?
Compound schedule of
reinforcement that presents two
or more basic schedules of
reinforcement in an alternating
usually random sequence. There
is an Sd present
Schedule of reinforcement that #OccursInSpecificOrder. Sd is present
This is similar to multiple
schedules of reinforcement
however there is no Sd. Compound schedule of
reinforcement that presents two
or more basic schedules of
reinforcement in an alternating
usually random sequence. There
is NO Sd present
This compound schedule of
reinforcement is similar to
chained, except there is no Sd
present. #OccursInRandomOrder
This compound schedule of
reinforcement provides
reinforcement whenever the
requirement of either an interval
schedule or ratio schedule is met.
This compound schedule is for
one behavior only and
reinforcement is given following
the completion for both an
interval schedule and a ratio
This schedule of reinforcement
provides reinforcement for every
correct response.
This is a procedure where no
reinforcement is given to a
previously reinforced behavior
Mary gives her dog scratches every 10 minutes just because. Her dog
doesn’t have to do anything at all, just receive the love. What schedule of
reinforcement is this
FT (fixed time)
Mike is working with a client and is changing his schedule of
reinforcement strategically. They are currently using a continuous
schedule because the client just started. Next week they will move to a
schedule of FR1.5 and if that’s successful the following week they will move
to a FR2 schedule of reinforcement. Mike is using which of the following?
Schedule Thinning
Jimmy is running a match to sample program with his little learner who is 4. His BCBA told him recently to add a pause before giving the learner his reinforcer, which today is a youtube video of Peppa Pig. What kind of schedule is Jimmy using?
Delay to reinforcement
Mrs. Jenny has a student who blurts out a lot. She really wants this
student to increase their hand raising behavior. To increase hand raising, which of the following should Mrs. Jenny use?
Katie is teaching her student Lilly to keep her hands to herself in the
hallway. Lilly sometimes reaches out to others in passing and grabs their clothing. Instead, Katie is reinforcing Lilly for putting her hands in her pockets. Which of the following schedules is Katie most likely using?
Scotty is teaching his little client how to say “hello”. Every time he says “hello”, Scotty delivers his client’s reinforcement. What schedule of reinforcement is being used?
Sometimes, Jennifer gets candy when she throws a tantrum and other times, she does not. What schedule of reinforcement does this best exemplify?
Intermittent Reinforcement
Morticia has been giving Gomez a candy each and every time he sits
properly at the table. However, she starts to give him candy every sixth
time he sits at the table. Gomez starts to yell and scream and does not respond as well as before. This is an example of….
Ratio Strain
Tony’s teacher no longer calls on him when he talks out of turn. She only calls on him when he raises his hand. Tony’s behavior of calling out is being placed on what?
Liat is being given a choice of seeing Alanis Morrissette or watching
Pavlov eat at the same time. She chooses to go see Anlanis Morrissette because it is more reinforcing for her at the moment. What type of schedule of reinforcement has been presented to Liat?
The coach at a local high school tells his athletes that they can either do a hundred jumping jacks or continuously do jumping jacks for 10 minutes. What type of compound schedule of reinforcement does this best
Celeine’s gymnastics coach says that they have to do 50 squats and
complete them within 10 minutes. What type of compound schedule of reinforcement does this best exemplify?
At school, Jamie is called on every third time by her math teacher. However, at home with her tutor she is called on every single time. What compound schedule of reinforcement does this best describe?
Maggie is tired of hearing her daughters argue. She tells them that she will buy them candy bars if they can both count how many cars they pass by in a 10 minute timeframe. Maggie is using what type of differential
When Nelson gets nervous he starts picking his nose. His teacher sets up a plan where he is reinforced every time he puts his hands in his pants pockets instead of picking his nose. What type of differential reinforcement is Nelson’s teacher utilizing?
Megan is sick and tired of her husband smoking. She tells him that if he smokes less than 15 cigarettes a day she will buy him a pretty set of pens. What type of differential reinforcement is Megan using?
