Verb Rules November 2023 Flashcards
What is an Indirect object?
The person or persons for whose benefit an action is done, or toward whom an action is directed.
What must proceed a direct object person?
the preposition “A”
Verbs that take indirect objects (Cs)
Cantare (something to/for someone)
Chiedere (someone for something)
Comprare (Something for someone)
Consegnare (something to somone)
Verbs the take indirect objects (Ds)
Dare (Something to someone)
Dire (Something to someone)
Domandare (someone something)
Verbs that take indirect objects (Fs)
Dare (visita) (Pay a visit to someone)
Verbs that take indirect objects (I’s)
Insegnare (someone something)
Inviare (something to someone)
Verbs that take indirect objects (L’s)
Lasciare (something for someone)
Leggere (something to someone)
Verbs that take indirect objects (M’s)
Mandare (something to someone)
Mostrare (Someone something)
Verbs that take indirect objects (O’s & P’s)
Offrire (someone something)
Pagare (Someone for something)
Parlare (to someone)
Portare (something to someone)
Preparare (someone for something)
Presentare (something to someone)
Prestare (something to someone)
Promettere (something to someone)
Verbs that take indirect objects (R’s)
Regalare (un regalo) (someone something as a gift)
Restituire (Something to someone)
Ripetere (Something to someone)
Rispondere (someone)
Verbs that take indirect objects (S,T,V)
Scrivere (to someone)
Spiegare (something to someone)
Telefonare (to someone)
Vendere (something to someone)
I write a message to my mother - 2 ways
Scrivo un mesaggio elettronica a mia madre.
Le scrivo un messagio…
I want to speak to my mother.
Voglio parlare a mia madre.
Le voglio parlare.
I ask my father for the car.
Chiedo la macchina a mio padre.
Gli chiedo la macchina.
Giorgio asks Carla for her phone number.
Giorgio chiede a Carla il suo numero di telefono.
Piero gives little chocolates to Maria.
Piero regala cioccolantini a Maria.
The waiter explains the specialties to Gianni.
Il cameriere spiega le specialita a Gianni.
Maria pays the cashier.
Maria paga al cassiere.
The bank lends money to Mr. Montini.
Il banco presta soldi ai signori Montini.
Lucia is teaching it (l’italiano) to me.
Lucia me lo insegna.
I can return it (la bicicletta) to you Friday.
Te la posso restituire venerdi.
Posso restituirtela venerdi.
My father prepares them (i pasti) for us.
Mio padre ce li prepara.
I can explain them (le istrutzioni) to you all.
Ve le posso spiegare.
She asks them for it (la macchina).
Gliela chiedo.
She read three of them (i libri) to them.
Gliene ha letti tre.
When using direct object pronoun when there is an infinitive after a form of dovere, potere, volere, sapere, where can it be placed?
Either before the conjugated verb or attached to the end of the infinitive.
What form of speech if proprio?
Can be possessive adjective in particular cases or an adverb.
What are the adjectival forms of proprio
When can proprio be used?
1.) To replace possessive “suo” or “loro” when the subject of the sentence is the possessor. Marco took his own coat.
2.) To replace “suo” or “loro” when more specification is needed. Maria saw Anna enter her own office.
3.) When the subject of a sentence is indefinite/the verb is impersonal). One’s views need to be made clear.
4.) As an intensifier when combined with another possessive adjective. I live in my own place.
5.) As adverb, simply an intensifiier.
Marco took his own coat.
Marco prese il proprio cappotto.
Maria saw Anna enter her own office (Anna enters Anna’s office)
Maria vede Anna entrare nel proprio ufficio.
One needs to make their own views clear.
Si occorre chiarire la propria posizione.