ventilation Flashcards
dDead space: define and compare anatomical, alveolar and physiological dead space
define minute ventilation
volume of air expired in one minute or per minute
define respiratory rate (RF)
frequency of breathing per minute
define alveolar respiration (Valv)
volume of air reaching respiratory zone per minute
define respiration
process of generating ATP either with an excess of oxygen (aerobic) and a shortfall (anaerobic)
define anatomical dead space
capacity of airways incapable of undertaking gas exchange (usually conducting zone) - 150ml
define alveolar dead space
capacity of airways that should be able to undertake gas exchange but cannot (e.g. hypoperfused alveoli); usually non-perfused parenchyma
define physiological dead space
equivalent to sum of anatomical and alveolar dead space
define hypoventilation
deficient ventilation of lungs; unable to meet metabolic demand (increased PCO2 so acidosis)
define hyperventilation
excessive ventilation of lungs; atop of metabolic demand (decreased PCO2 so alkalosis)
define hyperpnoea
increased depth of breathing to meet metabolic demand
define hypopnoea
decreased depth of breathing so unable to meet metabolic demand
define dyspnoea
difficulty in breathing
define bradypnoea
abnormally slow breathing rate
define tachypnoea
abnormally fast breathing rate
define orthopnoea
positional difficultyin breathing (when lying down)
define apnoea
cessation of breathing (no air movement)
define conducting zone and examples
each gen is bifercation, 16 gen, no gas exchange, equivalent to anatomical dead space - not built to take part in gas exchange; nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles
significance of non-perfused parenchyma
alveoli without blood supply, no gas exchnage - alveolar dead space
respiratory zone
7 gen, gas exchange, air reaching here = alveolar ventilation
how to increase dead space
anaesthetic circuit, snorkelling
how to decrease dead space
tracheostomy, cricothyrocotomy