Definition of Compound Schedules of Reinforcement
A combination of two or more basic schedules of reinforcement or differential reinforcement schedules
Basic Schedules of Reinforcement
Fixed Ratio (FR)
Variable Ratio (VR)
Fixed Interval (FI)
Variable Interval (VI)
Common Differential Schedules of Schedules of Reinforcement
Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior (DRA)
Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors (DRO)
Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behavior (DRI)
Differential Reinforcement of High Rates (DRH)
Differential Reinforcement of Low Rates (DRL)
Types of Compound Schedules of Reinforcement
Concurrent Schedule (Conc)
Multiple Schedule (Mult)
Mixed Schedule (Mix)
Chained Schedule (Chain)
Tandem Schedule (Tand)
Alternative Schedule (Alt)
Conjunctive Schedule (Conj)
Concurrent Schedule of Reinforcement
2 of more contingencies of reinforcement occurring simultaneously but independently
2 more behaviors
Multiple Schedule of Reinforcement
2 or more basic schedules of reinforcement that alternate, often randomly, but, at the same time, there is an SD associated with each schedule
One behavior
Mixed Schedule of Reinforcement
2 or more basic schedules of reinforcement that alternate, often randomly, but there is not an SD associated with each schedule
Behavior contrast probably won’t take effect (at least for any reason that will reveal itself) because there’s nothing to associate the schedule with
Chained Schedule of Reinforcement
Two or more basic schedules of reinforcement that are sequential and in a specific order
Each step of the chain is an SD for the next step of the chain
Tandem Schedule of Reinforcement
Two or more basic schedules of reinforcement that are sequential but not in a specific order
Sequence could be trial-and-error, or, “winging it” or “going off the top of your head” to complete a task
Alternative Schedule of Reinforcement
Two or more basic schedules of reinforcement operate simultaneously with reinforcement earned when one of the schedule aspects is completed (whichever comes first)
There will be an FI and and FR schedule but only one has to be completed for reinforcement to occur
Conjunctive Schedule of Reinforcement
Two or more basic schedules of reinforcement operate simultaneously with reinforcement earned when both of the schedule aspects is completed
Both an FI and FR schedule of some type will have to be met
Gavin is at busy bus terminal and craves vending machine soup. He removes a credit card from the wallet he pickpocketed a few minutes prior, shoves it into the slot chip-first, presses the button designated only for soup, waits until the process of the soup filling a Styrofoam bowl finishes, and removes the soup from the designated spot below. What compound schedule of reinforcement does this reflect?
Chained Schedule
The steps italicized above have to occur in a specific sequence with each step being an SD for the next step. Gavin couldn’t have done these steps in a different order and still accesses reinforcement.
Many of Beth’s educators are fed up with Beth getting a break every time Beth mands for one during work times since the BCBA hasn’t updated her program for months. When the BCBA takes a week off to mourn the death of his pet hermit crab, some of the educators decide to take action. Brynna, one of Beth’s paras, is not among them. She continues to grant Beth a break every time Beth hands her the break card. Carol, another of Beth’s paras, gives the break on a VR-3 schedule of Beth handing her the break card. When the BCBA returns, he’s aghast, crying out, “This is a mutiny! Our team is now using a _____________ schedule of reinforcement!”
Multiple Schedule
While FR-1 vs. VR-3 may be utilized randomly, they’re each associated with a specific staff person. The likelihood for behavior contrast to emerge is high.
Amanda has decorated her wall with pictures of actors and actresses from Law and Order: Special Victim’s Unit. Included are Mariska Hargitay, Dann Florek, Kelly Giddish, Ice-T, Christoper Meloni, and Tamara Tunie but no longer Richard Belzer because it’s too heartbreaking to her to see him. She likes to touch one and only one of the pictures each morning before starting her day for luck. She used to vary it but has noticed when she touches Dann Florek’s picture, her day doesn’t go well but when she touches Kelly Giddish’s picture, things tend to go great. She has even collected data on this. Her touching Kelly Giddish’s photo versus Dann Florek’s or, really, that of any other SVU actor or actress, is a _________________ schedule of reinforcement.
There are multiple responses available to Amanda italicized above in the form of touching the photo of a number of actors and actresses but she gears her choice based upon what she feels brings the most reinforcement—i.e., the Matching Law
Beth’s BCBA changed her manding for a break program back to the FR-1 schedule. He’s the recipient of a new pet hermit crab so he takes a week off for paternity leave. Beth’s paras all decide to enact their own reinforcement schedules based upon both their moods that day and what they think works (kind of but, more so, based on their moods). Brynna, for example, sometimes honors the FR-1 schedule but also sometimes uses a VR-5 schedule. Carol, on the other hand, uses what’s best described as a VR-22 schedule. Still, others working with Beth vary their own schedules of when the break is provided. When the BCBA returns, he cries, “this is anarchy! Our team is now using a _____________ schedule of reinforcement!”
There are reinforcement schedules in place since Beth is getting the breaks but these schedule are completely random, even with the same staff person, meaning there’s no SD associated with anyone or anything
Gavin leaves the bus station and heads to the local Target, realizing his craving for soup wasn’t satiated by the vending machine. He also realizes a purchase using the credit card he stole may trigger action since it’s more than a few dollars so he decides to pay with the cash in the wallet he stole so he at least has time to make soup at the seedy hotel across the street. Before entering the store, he makes a list of items he needs to make the soup to ensure he has sufficient cash (there’s $78 in the wallet): a hot plate, a sauce pan, shrimp, low-sodium broth, low-sodium sauce, and noodles. Gavin follows this list to the T and leaves for the hotel across the street. He has followed a ____________ schedule of reinforcement.
Again, a sequence is completed in a specific order with the SD for each step being the next step.
