Rules Flashcards
What is an object?
A noun or pronoun that gives meaning to the subject and verb of the sentence.
What is a direct object?
A noun or pronoun that receives the action of a verb.
Which adjectives are placed before noun?
Which adjective can be placed before or after a noun?
Si Impersonale - If a si + verb + noun - how is the verb conjugated?
If there is not object, use the lui/lei form of the verb.
If there is an object, use either the lui/lei or loro form of the verb.
Si impersonale - If Si+verb+verb how do you conjugate?
The second verb is never translated.
If there is an object, the first verbs takes either the lui/lei or loro form .
Si impersonale with reflexive verbs
The first si becomes ci
What is the use of “ci”
1.) Substitutes for a preposition + noun with the prepositions: A, in, da, su.
Ex: I think about them=Ci penso
2.) Esserci = c’e & Ci sono
3.) Replace location of something. Mi vado di andarci vs Mi vado di andare li.
What is use of “ne”
Subsitutes for a preposition + nouns for the propepositions de and di.
When can qualche and alcuni/e or partitive be used?
Qualche can only go with singular nouns that can be counted.
Alcuni/e go with the masculine and femine plural and can only be used for nouns that can be counted.
Partitive (Di+article) must be used when something cannot be counted or is an abstract concept.
When are qualunque and qualsiasi used?
Interchangably to mean, any/either, as in any day works for me.
What comes after qualcosa in a sentence?
If followed by a verb - Da
If followed by an adjective - Di
Voglio qualcosa di caldo da bere.
Difference in use of Qualcosa and Qualche
Qualcosa is a pronoun and can be used alone in a sentence.
Qualche is an adjective and must have a noun.
What is a relative pronoun?
Initiates a relative or dependent cause. That, which, whom, etc
What relative pronoun replaces that or who, and which takes the place of a subject or direct object?
What relative pronoun do you use instead of che, to take the place of an indirect object?
Cui (which or whom)
Requires preceeding preposition (a, con, di, su)
What relative pronoun do you use to link two sentences with Whose?
Eg: Giulia, whose sister works with me, is my age.
Giulia, la cui sorella lavora con me, ha la mia età.
Il cui
La cui
I Cui
Le Cui
Alternative to che and cui when the clause isn’t necessary, to make more formal, or more clear.
Il Quale
La Quale
I Quali
Le Quale
Relative pronoun in a sentence where there is no noun to refer back to.
“I like what I am studying”
Quello che
Quel che
Cio che
Relative pronoun alternative to che/cui for “who”, those who, he/she who, they who, Those who, whoever…
No atecedent (subject, direct, or indirect object?
How does Ogni work?
Ogni can proceed a singular noun, which it precedes, and has an invariable form.
What happens with the adjectives tanto, molto, and poco if they are used as adjectives?
They become invariable. They go before the adjective if they are modifying adjective.
How does Tutto Work?
When used as a pronoun, “tutto” means “everything” in the singular and “Everyone” in the plural
What is the verb esserci? And how is it different from essere?
The infinitive form of c’è and ci sono.
È = it is
(Loro) sono = they are
C’è = There is
Ci Sono = There are
What is an indirect object?
A noun or pronoun for whom the action is done.
What should you ask about a verb?
What? or Whom? about the verb.
What should you ask about a subject and verb?
To whom? To what? For whom? For what?