Elton, Amanda’s boyfriend, argues with her via text that touching Kelly Giddish’s photo, or, for that matter, anyone’s photo to bring about a desirable response is the product of previous adventitious reinforcement versus actual reinforcement. Tiring of the lecture when she’s trying to work at her library job, Amanda blocks him, unfollows him, and changes her status to single on social media. She pulls out the bag of Peanut M&Ms she brought, sets the timer on her phone, and makes a deal with herself: She will give herself one M&M for either every 10 pictures of Elton she deletes from her phone, or, for every 2 minutes straight she works on deleting his pictures. This is what type of compound schedule of reinforcement?
Either FR-10 or FI-2 brings about reinforcement—whatever comes first
Gavin enters his hotel room, calculating he has about an hour or so until the police arrive at his door. He looks at the car keys he took from the unknowing clerk at the front desk and realizes he’d better get moving if he’s going to make his soup and escape in time. He foregoes using any recipe to make his shrimp soup and just throws everything into the sauce pan before firing up the hot plate. This is a ________________ schedule of reinforcement.
There are multiple steps but no prescribed order to them nor SD associated with any—he’s “winging it”
Beth’s BCBA is going to make the most of his week off from work and attempt to train his new hermit crab to crawl on command at the sound of a whistle. He has decided continuous reinforcement is pseudoscience because it leads to mutiny and anarchy so he instead intends to reinforce the hermit crab with a delicious piece of decomposing wood for every five successful crawls across his tank as well as crawling for two consecutive minutes. This is a/an _________________.
The hermit crab must meet both an FR-5 schedule as well as a FI-2 schedule before accessing reinforcement. There’s no doing one first but not the other to get reinforced.
Beth’s BCBA scribbles the following furiously on a note pad: “The crab can crawl across the tank five times after I blow the whistle but if it has only been 90 seconds, the crab needs to keep crawling to get the wood chip. On the other hand, if the crab has been crawling for two minutes after the whistle blows but has only crawled across the tank four times, it has to crawl once more in order to get the wood chip. This is a _____________ schedule. If I gave the crab a wood chip for either crawling across the tank five times or crawling for two minutes, this would be a _______________ schedule.”
Conjunctive and Alternative
In the first instance, the hermit crab must meet both schedules to access reinforcement. In the second instance, the hermit crab will be reinforced for meeting one or the other—whichever comes first.
Amanda can barely conceal her disdain as the librarian lectures her for putting two books back in the wrong location the previous day. The librarian states importance of putting books back properly, explains how the Dewey Decimal System works in regard to their location, takes a book to show Amanda how to do it, hands Amanda another book and asks Amanda to then show her how it’s done, and gives Amanda the feedback she did it correctly but the proof will be when she has to again put books away. The librarian reiterates putting books away must follow a specific sequence of steps. Amanda decides to prove a point of her own by grabbing a stack of books to put away and randomly placing them on all different shelves without any regard to the Dewey Decimal System. This is a ________________schedule.
Putting books away is a multi-step process but Amanda elects to do so in no particular order, rendering it so there’s no SD for any of the steps
Gavin has just finished eating his soup when he hears someone pounding on his second floor hotel room door. He considers the window in the bathroom, which he could crawl out and get on a staircase. He then considers another window that he could just jump out. He grabs the hotel clerk’s keys and ponders his past experience of a police officer likely waiting at the bottom against the possibility he may get injured jumping. He opts for the jump. What type of compound schedule is this?
There are two different behaviors with a different SD associated with both.
Gavin’s knees buckle pretty hard but Yoga with Adriene has really paid off for him, both in body and spirit, and he manages to start sprinting toward the cars in the hotel parking lot. He sees one sign for guest parking, where there are only about a half-dozen cars, as well as another for employee parking, where there are only two cars. Gripping the keys he stole, he runs toward the employee parking sign. This is a ________________ schedule.
Again, two different behaviors (running toward one parking lot or the other) with a different SD associated with each
Beth is at recess playing. Her previous BCBA has been suspended after being arrested for disturbing the peace for continuously blowing a whistle at his apartment complex. The BCBA filling in creates a independent group contingency for Beth’s classmates in which they’ll be given verbal praise for “being a great friend” when Beth approaches them at recess and they attempt to include her. That said, not every child cares to partake while others are all about it. When Beth approaches a boy named Tyler, he always gives her a high five and tries to get her to join his group. When Beth approaches a girl named Vivian, she attempts to include her on an average of every third time. Which schedule?
While there’s a randomness to it, Beth can contrast that when she approaches one kid, she’ll be reinforced while the odds are less likely with another kid. In other words, for the one behavior, there are two distinct SDs.
Amanda has to work the front desk while the librarian is on her lunch break. She’s not necessarily a fan of those who frequent the library, let alone approach the desk. She puts in ear buds and listens to a raw cut of a podcast she’s trying to get off the ground about Law and Order: SVU. During this time, a dozen people approach the desk for help. She responds to a couple of them in friendly fashion, ignores a few others, and is curt with the rest. There’s no particular reason as to why she responds to different people in different ways and the order is completely random. This schedule is ___________________
There’s no SD and the order is random.
A behavioral principle that states that behavior occurs in direct proportion to reinforcement available for each behavior.
Matching Law